Sunday, March 4, 2018

And the Trump played on

Tonight I have the Nazi Nipples.......


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Whoever Donald Trump appointed to write his Gridiron Speech and convinced him it was funny, is a master of exposing that Donald Trump has no humor, unless the amusement is a stick to the eye.

 And don’t worry, Joe. ... He’s a good man. There aren’t any cameras this time Joe. And I won’t tell Chuck and Nancy what you’re doing. Because boy was he applauding me the other night. Right? At the State of the Union he was up there applauding. I don’t know who the hell he was catering to.

I did notice a Mr. President is mimicking the same genocidal policies against Germans as Angela Merkel, that no one is laughing about the American No Go Zones which are not just Black and Tan Chicago.

German Head Angela Merkel Acknowledges German No-Go Zones Caused by Violent Sharia Muslims; Longtime U.S. Media Deniers Hardest Hit

But who will really care what the joke is, when the Trump Junta has nuclear bombs falling on the world.

Obama’s WH Chief of Staff Blames McConnell for ‘Watered Down’ Russia Response

The only thing the Trump Junta has not done to Russia, is spit in Putin's vodka and beat his dog.



Reaping the spiritual Storm

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 The Holy Ghost Scripture reading for the Sabbath was from Hosea chapter 8, in the recognized sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind.
This is interpreted as a warning to America that the actions they have taken will be returned to them on a coming national and international scale.
The indications are that this is financial ruin and global war, and this time the Virgin will be eaten from within and invaded from without. Destruction will come to America. 

 7For they sow the wind And they reap the whirlwind. The standing grain has no heads; It yields no grain. Should it yield, strangers would swallow it up. 8Israel is swallowed up; They are now among the nations Like a vessel in which no one delights.…

Hosea 8:7-8

Young's Translation is more precise in hinting the rejection to the peace time line which God had me construct with prosperity, will now be amplified in chaos and evil. What has been planned for in prosperity is already empty. If anything does come, the foreigners in America will eat it.

Young's Literal Translation
For wind they sow, and a hurricane they reap, Stalk it hath none -- a shoot not yielding grain, If so be it yield -- strangers do swallow it up.

By God's Grace a more precise translation is provided here, as this is not wind as wind, but spiritual thoughts of evil, which are amplified to a typhoon of evil. It is linked to the physical world, spiritual adulteresses joined with the invaders who consume all like a plague.

They plant a spirit of turmoil. They grow  multiplied harvest of a spiritual windstorm. The bread of life has nothing in it. It produces not life. If it would yield a crop, spiritual adulteresses and foreign vermin would consume it as a plague.

The blow which this blog warned of which your good actions proved by your Covenant with God, is recorded for your reward of good from God, but there are now forces unleashed by the rejection of the results of that election, a political madness, which have brought the blow back with a fury.

On the other side of this Christ appears according to the Prophecy. As of now, America has entered the time of Jacob's Trouble. How I deal with this is I let it go. I will not be sucked into Twitter rages designed to upset and thereby distract. I have the Lord Christ and here am I, His. I answered the call in 2015 to construct the time line to place Mr. President into the White House, as I had sworn off in disgust these political frauds. Good works are not wasted as in all of this, God observes how you please Him in your actions in not being part of the world, but as His. Each of us has that calling from God whether America is Great Again, or if Judgment has come.
You render unto this government your taxes, keep the laws, do not make yourself a target or create problems for yourselves in you remain at peace.  This allows you to focus on God for direction in growing in His Light.

There is nothing which will stop what is coming. I attempted it and the tribulation has overtaken it again, with the help of some of you clever brats who sent your consuming evil here in thoughts, and now it is manifesting on a return wave, as all of this is. It is a time destruction as the planted seed of peace was tilled away.

That is what all of the signs point to in the heavens and the earth.

Nuff Said


Ivanka's True Calling

 Reichmaiden Ivanka Drumpf


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that my father has come out in favor ending due process in seizing people's firearms first and then throwing them into concentration camps and declaring everyone mentally ill who does not agree with us, I feel emboldened in my slave labor imports, taking money from Muslims and promoting the holocaust womb, to tell my true story in Ivanka SS.

My first and fondest memories were being drafted into the Brustlager as my true calling where the chosen few were destined to breast feed 100 kinder, as our true calling, in freeing Aryan women to breed the master race, as they fought for the Homeland in all fields from finance, education and military.

wunderbare Brüste, um das Vaterland zu füttern

It was after graduation from Brustlager that I first was employed in the bund, to help win the broadcast air war, where I oversaw the production of National Socialist Apprentice and my special project, "Last Man Standing" as my true calling, but somehow Tim Allen was cast in my role.

Werbung für mich ist meine Sache

It was then that I found my true calling in die stellung. In posing as I discovered that the cause could be furthered in my striking a pose wherever I went. I was a natural at this and some people said it was my true calling.

Mein Spitzname ist Bär Frau

Unsatisfied and unfilled in that vocation which lasted 4 days, I founded the Muschi Macht as my true calling. Most of the manifesto was in German, but we advocated castrating all males, turning little boys into girls, and declaring that only women could think, speak, vote and serve in office.

vater sagt muschi grab - Ict sage Muschi Macht!!!

Lastly, after the great success of Muschi Macht, I was appointed the role I was born for as my true calling, in I now am a cartoon character of myself starring as Ivanklocks, the Golden Princess of Trumptopia.
Here I frequently take credit for everything, leak to the liberal press, plant propaganda about me to further my power, leak to the press  about people I want to destroy who daddy listens to more than me, and I am about to have my husband Jared indicted and my brother Don jr indicted, whereby I will soon become my own husband and my father's favorite first born son as Ivanka jr.

bringe meine beste Brust nach vorne

I am now the Reichmaiden and it is liberating to finally reveal my accomplishments as others have stated that I have none and only made it to the White House by my daddy's coattails. I have reached my true calling. Bombing Syrians over fake chemical weapon attacks. Smiling for Chicom bankrolling my inlaw's business, smiling for Muslim money for my women's groups and accomplishing the excruciating vocation of, being Ivanka, Reichmaiden now and forever.

Meine Wahre Berufung


The Cubs of Mother Russia

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As  no one else is addressing this and the reality is no one has a historical understanding nor comprehension of Russia, as the Junta continues to move Donald Trump to war with Russia in the scorched fields of Europe to leave their rivers bloody and their cities rubble, an introduction to the Russian People is required, from the verse of those who knew them best in the French Grande Armee which Russia consumed and the German Wehrmacht which Russia consumed.

The reality of this understanding is based on the reality that the French of 1800 and the German of 1900 were civilized peoples, and the land they entered was a wilderness and overflowing with an uncivilized people, made that way by extreme deprivation by nature and authority.

It is difficult for the modern mind to comprehend that savages, brutes, barbarians and backward peoples do exist and are not the least like them. Americans forget that World War II, witnessed a million back street and back woods ignorant who were no more insightful than the rats and trees they cohabited with.  The US Army pulled thousands of teeth and treated numerous medical conditions to create the US Army to fight Hitler. These were people who were unschooled and in many ways just capable of taking care of themselves. They were the backwards nature of the liberated Russian serf who was still in bondage to the Orthodox Church and who were little above the stock of the fields as William the Conqueror so designated the English peasants he defeated.

Hans Roth, a Wehrmacht Soldier recorded this on noting the Russian People.

Bolshevism has consciously destroyed everything soulful, everything individual and private that makes up the character of the value of the human being. What is left is the animal in the Bolshevik, who, however, does not have the finer instincts. Humans in the state of animals are much lower than the actual animal. That is why the animal Bolshevik is so hard and bloodthirsty, cruel and stubborn against the enemy and against himself. This is how to understand the demeanor of the Soviet in this way, "What looks braveness is brutality".

What Roth was noting was what the Wehrmacht was experiencing. It was as General Washington sat aghast in the surrender of Lord Cornwallis, as the French and English sat down, victor and vanquished to drink wine and eat together after the battle. This is what Europe had been civilized by in warfare, in the French, Austrian, German, Purssian, Spaniard, English, all obeyed rules. Yes their soldiers were barbaric, but disciplined in once surrender occurred the victors would never mistreat the enemy, but that is not what the Germans were finding in Mother Russia.
In Russia, these ignorants were murdering Germans. In Western Europe, an army or group which was facing overwhelming odds, would lay down their arms and surrender as civilized Christians. In Russia, the Soviets refused to surrender when unarmed or facing certain death, and this forced the Germans to kill them to the last man, or these Russians would rise to murder them again in being prisoners.

That is what Roth was explaining in those on the outside would in America note this as Bravery like Custer at the Little Big Horn or Crockett as the Alamo, but those were civilized men who treated their captives with Christian care, in Russia, there was nothing about bravery in what they were doing, as they were like animals defending their den in absolute ignorance if they came out  the Germans would allow them to make their own way again, so it was not bravery in the Russians but an animal fear of Germans and Stalin.

Russians would dress up as Germans, infiltrate and murder every German Soldier they engaged, surrender or not. It was the Bolshevik animal marauding against that which was not his kind in the Nazi human.

This is the basis of all the propaganda about the savage German. The German in order to survive matched the animals they were facing. They were the people of Gothe and what they were meeting were animals with fleas and lice, and who lived with rats.

General Kliest of the First Panzer Army summed it up succinctly in his actual contact in knowledge of Germans and Russians:

The Russians are so primitive that they won't give up even when they are surrounded by a dozen machine guns. I would say the difference between Germans and Russian bravery in the sense that the former is logical an the latter brutal".

Russia was a poverty stricken and dying country. There was nothing there worth defending and to fight so intense for. Albert Neuhaus diagnosed it as a condition of stupidity or organized hate.
It was exactly the reaction of an animla.

Hitler in describing Greater Germany, Lebenstraum, made this statement:

We shan't settle in the Russian town, and we'll let them fall to pieces without intervening. And, above all, no remorse on this subject!
We're not going to play at children's nurses; we're absolutely without obligations as far as these people are concerned.
To struggle against the hovels, chase away the fleas, provide German teachers, bring out newspapers - very little of that for us!
We'll confine ourselves, perhaps, to setting up a radio transmitter, under our control.   For the rest, let them know just enough to understand our highway signs, so that they won't get themselves run over by our vehicles!
For them the word "liberty" means the right to wash on feast days. There's only one duty; to Germanise this country by the immigration of Germans, and to look upon the natives as Redskins.

The Lame Cherry states none of this in hatred of Russia. I love the Russian People as they are a good people, but there is a grave mistake from this Soros led cartel being foisted upon leaders like Donald Trump and NATO in thinking that a war with Russia will be a war which is won, for the same Russian cubs live and breathe in Russia. These are a people who still worship the butcher Joe Stalin. They understand the need for Vladimir Putin's authority and control. They are people of the Vodka bottle and the Bible, with the cross beating them on the right cheek and the state baton on the left. They are still a suffering, emotionally charged and resolute people, that if you wrong them or bully them, they will remember and they will keep coming back until you kill every one of them, or they kill every one of you.

If NATO invades Russia, Russia's climate and people will destroy NATO. If NATO can pull the bear out of her cave into Europe to kill her, she will still retreat and NATO will have to go in and die their to kill her or hope for a revolution in which the bear kills herself.

Whoever touches Russia will have to deal with the cubs, who will come out of their houses, out of their farms, out of their villages, and just like against Napoleon and Hitler, will kill that army one by one, until attrition shatters thee invader.

Put a Russian animal into Afghanistan and they will go home in defeat. Put a Russian animal in Chechnya and they will slaughter that nation at all costs. Put a Russian in Russia though with nowhere to go, and any invader will discover an animal which will not surrender and which will kill the invader at  all costs.

Let the bear loose in  Europe and she will shatter the nations and pick them clean before retreating. Go into the bear's den and she will pick your bones clean as she sacrifices her cubs with the tears the suffering Russians so enjoy.

There is a Russian proverb which goes like this, You are born, you suffer and you die. Until you understand the soul of Russia, it is wise to not try and stop her heart, because the greatest powers the world has known have attempted it and returned defeated to their own coups.

Mr. Trump has dealt with one coup. If he allows his junta to begin a war with Russia, the history shows the Russians survive and those who begin the war are the ones who are removed from power.

Leave the bear in peace and speak kindly to it as her cubs are the same animals as it is who these people are. They survive in a land where none could live and they survive through the centuries as empires attempted to rid the world of the bear in the cave.

There have always been enough bullets to defeat Russia, but Russia wounded would never surrender when beaten. There has never been enough bullets to kill all the Russians, as that is the only way any invader will ever defeat Russia.

Nuff Said
