Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Indian does not agree with Mrs. Clinton

Please save me as I am terrified the fat white woman will fall on me!!!

As reported here, Hillary Hamrod Clinton has not been having a very good trip to India as she literally is tripping in India, and as of last count, she tripped twice on the stairs and once in the tub. The tub was worse as she broke her wrist, as apparently her fat boy body guard, who seems to be some sort of Secret Service reject that is suffering from some sort of mutation disease.


Secret Service Agent Murray Mutant and Hillary the tripper Clinton

Somewhere in this Hamrod has apparently fallen on her head too as she has taken up a screed of she lost the 2016 election due to racism, men and women hating the woman in her (I don't think that is Huma) and she lost because men told their wives not to vote for Hamrod.
Seriously, I don't know a man alive whose wife does what he says. The surest thing to make a woman do something is to tell her not to do something.......but in that I thought Hamrod won with 3 million more votes than Trump, so who were these women that were listening to their husbands, as none of them apparently voted in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.

Clinton attracted controversy earlier in her visit to India. At a conference in Mumbai over the weekend, she again suggested that racism and misogyny were explanations for her loss in the 2016 presidential election.

Apparently the Indian does not set well with Hillary Clinton. I figure if she stays a few more days, she will beak a hip and come up with it was not racism, women hating, brow beaten women, but the worst thing ever in ...........just a moment here in how can White Privilege Hillary Clinton claim racism, as is she saying that no one voted for her because she was White?

I really think that Hamrod just needs to get in a wheelchair like FDR and see how that goes on the sympathy tour. It certainly will not have her falling down, but I can't promise that Huma will not push her into the Ganges or the path of a herd of sacred cows trampling her to death.

Honestly, in reviewing this, I think the Grim Reaper has been out to get Hamrod for a few years, but the thing is he doesn't want her around, so he sort of misses when he swings the scythe.  I can understand Hamrod getting pot belly pig fat to give her some cushion as she seems to fall every few hours, but ...........look I don't get any of this, as we all know something is wrong with this sick old woman in she can not keep her balance and it not because she is smoking dope or tipping back a fifth for breakfast, lunch and supper.

It appears someday we are going to read the headline:

Hillary Clinton fell down and killed herself........or was it........Hillary Clinton died and fell down.

Who the hell knows but the Grim Reaper.


Uncontested Trump

Till Amicable Us Do Part

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not understand the rich. I do not understand how 5 children are part of an uncontested divorce as with Donald and Vanessa Trump.

The Trumps issued a joint statement asking for privacy.
“After 12 years of marriage, we have decided to go our separate ways. We will always have tremendous respect for each other and our families. We have five beautiful children together and they remain our top priority. We ask for your privacy during this time.”

I just do not understand how you can crawl into bed as a couple, have sex at least 5 times to produce children, and then take the expedient way out as money gives you the luxury to not have to stick it out.

We are not talking about Don beating the hell out of Vanessa for sport every night. We are not talking about Vanessa having Don smell her panties for the back street boy he had on her while Don was at work. We are talking about a contract between adults, who produced 5 children in a few years, and those children which are the cover for this divorce in how caring these two people are,  never asked for this, so you as an adult can bloody well suck it up and make Christmas happy for them for the next 20 years as you had your sodden sex for a decade, are 40 years old, and it is time both of you grow the hell up.

The problem in all of the Trump's is they need Jesus as their gods they worship in themselves are failing them.

Put it this way, if Bill and Hillary Clinton can keep a marriage together with Bill a rapist and Hillary a lezbo, then Don and Vanessa have a coasting trip, even with Mr. President being a constant problem.

You don't love each other. TOO BAD. You don't want to have sex with your spouse. TOO BAD. Things are not going as you like. TOO BAD. Things which you tolerated now drive you nuts. TOO BAD. That is life and is what people too poor to get a divorce suffer through every day.

It takes two Christians to make a marriage work and it is work. If you're not passionate enough to contest a divorce then you aren't deserving of a divorce.

These Trumps all invaded our lives for their brand. We did not sign up for divorce, Mr. High Rise adultery or Ivanka pussywhipping Jared.

My Grandfather always said God does not give money to most people because they can not handle it. The Trumps are proof of not being able to handle money as they take the luxury of it and cut and run, while the rest of us in this shit hole have to stick it out as we don't have the choices. We have to bust our asses on blogs and have to work at our relationships because we don't have the luxury of cutting and running as we know the value of a dollar and the value of a family.

This New York Judge needs to scold these two children, send them back home and hold them in contempt of court for endless incarceration together, if they file for divorce anywhere again.

Nuff Said


America's Pot Belly Hillary

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Either Hillary Clinton is pregnant or she has a beer gut.

That aside, Hamrod was sojourning in India among the Wog, when she went into 2016 mode again and tried to kill herself by falling down stairs twice.

The first occasion she was being helped down the stairs.

The second she kicked off her sandals being held up by two men, and she still about broke her neck.

Personally, Hillary Clinton make me want to puke. I don't want to see this fat old crow, looking like a table cloth, legs spread like a Bombay whore, and that perpetual shit eating grin like everyone wants to be around her.

Apparently Huma is around with her large teeth, but she can not be bothered with Hamrod breaking her neck as she can not stop texting.

Any way that is a Hamrod 2020 update. Joe Biden has the inside track and apparently the baby blood transfusions are losing their effect for Hillary as she can not walk and looks like a really non appetizing dead corpse walking around in India.

Nuff Said


Presidential Apprentice

Hey Don, jet over and I'll give you some pointers on being a world leader.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Do you think I could be as big as you someday?

I don't see it Don.

When I squint my eyes Ivanka says I look like you...

I still don't see it Don.


Let me show you my leadership.
When I do the art of the deal, I start off with the blank look
to disarm my opponent...


Then I give them my street tough look that
I learned from homosexuals...

Then I follow with my hemorrhoid look....
I learned that from homosexuals too...

I usually pick a fight with an old lezbo then
and pound sand to her to put fear into them.

I don't think this is a good idea Dad....


 Then I give em my pussy grab face, like that was not
 me Stormy, it was my Daniels.......

Did Kushner put you up to this for another real estate bail out???

But this is my signature art of the deal.......

 No Donald, this is President Apprentice and we have all voted for


Yes America, I see your new President
and I'm certain you will like him.

President Sorbo, a leader who keeps his promises.



Fair Trade Trump Trade

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The inclusion of Lawrence Kudlow as Economics Adviser in Trump Brand now that Gary Cohn has robbed the Treasury, is akin to Harry Truman wiping out Hiroshima with an atomic bomb and then appointing Green Peace to say how wonderful atomic bombs are for plant growth.

I respect Lawrence Kudlow, but he is another in a list of Trump personal phone calls, were Trump cons people into thinking that they have influence with them, and then does nothing of the things which they want. Lawrence Kudlow had input on the Trump Taxes, but there is absolutely ZERO of Reagan Kemp in this tax package, which can best be summed up as Wall Street looting American and the few thousand dollars Americans were afforded, have already been factored in to be stolen from them in Trump flation, beginning with high gas prices. To the penny the nazi conglomerate knows how much money they can extract from you before a revolution occurs, and under Trump gas prices and the egg producers are getting their pounds of American flesh.

"He's going to help Trump sleepwalk right into a tremendous fiscal collision," Stockman said on "Closing Bell."
What this post is about is Trump Tariffs and Fair Trade in explaining this so you can understand as to what you are being scammed on.

See Bush fam built China from the rice paddy. China subsidized all of it's materials to undercut Americans, drove them out of business and now China is charging more than what Americans would if they were in business yet.
That is what China does on steel in dumping cheap, under quality steel into America to go into Trump skyscrapers.

Now into this we hear the Wall Street nation rapists screaming for Fair Trade. Lawrence Kudlow is of this, as is Gary Cohn whose job was complete as he looted trillions for Goldman Sachs out of Trump Tax and there was not any reason for him to stay around, as Lawrence Kudlow a Reaganite is going to be the face of this coming disaster, as everyone is in agreement with David Stockman, another Reagan man, that the United States is going to be hemorrhaging morgue amounts of debt under Trump in 2018 under the guise again of "investment in America" which under Obama we knew as kickbacks and money laundering.

Kudlow conceded there will be a deficit in the short run, but he compared it to a company making new investments to grow its business
Fair Trade is best described in this way. You are Ivanka Kushner and you want Fair Trade, meaning open markets around the world, so that you can find nigger babies in Africa to be held in confinement to build your shoes which you sell for 500 dollars a pair, in costing you only 3 dollars to produce.
See Ivanka is like steel, in a skyscraper using quality American steel will cost 500 million dollars more, but using cheap China knockoff steel, they can pocket that 500 million as a production cost.

Tariffs to Donald Trump are something which benefits someone and that is Donald Trump, as he is a middle man, who just passes costs onto the suckers he sells things to. Tariffs do create job security in America for aluminum and steel, but you have to look at who employs Donald Trump in the Defense Intelligence Agency and Trump has been ranting about national security in steel and aluminum for years. The reason Donald Trump is protecting key American industry is there is a world war coming, and America can not depend on steel and aluminum from Europe or Asia, to keep production of their expensive missiles and jets to blow up the enemy.

So you should about now be figuring out that Trump has nothing to do with trade, no more than Kudlow has anything to do with the economy, as none of this is about trade or economics. All this is about is bribing the money men, in the promise that everything they are looting will be double paid when Trump allows them to sell all the American coal, oil and gas to foreigners, and it is about war, a war which the same cartel is counting Russian natural resources, along with Chinese and Russian gold reserves. Same reasons Germany was financially raped in two world wars. It is the stuff of the crooks who run the world.

This is why Donald Trump was doing a shout out to Congress in Trump Tax II, in more tax cuts. That is just a bait and switch as people are waking up to the reality that Trump Tax I gave them jack and shit, and Donald Trump knew this as he looted the Treasury for Jew Street and now he wants to con the base into thinking he really is for them in a tax cut for them. Yes, and as it is such a great idea, then why not have passed Kemp Reagan as this blog stated instead of that shit bill Gary Cohn engineered.

Making Lawrence Kudlow the face of the economic corpse of Gary Cohn's nation rape is not doing any favors to Conservatives or the Reagan legacy which Donald Trump is shattering along with the Republican Party.

Fair Trade as Ronald Reagan saw it was opening foreign markets up to American manufactured goods. Fair  Trade to the Trump Brand is allowing conglomerates to buy cheap ass shit, made by slave labor in the 3rd world and gouge it to Americans, except of course to steel and aluminum, as the DIA needs that for war which they are going to unleash for the nazi conglomerates to steal the resources of Russia just like they did Germany.

There is zero to celebrate in any of this, because Donald Trump deliberately put into place crooks, who are now leaving, and now the sucker bet comes in "loyalists" get put in, to con the base, and to take the blame as when people get upset, it will be Lawrence Kudlow's face who owns all of this.

Pennsylvania's spot election proved that Donald Trump has neutralized 20 points off the Republican party in Republican districts, and as Donald Trump runs to the left, democrats are veering to the right all be design.
For those still in Trump we trust, you will be receiving more examples for which you will be making excuses for Mr. President.

I am back to looking to Jesus to return as I have no place in any of this, even if this blog is the only source which is explaining what is the real situation. This is the face of National Socialism. It is what the Nazi system was and is, a fascist management and control of an economy and a people, building toward a war footing.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.



The Real Secrets of Hillary Clinton's Server

I never saw a mention of that before on the server........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The blog has expose already that the server of Hillary Clinton was a portal into secure government servers in a quid pro quo, but this server which Birther Hussein  was emailing to under an alias had far more nefarious purposes than simply hiding the crimes of Hillary and Bill Clinton.

All of you are flat world in your thought processes. You are told something has a purpose and you believe it, and you never contemplate that something may have had several purposes, and that is what Hamrod's server was designed for, because as it was providing all of the above, you never asked yourself how it was that the Russians got blamed immediately in this, when they never hacked the DNC server, as that was Seth Rich, disgruntled over Clinton crimes in setting up Bernie Sanders as a straw man for her to knock down and steal the election.
So why finger the Russians? It is as was reported here in Russia was supposed to be a focal point in all of this as Birther Hussein was already moving American tanks back into Poland, in fact most of the American inventory went to Poland, because Hamrod Bush was  preparing for a war with Russia. Russiagate or the hacking of poor victim Hillary Clinton was to be the propaganda point on the evils of Putin and Russia, and from there build to a war pitch, as the same aggressive actions Trump has been initiating in troop deployments and arming Ukraine, to bombing Russians in Syria, Hillary Clinton was locked and loaded for even more.

As was reported here exclusively, "Russian Hacking" in the framework, built upon the seizure of Russian assets in Cyprus under Obama. Obama placed more sanctions on Russia, created an oil war to break Russia, and this was all about forcing Russia to dump their money into London and New York Stock Markets to be stolen there too. Russia declined but everything Trump has been engaged in in Gary Cohn and Steve Mnuchkin has been about what Hamrod was going to accomplish in making Russia divest itself of it's money into western investment where it would be confiscated.

Russia is resisting, so a further war footing was to be established, and interesting Vladimir Putin in the Putin Doctrine jumped the peg and stated Russia will respond with nuclear weapons in 3 phases if Russia or it's allies are attacked. That for the time being has checkmated Donald Trump's pressuring of Russia for money, but it still remains on the table the Rothschild vision of America, Russia and China destroying each other, along with Muslims, scorching Europe and allowing the feudal few to rule in their immortal nature. No one cares about the Negroid or the Latinoid as they will be dispensable and not missed in any footnote in history as South America and Africa become primordial playgrounds.

Meanwhile, you understand now why the Russian narrative was established, but you have made the mistake in thinking this is all there was to this, but there was another facet of this server never before mentioned until now.
There are always factions inside any regime, and it is like when this blog stated as policy to convert North Korea, that Missionaries should be sent in. The Bush people jumped on that, but sent in CIA spies instead, and North Korea spotted them, and the entire long range plan was ruined. Ask yourself now in Obama knew about Hillary's server and the quid pro quo. The FBI knew about it. CIA knew about it, so did the people allowed in through the backdoor. All those people knowing about it, surely there were factions who were trading on the outside access to this server and there were factions on the inside who thought, "Gee, all these foreigners have access through Hillary Clinton's server, maybe we should start feeding false information into that server which would suit our needs, as the Russians and Chinese would think it was all gold".

Now do you understand why this  server was not shut down and why Hamrod was allowed to Bleach Bit it? It was not protecting Hillary Clinton, but it was protecting the operation which was feeding counter intelligence to specific sources which was being protected. Hamrod was the convenient cover as everyone knew she was a crook, everyone knew the FBI was crooked, everyone knew Obama was crooked, so the bright children in intelligence ran a piggy back operation into that server feeding false information to specific contact points.

Does it all make a little more sense to you now, now that more of the dots are connecting as to Hamrod leaving classified material laying around and not being charged again, because those behind this were creating a counter operation. All extremely simple once you have the Lame Cherry pointing out the obvious again.

It is why Trump backed off on Hamrod in throwing her into jail as he got informed, "We can't put Hamrod on trial for fake intelligence which we planted, and if it gets out, then it blows the entire operation, and this is too vital as  we are in the initiating stages of drawing Russia out for war."

How America degraded from the dignity and honor of George Washington in uniform and civilian life is the prophecy that government is only as honest as the creatures who inhabit it. In looking at Russiagate, we have before us proven facts of selling off US minerals which got LaVoy Finiucm murdered by the FBI, fake hostage taking and murder at Benghazi to help Obama win re election, foreign bribes, elections manipulated by Hamrod and Bush, the murder of many including Seth Rich, the misuse of sanctions to blackmail Russia out of her  money and Chicoms served beautiful chocolate cake so Xi could look up Ivanka's skirt for a 666 bailout, as the world is pushed toward the next world war.
This is nothing American. It is smarmy, shifty, criminal and sinful. It all plays as a distraction so the genocide of nations will envelop the world, as we the people are robbed daily by Obamacare, Trump taxes, Trump high energy costs and Trump gun grabs.

I did not create the time line to put Donald Trump into the White House for a continuation of this unsavory enterprise. I voted in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord for peace, stability, justice and the regime obeying the laws and keeping it's promises. I am disgusted by it all and am returning to being non political in only looking for Christ's return.
You though now have more information on this as the Sara Carter's are fed distractions to keep you from seeing the deep state prize in all of this.

I just looked down at my keyboard on this laptop. The ASDFGLE, CVBNMO keys are completely worn off. I can see the pattern of this blog, including my thumbnail having scratched three lines into the M key as ruts. The space bar on the left side has an oval indentation in it as that is my left hand predominating as I type these Inspired works.
I began this all in the wonder of knowing, as knowing brought comfort, which I posted here so people would not be in the dark, but in that light I only have disgust for what I know as it is all darkness.

.......and all I want to do now after all of this accomplishment is to walk away and only know that robins hop on the grass hunting worms as a fish splashes in the pond as I sit in the shade of a tree, for it is cool there.
