Friday, March 16, 2018

Jeff Sessions Grew a Testicle

I Grew a Nut so Let Me Show You

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

See this is what the Trump base expected from Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions, in  their putting the business to America's enemies instead of Americans being screwed over non stop.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Friday fired Andrew McCabe, the No. 2 official at the FBI and a longtime target of President Trump.
McCabe's ouster comes just days before he was scheduled to retire on Sunday, after more than 20 years at the bureau. McCabe had already stepped down under pressure in January and has been on a leave of absence since.
In a statement Friday evening, Sessions said that the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) and Office of Inspector General (OIG) had found McCabe made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and "lacked candor - including under oath - on multiple occasions."
"Pursuant to Department Order 1202, and based on the report of the Inspector General, the findings of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility, and the recommendation of the Department’s senior career official, I have terminated the employment of Andrew McCabe effective immediately," Sessions said.

It is perfectly delicious to have a rich police state bastard to be strung along to the day of his retirement, thinking he is going to get millions from the government, and then have Sessions hammer this crooked bastard.

That is the kind of thing that would turn out a GOP landslide in November.

Instead the base has been beat to shit for almost a year and a half and keeps getting disappointed daily, like I got blowback on this blog.

There is hope now that Andrew McCabe will have millions of dollars in lawyer fees as the Justice Department throws his ass into prison for 20 years to life for leaking classified information.


The McMaster Facts or Herbie the UnLove Bug

 Herbert your hands are soft like Stormy Daniels
and your shiny head glows like Karen McDougal's bubble butt

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

First up on the Herbert McMaster reality show at 1600 Penn Avenue.

McMaster is deep state globalist. His two cronies are traitor John McCain and colluder George Soros. That kind of backing means you are a tick dug in hard and you just can not get rid of him.

The White House has been trying to get rid of this fracker from Vietnam for most of last year. They have been trying to find ways to get him out the door, from shipping him off to opium Afghanistan or making him a 4 star General. The rub in this is is McMaster has been casting around and nothing his inflated ego wants is 3 star general acceptable. He needs that 4th star.

What few of you probably know is the United States Senate holds the power over military generals in America. You want a star? It means the Senate has to approve that star and the Department of Defense sends the Senate their recommendations, along with leadership review of that officer.

Senate Confirmation of Senior Military Officers
The role of the Senate in confirming senior military officer promotions and
appointments stems directly from the U.S. Constitution. Article II, Section 2 of the U.S.
Constitution states that the President “shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and
Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other Public Ministers and Counsels,
Judges of the Supreme Court, and all Other Officers of the United States, whose
appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by
law.” Generals and Flag Officers (Admirals), fall into the category of “all Other Officers
of the United States” and require Senate confirmation. Other military officers also require
Senate confirmation, but this report, will focus on the process for the military’s highest
ranking leaders — one-star through four-star officers

You should get the bald headed rub in this in there has been for over a year, talk of McMaster and that 4th star, but it has gone absolutely nowhere. In military circles, this kind of delay in promotion means the Pentagon wants your pasty white ass gone, and most officers out of duty retire.

This is the key point in this in there is something in McMaster's file which is keeping him from that 4th star. That means the Senate is not going to confirm that promotion and that means what is in that file is going to be made public. So McMaster is house sitting till the clock runs out, as all he has is the NSA to be a disaster in.

McMaster has blown Afghanistan. McMaster has blown North Korea. McMaster has blown Syria. McMaster has blown Iran. McMaster has blown Russia. McMaster has blown China. He like most staff refers to Donald Trump as a f*cking moron which does not endear him to Mr. High Rise.

When Sarah Sanders makes a point of a "good working relationship" between Herbert and Donald,  that is code of Trump hates McMaster's ass and McMaster loathes moron Trump, but they are stuck with each other, as Donald Trump does not have the power with the DIA to get rid of this fracker.

As a background on Herbert, it is a reality of a not very bright brass polisher who put together a boring assessment of Vietnam which blamed the civilian and military and idiots like John McCain were soothed by their cowardice in McMaster blaming others. I can sum up Vietnam in one sentence, US policy was a war of attrition against in killing of communists. They failed in that strategy in body counts as they got too many US Soldiers killed.

That is McMaster's mindset in like all these frackers of that era, they are still fighting Vietnam in all of their actions and Cold War ineptitude. He was put into NSA to make war with Russia, because Mike Flynn was going to make peace. He has been the immovable object delivering the same stone wall and is not bright enough to know that Afghanistan funds opium bankers and it is not meant to be won.

There really is not any place for McMaster. He is a 56 year old petrified tree not advancing and just in the way. Trump does not want to promote him into a civilian post and there really is nothing McMaster wants as he is not going to get Secretary of State. The military does not want him and he is not suited to 4 star command of anything as that elite group knows what a fracker he is. He is a brass polisher to mind the store for the globalists and he is going to be the same problem and impediment until Donald Trump trades something big, so the cartel informs Herbert it is time to go fat himself on some beach as he is done.

That is what is taking place in this McMaster drama. There are loads of people who want him gone. The Kushners and Trump for three. He has not any allies, but only the cartel with the big ruler is what is keeping him in place.

If Trump could handle the heat from the cartel, he should back door order an evaluation of Herbert McMaster which McMaster would have a fail grade on, as that is what is in his Pentagon file, and then the Senate could review it and make it public, meaning Herbert would have the choice of leaving before his reputation was destroyed or leave with his reputation destroyed as an incompetent.

Nuff Said



The Mutant Ashkenaz

What do you mean I'm a mutant strain?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Rense program featured a most interesting guest, Dr. Henry Niman, who was reporting on a recent development by the Food and Drug Administration in sanctioning a California company, 23andMe, to provide a screening test to the public

In layman's terms, Sloan Kettering of New York discovered a few decades ago that Ashkenaz have a genetic defect or mutation, which produces breast and prostate cancer in this West Asian group which migrated into Eastern Europe and now accounts for 6 million Americans.

In the current study, conducted in collaboration with New York University and the National Institutes of Health, the researchers analyzed blood samples of 1,255 men and women of Ashkenazi background, without regard to their family history of breast cancer. They found the BRCA2 mutation in almost 1% of the Ashkenazis but not in any of the 519 non-Jewish individuals whose blood samples also were screened. 

I have problems with this "Jewish" label being identified to this group as it is like calling Armenians by the definition of Christians, when their genetics are Asians. This is who the Ashkenaz are, Asians who converted to Jewry which denies Christ as a national conversion. They are not Judahites or Tribe of Israel, but are Asians, as one is a religion and one is genetic type.

The history of cancer is fascinating as it is as old as Egypt, but was not common in America until the modern era. Sloan Kettering was started by John Jacob Aster in the 1880's to study cancer, and it has become the focal point of cancer research, and somewhere in this Ashkenaz became an intense focus in being cancer carriers, and now it is a most interesting profit adventure in screening, and someone is apparently interested in DNA marking every Ashkenaz in America.

This blog has always stipulated that 'cancer' was a manifestation to study genetic reproduction or more precisely genetic regeneration, or how to harness "cancer" to extend life or make one physically immortal. The experiments were done on Israelite Lost 10 Tribes, as they hold the God produced DNA for Spiritual regeneration, which the lords and the priest desire and have been infusing into their bloodlines. AKA Kushner crossbreeding with Ivanka as the elite Ashkenaz have been engaged in for centuries.
Now though there is the question in was the production of cancer through vaccinations not just a study in immortality, but was another reason in this was why the Ashkenaz, out of all the peoples on planet earth carry a genetic mutation which brings death and not regeneration.

The thing is, the experts state that cancer is not genetic in most cases, but is environmental, as cancer is a virus breeding in a bacterial acid soup. It is not that case with the Ashkenaz as it is genetic with this group.
Japanese tend to get stomach cancer, pointing to eating raw fish in quantity is a problem. The Ashkenaz though have a marker and it is not from fish.

Approximately 2 percent of women of Ashkenazi Jewish women have the three BRCA1/BRCA2 hereditary mutations, but they occur very rarely in other ethnic populations, in about 0.1 percent of individuals, if at all. All individuals, regardless of their ethnicity, may have other BRCA1/2 mutations or cancer-linked mutations in other genes not gauged by 23andMe's test. There are well over 1,000 BRCA mutations associated with breast and ovarian cancer risk, and dozens of other genes associated with cancer more broadly.
Most cancer cases, the FDA added, are due to non-genetic risk factors, such as obesity, smoking, and hormone use,

In all of this, one is aware that Jared Kushner has his fingers in every pie, from Rex Tillerson's State being meddled with to selling America out to China. It goes to the point in this, did Kushner force the FDA to fast track this test, as this certification came out of nowhere like Trump pardoning that Ashkenaz slave trader of the Chabad.

23andMe should set off the red flags of deep state collection of human DNA. This group was bankrolled by NSA Google and was driven forward by Ashkenaz. From the deepest recesses this operation was being pushed to collect your DNA, in saliva tests, whether it was, and once that DNA is collected it is not your DNA by the Nazi conglomerate to exploit.

The company was founded by Linda Avey, Paul Cusenza and Anne Wojcicki in 2006 to provide genetic testing and interpretation to individual consumers. In 2007, Google invested $3,900,000 in the company, along with Genentech, New Enterprise Associates, and Mohr Davidow Ventures. Wojcicki was married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin at the time.
Cusenza left the company in 2007 and was appointed CEO of Nodal Exchange in 2008. Avey left the company in 2009 and co-founded Curious, Inc. in 2011.
In 2012, 23andMe raised $50 million in a Series D venture round, almost doubling its existing capital of $52.6 million. In 2015, 23andMe raised $115 million in a Series E offering, increasing its total capital to $241 million.
The company sponsored the PBS TV series "9 Months That Made You".
Another $250 million of financing was raised in September 2017, led by new investor Sequoia Capital. Sequoia is joined in the financing by new investors Euclidean Capital, Altimeter Capital and the Wallenberg Foundation.
In 2018, the company initiated a series of advertisements with well-known figures, firstly with Warren Buffett

This is the new world order and they are all involved in this project which is now focusing on the Ashkenaz group in tracking their DNA mutations which cause cancer.

23andMe has been losing money, even with 1 million customers, generating over half a billion dollars, because the stated focus is collecting customer DNA.

The price of the full direct-to-consumer testing service in the United States reduced from $999 in 2007 to $399 in 2008 and to $99 in 2012, and was effectively being sold as a loss leader in order to build a valuable customer database

All of this is quite troubling, and the Trump FDA is now promoting this. There is a reason and it not what is being stated.

Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner host Jewish charity at White ...

President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka Trump hosted an event at the White House last Tuesday for Jewish children suffering from cancer.

Apparently it is only those children who matter, as your children do not get invited to the White House to focus on a cure for the cancer they are afflicted with.

Nuff Said


Putin puts Trump on a Leash

 РС-28 Сармат

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Being the last expert on nuclear warfare is a field which no one will be interested in until they realize their end is incoming, and I doubt that will provide enough time to fire off a donation to me. This though is the introduction of your death in the Russian Satan class of missiles.
The RS 28 II is a creature of beauty with four solid fuel rockets which burn in flames so hot, they are not blue, but violet.
The Satan is fast, maneuvers, and is not trackable on the ground or able to be shot down in flight. It is the perfect doomsday machine


This is the weapon's platform which had Donald Trump scurrying to meet with Kim Jong Un in order to try and please President Putin who is in ill humor over the American leadership humiliating Russia since HW Bush looted Russia after the wall fell.

Russian General Valery Gerasimov told the nation’s state-run media this week that a follow-up to December’s testing of the RS-28 Sarmat “Satan 2” — a rocket with a  range of nearly 7,000 miles and the ability to carry about to 16 warheads — will happen in soon.
“With a mass of more than 200 tonnes it has a shorter active phase of flight and better ability to penetrate missile defenses and can carry warheads of larger mass and enormous yield,” Gen. Gerasimov said Tuesday.

So you will comprehend what the Satan is capable of in not just obliterating France, the red dots represent a thermonuclear 150 mile kill zone.

To provide you the idea of reality, this is 3 Satan missiles deployed against the United States. As you can comprehend, this would wipe out the majority of the American population and ability to wage nuclear war.

As previously stated here in Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive, due to the concentration of cobalt deposit stores and cobalt in various batteries, the thermonuclear effects of the Satan would create a 5 year cobalt poison zones in these areas where all life would cease.

It is possible with 3 Satan missiles to eradicate the majority of life in the United States and 10, or 480 warheads of 150 mile kill zone would eradicate 99.8% of all US life.

Couple this with the nuclear power plants in meltdown there are areas in the United States which would not be inhabitable for 50 years. Certain localities would not inhabit life for 1000 years.

Again to remind you in the Putin Doctrine, only covered here in Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter. The Satan is the American neutralization weapon. There is a hypersonic cruise missile to eliminate all forwards US assets around the world, and a final kill shot in stealth cobalt nuclear torpedoes designed to wash over the American coasts a death wave of 5 years.

As this blog has been the only one warning of this in all this Trumptopia, in why by God's Grace I created a time line of Russian American peace for Christian East and West protection, as the death nail draws nearer in you might begin weighing just what a son of a bitch you really are as you appear before Jesus Judgment Throne, it now is a matter which matters to you in all of these American geniuses with their own bunkers are going to be in them, and you are going to have Satan's raining down on you.

Your reaction now to this grande event will be to recoil in rejecting the information and wipe it from your mind. Mr. Putin still remembers though, and now it is a matter of memory for Donald Trump in how much he can bend over to please Mr. Putin to keep this all from happening.

I hope you have enjoyed spending my donations which you have not donated to me as you continue to rob me as the account is coming due. Oh well all those sins and slights add up in that Great Tribulation and cup of wrath thing. Satan always comes to collect on debts and this time it actually has a missile named after it. Lot's of sinner debt in this world.

Even Vladimir Putin's police state is more attractive than Donald Trump's. That Putin has it all missiles and long legs, lots of long legs.

Nuff Said


Roger Race T. Bannon

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is some personal stuff of revealing too much about me. See as a child I loved Jonny Quest, not the kid, but the cartoon. The main character was Race Bannon, who reminded me of my Beloved Uncle as they looked a great deal of alike. It has to do with my twin baby sister I absorbed in the womb, in she never left and we fought inside of me for years, and she was a blonde just like Race, like my toe head Uncle.
He hated me as a child, but I didn't like him, because I never had that Aryan fixation going on in blonde hair and blue eyes as I was repulsed by it.

I found a description of Race T. Bannon, as no one has named him, and I refuse to acknowledge that shit in the new anime, which has Race with a kid, and other shit going on which I will explain, I name his middle name as Theodore no weird shit, just a fine Christian Name of Roger Theodore Bannon with a nice American sound to it.

I will highlight what matters, forget the rest.

Roger T. "Race" Bannon is a special agent, bodyguard, and pilot from Intelligence One. After Dr. Quest's wife died, the government hired Race to protect Dr. Quest's son, Jonny. Governmental fears that Jonny could "fall into the wrong hands" resulted in Bannon's assignment to guard and tutor Jonny.
Race was born in Wilmette, Illinois, to John and Sarah Bannon. He is Jessie's father. He is an expert in fire-arms, judo, having a third-degree black belt as well as the ability to defeat noted experts in various martial arts, including sumo wrestlers.
Race is known for his charming wit, his white hair, and his button-flap red shirt. Race is not only the bodyguard for Jonny, but he also serves as tutor and care-giver. Race is also responsible with the care of Jonny's adopted brother, Hadji. It is thought that Race had a bit of a checkered past due to his romantic involvement with a woman known as Jade.
The character was voiced by Mike Road, with his design modeled on actor Jeff Chandler. The name is a combination of Race Dunhill and Stretch Bannon from an earlier Doug Wildey comic strip. The surname Bannon is Irish (from 'O'Banain') meaning "white".

First, I have had it with the shit of linking Mike Pence to Race Bannon as they both have white hair. Might as well link Pence to puss as that is white too for all they have in common.
Second, Race Bannon never had a sordid past, as he was above all of that, along with only having a wife that would stay married to him, so no bastard kids around or wacko ex wives or no slutty spies as Race was above all of that. See what happens when you get this sodomite shit involved in writing cartoons, you get all this broken home shit.

Lastly, we discover that Race Bannon is the original Laban of the Bible in meaning White, so God loves Race more than other cartoon characters, in Race is the model for the Alt Right, 4Chan and all things American.

Here is the real human that Mike Road based his voice character on in the 1950's leading action man, Jeff Chandler.

Finally, this is the shit of modern Race Bannon, probably with that bastard kid which is not his as he  was above all of that as he was Race Bannon.
Just look at that square head. Nothing but those hard edges to harden children so they blast up schools, like all those Batman characters now turned pscycho.

This is the original Race in all his glamour. You just knew you could trust Race and he would always win.

You can see the difference. Also Race would never have a mummy bandage on his head. He would when  wounded pull the bullet out of a cartridge, pour the powder on and light it on fire to sear the wound shut. Race Bannon was one tough mother.

"Ok you savages, you heathen monkeys run!!!"

That is Race Bannon in all his beautiful manhood. You could count on Race Bannon as one once could most American men.
