Monday, April 9, 2018

Robert Mueller goes Jew Hunting in New York

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Reading the meandering indictments and glee over Donald Trump's attorney, after he cooperated with Robert Mueller, in having his office, home and hotel room raided, there really must be a step back in this to understand what is taking place.

The short form is Robert Mueller, handed over something he discovered in investigating Michael Cohn in the fake Russiagate witch hunt, to the New York FBI, who then asked the New York District Attorney to proceed to a magistrate judge for a search warrant.
The addition of Mr. Trump's and Mr. Cohn's personal attorney client priviledge means little, as Mr. Cohn has other transactions in his life as an attorney.

The short of it, this would be about money, as that is what Robert Mueller fixates on is money. That is what he went after Paul Manafort on, and that is what drives Mueller's investigative coven.

Now for the real parts in this, in no one would have ever known what Mueller found if Mueller had not been invading this attorney's privacy. As Mueller is not afforded access to Cohn's private files, that means Mueller was looking at what he could get access to and that would be bank files in money transfers.
Could this be Stormy Daniels related in deep state and deep throat, chances are it is, as Cohn has been rubbing it in Mueller's face about the Pissgate fraud which tried to frame him, so what appeared after from the Obama circle of lawyers was Stormy Daniels financial exchange. That is when all of this appeared, and it would lead to the conclusion that as Mr. Cohn stated he handled this contract and payout from his own funds, Mueller has relabled this as a "bribe" and the New York FBI which is notorious for jousting at windmills and sending other agencies on wild goose chases across America to interview rednecks, roundheads and retards in being harmless buffoons, was again eager to go from a money transfer to seeing slush funds, hush money and only things that Robert Mueller manifests.

This is all about pressuring the President as Mueller has had nothing but egg on his face for over a year. His last multi million dollar accomplishment was getting a conviction of 30 days on a Dutch attorney who Donald Trump had no contact with.
Make a big Monday splash, rattle the President and see who else they can intimidate. It is a simple story of facts, in anyone could look through Robert Mueller's life and find numerous activities which could be construed as criminal, or his glaring criminality in James Comey to search Robert Mueller's wife's underwear at 6 AM as they did Mrs. Manafort.

This should convince the President to NEVER sit down with Robert Mueller as cooperating with Mueller, unless your name is Kushner only gets you an FBI search or indicted, as your name gets smeared to hell and back.

And as the CIA's Washington Post revealed from another leak, it is all about the money, even if it is not Stormy Daniels contract. This kind of fraud though can be anything from purchasing a bottle of cognac as an expense where you drank it or some other trivial thing that adds up to high prices that the scrupulous Robert Mueller would never do, until someone digs through all his files and see what kind of expense account he submitted, as you know he was not eating oatmeal for breakfast on FBI junkets.

Nuff Said

Trump attorney Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations, according to a person familiar with the case




Kushner's Jew War IV

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Can someone please explain to me how it is not international outlawness, when the Israeli Air Force bombs Syria over a charged chemical weapons attack INSIDE SYRIA, not again the Jewish state, where no Jews were killed or harmed......and Israel with American backing then bombs a sovereign nation.

Would this not be the same if Donald Trump bombed Mexico City when Mexican police raided and shot up some Mexican villa for moving human traffick north? Yes it would, and when America does not do this, then why on earth are the Jews allowed to bomb Syria?

I know the reason, as this is the Gulf of Tonkin, in Netanyahu in having US troops under Jewish Generals now by Kushner treaty is supposed to start a regional war to get rid of Iran.

Russia on Monday blamed the Israeli Air Force for the deadly airstrike on a Bashar al-Assad air base after a suspected chemical attack killed at least 60 in a Damascus suburb over the weekend.
Russia's Defense Ministry said two Israeli fighter jets launched the attack on the T4 air base in central Syria from Lebanon's air space.
Syria shot down five out of the eight missiles that targeted the base, the ministry said. It said the other three landed in the western part of the T4 base.
The airstrikes reportedly killed 14 people, including Iranians, at a military airport near the city of Homs.
A Syrian military official also said Israel was behind the attack.

As you can see the Jews just slaughtered Iranians, which will bring Hezbollah into the mix, as the Jews are staging riots in Gaza.

Fake News: NYT’s David Halbfinger Bizarrely Sees ‘Non-Violent’ Gaza Protests, Through Eyes of Hamas

For those who think the above is Muslim, you have no idea how the Jews have every crevice monitored in Gaza along with moles. Nothing moves in that city state unless the Jews know about it or condone it. When there are riots in Gaza, it is because Mosaad is staging them, as this ramps up to the war phase in the Middle East.

Instinct tells me there is going to be a false flag run on the American troops in Israel who are manning the Patriot batteries, which will come from southern Lebanon in Hezbollah, which is Iranian missiles and this will be the graduated step to bombing Iran with Saudi Arabia joining in.

 America does not belong in a war, as a nuclear target of terrorism for Greater Judea.

Nuff Said



Weather Mod Steering the Storm

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am just posting this so readers will be aware in how HAARP not only creates weather, but it also has the capability of ENDING WEATHER. Think of it like baking a cake. Turn up the heat and the storm cooks and destroys life, but turn it off, and it literally disappears.

The following is from the huge storm which appeared out of nowhere on Sunday April 8th. As one can observe 12 hours later on April 9th, it has vanished with only a remnant over the Ohio.
For those  who point to Virginia, observe on the 8th at around midnight, this storm was over northern Missouri. That is almost 1200 miles it moved and in a "normal" front one could expect 50 miles an hour, this storm was in 12 hours moving at 100 miles an hour. That is not NATURAL.
Again we have zero rotation, just jagged edges, but it makes a bit more sense in how fast these fronts are moving by HAARP in they are being ripped through the atmosphere, hence the jagged edges.

 April 8th

April 9th

I wanted to add one thing on this storm. Storms always move across America in straight lines. This storm started in Washington, moved east to Montana, where it suddenly started moving east south east, until it hit Minnesota where it plunged southeast to Missouri where it ripped into two, the northern part push north into Ohio and sitting there, and the southern part driving straight east.

Once again we are witnessing 90 degree turns. This storm was deliberately generated and steered. It simply is more evidence to be contained in the archives here.

Nuff Said


The HAARP Wolf

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 I was most interested this past week just how HAARP was about to generate another massive storm on the northern great plains as there was zero evidence one could appear again.
I have not inquired, but in observing what is taking place I believe these snow dumps have the purpose of assisting the barge traffic in snow melt, but also to sucker farmers to not plant wheat, and by keeping winter around two weeks later than it should in this region, will force planting of soybean and corn.
The market speculation will go there. It appears that there is a drought building, as the winter wheat crops are in poor shape, and the cartel is about to place American farming and food supply under great stress.

The following is April 6th. I have never witnessed a 5000 mile storm line from coast to coast. Bear in mind that there is a predicted snow storm over the northern great plains, and yet this river of moisture reveals this is impossible again.

April 6th series

By April 7th, the 5000 mile current of moisture has disappeared, literally vanished. What has now appeared though is a two blob moisture presence over Washington and western Montana.

April 7th series

 The wolf of HAARP appeared on the evening of the 7th as suddenly a weather system appeared over Montana where none was, and this thing kept growing like a monster. By midday on the 8th, this weather bomb actually joined up with a two part system over Kansas and melded in a storm now moving southeast.

April 8th Series



Remember now this started with a massive west to east 5000 mile storm front.
That disappeared and a west to east blob carried from Washington to Montana. Once there it began moving easterly until it reached the Minnesota border when it plunged southeast.

It is of note in this, that the winds were NORTH at the start of this, but shifted to EAST again, while these storms moved east southeast. In other words, these storms again all moved into the wind. There is zero rotation to account for these winds, and yet the wind blows from the east and the storms move east.

 In the above series, it is as if you are observing weather systems from different periods of time, not periods of time of 12 hours.

At this point I no longer care about the discoveries or the observations of this as things of the grave are the gravest concern and what matters the weather from the grave.


The History of Gun Control you never Knew

My good friend Gabby Giffords always shot an AR 15,
while I liked a Jew gun in the Uzi for up close work.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The New York Times had a most interesting historical account of Abraham Lincoln having his own shooting range on the Mall. In fact, Abraham Lincoln used to shoot his rifles with cabinet members on the location where the Washington Monument was to be built.

I got one of the first AR's. I knew John Jacob Ar personally
and we used to take our 15's out to shoot pike in the stream.

True to form, Lincoln prepared to personally test the Spencer. At the appointed time on Aug. 18, Spencer arrived at the White House and accompanied the president, his son Robert and an official from the Navy Department, who carried the rifle, target and ammunition, for a short walk to the Mall, near the site of the unfinished Washington Monument.

Nothing pleased me more than to jump in my Ford Roadster and
take along my Browning BAR's. I should have had them at Ford's Theater
where I would have shot that John Wilkes Booth. 

The target was a board about six inches wide and three feet high, with a black spot on each end, about forty yards away. The rifle contained seven cartridges. Mr. Lincoln’s first shot was about five inches low, but the next shot hit the bull’s-eye and the other five were close around it. ‘Now,’ said Mr. Lincoln, ‘we will see the inventor try it.’ The board was reversed and I fired at the other bull’s-eye, beating the President a little. ‘Well,’ said he, ‘you are younger than I am and have a better eye and a steadier nerve.’

My favorite gun was a Tommy Gun. I got my first one in Chicago
and used to fire a brace of them from the hip.

on August 17, 1863, I arrived at the White House with the rifle in hand, and was immediately ushered into the executive room, where I found the President alone. After a brief introduction, I took the rifle from its cloth case and handed it to him. Examining it carefully, and handling it as one familiar with firearms, Mr. Lincoln requested me to take it apart ‘and show the inwardness of the thing.’


  I started a civil war to preserve the union and 
I would use nukes to preserve the Second Amendment
- Abraham Lincoln


A Necessary Reassessment of United States Foreign Policy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The British royals have zero problem killing Muslims when they have impregnated Lady Diana wombs, but there is a question in this as England becomes Anglestan, just what is the American national security position as it bombs Libya and Syria to prevent nuclear development and is in conflict with Iran over nuclear bombs, what will America do when England is controlled by Muslims who control England's nuclear weapons.

 Mayor of London ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Birmingham ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Leeds .. MUSLIM

Mayor of Blackburn ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Sheffield ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Oxford .. MUSLIM

Mayor of Luton .... MUSLIM

Mayor of Oldham ... MUSLIM

Mayor of Rochdale .... MUSLIM

All the following achieved by just 4 million Muslims out of the 66 million population:

Over 3,000 Muslim Mosques

Over 130 Muslim Sharia Courts

Over 50 Muslim Sharia Councils

Muslims Only No-Go Areas Across The UK

Muslim Women...78% don't work and are on FREE benefits/housing

Muslim Men...63% don't work and are on FREE benefits/housing

Muslim Families...6-8 children planning to go on FREE benefits/housing and now all UK schools are ONLY serving HALAL MEAT!

What happens when Muslims in England control 215 thermonuclear warheads and 4 nuclear submarines, and begin moving them in support of Islam against the United States?

The U.K. had a stockpile of 215 thermonuclear warheads, of which 120 were operational, as of 2016, but the country has refused to declare the exact size of its arsenal. Since 1998, the Trident nuclear programme has been the only operational nuclear weapons system in British service. The delivery system consists of four Vanguard class submarines based at HMNB Clyde in Scotland. Each submarine is armed with up to sixteen Trident II missiles, each carrying warheads in up to eight Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles.

You do remember MI6 spying on Americans in the 2016 election and disrupting the Presidential elections. What happens when Islam gains control over this cyberwarfare against Americans?

What about London finance? What happens when Islam gains control over this trillions of dollars in investments and uses this economic weapon against Americans?

In the United States, the impact of British investments is significant. They account for nearly 1 million US jobs in highly skilled and well-compensated positions with nearly $72 billion in annual wages. US subsidiaries of British firms have nearly $2 trillion in total US assets and devoted nearly $257 billion in property, plant and equipment investments in America in 2009. The same year, they accounted for nearly $6.5 billion in research and development expenditures and contributed $25 billion to total US exports.

As of a few weeks ago, Theresa May attempted to get Rex Tillerson to get America into a shooting war with Russia over a Russian traitor killed on British soil. Britain has not been an honest broker with the United States, so what kind of treatment will Americans receive when Muslims acquire the nuclear, intelligence and financial interests of Great Britain.

American foreign policy is beyond a required reassessment of the coming situation which is being fomented against her, and that includes the myriads of foreign vermin changing the dynamic in  America, so America is fighting Muslim wars for Muslims.

Nuff Said
