Friday, April 13, 2018

Syrian Chess

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Donald Trump is a real miracle worker in he has done something which I did not think possible in Donald Trump is rehabilitating the failed Jimmy Carter, by bombing Syria over fake chemical weapons, in making President Carter the voice of reason in international diplomacy.

"I pray that he would keep our country at peace and not exaggerate or exacerbate the challenges that come up with North Korea, in Russia, or in Syria.
I hope he realizes very profoundly as I did, and as other presidents have done that any nuclear exchange could involve catastrophe for all human beings."

President Jimmy Carter

The reason Mr. President for the cartel engaged Macron and May is to season this as a three nuclear front against Russian counter attack, in other words, Russia now must nuke American assets, French and English, and in the exchange, would be crippled, and in the succeeding cancer called China be eaten alive by Chicom billions immigrating into Siberia and expanding to Moscow scorched earth.

In reading the disappointment in people calling this the beginning of nuclear world war annihilation, they are incorrect, as Russia will be measured as she always is, and her actions will take the form of a response on two fronts:

Front 1: Donald Trump just humiliated Vladimir Putin, which has weakened his standing for a coup, and will fuse a greater devotion from Russians as this will be viewed as a Trump attack upon every Russian. Vladimir Putin will be forced to respond in this for Russian national pride. If Mr. Putin is correct, he will go to the United Nations and denounce what just took place before the world. Putin must take the Reagan high moral ground.

Front 2: The FSB and military security services will seek to destabilize Europe with Muslim burnings and in the United States it would be attacking America, but not attacking America, but causing shortages of what America needs.

Vladimir Putin laid out the Putin Doctrine which Russia would respond with nuclear weapons if herself or her allies were attacked. In this, Mr. Putin made the direct first strike case against the United States with the emerging Russian hypsersonic nuclear arsenal and scorched earth cobalt bombs.

Russia will measure this before acting.  Russia has two factions of the hardliners for nukes and the Atlantic centrist of Peace at all Costs with America. Vladimir Putin is a scion of the KGB. The same Cold War responses have already been initiated to protest American aggression which began with the Clinton Era. This will include propositioning nuclear weapons in Europe and America for first strike. This will include penetrating the civilian and military infrastructures in the power, computer and communication grids. There will be a hardening of protocols and softening of positions before any actions are engaged in.
This will include intelligence withholding from Americans, including dissuading terrorists from not escalating a nuclear 9 11 attack upon America. To explain this simply, by the Syrian Gambit, Russia and Iran both understand that they are on the chopping block. It would behoove them if terrorists crippled the United States in a nuclear attack. The consequences being weighed that the attack would provide excuse to the United States to implement the Iranian strategy, but this would be understood that for Russia it would be more acceptable to fight the war removing from America her land bases in Europe by Muslim insurrection and humiliating the United States by securing the American bases and ammo depots. From a Moscow perspective, this would have to be coordinated with an economic meltdown in America or as stated a nuclear 9 11.
Syria will bring a Russian response which is already factored in this by those who coordinated this for Donald Trump. Trump had to prove that he would not back down to Putin's threats and now Vladimir Putin must prove that he can land successive punches FAB, France America and Britain.

What Donald Trump's gambit is, is to train Russia to obey and to send a message to North Korea that this is what awaits Kim Jong Un if he renigs on dismantling nuclear arms.  This is the first step in dislodging the Iranian connection in Syria for it's front against Jews by Hezbollah. Saudi Arabia is now deemed acceptable fodder for the Iranian escalation.

Mr. President's chess has obliterated the support of his base from 2016 as he fully intended to destroy the GOP. It is now a matter of the escalation which will follow as Donald Trump knows this and is why he acted to provoke this.

The Lame Cherry views this as one more action closer to the Temple being built and one day closer to Christ's return. Makes more sense why HAARP set off the blizzard bomb as a containment feature if Russia launched a first nuclear strike on American missile silos in Wyoming and North Dakota. See there is a pressing reason why HAARP is featured here.
This is not called flyover country, but killed over country.

Trade War, Oil War, RAD War and of course now the Chess War of nuclear nations as gambit.

Nuff Said


Scooters for Nuclear War

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While the Lame Cherry appreciates President Trump rightly pardoning Scooter Libby, another innocent American persecuted for being an American by Robert Mueller and Patrick Fitzgerald, as George W. Bush let him rot in jail and then left him languish with a conviction on his record, the Lame Cherry also realizes that this is an astute groundwork for the President to pardon those unfairly persecuted in the witch hunt and coup against him and his loyalists.

 Late Breaking News!

President Trump on Friday pardoned Scooter Libby, the former aide to Vice President Dick Cheney who was ensnared in what was known as the “Valerie Plame affair” during the Bush administration. (Fox)

The Lame Cherry also realizes this crumb is to rebuild support which Mr. President has shattered with Conservatives over Obamcare rationed death, breaking his promise on real tax reform, breaking his promise on numerous global things, and as a way to put the Conservative face on Mr. Trump's extortion of money and lands from Russia.

For Mr. Libby I am most pleased, but knowing the reason behind this pardon, is like finding out the Christmas present you got was something the whore at the brothel did not want that your Uncle tried to give her and decided it was good enough for you.

God bless Mr. Trump and the Lame Cherry does thank him for his benevolence.

 Mr. President, it is time to pardon Yorivon Kahl, who was set up to be murdered as was his father over thirty years ago.

Yorie Kahl 251 - American Free Press

Yorie Kahl's Fight for Freedom . By Victor Thorn "Yorie Kahl is an innocent man, and he's going to spend the rest of his life in prison if we don't do something to help him."

Nuff Said


Carding and the Wrath of God

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I had a very informative phone conversation with Paypal yesterday over an issue which most of you have zero knowledge of and I would not care about if the rich would get off their fat thieving asses in reading content on this blog as Wall Street looting makes them richer and they refuse after all God has done for them in this blog to make the big donation.

The subject was CARDING and how charities like Franklin Graham's or blogs with donation buttons become victims of this criminal enterprise. What Paypal was explaining to me is that there are criminals who steal your information from your banks, from shopping at the grocery or your just walking in the airport and a reader picks up your electronic identification on your debit or credit card.
That part is known, but the next part is how this works as a criminal enterprise.

Carding (fraud) - Wikipedia

Carding is a term describing the trafficking of credit card, bank account and other personal information online as well as related fraud services. Activities also encompass procurement of details, and money laundering techniques.

Once someone's credit card information or bank card is swiped, these criminal enterprises buy the numbers, and then "test the cards". The foremost way is they donate money to charities in forms under 4 dollars. Paypal when alerted investigates these amounts, because it is a standard operating conclusion that these small dollar amounts are criminals testing cards they have stolen.
Paypal has a graduated system of standard and advance payment features for tracking information on these small amounts. What I have set up now is if donors here do not have a verified address, the status will shift to pending until I green light it. That is the reality of the world we live now. The security desk I was speaking with for Paypal in Nebraska's fraud center, informed me that from this point on if I do not know the people donating small amounts, that I should just refund it to save time, as what began all of this was someone I had tracked to California had been testing bank cards they had stolen and were donating a few dollars, which when the bank was alerted were being cancelled.
I had heard a forensic criminal expert on the radio in wire fraud stating a few weeks ago that the authorities really watch for those 1 to 4 dollar transfers of funds, as those are the red lights of criminals being active. Paypal informed me that after the test run, the swindlers run up the cards on electronics and designer clothes. I assume these items then become black market and end up overseas in Muslim and Asian lands.

So if you have ever ordered anything online, as I did from ATT this past year, I noticed the order was pending for sometime. That is a business checking the CVC number on back of the credit card, the verified address and waiting to see if the card alerts as as stolen card. This is affecting every American and person in the world in the delays in transactions and the chances are the next time you swipe in Subway or some other public location your card is going to be stolen electronically and some charity is going to light up with a dollar donation, before your card starts buying phones in Florida.
This is why I posted about my Discover card being stolen after I purchased some ammo online out of California. I have a low purchase cost alert which tells me when the card is being used. Like most people do not catch the dollar amounts in the tests, the big ticket items red flag and I shut my card down within an hour of the purchase.

So that is another lovely feature of writing this blog, in now there will be an address verification, which the majority of people who have ever donated had their names, addresses and phone numbers listed on the receipt. What caught my attention though was all of these dimers had pulp fiction type names and their emails which were all Gmail did not match the people.

All of this fraud now is forwarded to Paypal's wire fraud unit which tracks it all, and when the FBI is not getting their report, I am engaged in Spiritual warfare things which by God's Grace I am most effective at in making life hell on earth for those who screw with me.

I have read a great deal about people complaining about Paypal, but I have had nothing but good customer relations with them. They have always been helpful on the phone or in email. They called me after I requested someone someone higher up to provide the information I would need to file a criminal complaint.
Paypal is like all businesses in they have to answer to the IRS, FBI and other banking regulators. Provide the information they require and everything runs smooth on their end, as far as the clever trolls who think they can troll things, there are remedies in law enforcement and God's enforcement to handle those situations.

That is about it, so back to stunt sheep riding.

Or not.


Hotter than HAARP

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been waiting upon the HAARP monster storm about to obliterate Minnesota as predicted in feet of snow and tornadoes on Monday. The above is the April 12th NOAH radar grab, but I noticed something bizarre in this day's imagery as I noticed this strange line of clouds beginning at the North and South Dakota line as if a front line was being generated there.

What progressed though over the next 12 hours was this thin line of clouds or a frontal boundary grew to almost 2000 miles in length.
What I desire you to focus on though is not the line, but watch what happens in this line over the Great Lakes and into Quebec. It literally vanishes.

For those unfamiliar with the Great Lakes, there is a reality there of Lake Effect Precipitation. If you have ever watched clouds moving over reserviors of water, they suddenly bloom into storms due to the evaporated moisture there.  If  there are clouds coming off of a lake they generate moisture, and yet on this line, they vanish.

Again in this pattern is this New England weather storm deluging that region as a symbiosis forms. What makes zero sense again though is this bizarre blocking line as HAARP has created this long line. In checking the NOAH reports, this storm is supposed to stop at the North Dakota - South Dakota border. Convenient that is in it snows in South Dakota and North Dakota has zero snow. As this churns in this region, it is Minnesota which is snow dumped and Wisconsin is supposed to really be pounded. If you study the above red bow line, that area in Wisconsin which is ballooning moisture in the Wausau area is supposed to receive almost 2 feet of snow.

As I write this, South Dakota gets the blizzard, Minnesota just gets a snow dump and Wisconsin get buried. Sadly there are no reports of tornadoes blowing things to Kansas as promised. I do enjoy watching HAARP explode weather as it is like opening a wrapped gift in you are told what is going to happen, and you think the box is empty, and suddenly HAARP in the box is ringing the bell.

Time for the hot chic who blossoms under the Chicago reality that she is hot as she always hoped she would be.

The Weather Mods are filling up the Mississippi River, retarding wheat planting and production in America and who knows if Trump tweets these pictures to Vladimir and says, "See we can make weather on a state border, the Canadian border as that is our Star Wars shield to defeat your radioactive fall out.

Hello, I am hotter than HAARP


US Policy is not Stupid as it is Bloody Piracy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I realize  that the most noted minds in America as Paul Joseph Watson has fallen into the trap of calling the leaders in Washington stupid and blood thirsty as the ones in Tel Aviv, but frustration is not an excuse in placing labels upon people or situations which are either beyond comprehension or we are helpless to effectively stop politically.

When Syria appears as a flashpoint, not North Korea, not Ukraine, not Kosovo, it is for purpose. North Korea would provide too much scorched real estate. Ukraine would be too far a reach for NATO. Kosovo would bring a Russian invasion of Europe which NATO is not ready to deal with yet. That leaves Syria, but it is not Syria that is in the crosshairs, but Iran which was established by MI6 for control of oil away from the Shah and the Americans.
Iran is now expendable for London, as a war between Russia and America would bloody both and leave England once again in command of empire. Syria must be removed to cut off Hezbollah in Lebanon, and a final solution for Gaza as the Philistines have zero purpose for US economic wealth in aid as the paradigm changes.

The culmination of this is the drama at the United Nations over the latest fake chemical weapons attack in Syria which is always based in the same London, Tel Aviv, John McCain and Barack Obama ISIS terrorists.

The wall of mutual contempt between Russian Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya and US Ambassador Nikki Haley was on full display. Nebenzya took to pieces the entire argumentation of the US side regarding Douma and the ‘chemical attack.’
He detailed the rebel caches of chemical weapons and equipment for their manufacture that Russian troops have found in recently liberated territory of Eastern Ghouta and elsewhere. He spoke about the past provocations of faked chemical attacks including the one used to justify the US cruise missile launches on the Syrian air base at Sheirat a year ago. He linked the US training and support for terrorists in fabrication of chemical arms to the faked nerve agent attack on the Skripals in the UK, which he described as a vaudeville act. He heaped scorn on Haley for her denying Russia the status of “friend,”  saying that the US has no friends, only sycophants, whereas Russia has genuine friends, and seeks nothing more in relations with the United States than civilized discourse.

It is a reality that Russia is the nation telling the truth and the fiction coming out of Washington is like all past fiction in Woodrow Wilson blaming Germany to loot her in World War I, FDR blaming Japan to enter a global war to loot the world, as much as the Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam was about military industrial profits as much as Korea was about killing off more Veterans so they would not revolt at home. US kept millions of it's young males stationed outside of America so the overthrow of the Republic would be completed with the revolutionaries not at home, and the counter culture would prevail to install the community organized feudal rule which now prevails in America.

Washington thinks that whereas the lone USS Donald Cook missile destroyer standing offshore of Syria could be sunk by Russia without too much of an incident resulting—Israel destroyed the USS Liberty with massive US Navy casualties without any incident resulting— for Russia to sink 9 US ships including an aircraft carrier, is more than the Russians have stomach for.
It will be about 10 days before the US ships, sitting ducks all, reach the point where they can be easily disposed of. This gives the US Joint Chiefs of Staff 10 days to overrule Trump’s insane war cabinet and put the US military’s halt to Armageddon.

All of this is about as this blog has broken in another exclusive in matter anti matter. This is about convincing Russia that it should hand over it's billions to be swindled out of on Wall Street. Once that is accomplished, Moscow needs to hand over it's banks to the Rothschilds like the Americans handed over their nation are now in one big gulag.

Where the American experts are missing the point is that Russia does not have to go full confrontation, nor nuclear as this blog stated.  Russia could ram the USS Truman as has been the Russian military protocol, as they frequently play touch the jet with Americans. What good is a listing American aircraft carrier, when all it has is a group as it floats sideways in the Mediterranean Sea as an embarrassment.  Russia sacrifices one frigate which is a most cost effective measure and they can claim it is the American's fault.
It has the operational superiority of making the Americans fire on the Russian ship first making America the aggressors.
Russia studied under the greatest diplomat in Bismark of Germany. She stymied the European empires for generations and ate them by her size. This is the same Russia by Vladimir Putin who booted out the western nation rapists and secured her nation again.  Russia has proven methodical, deliberate and correct in every measured response. Measured is what Russia is and what Dotty Donald and his Junta are counting on.

Russia, Iran and Turkey are not fools. Their diplomats have generational memories. While London, DC and Tel Aviv focus on their simplistic objective of Damascus, what would a Molotov among Muslims London and Paris leave Europe burning.
A factor in this, of the Americans in love with Putin, just how much economic disruption of American lives would it require before a revolution began in America which is being stoked by the cartel. Ration gas to Americans as the Ivory Tower gas guzzlers parade by and the fury of gas lines just might set off the combustible engine heard round the world.
30% reduction in American oil supply would create such a situation.

Canada sent on average 2.4 million barrels a day to the United States last year, a record and 8% more than in 2011.
Saudi Arabia imports averaged almost 1.4 million barrels a day in 2012, up 14% from the previous year and the highest level since 2008.
Mexican imports fell 12% on year to 972,000 barrels a day in 2012, falling under 1 million barrels a day for the first time since 1994, reflecting the steady decline in Mexico’s domestic production.
Venezuela sent over 906,000 barrels a day on average in 2012, a 4% uptick from 2011 and the first increase since 2007.
Iraq supplanted Nigeria as the No. 5 supplier during 2012. Iraqi crude imports averaged 474,000 barrels a day last year, up around 3% from 2011.

If one examines this from a Russia tactical situation, Mexico is in a state of mafia revolution. Venezuela is in revolution. Iraq is in civil war. Nigeria is a festering pustule and Saudi Arabia is vulnerable. Put it simply, one allows Tel Aviv, London and DC lob missiles to get shot down by superior Russian defense. Iran responds by lighting fires in European capitals. Iran responds by crippling Saudi Arabia via Yemen.
That oil supply removed, it is a matter of  "terrorism" stopping oil supply in the vulnerable oil states already in revolution.

There is a reality that the old order would prefer a world of incinerated America, Russia and China in the few ruling the charred many. Sacrificing some peoples as Syria for the larger dictatorial hegemony is historical. America is extremely vulnerable and one dimensional in thinking in it's assets have not been attacked since the British in 1812.

Destabilization is not from direct confrontation. It is why DC, London and Tel Aviv are positioning off Syria to get Iran and then Russia. Russia beholds all of this and understands what the operation and tactics are.

It is not profitable at this juncture to break this down to base psychological structures of stupid, bloodthirsty or evil. Charles Lindbergh did not prevail with the facts in keeping America out of FDR's world war, but we need the facts and the character of the argument to bring understanding to Americans, when this situation goes wrong and America is humiliated.

America is being plunged into a disaster by globalists. It is in that that Conservatives are now being placed into leadership positions to be blamed for the outcome of this. This is the DIA protecting their bankster money source on Wall Street by attempting to leverage Russia by humiliating her in Syria and the Mideast to make Putin bow at the waist.

We need reason in this, not epitaphs of stupid and bloodthirsty, as that is the empowerment which may not stop this, but will prevail when it is necessary beyond this.
