Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Translating Nuclear Persian and Jewish in Project Amad

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Hellsing Ultimate X - The Major's war speech - YouTube

Hellsing Ultimate X - The Major's war speech AAPaladinian. Loading ... Hellsing - "I Love War" Speech - Duration: 5:37. Alex Rochon 22,247 views. 5:37.

The Lame Cherry is amused over nuclear weapons in the Middle East by the statements leaked today by Iran and the Israeli state.
It is even more tussling and Pat Buchanan gets censored by Sean Hannity, in Buchanan  says like many that Iran has not any nuke and Hannity thinks the Persians use radioactive Jews to read their korans by.

The Lame Cherry will interpret so you know what has been taking place.

According to the PM, Tehran had preserved and expanded its military nuclear know-how in a secret atomic archive after the 2015 deal was signed. He said that “half a ton” of documents from the archives were obtained by Israel in “a great intelligence achievement.” Netanyahu claimed that the files contain incriminating evidence that Iran has been working to develop a nuclear bomb as part of a program called “Project Amad.”

For this you have to understand the Mirage which the Jews flew out of France all through the early 1970's into bits and pieces in their wars with Muslims. The French refused to sell more Mirage fighters to the Jews, so the Jews embarked upon a clever plan in Switzerland, where a Swiss sympathizer informed the Jews that the reams of paper files which  the the French had in storage there were about to be transferred to microfilm, and the  white prints destroyed.
The Jews simply took the piles of paper out the back window for the Mirage and what appeared was the Jewish Phantom.
It is not difficult to connect the dots that the Jewish agents in Iran, put the bug in the Iranian's  ear that their paper files might be  discovered, so it would be best to digital copy them to PDF files and then destroy the paper.
The paper of 1000 pounds ended up in Tel Aviv in this intelligence coup.

"What the US secretary of state describes as Washington’s partnership with Saudi Arabia is a partnership aimed at triggering instability and war as well as promoting arms races and extremism,” Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said in a Monday.

Saudi Arabia is finished with Syria, Gaza, Hezbollah, Shia and Iran. They desire a cleansing war by the Americans. They are triggering a war footing in the small disruptions in Gaza and South Lebanon. For Iran to be squawking, it means the operation is working immensely well.
The promotion of the arms race and extremism is important, as extremism means "good terrorists" who are going to start lighting things up in Iran.
This will be accepted as soon as President Vladimir Putin agrees that joining the Trump Peace Corp out of North Korea looks better on the resume, and lifts all these sanctions on Russia, meant to bring all this about, along with Russia donating to Wall Street, billions of rubles.

Let's see, what else, oh this means war or Trump dictated peace by what Netanyahu has released to the world. Of course Iran has nuclear weapons, they have been graduating to hydrogen bombs, as Dr. Khan's cone shaped rocket warhead has been in their possession for over a decade, and their good friend Kim Jong Un has the bomb, so Iran does too.

Biblically, this should bring about the rubble of Damascus and Gaza. It is assessed by the seers revelations that Vladimir Putin will reach fallback point, meaning he will keep his port in Syria, but wait for the instability of Iran to become a reality, and then plunge the Russian military into Iran to stabilize it, and sort of drive Americans out of the Gulf in one scenario.

That is the direction this is moving toward now, as Iran was presented a genius idea, but never figured  the paperwork would be shipped to Tel Aviv.

The Jewish intelligence is sound. They have Persian Jews and contacts all through Iran. They burned this line for the simple reason this is red line time, and the next step is meant to trigger a war, as we are in the preliminary phase of....

Mr. President Putin, you are a far reaching man of great vision and diplomacy, you do not want to be on the wrong side of history for your legacy. It would be much better to allow the community to deal with this, so this weapon's technology does not end up in the hands of Chechens or your other Muslim communities.....

Germany and France who are making out like bandits in Iranian Shia commerce deals for Europe are being placed into a position of being sandwiched between Moscow and Washington.


Israel to Send Experts to Germany, France to Share Iran Intelligence
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday he had spoken with the leaders of France and Germany, and that Israel …

Macron should have picked up the Trump tab and the Germans should have paid the Trumps for taking out Krautbank loans.

Kushner diplomacy is bringing all the rewards.

It is probably time to sing, or just enjoy the music.

The Rolling Stones - Paint It, Black (Official Lyric Video ...

"Paint It, Black" by The Rolling Stones Composers: Mick Jagger, Keith Richards Lyrics: I see a red door and I want it painted black No colors anymore I want ...



The John Wayne Gun

Model 1892 Winchester

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is the story of Winchester when it was owned by Americans and a customer could write to them and have them make any firearm they wanted to specifications. No one who loved John Wayne ever could not be thrilled over the Winchester Model 1892, as that is the lever action rifle of all of the old westerns. In that, the "Winchester rifles" of John Browning design, appeared in the 1873, which Jimmy Stewart made famous by the movie, the 1886 which was the 'heavy" and Teddy Roosevelt's Medicine Gun, the 1892, the 1894 which became the American deer gun in 30 30 Winchester and the 1896 chambered for 30.06 and 405 Winchester, and the lovely 1871 Winchester in the 348 Winchester which I always wanted to go to Canada with and shoot bear, moose and boo.


Model 1871
All of these rifle designs were lovely in their different conceptions and my favorites are the 92, 71, 94 and 86 in that order. This is about the 1892 in the quick lever action chambered often for revolver cartridges like the 25 20, so a cowboy or trapper could just carry one load for their pot gun.
These were pot guns as they were designed to harvest small game, as the era of large game had disappeared and person on horseback needed a handy rifle for defense, for shooting varmints, popping grouse on the trail for the pot and if an opportunity arose to shoot an antelope, the  92 serviced that too.


92 Trapper

That is why the 92 came in a configuration of the Saddle Ring Carbine, along with the later Wrangler with the big ring on the lever which the Rifleman in Chuck Connors made famous along with John Wayne.  There was a model in this which was called the Trapper, because after 1900, the cowboy and drifter had become not a Bill Cody riding across states, but stayed within their counties, and the Trapper appeared into the wilds, and from Jaguar hunters in South America where these Trappers were very popular to the American wilds, the Trapper carbine became thee most cherished possession.

What made these guns unique is they all had short barrels. The 92 came in two production models in 25 20 Winchester Center fire of 14 and 15 inch barrels in the early 1900's. As mentioned above, Winchester would special order guns, and in reading old articles in the NRA Rifleman, I recall that there were a number of 10 and 12 inch barrel models ordered, and the Latino of South America adored these guns.

These most handy rifles though in the Prohibition era became a problem for ATF, because the FBI was going after people gone outlaw in the  American Midwest in trying to make a living. The greatest punishment to Americans came in this era when the guns of criminals robbing banks in sawed off shotguns and Tommy Guns brought about guns banned with barrels less than 18 inches.
That 18 inches though caused a  problem as the NRA had numbers of carbines from the Government which had 16 inch barrels. So having nothing to do with the law or need, the ATF simply rewrote the law to 16 inches as the law of the land. Of course none of that stopped criminals, but it did stop law abiding people from having Tommy Guns unless under special permit, but it ended all barrels 16 inches and less.

That is when the ATF discovered all of these little short Winchesters. In seeing they just made Americans criminals for owning guns they used on the trail, the ATF rewrote the law again, and listed certain serial numbers as not part of the national firearms registry.  If the guns were not on the registry, that meant a 10,000 dollar fine and 25 years in prison. So a Jaguar hunter with a 10 inch barrel in Mexico was legal, but if he crossed into America he was criminal, but if the barrel was 16 inches he was not a criminal.

So this is the story of the firearm that I have always wanted in a John Wayne gun, but they can not be had are they are worth tens of thousands of dollars. The tragedy of this is there are some firearms which still appear, and must be sent to ATF, and if they can not assess if the gun was factory original, they will destroy the gun by removing the barrel. It is that or jail time.


 Mare's Leg

Both Rossi and Henry came out with a configuration of the 92, as others with 16 inch barrels in Winchester were called "Trappers", in their configurations though the were called the Mare's Leg, but in order to be "legal", they were defined as a pistol with this stupid chopped of stock. See if you put a stock on this Mare's Leg it would get you arrested for 25 years in prison.

The reason the ATF kept these Winchester's legal is they reasoned that Bonnie and Clyde and Baby Face Nelson would never use these lever actions in a crime, so they were put on a list, but manufacturers can not make them for Americans ever.

I had hoped with Donald Trump, in Don jr is an avid hunter, that a re regulation would appear so firearms manufacturers could make these real Trappers again, but that has vanished with Donald Trump banning firearms and becoming quite the Nazi in researching private medical records to keep you from owning guns.

My 92 Trapper though is just in my mind and always will be. It is with me though, in a 10 inch barrel, 45 long Colt, and this bunty little thing is in my pack, on my horse scabbard or in my pick up as it is just handy. It is only in my dreams but it is where it only legally can exist in this infringement on American Rights.

You have no idea how stupid American regulations are. Do you now why you can't use an 8 gauge to hunt with  in shotguns? Because 100 years ago in DC decided that a 10 gauge is what was the largest gun most people had, so that was the upper limit. It was a mob rule rule again and had zero do with conservation just as banning the Model 92 Trapper has nothing to do with criminals.

As I close this out, I will remind all of you, that before 1934 anyone could order from Thompson a full auto 45 rifle through the mail, and no one was ever shot with one by Citizens. You could write to any American firearms company and order any gun the  way you wanted it, and it came to your door. Before 1968 you could order guns through the mail and they came to your door without any paperwork, providing they were not machine guns or guns with barrels less than 16 inches.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness ended in America like Make America Great Again. What I want to pursue to make me happy is 92 Winchester with a 10 inch barrel. I will never have my dream fulfilled, because laws which violate the Constitution are violating my rights, for the Republic is dead and the epitaph is the 92 Winchester Trapper.


In America (Charlie Daniels Band) w/ lyrics - YouTube

This is the Charlie Daniels Band patriotic hit song from 1980. The song was released during the Iranian Hostage crisis and showed the renewed patriotism in ...

Nuff Said


Calf Pullers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Most of you think beef appears by magic, when in reality a great deal of problems occur for that hamburger.

After a most trying week, and having just carried a calf out of a snow field that morning, I finally sat down with TL for dinner at 2 in the afternoon. Yes most of you eat your lunch at noon. That has not happened in my world in years.
So I just sat down and I see this cow out the window in the yard. I think maybe it is the one which just calved that morning and got out, as I could not see through the trees. I noticed someone pestering her, and that is when I saw it was a bubble, as in the water bubble, and I knew it was that little heifer I was scowling over as she of course bred right away, instead of waiting like the other large heifers which looked summer months off.

So much for dinner as out I went and I knew it was a problem to get her in, as she was little, and of course she sprinted for the same snowfield from that morning. That is when I got the bad view of the situation as it was not enough that she was little, but that there was a leg sticking out.......suppose to be two, and the hooves were pointing to the sky.....they are supposed to point down.

I thought in chasing her into the barn which is falling down due to poverty and full of shit, that I had a calf upside down and breach, with one leg back. That with a small heifer meant death, as cows just do not make it with c section an the Vet is always sojourning at the sale's barn to pay his bills on a weekday.

So we get her in, she gets jumpy as she is in pain from the pain and I have to do some high stepping to not get run over, as my ropes have disappeared and my new one is coiled up like a snake.

I get her into the stanchion with TL's kind help and start the exam and I figure the calf is not flipped, which means I would have to flip it back, which is near impossible, but it is backwards, I am feeling pretty good at this point as the calf looks smallish by the hooves and all I have to do is fish that other leg out and then pull the call.
The hooves are still wet so I might be able to save the calf.

For those who do not know, cows just adore kicking you when you are shoving your hands up their what's it. For those of you who do not know, a cows nethers as a heifer are about as tight as your human nethers. So I got a foot stuck out, the tight pelvis, and my hand and arm going into a hole that is tampon size most days of the year.
So I am fishing around inside there, all the mess of birthing placenta and shit, while TL is "breaking the tail" which helps to keep me from being kicked, and I can't find that other foot. I am running my hand around in there as she is pushing, which is like having a horse step on your arm, and I get down in there and I feel a foot, and start pulling, as the hoof is turned back and I get it about 3 inches from the opening. I keep feeling and I get a hold of a little tail. So I have confirmation that it is breach and I put get the calf chains, as you have to have these slip chains on the ankles to attach to the calf puller for the best results.

That is what this review is about is a calf puller that I got a few years ago from Jeffers in how good it is, as it is good, in fact better than the expensive one the vets had which bow in the middle when pulling hard calves.
This is a heavy calf puller, feels like it weighs 30 pounds and more to the delight it is solid bar that does not like to bend.

I take things easy and kept trying to get that back leg that was in there even with the other leg, so I start pulling very slowly on the leg by hand and then let the cow do the pushing. I was helping the cow along and about that time the ass end was coming out and with some help in me pulling the entire calf came out. That is when I got the shock in I had both a front and back foot.
It was a miracle of God and a small calf as I have no idea how that calf came out, and I have no idea how I had a front leg that far back so that it reached the back leg.
It helps that God sends Holy Angels and it helps that I am very slow in trying to let the cow open up to get things through  that hole.

Besides God, that calf puller was really a Godsend and am pleased I purchased it three years ago as a precaution as I would spend that on a vet .

This is what is supposed to be normal on a calf.....not what I had.

This is normal breach....not what I had either.

It is what it is, and the story of beef. My neighbor told me that he calved out 75 in that snow with a barn, and had 90 more to go.

I would not be able to sleep at night with those kind of disasters waiting, as he pulled one calf and almost pulled it in half.....he said it is getting better though. God's wonders never cease.

Nuff Said

