Thursday, May 3, 2018

Just who is Daniel Jones really?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Trump Strategist Michael Cavuto had a most interesting lecture to the Senate Intelligence Committee which has been involved in the greatest dereliction of duty in oversight of the forces arrayed against Donald Trump, but what is interesting is that Cavuto named one name.

"Now I must to move back to Washington, New York City, Miami or elsewhere, just so I can make enough money to pay off these legal bills. And I know I have you to thank for that," Caputo said, according to CNN.
"What America needs is an investigation of the investigators," Caputo added. "I want to know who is paying for the spies' work and coordinating this attack on President Donald Trump? I want to know who Dan Jones is talking to across the investigations — from the FBI, to the Southern District of New York, to the [office of the special counsel], to the Department of Justice, to Congress."
"I want to know because God damn you to hell."

So in this disaster of the Senate which has not been protecting Americans in this witch hunt, there is a name, the name of Dan Jones, who  appears to be the conduit of disseminating information, which is destroying peoples lives, but who is Dan Jones?

Senator's Warner and Burr as #NeverTrumpers
not interested in who is cross talking in classified information.

I did some digging and the likeliest candidate is a most interesting Magic Negro, who appeared from the National Guard, after 22 years of service, and reappeared in the Office of the Inspector General, just before Birther Hussein was about to embark upon another election fraud in 2012 AD in the year of our Lord.

The only information on this key component of investigating and cover ups, to bring down the US Government, is an election of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity as Grand Keeper of Finance. Whatever this group is, it is connected and had overlapping Clinton Foundation funding for Haiti.
For being a respected senior auditor, Michael Cavuto apparently has information that Jones is coordinating  this entire deep state witch hunt, as it keeps expanding to everyone who knows Donald Trump.

Brother Daniel B. Jones, Sr.
Grand Keeper of Finance
New Orleans Conclave 2018 
Bro. Daniel B. Jones, Sr., the 22nd Grand Keeper of Finance of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., was overwhelmingly elected, after a runoff, during the 80th Grand Conclave, held in Las Vegas, NV. He is a highly respected Senior Auditor in the Inspector General Office of the Department of Justice and is a credentialed Certified Fraud Examiner.  Prior to his time at the Department of Justice, Bro. Jones served in the United States Army for 27 years, retiring at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 2011.

As you can see by the above profile, there is a bit of creative license in Jones bio, as 27 years in the Army, was 22 years in the weekend warriors, with zero warrioring.
So it begs the point, in the obvious, in how did this Obama voter suddenly appear in the Inspector General's Office in the Obama regime's criminal cover ups, and how is it that in all of this, he has risen to the top to get Donald Trump?
It is of interest as this vaunted investigator has zero information on him in the media, yet he is known to Michael Cavuto for screwing the President and his staff over as the coordinator of this witch hunt.

In searching all of this, I came across another Dan Jones, and the same names of Brennan, Clapper, Obama kept cropping up. This Dan Jones was an FBI agent, who became the investigator for the Senate, looking into torture in the Bush administration, answering to Diane Feinstein.

cFormer FBI Agent Dan Jones
Democrat Senator Special Investigator

Less than a year had passed since Jones, unbeknownst to the CIA, had locked in a committee safe crucial portions of one such record, called the Panetta Review, in which the CIA had come to the same conclusions about torture as Jones had. 
It was that information in the Panetta Review, which is a classified report, that Dan Jones, the White Guy, came upon while reviewing the intelligence files of the CIA. It is the Panetta Review which once the CIA learned of this information was in the hands of the Senate, set off a John Brennan, led spy ring which spied upon the members or the United States Senate.

I have the quotes below in how this played out, but the main focus is, that John Brennan and James Clapper, once the Senate discovered it was being spied on, and was threatening the Senate, were given absolute cover from Birther Hussein. When Senate leader, Harry Reid, complained, Birther Hussein told Reid basically, "Boys will be boys".

This was 2015 AD in the year of our Lord. The actors involved in this, including Denis McDonugh, White House Chief of Staff, were involved in a cover up, a war with even democratic Senators, and most importantly were the deep cell who would at the end of 2015 and at the start of 2016, begin the smearing of Donald Trump, in order to secure the presidency for Hillary Hamrod Clinton.

This is the same deep cell which has been operating through various conduits against Donald Trump and innocent Americans since the election of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. What Michael Cavuto though is pointing to now though an Obama conduit in this at the Inspector General's office who is busy coordinating information that went after their latest victim in Jewish lawyer, Michael Cohen, who worked for Donald Trump.
You will notice in this, that Michael Cavuto specifically left out the Utah investigation set up by Jeff Sessions, in Daniel Jones is not filling in that investigative body of the investigators. It is just the witch hunt led by Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller who Jones is investigating.

I would wager that none of you ever heard a word of the Obama led cover up of the CIA spying on Congress and threatening it. This is once again a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter as no one else is providing you with any of this information.

These are the Guardian UK quotes as the CIA targeted Dan Jones to be fired, for his discovery of the Panetta Review and exposing it to the American People.

 A CIA network, Brennan was implying, had been compromised. (The CIA would not comment on this meeting, but pointed to a 27 January letter from Brennan to Feinstein to characterize it.)

Jones understood Brennan’s statement to be a demand for the senators to fire him. Brennan didn’t use his name, but Jones was the chief investigator, the one constantly and most consistently working at the CIA facility. On multiple levels, Jones was shocked. Not only was the director of the CIA telling his legislative overseers that their choice to conduct oversight was unacceptable, he was revealing that the network operated in a manner that the Senate thought “was impossible”, with the CIA able to access the Senate’s investigative work.


Reid, a pivotal ally for the White House on Capitol Hill, did not want to be backed into a corner. After the criminal referral, Reid spoke to McDonough and conveyed that if Brennan was unwilling to apologize, he was not willing to defend Brennan should the episode become public. McDonough was noncommittal. A week later, Reid received a phone call from Barack Obama.

To Reid’s surprise, the president defended the CIA’s actions. Obama rattled off the CIA’s side of the story: the Senate staff had taken CIA documents and the agency had no choice but to handle the matter as it did.

“Mr President,” Reid said, “I wish you could hear yourself.”


To the incredulity of Jones, Brennan, who had been at the very least briefed on all of this from inception – who had told Feinstein and Chambliss on 15 January it had happened – denied everything.

“As far as the allegations of, you know, CIA hacking into, you know, Senate computers, nothing could be further from the truth. I mean we wouldn’t do that. I mean, that’s just beyond the – you know, the scope of reason in terms of what we would do,” Brennan said


“At that point, I felt significantly vindicated,” Jones said.

“The CIA’s own inspector general found that CIA inappropriately searched the Senate’s computers,” said Levin, the former senator.

“The CIA and the White House held no one accountable for these actions.”

Jay Rockefeller, the West Virginia Democrat and former committee chairman, did not join Udall in calling for Brennan’s resignation. But, he said, “I did express my profound disappointment to Director Brennan on more than one occasion.

Democrats were trying to get this treacherous John Brennan fired in 2015 and he is still haunting America, and it appears that Obama's Negro has been carrying out Birther Hussein's operation from the inside in this coup against Donald John Trump.

Nuff Said


Trumperor Ordo

I know you thought it was road kill,
but it's what's for supper Jethro....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is reminder of leftist Webster Griffin Tarpley's deep state proclamation of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord that the intelligence community in the United States was going to turn the GOP into a 3rd rank party and was about to divide the democrat party into two parties to rule America as communists and socialists. While Hamrod Clinton was ousted by the Trump State Defense Intelligence Agency, what this blog has been warning all of you, as you are being politically aborted, is that Donald John is in the process of creating a Trump Party and it is happening before your eyes and you are being led to accept it, and no more relevant examples are bringing to the forefront the Millennial Negroid as the evolution of Blackness in America utilizes the Black as a revolutionary terror to bring American politics to a new vista.
The English did this in unleashing Blacks on American  Whites in the Revolution. Lincoln did it in the Emancipation Proclamation. Martin Luther King moved Christian Blacks to Black Marxists with Malcolm X, but the Black Revolution out of the Vatican was steered back from Helter Skelter by Jesse Jackson's  fine FBI minding of Blacks for profit, until Obama appeared in his community organized relations to genocide Blacks in favor of the Muslim and the Mexican.

It is this that the DIA for Donald Trump is actively moving the Republican Party left, in what is the Sodomite Socialists. These are a new coalition in the left, of homosexual depravity melded to leftist ideology, in the culimination of CIA operative William F. Buckley's trashing of the John Birchers for Bush  fam leftism to marginalize the right in America.
As you have probably missed it, Red State flushed all the #NeverTrumpers to pinky Erick Erickson at the Maven, with only National Review holding up the Jonah Goldberg diatribes against Trump. This has always been a Jewish based media operation as Jonah Goldberg, Bill Kristol and little Ben Shapiro were the #NeverTrumper center of this. Goldberg is still CIA Buckley, Kristol gives the impression he is vanquished  as Shapiro gleans Texas Christian money for the Wire, as he does the Yiddish stage act in college leftist campus to bring about what Dwight David Eisenhower's original Nazi Military Industrial Complex sought to transform America into, in being more like the Soviet Union as the Soviet Union was brought right to be more like America.

Capitalism meets National Socialism, and that is Trumpism and if Vladimir Putin with the Russian mafia surrenders Russian finance and resources to the internationalists again, it will be one world order again.

In knowing what you are witnessing now, it should be easier to not get all worked up over things, as Trump supporters in Michigan are mixing it up with the Soros funded deep state. It is ok as Donald John in David John Oates Reverse Speech refers to Soros as "George", so it is all on a first name basis and  the pawns on the board are clueless as to their being pawns.

Trump Supporters and Leftist Agitators Clash Outside Michigan Trump Rally

It is of interest in the Black Race in America, being Afroid left, a mongrel mix of Caucasian and Negoid for drug cartel profit and welfare state rapine, has been cropped by Planned Parenthood for extinction. Blacks  are not imported into the United States, except Somali Muslims out of Africa. Instead it is a matter of the Asians and the Mexicans who will dislodge the Black, but in this era of tearing the Afroid from the old Jesse Jackson led order, now has a final purpose in this solution and that is to bring Blackness to the Trump coalition as Blacks utterly failed as terrorists under Obama to intimidate anyone White.

 Is Black a Color or an Ideology?

It was amusing to see the Trump Clappers go ape over Kayne West, who on less lucid days seems to be insane. I honestly like Kayne as I have featured him hear as warning him that the Kardashian phase of his life was the large mistake to his career. He though is Kayne and perhaps someday he will trade up to the vixen of the Kushner Alt Right in Taylor Swift to impregnate her with new Tramp Brand voters.

Rapper Kanye West calls Trump 'my brother' — 'very cool ...

West visited the soon-to-be president in Trump Tower after the 2016 election. More recently, he has mused about running for president himself.

The  problem with Kayne is the problem all of you are going to uncomfortably find, as with lezo Ann Coulter and all of your flat backers like Michelle Malkin who sold out and left you holding the bag of Obama victories, in Kayne after being Trump's brother, came out praising the Bully Band lezbo from the Nikolas Cruz events in Florida.

Kanye West Calls Teenage Leftist Anti-Gun Nut Teenager Emma Gonzalez His ‘Hero’

Get used to it my children, as you are going to be broken down, and Donald John's new party is going to be exactly like Kayne West or Neil Gorsuch. You are going to like what they say and then will come the bitch slap to make you exhale and just accept your new political choices are exactly as Webster Tarpley revealed.

You can either vote Kamala Harris Communist
You can either vote for Erick Erickson Whiggery
You can either vote for Trump Brand Sodomite Socialism.

Washington founded America, while I found America in need of being Trump again...

As  you ponder that, let's listen to some  tunes as learning you won the election and lost the politics as this is a 50 year old plan is what is taking place.

Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime - YouTube

Mungo Jerry's "In The Summertime" Official Video Like Red Bus Studios on Facebook here

Perhaps when the Prophetess is informing you of things, as I do live in the future, you people who can afford to donate, should be donating, instead of getting upset at the Popular Girl, because I am regrettably all you have, and knowing the future should make you less upset so you are not surprised and go reactionary in trying to fight the wind.
Put your Faith in Jesus as this is just one more thing for all of us to deal with.

For the future moments, you are witnessing the face of  Trump Brand as the Black vote is leveraged by Black women being ridden by the Plantation Preppy, as every black girl wants a pasty white with a red letter on his sweater and every black boy wants a Kim with her big butt whoring it around.

Conservative Candace Owens Lowers the Boom on the NAACP: ‘Emotional Extortionists,’ ‘A Disgusting Group Who Seek to Extort the Pain of Black People’

Conservative Candace Owens Lowers the Boom on the NAACP: ‘Emotional Extortionists,’ ‘A Disgusting Group Who Seek to Extort the Pain of Black People’

Trump Brand will appear as a national movement, of international trade, with imported legal slavery, in an organized economy of Wall Street, looting American oil to impoverish Americans so they do not start another Tea Party, as the conglomerates employ everyone for their own good.
There is not a great deal of difference in Trump Brand from Obama Brand, except Trump funds this beast with American oil sold overseas, while Obama just created electronic debt.

Be amazed though, as you are witnessing the birth of a new political movement in democrats never change from the mob, but the Hamilton Federalists were degraded to the Establishment Whigs, who were mutated to the Grand Old Party of crushing Southern Individual Rights, and after a brief resurrection under Ronald Reagan of Republicanism, is now about to become Trump Brand. They will probably keep the Republican title, while Pinky Erickson will have chosen for him something like Resurgent that sounds like vomit you just swallowed in being puked up again with the stygma of Bircherism.
Bill Buckley's CIA Catholicism is finally ridding the GOP of Christian Conservatives.

Mama used to sweep them off the porch with a broom
and daddy would fry them up for Sunday supper in a pan........

This is why the Lame Cherry promoted Donald Trump for a Nobel Prize. That is the shockwave in this in Jehu gaining international prestige, where no one foreign or domestic would dare touch him, or his children for the near future.
Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump are simpatico now in they have mutually assured dynasties from their nuclear weapons. Donald Trump makes peace and he pulls the fangs out of the deep state and he castrates Robert Mueller, as there will be zero ability to impeach or prosecute Donald Trump.

The left will be a greasy wet spot and the #NeverTrumpers will be a sweaty wet spot politically.

That is why this DIA summit created by CIA's Mike  Pompeo and DIA's John Kelly is going to happen, and why Rand Paul bent over and voted for Pompeo. Forces are at work which are creating the final political movement in America and all have signed off on it, and no is going to dare to challenge it under penalties of death.

That is why you are fortunate to have the Popular Girl, because Lame  Cherry knows all, and is telling you the order which is forming out of this chaos. This is Trumperer Ordo, the Trump Order which is forming a neo socialist order in carnivore capitalism.

Hmmm, broil one coon lightly peppered......

Kayne West and Meg Kinnard are the body politic of what the Trump Republican party will be transformed into and you will succumb to it.

Junk food baby.

Lexicon - Junk Food - YouTube

Here it is kids! The official video by LA-based band Lexicon. Directed by Eric Amadio and produced by Mike Warner and our friends at Final Cut Collective.

Nuff Said


Desilu and 40 Acres

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was watching Hogan's Heroes as I do every night while typing for this blog and I noticed again the beautiful trees waving in the background in the high winds there and I wondered just where Stalag 13 was as it was not in Germany.
In doing a bit of research I came across a most fascinating bit of history in Desilu Studios where Hogan's Heroes was filmed for Bing Crosby Productions, in the same sets on which the Andy Griffith Show, The Real McCoys and Star Trek used.

To take the curtain up and show you the illusion of Hollywood, this was Culver City, and it was Culver City, as Desilu piled earth mounds up around the Back 40 Lot where all of these programs were filmed in their little cities which butted up against each other. The dirt banks gave the feeling that the lots were isolated, but the city was on the other side of the mounds.


In this photo you can see the Culver City water tower behind the cast of Hogan's Heroes.


If you look close this is the northeast location on the lot in the gate opening to Stalag 13, and in back you can see the Higeura Street telephone poles rising above the trees.

If you ever notice hills in the scenes behind Hogan's Heroes, those are the Baldwin Hills of Culver City looking southeast. All of the snow was fake as this was bright and sunny, never rains or snows in southern California.

Here is the barn from numerous scenes on Hogan's Heroes.

Here is the same barn in filming Mayberry RFD

 Most of the rural scenes on roads were filmed on the Berm Road, as was this shot from the Andy Griffith Show. It is amazing with the right camera angle that an entire city was hidden and other sets on this 40 acre lot and it transported the viewers from Tara in Gone with the Wind to Hogan's Heroes to Batman.

Desilu on these back lots created some of the greatest television in history which still outshine all of what is on television since then. A studio with 40 acres created illusions which delighted millions and still is delighting billions.


 Nuff Said
