Saturday, May 5, 2018

And now an interlude Global Warming

Do not worry earth men, my comforting large breasts
will make Global Warming all go away.....


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Oh no we are all going to die..........again, just like Al Gore said we would all be dead already 10 years ago.....

Carbon dioxide levels in Earth´s
atmosphere reached ´highest
level in 800,000 years´

Independent [UK], by Chloe Farand    Original Article
Concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have reached its highest level in at least 800,000 years, according to scientists. In April, Co2 concentration in the atmosphere have exceeded an average of 410 parts per million across the entire month, according to readings from the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. This is the first time in the history of the observatory´s readings that a monthly average has exceeded that level. (Snip) Scientists have warned levels of carbon dioxide are crossing a threshold which could lead to global warming beyond the "safe" level identified by the international community and fuel dramatic rise in

But wait, this just in........

Hawaii’s Big Island on High Alert After Earthquakes, Read Newsmax: Hawaii’s Big Island on High Alert After Earthquakes, Volcano Eruptions

Oh so we have a volcano belching out huge amounts of carbon dioxide, right by the observatory which noted a huge rise in Co2.
You do see the correlation here right?

USGS: Volcano Hazards Program

Carbon dioxide constitutes approximately 0.04% of the air in the Earth's atmosphere. In an average year, volcanoes release between about 180 and 440 million tonnes of carbon dioxide.

So you have an observatory sitting on a volcano, a major volcano producing a gigantic eruption, and a noted increase in Co2.

Mauna Loa is one of five volcanoes that form the Island of Hawaii in the U.S. state of Hawaiʻi in the Pacific Ocean. The largest subaerial volcano in both mass and volume, Mauna Loa has historically been considered the largest volcano on Earth, dwarfed only by Tamu Massif.More at Wikipedia
Listing:US highest major peaks 66th, US most prominent peaks 38th, Hawaii highest major peaks 2nd
Parent range:Hawaiian Islands
Mountain type:Shield volcano

That and probably Dingo Hu, the PHD scientist running the equipment was smoking volumes of Maui Wowie around the equipment to produce these bogus readings again.

Once again, the Lame Cherry explains the fraud science to you because no one else will.

Nuff Said



A Bear in the Clouds

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is one of the most expansive dreams I have ever had, and I record it here for this Sabbath in pondering it's meaning.

I roll my eyes of the dreamers, always posting online about prophetic dreams which never come true and no one stones them to death as the Bible declared long ago for false prophets, but as I sat here booting up the computer today, the Holy Ghost whispered a reminder of this dream which came upon my waking.

The thing about this dream were the sound effects. I have never dreamed in sound this loud before in my right ear. I will not get into the explaining of right ear and left ear sounds, but this one was  loud to the presence of it I could feel it like a rock concert type of pressure.

So the dream. I was with TL, we were in the yard. It seemed to be a sort of picnic with others at one point, and then I started hearing this sound, and I looked up and flying through the clouds was a Russian Bear, their prop driven nuclear long range bombers. I thought that thing should not be here, and I noticed an escort which I could not discern was American or Russian as was my conclusion. The sounds kept though coming, like a metal high tech sound, and the thing is the Bear kept emitting like four ball tracers  out the back, with that sound. In real life that would be flares for heat seeking missiles, but in this dream it was saying something about a weapon.

Again, thinking this was strange, and mentioning it to TL, that is where the picnic type flash of things happened in a sort of shrouded distance.

TL and I again were then sitting in a red pickup. We  have one but the battery is down on it, so it is not running, but that is where the sound started again very loud, and I again looked up and there was that Bear flying again or another one, with the same flare bursts out the rear of the plane, and an escort, which puzzled me.

The next thing I new that fighter jet was falling from the sky and I knew it was going to hit close. I remember seeing it clearly in it looked like an old delta wing from another era, but it was falling tail first and literally struck in our grove about 50 yards away. As I was seeing what was coming, I told TL, "We have to get out of here", and with that the plane exploded on impact and the fireball reached us as we were backing away fast.

No harm, and I still could hear that sound very loud. At that point a real sound awoke me, and left me feeling perplexed.

I know dreams are assemblies of experiences. I write a great deal about Putin and Russian war. Yesterday as we were building a shed I heard a loud jet fly over. I did not see it, but I knew it was military as commercial jets do not have that type of rough sound. The pick up is where I was putting the instructions for the shed, so that is the association.

None of which had to do with a Russian Bear, jets falling from the sky and a weapon's system sound which I have never heard before. I conclude that somewhere in the matrix I tapped into something and my dream brain was sorting it out in imagery I would recognize. I would not have given it much thought and it would have faded if not for that sound. I still am locked into that source and I can feel the presence behind it.

I post this for the lab experiment it is in what it may mean. It puzzles me more in what exactly I locked onto or who in my waking sleep as it was odd in the people were shrouded in a grey darkness, but that Bear was bright and clear as if I had eagle vision.

I believe I am discerning parts of it, but will not post them here as it is personal, and the meaning is troubling enough that it is not something I really care to deal with, as I have been running on auto pilot for too long, and in my normal fog, this dream was quite clear and the sounds were the message, as I have never dreamed in sound before.

As an end note, in looking for photos of a Bear, that escort jet is very close to the one I saw fall from the sky. That is a Typhoon class fighter. That is the European Union's hunk of junk.

No predictions, but I am pondering it all.

Nuff Said


It's a Wonderful Capra

Isn't it wonderful!!!
America conned it's Christians to murder German Christians!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I came across a most sickening example of the treacherous Franklin Roosevelt's guilty conscience and the discomfort of General Marshal over the world war they had helped create, that during World War II and I mean DURING World War II, General Marshal invested a great effort by drafting Frank Capra of "It's a Wonderful Life' whores payment to engaged in thee most racist of films in terming the Japanese Buck Toothed and Italians beating their chest like jungle monkey Tarzan.

For Roosevelt to create this series of lies, means that Americans were not buying Franklin Roosevelt's propaganda.
What is ridiculous in this is Capra quotes as the Nazis', Bismark who was dead, the Kaiser who was out of power and not in Germany, and was is disgusting is Capra plays upon White Christian America in making this a religious war. Yes that is something censored in all of this in Frank Capra for the Roosevelt regime used Christianity to guilt Americans  into a war which none of them wanted.

Frank Capra decorated by General Marshal for Christian Murder
Capra made his primary focus the creation of "one basic, powerful idea" that would spread and evolve into other related ideas. Capra considered one important idea that had always been in his thoughts:
I thought of the Bible.

Where in the Bible it allows the sin of manipulating a people to engage in genocide of other peoples is something not found in Christ's New Testament. Capra though has Walter Huston narrate that the Germans were "pagans" so what was the only biblical solution was to wipe the Germans from the face of the earth.

You were the answer to the General's prayer… You see, Frank, this idea about films to explain "Why" the boys are in uniform is General Marshall's own baby, and he wants the nursery right next to his Chief of Staff's office.
During his first meeting with General Marshall, Capra received his mission:

Now, Capra, I want to nail down with you a plan to make a series of documented, factual-information films—the first in our history—that will explain to our boys in the Army why we are fighting, and the principles for which we are fighting.

Amazingly, Frank Capra chose as his "truth" the work of Leni Riefenstahl, the genius who Adolf Hitler had chosen to accomplish the propaganda that the British did in World War II. In effect, Frank Capra, General Marshal and Franklin Roosevelt indoctrinated Americans with German propaganda, as racist, but more dishonest than the Germans, because in thee most ludicrous of claims, Capra was preaching that Japan and Germany's intentions in all of this was to invade and conquer the United States.

Shortly after he came to power Hitler called me to see him and explained that he wanted a film about a Party Congress, and wanted me to make it. My first reaction was to say that I did not know anything about the way such a thing worked or the organisation of the Party, so that I would obviously photograph all the wrong things and please nobody—even supposing that I could make a documentary, which I had never yet done. Hitler said that this was exactly why he wanted me to do it: because anyone who knew all about the relative importance of the various people and groups and so on might make a film that would be pedantically accurate, but this was not what he wanted. He wanted a film showing the Congress through a non-expert eye, selecting just what was most artistically satisfying—in terms of spectacle, I suppose you might say. He wanted a film which would move, appeal to, impress an audience which was not necessarily interested in politics.

The basis of Capra's charges were that Hitler had torn up treaties. Treaties forced on Germany which bankrupted the nation in extorting war retributions, while disarming Germany to not be able to defend herself.
For a historical reality in this, Germany had her colonies confiscated from her after World War I, and key pieces of her territory stolen from her and handed over to France.
After World War II, the Germans had Prussia confiscated, and the Poles obliterated all German names and ownership in Prussia.

Capra makes a huge mistake in the passage of time, that Adolf Hitler never threatened England or France. His moves were all to the east in Austria and Czechoslovakia, and then Poland. Hitler in Mein Kampf stated he was to make Greater Germany on Russian soil, where Germans had been settled by the Czar.
The English and French had zero interest in fighting a war, but Poland was the trip wire, as Joseph Stalin made treaty with Hitler in non aggression.  In interesting propaganda by Capra, he fails to mention that Stalin sat silent as Hitler defeated France and England, when they declared war on Germany in 1939.
England bombed Germany first.

The fact is that Germany only declared war on the United States after America had been sinking German naval vessels and FDR had been using the most loathsome rhetoric against Germany, and Germany was in need to having Japan open a war front against Stalin in the east.

In the passage of time, Capra's work is globalist propaganda of "we are all in this together" violating President George Washington's mandate of no foreign entanglements. In the worst abuse of power, Capra for FDR bastardized Christianity, and then as Capra smeared Riefenstahl's work as something of the devil, Capra employed the devil's own tongue to brainwash American Soldiers, who the majority were German and Italian Americans, now being indoctrinated to kill their own kindred.

In understanding the complete history, this propaganda of Frank Capra is disgusting and nauseating. To know that "It's a Wonderful Life" was Capra's whore payment from the FDR fascists for conning Americans to go murder their own Christian brothers to profit the new world order.


You had no idea did you that fascist FDR invoked Christian America to go murder German Lutherans and Catholic Italians.

This is beyond the pale, and to know there is a monument to FDR and Capra is celebrated. I will never be able to watch It's a Wonderful Life again without thinking of this was a payoff to get Christians to religicide each other.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


Coming to the end of the Line

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I just finished viewing my favorite television character portrayed by Richard Wilson in the English comedy One Foot In The Grave, in Victor Meldrew.

For those who are not familiar with this program,  Victor is a man not yet old enough to retire, but is fired from his job and replaced by a machine. He is a man who can not find work while his wife, Margaret, works until she loses her job. This sounds depressing but it is really a wonderful comedy in the reality of "what can go wrong will go wrong. Victor is a man who is astounded like most readers reading this in how absolutely asinine society is overflowing with incompetence, shiftlessness and outright immorality.

Victor gets into great trouble, from legal, to being made a laughingstock, to being beaten up. He simply though will not give up his standards in demanding that people act like humans and not some forest creatures.

The show deals with all the subjects we ignore and it does make the viewer comfortable in dealing with hosts of things in disappointed love, suicide, family deaths, failures and even Victor when he is hit and run.

I was pleased that in what I was watching in season 6 that the death surprised me on disc 1, as I thought disc 2 is where it would be. It was handled well as the writer handles all these subjects well without allowing the viewer to have the world pulled out from under them. It is always, "What the hell else can happen" and as Margaret says, "I did not know how much more Victor could take".

That is what TL and I were discussing as the ending of this show has Margaret having sworn she is living to kill the person who killed Victor and fled, leaving him in the gutter for her to find, discovering a woman who befriended her is the hit and run driver.
The woman has a migraine and Margaret goes out to get her some juice and puts the medication into a glass. We see the woman drink it and Margaret leaves and gets into her car, and what plays is the Traveling Willoughbys, End of the Line.

TL took from this song that it was about forgiveness as the Priest tells Margaret, as that is in the song in the last line. I was not paying to the last line, but the line 'Even when push comes to shove'. So I looked up if Margaret did kill this woman or let her live. All there is, is speculation and this analysis is the one I found.

The obvious question (maybe not from my description, but when you watch the episode) is: did Margaret put an overdose of painkillers into the juice? The creators have left it open-ended. Personally, I can’t reconcile forgiveness with the show’s overall message about taking action when people behave irresponsibly.
For our purposes, it doesn’t matter. What’s important here is that we have a woman in her sixties taking action in her life. If she forgave Glynnis, that’s certainly not something Victor would have done. If she killed Glynnis, that too is something Victor never proposed to do. Margaret may have chosen to be the passive partner, reacting to the plots Victor set in motion in their lives, but she is not Victor. She’s a very complicated and interesting person in her own right.

I was thinking about this in Victor was a moral man. Once when Margaret had found money at the market, Victor told her she had to give it back. The reason Margaret was reluctant to give it back is she had just lost her job. Victor always was about doing the right thing, and that meant balancing the scales. I even said to TL that Victor would not want Margaret to kill someone, but then I was pondering something else in this in who Margaret is.
In Margaret's mind she was going to kill someone for harming Victor. It is in that I contemplate what Victor would do. Victor was the most sensitive man Margaret ever met as she said in one episode. I put this into that view of if Margaret had been killed and left to lay in a gutter, I believe Victor would have killed anyone who harmed Margaret, not out of vengeance, not out of even balancing the scales, but it would come down to Victor would do this, because he would have owed Margaret this.

That is why when it comes down to it, no matter what the song lyrics say about forgiveness in the end, I think Margaret would have killed Victor's hit and run driver, because she owed Victor in the last thing she could do as his wife.
The episode opens with Margaret taking on Victor's role in dealing with idiots and incompetents. She moves on to picking up trash, because that is what Victor did all the time in people throwing trash on his property. I do not think that Margaret stepped away from that role in killing this woman who killed her husband. She tells the Priest that God must just get bored with people and kills them.  I realize the writer did all of this to make this debate, but Margaret helped put both of this woman's feet into the grave when she had one in there, just as she put both of Victor's feet into the grave.

It is all about the End of the Line as that is the last line in the song, after one considers to forgive. I conclude Margaret weighed out forgiveness and returned to the Judgment Day that Victor received and in the last line, sent this woman to the end of the line.

Traveling Wilburys – End Of The Line Lyrics

(Chorus 1)
Well it's all right, riding around in the breeze
Well it's all right, if you live the life you please
Well it's all right, doing the best you can
Well it's all right, as long as you lend a hand

You can sit around and wait for the phone to ring
Waiting for someone to tell you everything
Sit around and wonder what tomorrow will bring
Maybe a diamond ring

(Chorus 2)
Well it's all right, even if they say you're wrong
Well it's all right, sometimes you gotta be strong
Well it's all right, As long as you got somewhere to lay
Well it's all right, everyday is Judgement Day

Maybe somewhere down the road aways
You'll think of me, and wonder where I am these days
Maybe somewhere down the road when somebody plays
Purple haze

(Chorus 3)
Well it's all right, even when push comes to shove
Well it's all right, if you got someone to love
Well it's all right, everything'll work out fine
Well it's all right, we're going to the end of the line

Don't have to be ashamed of the car I drive
I'm just glad to be here, happy to be alive
It don't matter if you're by my side
I'm satisfied

(Chorus 4)
Well it's all right, even if you're old and grey
Well it's all right, you still got something to say
Well it's all right, remember to live and let live
Well it's all right, the best you can do is forgive

(Chorus 5)
Well it's all right, riding around in the breeze
Well it's all right, if you live the life you please
Well it's all right, even if the sun don't shine
Well it's all right, we're going to the end of the line
