Wednesday, May 16, 2018

President Trump Do Not Blink On North Korea

This is about Human Rights as North Korea attacked South Korea
for the first war sponsored by Peking. That is why military exercises
take place in the American - South Korean Alliance

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Kim Jong Un has now cancelled the bi lateral meetings with South Korea, violating his word, and is now threatening to cancel the peace conference with President Trump, over scheduled military exercises between the United States and South Korea.
Kim would not be attempting to bully the United States unless the despot Xi had not put him up to this tactic.

To listen to George Noury and his expert appeasers, America must immediately cancel these "war games", which is thee last thing the United States should do, as what Kim Jong Un and dictator Xi are engaged in, is the same communist ploy which the Soviet's attempted in extracting conditions from President Ronald Reagan, before he met the Soviets.

Cold War: Geneva (Reagan-Gorbachev) Summit (Shultz memoirs ...

... (Reagan-Gorbachev) Summit (Shultz memoirs) Document ... they had concluded from a Reagan speech, delivered before coming to ... The Soviets' new demand had ...

Instead the Lame Cherry counsels the following:

President Donald Trump in public as well as private, should state these military exercises were known and scheduled.
Second, the President should offer to allow North Korean observers in both political and military as an act of good faith for peace.

Third, the President should in private and public, announce that if North Korea insists upon conditions before the negotiations, then the United States for human rights insists upon these conditions:

1. The freeing of all political prisoners in North Korea and China.
2. The cessation of persecuting Christians, burning their Churches and imprisoning these martyrs in China and North Korea.
3. The dismantling of the aggresive military forward stations of North Korean artillery on the DMZ border with the removal of Chinese bases in the China Sea.

This is the time for Donald Trump to not blink. He can not back down as it would prove he can be rolled for public opinion. He must offer peaceful observation and he must now play the Human Rights card which has been missing for the entire process of the North Korea and Chinese interaction, which has been disgraceful to the Reagan human rights legacy.

This is the Lame Cherry advice for President Donald Trump and he should not have had his advisers be caught flat footed as this was a known reality of what communists always do.
Now is not the time for appeasement, but strength. Now is not the time for Twitter  rages, but wise proclamations educating the people.

The United States and South Korea are not going to stand down for their legitimate defense when faced with a nuclear North Korea, hundreds of millions of armed communists and thousands of high tech, long range artillery while political prisoners languish in gulags behind this Yalu Curtain.

Nuff Said


A Gentleman's Pissgate Frame

Stefan Halper
America Alone: The Neo-Conservatives and the Global Order published by the Cambridge University Press (2004), and The Silence of the Rational Centre: Why American Foreign Policy is Failing (Basic Books, 2007). In April 2010, his book The Beijing Consensus: Legitimizing Authoritarianism in our Time,

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The man figured by thee FBI in the Trump frame up is Stefan Halper an FBI asset, but if one bothers to review who Stefan Halper is, this is not some FBI stooge. This is the face of the deep state in all of it's nuances in protecting a system and an agenda for the world which allows the illusion of political elections to drag a nation along to it's final solution.

Halper's associates files reads like a who's who of the Bush CIA. This is the Intelligence Financial Complex.

as Assistant to the Chief of Staff where he had responsibility for a range of domestic and international issues. During this time, Halper worked as an assistant for three Chiefs of Staff, Alexander Haig, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney. He held this position until January 20, 1977. In 1977 Halper became Special Counsel to the Congressional Joint Economic Committee and Legislative Assistant to Senator William V. Roth, Jr. (R-Del.). In 1979 he became National Policy Director for George H. W. Bush's Presidential campaign and then in 1980 he became Director of Policy Coordination for the Reagan- Bush Presidential campaign. In connection with this position Halper's name came up in the 1983/4 investigations into the Debategate affair

Halper is home to thee two most exclusive gentleman's clubs in the world in London and Washington DC.

 Professor Halper is a member of the Cosmos Club in Washington, and the Travellers Club in London.

The Cosmos Club is a private social club in Washington, D.C

The Travellers Club is a gentlemen's club situated at 106 Pall Mall, London, United Kingdom. It is the oldest of the surviving Pall Mall clubs and one of the most exclusive
The question is how does this unheard of man arise to such a powerful station? It is whose family he married into, in Ray S. Cline. Cline was the chief intelligence operative in the Kennedy Cuban Missile Crisis.

Halper is the son-in-law of Ray S. Cline.

 Cline's associates are the who's who of Kennedy Assassinations and the Global Construct of American Projection around the world.

In the midst of World War II, Cline joined the Office of Strategic Services. He became Chief of Current Intelligence in 1944. He later traveled to China where he worked with other legendary OSS officers such as John K. Singlaub, Richard Helms, E. Howard Hunt, Paul Helliwell, Robert Emmett Johnson, and Lucien Conein. In 1946, he was assigned to the Operations Division of the General Staff of the United States Department of War, tasked with writing the history of the Operations Division.
Cline joined the Central Intelligence Agency in 1949. He was initially responsible for intelligence on Korea, but he failed to predict North Korea's 1950 invasion of South Korea, which began the Korean War. From 1951-1953, he served in Great Britain under the supervision of Brigadier General E. C. Betts. From 1953 to 1957, he was the CIA desk officer charged with monitoring the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China;

If one notes Cline's position at the US Intelligence Board, one is witnessing the brain trust of the foremost minds of the American Deep State. Vernon Walters served on this board as the greatest intelligence and diplomatic genius America ever produced, and in that William Colby served, and he was assassinated. In other words, the group who oversaw American operations from war to assassinations had one of their own assassinated by their own group and no one said a word.


US Intelligence Board 1973 AD

Major General George J. Keegan, USAF, Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, U.S. Air Force
   Lt. General Vernon A. Walters, USA, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
   William E. Colby, Director of Central Intelligence, Chairman, USIB
   Ray S. Cline, Director of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
   William N. Morrell, Jr., Department of Treasury Representative
   Bruce A. Lowe, Executive Secretary of USIB
   Edward S. Miller, Federal Bureau of Investigation Representative
   James C. Poor, acting for Major General Edward B. Giller, USAF (ret’d), Atomic Energy Commissioner Representative
   Lt. General William E Potts, USA, acting for Vice Admiral Vincent P. de Poix, USN, Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
   Lt. General Lew Allen, Jr., USAF, Director, National Security Agency
   Major General Harold R. Aaron, USA, Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of the Army
   Rear Admiral Donald P. Harvey, USN, acting for Rear Admiral Earl F. Rectanus, Director of Naval Intelligence

So there appears to be a deliberate downgrading of Stefan Halper as just and FBI informant. Halper was pure intelligence on both sides of the pond. He was the heaviest of hitters and his mission was to plant information into the Trump campaign on Russian hacking the DNC files which was completely bogus, which covered up the murder of Seth Rich who actually copied the files for Julian Assange, and was mean to misdirect the attention from Clinton to the Russians for a future war.
Donald Trump was standing in the way of this coming world order and this secret society was moving to protect the agenda which had already been formed.

Stefan Halper was pure CIA in Obama form. He was not working for John Brennan who was managing this operation against Donald Trump. He was the conduit of Bush fam as it colluded with Obama and Clinton to unleash this maelstrom.

John Brennan has now been shown to have lied to Congress about this dossier in not being the source of this entire witch hunt.

Recently retired National Security Agency Director Michael Rogers stated in a classified letter to Congress that the Clinton campaign-funded memos did factor into the ICA. And James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence under President Obama, conceded in a recent CNN interview that the assessment was based on “some of the substantive content of the dossier.”

It is the fact that Peter Strzok was the author of this report which took a fake dossier and laid it on Obama's desk. Strzok was operating to supply Brennan with the data and Brennan was coordinating with MI6 to bring off this coup against Donald Trump.

Fleitz suggests that the Obama administration limited the number of players involved in the analysis to skew the results. He believes the process was “manipulated” to reach a “predetermined political conclusion” that the incoming Republican president was compromised by the Russians.
“I’ve never viewed the ICA as credible,” the CIA veteran added.
A source close to the House investigation said Brennan himself selected the CIA and FBI analysts who worked on the ICA, and that they included former FBI counterespionage chief Peter Strzok.
“Strzok was the intermediary between Brennan and [former FBI Director James] Comey, and he was one of the authors of the ICA,” according to the source.

Halper took the reigns in this to feed information to Trump staff which was tripping wires of Jewish and Australian intelligence, to feed it back to John Brennan. The associates of Halper have gone out of their way to marginalize him as a mole. He was nothing of the sort, but a full blown operations director in this smear against Donald Trump.
This is what this intelligence war has been about from the start of this in this element of the CIA being rooted out by the DIA.

Stefan Halper is the access point to the real power which was directing Andrew McCabe and assisting the Obama White House in this operation as there was not any division from the Bushcons and the Obamacoms.

Nuff Said


A Woman Scorned

He said making me a criminal whore for Hillary was my true calling...


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The above photo of Lisa Page pretty well says it all in the bags under her eyes, the morgue mama look and the outcast expression of a woman who once delighted in hating people on the right, is now a woman whose world is opening as a book for examination.

It may surprise people that I will be defending a Christian hating adulteress, but as you read the examination of the interactions of Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, there are clues which begin manifesting, and the largest clue is Page after this broke texting Strzok and ordering him TO NEVER CONTACT HER AGAIN.

For two paramours giddy with bringing down the United States Government by their secret society, that does not seem like an exchange as Strzok still wanted something more from Page, but Page had figured something out and she was ready to cut the tie which bound them.


All of this begins as the fake files on Russian collusion and Donald Trump began manifesting. In reading the texts, something leaps out in a cover story was being formulated over the Seth Rich leaks to Julian Assange, where it was the Russians who had the emails, when they did not, but this was coming from the MI6 connected American asset who planted that story into a Trump associate in Papadopoulos.
The Russians were being blamed and Hillary Clinton was going to tie the hacking to Russia and the Russians to Donald Trump to destroy him politically. That is what was behind the "this matters" fraud investigation led by Peter Strzok against Donald Trump.
The quotes begin from the CIA's National Review in Andrew McCarthy.

Yes the CIA after Mike Pompeo is now in Mockingbird no longer going after Donald Trump, but is going after this secretive group which used Lisa Page like a hotel hooker.

Page, the lawyer, then counseled Strzok to be careful of what he signs in England so that he can “lawfully protect” the information — meaning, conceal it. As she put it, “Just thinking about Congress, foia [the Freedom of Information Act], etc.” Strzok replied that he had just sent a document to Page by FBInet email; she instructed him to forward it to two people: “[REDACTED] and Trisha too” (another apparent reference to the Justice Department’s Trisha Anderson). Page elaborated that Trisha “is acting Jim” — which seems to mean she was acting temporarily in the stead of James Baker, then the Bureau’s general counsel.

You will notice in the texts that Page is being questioned as to why she is involved by higher ups. That is a very good question, as she worked for McCabe at the FBI, but this was running something more as John Brennan over at CIA had been sent in to coordinate and manage this smear against Donald Trump, but Lisa Page appears to have been a chosen zealot to "manipulate things in McCabe's office for what Strzok" was involved in.

Page proceeds to relate that she had been questioned sharply by an official whose identity is redacted, in the nature of “what are you doing on this case” that is such a closely held secret. But she elaborates that David Laufman, a Justice Department counterintelligence lawyer (who was very involved in the Clinton-emails probe) leapt to her defense.

That is what can not be lost in this, along with Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page's reaction to him once it dawned on her what Strzok had used her for. She was a cum dump with legal benefits. Strzok was playing her and using her. That kind of psychology is what women usually employ against men. Strzok though was a cunt tease, and he was doing this to clear Hillary Clinton and to frame Donald Trump.
Even in this, Page was gleaned to keep complete control of the information flow. McCabe would know only so much. Comey would be kept in the dark. Even Strzok's boss Bill Priestap would be kept in the dark, but told everything if Priestap asked.

Let me call [REDACTED] check in with andy, and I will call you.” Later, as it came time to leave for the airport, Strzok agreed emphatically with Page’s stress on “New case. Information flow. Control.” We learn, despite more redactions, that Strzok planned to tell Priestap anything he wanted to know, but would “reinforce” the need to control the information flow when he briefed Page, Priestap and McCabe.”

The next is the damning insight into this in who Strzok was really working for. It was not the FBI. It was not the CIA in John Brennan who he was reporting to. It was the White House who was running this operation, and Page texts that they had laid a cover trail to prove the White House was not involved.

    Strzok: And hi. Went well, best we could have expected. Other than [REDACTED] quote: “the White House is running this.” My answer, “well, maybe for you they are.” And of course, I was planning on telling this guy, thanks for coming, we’ve got an hour, but with Bill [Priestap] there, I’ve got no control….

    Page: Yeah, whatever (re the WH comment). We’ve got the emails that say otherwise.

Other sources in Real Clear Investigations provide these quotes:

“Strzok was the intermediary between Brennan and [former FBI Director James] Comey, and he was one of the authors of the ICA,” according to the source

A source close to the House investigation said Brennan himself selected the CIA and FBI analysts who worked on the ICA, and that they included former FBI counterespionage chief Peter Strzok.

Strzok was the point man for feeding information to John Brennan, as Strzok was manipulating the FBI in using the zealot Lisa Page.
McCarthy finishes his piece with wondering what is in all the redacted files the FBI is refusing to release, but in this Lisa Page is telling us a great deal of what was taking place as this was neither FBI nor CIA really, but key fellow travelers who in Page's case were being trolled for their political beliefs for a much deeper political agenda
When Hillary Clinton was whining on election eve that THEY would never let her be President. It was not this "they" which was denying her, but a nefarious group of Clinton Obama Bush fellow travelers whose order was in process of deciding who would be in the White House since HW rode in on Reagan's good will and dismantled the Reagan Agenda.

It would be interesting to know what is in the emails that apparently clarify how the Obama administration divided responsibility for running the Trump-Russia investigation. Just like it would be interesting to know what is behind all the many redactions in these texts about how and why the Trump-Russia investigation got started.

Lisa Page might be surprised that Peter Strzok had her working for Bush fam, but that is exactly what was taking place. That is how Bushman Stefan Halper who has been fingered as an FBI "mole" planting Russian ties in the Trump campaign, was a law unto himself as this is the group who was managing the FBI and CIA to give cover to Hillary Clinton and to run a frame up against Donald Trump.

Lisa Page was an extreme leftist, and like most Obama and Clinton zealots who drank the kook aid, she was manipulated into trashing her marriage, ruining her career and the culprit was Peter Strzok, who was operating more like a KGB spy chief than an FBI investigator.

As a the reality of who Peter Strzok is and how he was using Lisa Page, Page is the one who had to resign while Strzok still has all his security clearances and is operating in the FBI. Strzok should have been fired for having an affair with a married colleague.

Don't ever contact me again.

Those are biting words of finality. A woman only does that when she has been ultimately betrayed. As stated Strzok still wanted something from Page in contacting her, after news broke of their affair and her reputation was ruined in law enforcement.

It has been speculated here that Lisa Page has already reached a plea agreement with the Utah investigation and why she resigned from the FBI, as she is a witness for the prosecution. The fact is that Lisa Page ruined her reputation, career and her health, and the reason is Peter Strzok manipulated her for an operation outside the FBI and CIA


The Frau in Moscow

Oh Vladimir that is bulge in my man shorts and I am glad to see you....

MOSCOW, May 11. /TASS/. German Chancellor Angela Merkel will visit Russia’s Black Sea resort city of Sochi on May 18 to discuss a wide range of international issues, including the Iran nuclear deal, with Russian President Vladimir Putin, acting presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said on Friday.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is an interesting interaction with United States Allies, in Macron and Merkel meeting with President Trump, smiling and agreeing, and then meeting back in Europe to trash Donald Trump, as Russiagate author Theresa May tries to get America and Russia involved in a war for British benefit.

UK, France And Germany Issue Joint Statement Attacking Trump ...

EU's top diplomat urges rest of world, including Iran, to stay unified in support of pact Jeremy B White San Francisco 5 hours ago5 comments The UK, France and Germany have issued a joint statement assailing President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the US from the nuclear deal with Iran.

The reason the Brits, Frogs and Krauts have wanted the Iran deal, is what Iran told the world in corrupt Europeans were taking bribes for the Iran nuclear deal which Obama foisted on the world, and they are the same French who refined yellow cake for Saddam Hussein and the same Germans who sold Saddam Hussein biological weapons as London banks cashed the bribes.

American allies in Europe are the largest set of criminals in existence. They simply tell America one thing and do the globalist other in selling America out.

Frau Merkel is to be in Moscow on May 18th, to meet with Vladimir Putin after meeting with Donald Trump and then condemning the President of the United States. Russia is a dynamic force on the move and President Trump in reverse speech can state that the Russians deserve the war they get, but the reality is Germany, England and France are energy addicts and Russia has their pipeline syringe.

Donald Trump can bankrupt American voters who voted for him in exporting energy to Eurasia to get at Russian influence, but the fact is, Russia is never going to be replaced in that energy flow into Europe nor Russian influence.
Bulgaria, Turkey, Austria, Germany and Poland are all anchored to Russia. This is what influence looks like and is why France, Germany and England lie to Donald Trump's face as they embrace Moscow for America's demise.

The United States gets Ukraine to vote cover for Nazis, as that is thee American position of Nazi support, while Vladmir Putin obtains the leverage Russia needs in Europe.

As America pumps itself dry of gasoline for it's treacherous allies already drunk on Russian oil, the Russians have embarked on a new tactic in they are now moving to mass produce the S 500 missile shield. Removing air superiority of the Americans, leaves nothing but fat homosexuals in uniforms who can not throw hand grenades to prosecute a war against mobile Russian army.

Putin calls to prepare S-500 missile system for mass production

The Russians do not believe they can win a conventional war against the Americans, but that is not the point. Russia factors in that she can indeed bankrupt America in war with expensive technology in shooting down American planes, missiles and pilots. The Homo Corp can not win a war, so the Russian fail safe is to destroy American conventional air power and then go nuclear as that is what Russian military protocol states and in that war, they will win.

World War 3 IMMINENT! Scared ex-Soviet general warns NUCLEAR war is INEVITABLE

That is what Merkel, Marcon and May hope for is a Russia and America crippled, with a war fought in Obama's green eastern Europe, leaving the west untouched to supply Russia with rebuilding, annex eastern Europe again and have America removed as a competitor.

America was bribed in two past world wars in her money men profits to take out Germany. The same whispers for profit are coming out of Europe again, but this time the Europeans are seeking to make a colonial serf of America by having Russia destroy America, so Europe will rule, with a nice radioactive wall in the east as Russia is assisted to keep the oil flowing to Europe as her population dies of U235 tumors.

There is not any greater damning examples of what America has allied herself to but in Saddam's bribes flowing into Europe and now Iranian Islamocommunist bribes flowing into Europe, all at the scuttling of human rights and American security policy.

If one examines the allies of Donald Trump, he sees Netanyahu the Jew who just made the US a nuclear terror target over Gaza Iran policy in the US Embassy move. UK, Germany and France are all joined at the Russian pipeline in moving America to a war with Russia, where they will be untouched, the Asian slave class will continue to manufacture and all the profits from opium and pedo traffick flows into the Rothschild banks of Berlin, Paris and London.

The United States does not have any allies in the major powers, except Japan who is being crippled by the cartel in favor of China. What President Trump is being led into in this cat's cradle is the same willingness of arrogance in Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt.

There is one hope for Donald Trump, and that is Sebastian Kurz, arising to full power in gaining control over Europe and becoming the balance for Vladimir Putin in Europe and handing over this Greater Judea to Austrian offices, as the foreign intrigue of Europe is a coming disaster for America, as America has no allies, just a cast of et tu Brute.

Oh Donald, how can you not trust me.........

Nuff Said
