Thursday, May 17, 2018

FaithWire's False Prophet

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A  feature on Faith Wire had the most twisted title which hinted that Donald Trump making the US Embassy in Jerusalem was somehow something in the Bible.

Here are the Biblical Prophecies Connected to the US Embassy Opening in Jerusalem

Nothing in this lying post by Will Maule has anything to do with proving that point with Scripture. Instead it reads like an affirmation of Greater Judea in annexing neighboring lands, which of course will require the United States bleeding, dying and spending money on another series of war which America was warned by President George Washington to NEVER be involved with in foreign entanglements or intrigue.

The following map was on this fake news post subverting prophesy, and to the ignorant it includes all 13 tribes of Israel. The problem with that is God divided Israel into the Northern and Southern Kingdom. The South was Judah, Benjamin and Levi in their cities. The North was the Lost 10 Tribes.
For the record the Jews who are an Asian people now in the Ashkenaz have ZERO right to the 10 tribes lands. In fact  as you study the map, Reuben is the Northern French. Ephraim is the English, Mannaseh is the Americans.
There is a tradition when Christ returns, the right of return will fall first to the Americans, because Mannaseh was the first tribe in Gilead to be taken captive by the Assyrians (modern Germans) and due to this the Americans will take possession of their ancestral lands in the Holy Lands first.

So that is the reality in this, there is NOTHING in the Bible which states Donald Trump making the US Embassy in Jerusalem is part of prophecy for the end times. There is a statement which hints that Judah will be restored in a day and it was.
One can discern certain events must take place, like the building of the 3rd Temple which Ezekiel saw in vision, because this is defiled by the anti Christ.

If you want another Truth, TWO CHRISTIANS, who are the Witnesses are murdered in Jerusalem and their bodies are left to rot in the streets for 3 days, and Jews do not intervene.

So let us view all of the Prophecies, including the Jews gathered at Armageddon against Christ with the rest of the world.

Let us end this with this series of verses about the sins of Jerusalem, and Samaria is the Americans, British and Europeans of the west.

1 Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
 2 Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations,
 3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite.

 35 Wherefore, O harlot, hear the word of the LORD:
 36 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thy filthiness was poured out, and thy nakedness discovered through thy whoredoms with thy lovers, and with all the idols of thy abominations, and by the blood of thy children, which thou didst give unto them;

 48 As I live, saith the Lord GOD, Sodom thy sister hath not done, she nor her daughters, as thou hast done, thou and thy daughters.

51 Neither hath Samaria committed half of thy sins; but thou hast multiplied thine abominations more than they, and hast justified thy sisters in all thine abominations which thou hast done.

And calling the capital of the Jews a harlot is an insult from God.

Do not get sucked into this Jew worship or Muslim petting in taking sides.

And before these Americans subverting Prophesy get as arrogant as the Jew of God's Eye, the reason Americans are not in the Promised land is because they did the same damned things they are doing now in butchering their babies, butt sex, crooked courts and turning their peoples into slaves.

God divorced both Samaria and Judea for national sins. They both require Christ for redemption to God and that is not covered up by quoting apple of God's eye from generations ago nor by slapping God's Name on your decisions to bomb other people.

Americans have enough sins now in Judgment to answer for, blasphemy and being destroyed for lack of knowledge is not two more to add to the list. 

Nuff Said


The Inspector General is warning the Crooks he is Investigating?

Hello John Brennan, this is the Inspector General's office
and he wanted to warn you of your crimes have been discovered
so you have 30 days to concoct a story to get out of this.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am sort of wondering about United States law, because last time I looked General Michael Flynn was surprised with entrapment questioning, Paul Manafort was thrown out of bed in the pre dawn dark as his wife's nightie was searched by the FBI with her in it, and Robert Mueller was busting the President's ass in threatening Donald Trump in how big of rack he was going to strap Donald John to.

In the upcoming Inspector General's Report of the crimes against America by key elements at DOJ, FBI and CIA, it was reported in the British press that the report would be revealed in parts over the next weeks to month.
Why is it when it comes to Trump people, they get flash grenade surprised with storm troopers, but when it comes to the John Brennan crooks, this little quote appears in THEY HAVE ALL BEEN WARNED AND HAVE A CHANCE TO RESPOND.

Those named in report, however, have been warned of its content and have the chance to respond to the findings featured in its pages.

Seriously, what the hell is this!!!???

When it comes to regular Americans, they get slapped around, their families threatened, they get entrapped and smeared in leaks to the press to pressure them, but when it comes to these crooks caught in criminal activity by the Inspector General, a report turned over the US Attorney John Huber for Grand Jury investigation and indictment, they all get a month to get a high priced lawyer, concoct alibis and flee the country from getting sentenced to 25 years to public execution.


Hello Peter Strzok, this is the Inspector Generals office,
your crimes have been uncovered, but you have thirty days to
cut a deal with Robert Mueller for full immunity.

Again what the hell is this?  Because most of these rats still have their security clearances to spy on all of us and frame the President further, leak to the press and yes, monitor the investigation against them, but anyone outside of this group is either under house arrest, is in prison or is under siege like the President.

I have never heard in my life that the FBI told Al Capone they were about to be arrested, and they were giving him a month to concoct a story. I mean how about LaVoy Finicum in Oregon getting warned by the FBI that they were going to assassinate him, and of course they gave him a 30 day head start to not get shot.

Seriously what the hell is this, that people in this secret society who committed high crimes, not only get warned, but are given the opportunity to concoct a lie that their evil twin did it all as she lied to her diary.

This Inspector General has lost all credibility as there are again the example of two laws in America. One for the Obama deep state and one for Donald Trump and normal Americans.

This is the definition of what is the swamp.


Hello Andrew McCabe, this is the office of Inspector General
and your crimes have been uncovered, and you have 30 days
to flee the United States in getting a new identity as Fifi the French magician


Nuff Said


America is supposed to be Jesus side, not the Jews, not the Palestinians

Rioting against Jews Mr. President by the Philistines is in America's
interest as Americans can then sell missiles for profit to the Jews

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am really displeased about Americans being bombarded by the Jew press and Muslim press, in attempting to make Americans choose sides in oil blackmail or cartel manipulation when it comes to the Philistines of Gaza, after they legitimately attacked the Jewish state when President Donald Trump moved the US embassy rightfully to Jerusalem.

The point I want every reader to understand is the Lame Cherry is on THEE AMERICAN SIDE, not a Jew promoter or a Muslim enabler. I base everything on what is best for America, not these sand culls of the Mideast.

When I state LEGITIMATE, that does not mean LEGAL. When I say LEGITIMATE that does not mean I approve of the actions. I define legitimate in Donald Trump having the right to move the US embassy to Jerusalem and legitimate for Jews to shoot Philistines and legitimate for Philistines to go over the wall and attack the Jews.
It is illegitimate though to drag the United States into the cross hairs of a fight which America has zero interest in. Americans can love Jesus all they want when Jews hate him as much as Muslims, but that does not mean America has to say Amen to Jews or Muslims manipulating Americans to be dragged into this fight.

Captured Terrorist Reveals Cowardly Hamas Forces Civilians to Riot: Caught on Camera Explaining Women, Children Sent to ‘Front Line’


I am going to be the Philistines advocate here as God actually defines the Philistines as the sisters to the American lost 10 tribes and the real Jewish trio of tribes. These people are relatives to Americans in God's eyes and legitimately God in the Bible castigates the Israelite and Judahite as being more treacherous than the Philistines and Sodomites.

Americans should revisit their colonial past in Sam Adams in the Patriots he led, where John Adams, his cousin, defended in court a group of British Soldiers who fired upon Americans who were in riot against England.
When the real story came out, that Sam Adams and his mob were pressing the British Soldiers who were terrified and screaming at them to SHOOT, just like LaVoy Finicum told the cops to shoot him if they wanted to, one of the Patriots threw a rock and struck a British Soldier who in a panic fired on the Americans and so did the other Soldiers.

Getting armed military to fire into civilians is an old gambit for peoples who do not have standing armies and rely on the media to do the first wave of fighting for them. In that is it is legitimate for Philistines to put babies and children in the rifle scopes of Jewish snipers to kill the children for American fodder. It is legitimate for the Philistines to fake injuries and to pretend to be cripples, because this is a propaganda game where  they do not have a standing army to fight the Jews who have them in a ghetto.

This blog solved all of this long ago in what requires to be done is to buy all the lands of these Philistines and move them to a Sinai location, separated out from the Jewish State, stating no standing army and putting in a pipeline from Egypt's Nile to Turkey's Euphrates to provide 40 acre farms to these peoples to make the wilderness bloom.
Their government would be Swiss in Cantons having all power with a limited federal system.
This all could have been done at far less cost than billions to the Jewish military by Americans, but peace is not what is wanted, as conflict is profit.

In noting this, the Philistines have been robbed by their corrupt thug leadership. They have nothing but walls and sand  to behold each day. That is their ant hill future as the Jewish lords dictate their lives and the Jewish picked terror leaders bash them about to keep them rioting on command.
Of course you are going to have people upset, especially young males in an environment like that, so the end result is not surprising.

What is disgusting is the cartel which runs American fake news has pitted Jew press against Muslim propaganda, in order to draw Americans in to bleed and die, and be looted more for this cartel money scheme. I simply will not choose between two peoples who both hate Jesus and will not allow Christians a presence in their lands.

I choose America and what is best for America, and the best for America is the solution of replanting the Philistines with a buffer zone to keep them from the Jews, who will still be spiked by the cartel to try and draw Americans in as that is where the money is at yet.

The reality is Americans used the same tactics as the Philistines and the Jews use the same tactics as they always parade photos of some settlement attacked by Philistines. Well if the settlement was not there, it would not be attacked. I am not saying the Jews do not have right to settlements. I am saying, let them buy weapons and they can fight it out, as it is not in America's interest at all, as the French and Europeans gave the Jews the atomic bomb and LBJ after the Jews shot John Kennedy gave Tel Aviv uranium, so the Jews made their bed.........including the American Jews who did not settle in the West Bank as Prime Minister Begin pleaded for them to do, as why should Jews in luxury put in the time to have a half dozen kids and defend the Jewish state when they can get Russian Jews to die for their religion.

The Lame Cherry has now injected reality into this of thee American Policy as it should be administered beyond all this propaganda press. It will not stand as this is about dividing America in this incessant hate Jews, hate Muslims rhetoric designed to keep Americans from progressing to the thought, I DON'T WANT TO HATE ANY OF THESE CULLS. I DON'T WANT TO FUND THEM. I DON'T WANT TO DIE FOR THEM. IF THEY WANT TO FIGHT. WE CAN SELL THEM GUNS TO KILL EACH OTHER, OTHERWISE IT IS NONE OF OUR BLESSED INTEREST AS JESUS SAVED ME AND THAT IS WHOSE SIDE AMERICA IS SUPPOSED TO BE ON. NOT ON THE SIDES OF THOSE WHO HATE JESUS".

Jews killing Philistines is in America's financial interest, Mr. President

Nuff Said


Fair Play For Putin

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I really do not get a whole lot about this story in the details, other than not brown paper bag Afroids fled the plantation of America for Paris in like the 1950's and one named Gibson got pissed off at his liberal comrades, and wrote to the CIA that he wanted to spy on them, as he worked at CBS and was then managing the Fair Play for Cuba group which would factor into the Kennedy Assassination.

Richard Dick Gibson
 When he left CBS, Gibson took over running the FPCC, and it grew rapidly on college campuses. He resisted subpoenas from Senate investigators seeking to discredit the group and urged civil rights leaders to support the Cuban cause.

 I am really pissed off and fed up in waiting for some rich people to grow compassion or feel guilt for a big donation, so I am taking a page out of the Afroid book, as all the people on the internet are paid stooges but me any way, and as I don't have any paper, and do not know the address of the CIA, I figure I might as well post my letter here just like Dick did, as postage is now like 50 cents a letter, and I do not know if this would be a sure thing or not.

On April 26, when the National Archives released thousands of documents pertaining to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, they included three fat CIA files on Gibson. According to these documents, he had served U.S. intelligence from 1965 until at least 1977. The Gibson files revealed his CIA code name, QRPHONE-1, his salary—as much as $900 a month—his various missions, as well as his attitude (“energetic”) and performance (“a self-starter”).

 The Lame Cherry has a problem though in I am not a subversive and I don't know any subversives. Well unless Christians are on terror lists, so maybe I do have an inroad to the CIA.
The thing is, I don't want to work for the CIA as they seem on the outs. The NSA seems to treat folks badly in all those reviews, so I was thinking the DIA could hire me.

900 dollars a month at 1960's prices is quite a bit of cash. The people who wrote the original article say it is 6000 dollars a month now. That is 72.000 dollars a year. Thing is, I am not an Afroid in Paris, and I manage the best blog in the world, so I think I should be getting double that, like 144,000 dollars a year. There should be something like perks, like an DIA expense account where I can buy things like fishing poles and take trips hunting in Canada.

 Four years later, according to his file, the agency increased Gibson’s tax-free salary of $600 a month to $900 a month (the equivalent of more than $6,000 in 2018 dollars). His mission: to report on “his extensive contacts among leftist, radical, and communist movements in Europe and Africa.”
I fully intend to earn my money, so I am starting the FPFP group. FPFP is Fair Play For Putin group. That sounds like something someone from an agency would be interested in to pay me like 350,000 dollars a year with salary and perks.......oh I want a uniform too, Marine dress blue, I want to be a General too with medals and get in on that military retirement thing, so I can sell guns at Bass Pro and get a discount.

Where was I?


Oh yeah my undercover identity will be General HH Heineke. That would be Horace Horatio Heineke. No one will be looking for a woman under that name so that is really deep cover


I figure the NSA already has a file on me with Homeland and the FBI, so DIA can just classify it all. Put big black ink all over the page and that will suite me just fine, as the Lame Cherry becomes the leader of Fair Play for Putin. I don't expect a whole lot of deep throat stuff going on as the people who like Putin are pretty mundane and it is the people who hate Putin who are the nuts, but that might be my work in we will hire pretty girls to stand on street corners with their Fair Play for Putin uniforms, handing out sugary candy like Putin Pops and those that don't like it, go onto the list of bad people and that way we all help the world be a safer place.


Dear DIA,

My name is La'me Cherry. Hire me as I run Fair Play for Putin, and I need a budget of 20 million dollars to manufacture Putin Pops and hire a staff to hand them out on street corners. My salary is 12,000 dollars a month with an expense account for fishing poles and hunting of 350,000 dollars. There will be an allowance for my General uniforms and I get to use a Stryker 52 weekends a year, and an F 35 on major holidays.

Thank you for hiring me.

La'me Cherry.

I think that about wraps it up as I expect to be on the DIA salary in no time and be driving my Stryker around by the 4th of July.

Who knew to be a spy all you had to do was write a letter and the CIA would hire you. America is just an amazing place.

Then again............maybe my 6000 is a bit on the slim side, as a coward is being paid for not working almost as much as I will be for being a General in the DIA.

Deputy Who Did Not Confront Parkland
Shooter Collecting $8,700 Monthly Pension

Breitbart Big Government, by Nate Church    Original Article
Former Broward deputy Scot Peterson is collecting $8,702.35 per month on his pension, following his resignation after he failed to confront the Parkland shooter. The officer that Donald Trump declared a “coward” is currently collecting a healthy taxpayer stipend for his service. Peterson remained outside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School while while Nikolas Cruz — who has confessed to carrying out the attack, according to his arrest affidavit — slew 17 people with an AR-15. Later, Peterson claimed he thought the shots were coming from outside of the building. His lawyer said that Peterson “believed that those


Donald Trump's Political Heir in 2024 AD in the year of our Lord

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have never been a great supporter of Mike Huckabee, for the simple reason, in watching a GOP presidential debate, I listened to an entire cast lead by Huckabee, lamenting support for the death penalty. Mike Huckabee has a great deal of good, but that kind of not being able to hang predators that deserve to hang by the neck until the trunk rots off is not the kind of Christianity which protects a Republic.

In noting thee above, readers will remember that this blog tried to protect Ivanka Kushner from the self indulged child she is by her father, in posting here a white print for Ivanka the political novice to work behind the scenes and have Elizabeth Dole be her au pair, to mentor her quietly on the issues Ivanka cared about in throwing little boys into the streets so little girls can be given their jobs. This would have protected the first daughter from the disaster she is, and by quiet humility allowed others to trumpet Ivanka's work.

Which would allow the DIA time to begin mounting successes for the President as they are now. Once Mr. Trump was awarded the Nobel Prize, a grateful nation would be accepting for an heir apparent, and in that, Ivanka Kushner would in a position to actually head a department as an Under Secretary where more Trump successes would follow.
Ivanka Trump groomed for power would in 6 more years be a viable candidate as Vice President to continue on the Trump legacy.

Instead Ivanka's grab for power has the disaster of her liberal cohorts detest her as a traitor, Conservatives see her for the self promoting sham she is taking credit of other people's work and now that her father is coming into his own, the Kushner's have disappeared in the great Trump Light and appear even more weak in their gifted position.

In this, there is one Republican woman who is fast approaching the credential to have earned the next step in the Trump Junta, and that is Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

BURN! Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Mother’s Day: Having to Deal With Whiny Kids Prepared me for Dealing With CNN’s Jim Acosta

Sarah Sanders is the complete opposite of Ivanka Kushner in her looks are genuine while Ivanka's are plastic. Mrs. Sanders is a woman who has fought it out with the press and in the press while Ivanka has been catered too in the propaganda press. Sarah Sanders is proving to the American People that she could handle a 3 AM call while Americans look at Ivanka as the woman whose Chinese nanny would be working with the Chicoms to leave the red phone off the hook.

I fully realize the power of the Lame Cherry blog in posting this reality might produce the Ivankalass against Mrs. Sanders in having her fired as the Kushner's have a long history of disposing loyalists, but it is in the faith that Sarah Sanders has more substance than Ivanka ever could muster, that this reality must be flushed out now for the future of America.

Do any of us have any doubts that Sarah Sanders could sit down with any world leader and not give as good as Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong Un could? Mrs. Sanders is someone who can think on her feet, debate any person and she does not get rattled. That is the stuff of a Margaret Thatcher or Jeanne Kirkpatrick in the making. America has before us a most unique future glimpse in the Republican future is not the flat backers in Nikki Haley or the daddy's girls in Ivanka Kusher, who would degrade the GOP to Curry Bushism or Kinder and Prettier Chelsea Clinton, but to the Christian ethic which Mike Huckabee stood for, but Sarah seems more like a woman who would pull the lever to hang a pedophile and enjoy doing it.

The Republican star of this Trump era who is rising is Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She is going to wear a trench into the American psyche and given the opportunity, she is young enough to rise to preeminence to the Naval Observatory or the Oval Office.

In a photo of the powerful John Kelly and the entitled Jared Kushner, Sarah Huckabee is the adult in the room. Others know they do not belong, but she knows she belongs there and has no equals.

Ivanka Kusher is a woman who hires it done and phones it in. Sarah Sanders is a woman who takes the calls and gets it done.
She is so far ahead of what real leadership is compared to a Nikki Haley or an Elaine Chao that this is the kind of American who belongs in the Oval Office as the first female President of the United States, because no one is going to be thinking, "This is a woman" and Sarah Sanders would brush it off as being a woman had nothing to do with it, as this was about God given talent and answering the directive to get up and build something of your life.

I will admit that politically I have never heard nor researched Sarah Sanders, so the Lame Cherry might just as easily turn on her when she is wrong on the issues. I only know what I see and there is leadership in this woman and she has it in her to be President of the United States to lead and to inspire an American People and the world.

That is the fact in Donald Trump's political heir is not ever going to be Ivanka Kushner as the people will not accept her, no matter how much her father loves her. The people will not accept a Curry Republican or some other manufacture which has faded in the Trump Light in the dismal failures of Congress not rising to the cause. The people once it is pointed out that Vice President and President one day fits before Sarah Sanders, will realize what they have recognized in this is a leader in the most chaotic of Trump times and she flourished. This is Donald Trump's political legacy of Sarah Sanders at 1600 Penn Avenue.

Madam President

Nuff  Said


All that Glitters is not Green

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Seth Green is a remarkable Kramer character from Seinfeld in for a short red haired man who could not act, he has become quite successful and established like a unicorn of fiction.

For most people, we are in a world where we never get a break. If we get a dream come true, it is snatched right out from under us at the last moment. Like Andrew McCabe being fired, that was the first time he ever was f*cked over in life so he went into meltdown. For people like me I just figure it is just the load of shit for the day.

That is what sets this blog apart in I am not a Rush Limbaugh were my mum got me a job. I am the kid whose mother threw water on my dreams and the child who had their ideas stolen by others for their profit.

For Seth Green, he has the luxury like all successful and well off people have in God is just an idea, they can deny as God has never gotten them yet by the short and curlies and really brought terror into their lives in the most interesting ways possible, as Christians get the interesting terror while those devil knows are not going to be a problem, get the easy ride.

I like the work of Seth Green. I like his attitude. I like allot of things about him. I just wonder in his denial of God and then retraction as it is bad for business,  that he has to quantify his obliterating God from this world as the god Green has decided that everyone is responsible for their own actions.

Oddly, Green is fixated on how people use God to blame for their doing the wrong thing. He somehow has concluded that most wars are over people forcing other people to pray to their god. That is rather limited in context as while FDR went all Christian to con Americans to go murder German Nazi and Japanese Tojo, religion really has had zero to do with the grand wars of empire from the Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek, Roman, British, American or Chicom, as it is always about one thing, and that is the color of gold.
It is easy though for Green to cop out about God and religion, as that sets best with getting jobs in Hollywood as they all just repeat the same intellectual psycho analysis blaming God and those who believe in Him as the problem
Seth Green though has a religion of himself about being responsible for himself and he is not speaking for others. Interesting religion, in it makes one wonder what the apologist Green experienced in his wee years that has him so upset as an adult that he is preaching responsibility and making yourself clear. It would seem that Mr. Green was let down, let himself down, and never has dealt with that.

"God is, to me, pretty much an idea. God is, to me, pretty much a myth created over time to deny the idea that we're all responsible for our own actions."

 He later clarified in 2013: 

 I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I find it sad and unfortunate how many wars are fought and lives are lost in a quest to insist that someone else pray the same way you do. I have a deep belief in the divinity of the Universe, and I had no ability to really comprehend the scope or magnitude of all the things that I don't understand. But I've never been the guy who says 'I don't believe in God' or 'I don't believe in some kind of overlaying, governing force that makes everything symmetrical' and I've never been interested in being anyone's spokesman, whether it's organized religion or the opposite. I'm my own spokesperson. I take great pains to always say I only speak for me.

All of these excuses whether it is Stephen Hawking now rotting in the grave as he waits in hell as the god he is in denying God will be judging him when this all ends in time and time ends. There is a difference though in Seth Green, in he has no Harvey Weinstein dick diddling of women or children, he talks about being responsible, and with success he never became a Meathead Reiner who hates himself.
I would that Seth Green actually became joined with the God who does not make excuses why Seth Green does not exist. Of course, satan would then start attacking him, he would lose his Hollywood friends and jobs, and all of those things which came so easy he is feeling guilty about as hundreds were rejected for each one of his job successes, would now have him not succeeding as once one stops becoming a spokesman for the opposition to God, those opposing God stop that rewards program as you are no longer serving that message.

Everything looks so easy when money and fame validate all you are, so you can pass judgment on others. Hollywood has numbers of these prophets like Christian Bale, George Takei, Debra Messing, Bruce Campbell who have a number of judgments on America and Americans, but some like Campbell have learned to silently continue with their employment as speaking out early did not benefit their careers.

If only to suffer for the short season here, whether 70 days or 70 years, what is that compared to an eternity. No, not everyone's God can be right. That is why Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, as other religious creations were manufactured to speak to the deluded the messages they chose to hear.

It must be a difficult burden to have everything worked out in your mind only to have to quantify it, as your truth is subject to clarification once you have spoken it.

I am responsible for all of my thoughts, words and deeds. That is why I need Christ Who has already paid for those thoughts, words and deeds, so I do not have to, as I moment by moment, seek to improve my discipline, instead of giving in and making excuses that there is no God.

Psalm 14:1

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

The fool contains errors in their thought process, so all their actions are offensive, as there can not be any enduring good without God.
