Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Dearly Departed John Brennan.....

Do cyanide caps come in fruity flavors?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the dragnet now closing in on the homophilia bully John Brennan in his Islamocommunist worship as he threatens the President one day and Congress the next in the worst Twitter stalking ever, Roger Stone has weighed in on this matter of the high crimes of John Brennan and his treacherous associates, in advocating that Brennan do something honorable like Reich Marshal Herman Goering  of the Nazi's and commit suicide.


 cyanide capsule

“John Brennan should pop the glass capsule and take the cyanide now,” Stone told host Amanda House, Breitbart News’s deputy political editor. “He’s the perp who started the entire Russian dossier matter. He’s lied about it under oath. He’s going to die in a federal penitentiary.”

 I am reminded though of Rahm Emanuel and Birther Hussein's mantra in never wasting a good crisis, so cyanide seems a bit not dramatic enough.
I mean we don't have to hire a hit team like they did for CIA Director William Colby for wanting to protect the system in drowning him in his canoe......besides Brennan is such a big fat man that no boat could carry him, but perhaps there are options that John Brennan and Hillary Clinton could explore.

the barbell has accidentally fallen and I can't get up

It is not any exception that Hillary's name is mentioned, as we all remember the Clinton associate who was about to turn evidence and a barbell fell on his neck. Perhaps the rainbow ribbon wearing Brennan could be at the men's club with the other homosexuals and somehow a barbell could fall on him as happens to Clinton associates.

In thinking in Rahm Emanuel terms as this was an Obama operation, how about blaming the Russians. John Brennan could crack a tube of Polonium 210, go monster face and be tits up, with Vladimir Putin notching another corpse to his bed post.

Pb 210

Then again, Brennan could do the chemical weapon thing, as the British MI6 unleashed that on a Russian and blamed Moscow............but the problem is the Russian got better, and did the kid, and unless Brennan is a dog as a pet dog was all that went tits up, and if this is morgue address, Brennan had better find a better prescription.

 More dangerous than aspartame Cola

I like the exotic. On Hogan's Heroes, Andrew Carter was partial to Cobra Venom. I realize that is a bit on the wild side, but  how about that for a headline:

Cobra Slays Spook.


I am sure that something could be worked out before John Huber puts the cuffs on John Brennan. Maybe it could be something like the lovely heroine Lisa Page could be attending the opera, and out of the shadows someone hideous ogre appears, attempts to grab the Frau Page, who fights off the ogre from practice in fending of Peter Strzok and John Brennan as the ogre is chased up on stage, climbs a rope, swings from a chandelier which bursts into flames burns down the theater.
Hell if Brennan stages it at the National Cathedral with John McCain's corpse on the pyre, it would be a two for one, but waiting around for McCain to die from friendly cancer is something that should have Brennan maybe figuring on something else.

Trump is the Insane one

Yeah that is the Hunchback of Notre Dame, but I don't think Brennan could play the organ with those meat fisted hands he has.

Maybe there should be a reality show in John Brennan offing himself weekly and the audience voting in suggestions for the next week. It of course would have to be things you had a chance of surviving as falling into tree chopper is sort of a one way ticket.

It should be more something like an umbrella with a poison pellet, sort of Russian Roulette with umbrellas.

Poisoned umbrella and radioactive tea: How Russians in UK ...

In 1978 Georgi Markov was jabbed with an umbrella which fired a poison pellet into his ... agent used in 1978 to kill the ... bid to kill a Russian spy as ...

It could be like six pellets on a table and it would be like gum ball machine would dispense one, load it into the umbrella and we could all anticipate when some shadow figure would appear on screen and give the star a jab.

I once heard that the CIA infected targets with heart disease in a scratch from a woman's fingernail during sex. I am all for that, but I think everyone would puke in seeing John Brennan have sex with a prostitute, little alone legal age teenagers who looked 8 years old.

Then again what about auto erotica asphyxia like Robin Williams with a rainbow necktie. Can not we all in support of homophilia in showing the gay colors, because is it not as Clinton's Surgeon General said in Jocelyn Elders, "Senator these people are all going to die anyway..."

Joycelyn Elders is Back! - The Rush Limbaugh Show

You remember Joycelyn Elders? She wanted ... But what else was she famous for? (interruption) Yeah, we're all gonna die. ... She's a former surgeon general!

Well John Brennan is not immortal, so should he not be like that gay protester who lit himself up with gasoline for the cause. It doesn't have to be a rainbow neck tie, maybe it could be.........

How about 101 ways sticking things up your anus can be lethal.

The Attack of the Killer Gerbil eh?



Was it something he said?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is an amazing thing how the United Kingdom disappeared in zero readers this past week as MI6 collusion with John Brennan at the CIA became a story covered here, and it took sometime for the readership to return. Apparently someone was blocking this blog.

That happens all of the time in Google actually is in search engines censoring this blog too.

This post though is not about me, but about the Tim Lord, Tim Rifat. Now with a name like that, one would think the British police state would not care in the least and simply dismiss this guy, but about a year ago they threw him into the nut house to try and hold him for life, after someone posted some pig sex things on the British royals on  his site.
Well it is back again, as Mr. Rifat was off  to Asia, and in the interlude, somehow the police, fire rescue and British military was called to the apartment building where Mr. Rifat's flat is.  The reason was a "leak". Again you have a leaky faucet and from that the bomb squad appears?

This is what the European police state is and what many Americans, like those in Chicago go through in the damnedest things appearing on their doorsteps.

Here is a quote:

I asked one of the policemen ‘are you sure it is not a prank call?’ and he said no, he had seen the device.”
Explosive ordnance officers examined the flat and left the scene at around midday telling residents they could return home.
Police told residents the item they had found had been potentially dangerous but had turned out not to be a bomb.
A spokeswoman for Sussex Police described the device as “hazardous and potentially explosive” but said the suspicious items had been made safe.

So Tim Rifat lives on Brighton on the Beach, and that is Sussex where the Nose of Sussex in that Quadroon Queen now rules as that is her domain. Now take  a look at a few of the photos what the police did  to Mr. Rifat's home, in stating it was not a bomb, but something potentially dangerous.
That kind of thing could be a can of Raid as that will blow up too if you put it into a fire.

Did you notice that the police state ripped his walls down? They were in the electric box screwing around, and were ripping wiring from the walls. They literally smashed Rifat's entire home and it had nothing to do with a bomb, but had to do with intimidation.
For the record, I have watched women in North Korea give holy hell to police there and the police do nothing. There is literally more freedom in North Korea, Russia and Syria than in England.

Apparently Mr. Rifat's computer equipment was in danger of exploding too, as  wires and metal are known to detonate all the time. Yes that is sarcasm, but it is just how absolutely police state England is. They do this to a citizen while Muslims roam free murdering the British.

You can witness all of the pillaging which took place on this where the dangerous toilet was also of special attention to the British police state.

If I were Mr. Rifat, I would simply immigrate as he honestly could do no worse in Australia or Canada. He stated he liked Vietnam, if that is the case I would move to the central highlands and live out my days there.

Magna Carta. the Golden Thread, one law for the king and one law for the peasant. When was the last time Queen Charles got his house ripped apart eh?

Nuff Said



Which Came First Spying or Collusion

Of course we voted !!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I think the moles on the Trump campaign are easier explained in a story board, so the Lame Cherry posts this exclusive explanation of what Molegate is all about.


I don't know why people don't think I don't like Russian panty sites.


Ok I'm the devil. 


I knew when the election was lost that something was wrong.

 I found a pair of Ivanka panties in Peter's briefcase. I thought they were
for me, so I put them on. He took my picture and then mocked me as 
he said his picture in them looked better, and then he posted it on a Russian
reality panty vote site.


Yes Senator I probed the men first. 


It was not my personal panties.


 I sent Seth Rich with a pair of panties I ordered on my server 
from Ivanka Brand to get autographed for Huma, how was I to know
he was going to get knocked off!


I was a nice girl before I met Peter. How could I help it 
that Russians voted for me in Ivanka's panties.


Why doesn't anyone ever forward me panty pics? 


See the British MI6 was rigging the voting for Prince Charles
as he posted a photo in Camilla's woolens and was losing bad.


No Senator, in hindsight, I do not think it was smart to 
call Congress dumb asses, now that you are about to throw me in jail
with my Ivanka Brand French Cut Panties. 


I plan on dating Rod while you are in prison.


Don jr. just asked your wife out and she said she is 
wearing Ivanka Brand Panties......


See my panties are receiving record votes in Russia
when men and women wear them.


...we found something called panty bots in the voting.

This is about a Russian panty voting site?


I would like to say Senator, that in my defense, my wife and I
wear the same size panty.


Why would we need to hack the Americans, when the Americans
 were posting panty photos to Russian sites.


Al, I really appreciate your brief support.


That Franken's hand is always sticky....


Look, I only sent Christopher Steele to get me a pair of
Ivanka panties like the ones Peter Strzok was wearing on
Rate Me I'm Panty Hot!!

I'm not dead yet. 


I may have voted on the site a few times...


Why doesn't anyone ever pose in my panties?



Look Senator, I'm innocent, I'm still a virgin.


Did someone say panty pics?


I only wear Super Dons, the manly boxers, for super men.


No. I'm in charge of the JOD, the Just Our Department

 So I shop at Nordstroms, I like the feel of women's underwear
in the Ivanka brand.


Georgie, I'm wearing the Ivanka panties you special ordered
in XXX size. 


See the panty bots are really little, that is why I
hired all democrats to investigate Trump, as they
are the experts.

