Monday, May 28, 2018

The Latest Reversals of a Stagnant Quagmire of a World Swamp

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The latest reversals from David John Oates on Rense. I do not see a great deal in this except Melania Trump is unhappy and that marriage is not pleasant.
Kushner talks like a Jew don in the mafia.

This all bores me now as I am so ready to move on.

Donald Trump

A new deal with solid foundation - They lost the way

As we drive these ISIS killers from Syria - NORAD Puppets

We are discussing Syria and Iran -  I finish it

Hand of friendship to Israel and Palestinians - Reverse the law, sell God

The capital of Israel - Say the wolf who loves you

Melania's care for children - You're angry, anal

James Comey

 the death of the FBI - I pay the fed

the answer will be the same - Yes an old favor (Hillary)

Hillary Clinton
I was always dying - Feel this is a gun (She thinks she was shot by information)

Technology putting words into people's mouth - Hillary would scheme

Pope is talking  - Nuke it he do much blood

He attacked her face (Trump) - Sir we burn it

You should go to prison - They worry

John Bolton

Try and fix the Iran deal -  Force the lead

Israel said Iran had a weapons program - They will force you

Jared Kushner

United States stands with Israel - Warn you feel the music

Exit the Iranian treaty - You're gonna chill

Maxine Waters

Resent remark about making America great again - God bless you

Melania Trump

Supply them the tools to grow up - The power is in it

Reach for the sky - I'm lost

Mike Pompeo

Working around the world - I love it

Simple agreement for Iran to comply with - Let's get simoon (overwhelming war)

The  Iranian people get to choose - They will beat the air raid, that scum

I am confident  - And I'm afraid they'll all have a deal

Pastor Michael Curry (Royal Wedding)

This ceremony - They leave demonic

Two young people fell in love - Whirlwind of God

Michelle Obama

What is going on in our women's heads - Money, if I had value (Michelle gets paid to speak)


Memorial Day

"I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the gun makers for whom it stands, one nation, under greed-indefensible, with butchery and injustice to the most innocent of all."

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am thinking about Memorial Day, the 30th of May and not this 3 day whore weekend. I am thinking about Memorial Day in all the fraud concerts and poppy things of how much we owe our Veterans. I am  thinking about this as America is a nation where patriotism is a ploy to get people to fight for wars which benefit America in absolutely not any way.
We fight oil wars for generations and our oil prices keep going up and the feudal few gouge the billions to their bank accounts.

When I think of most Veterans in their pissy little caps of serving in Vietnam or some other war, all I think about now is why they never died there or came back to America and died here re establishing the Republic in an armed revolution, instead of cheering this communists state when their party of traitors is in power.

My whore's Memorial Day finds me with a gimp hip with a limp, but I don't get to do the picnics nor sit in the shade drinking beer. I am not going to cemeteries or events. Instead my day was life, which means I just sat down here, after having to check fence, where I found a very old cow who had gotten herself into a major problem of wrapping herself in barbed wire, which we spent cutting her out of, spraying her for flies, and carrying her around 25 gallons of water to bring her back to life.
I don't get to say my what's it hurts. I don't get a day off to remember. I have to keep moving because there is no one else, and I really do not care to remember the dead in their reality of 500,000 dead in the Civil War from a European attempt to overthrow America. Spanish American Wars in stealing that land and turning it into communist, socialists and fascist cesspools of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. World War I in German Genocide, same with World War II. Korea was all about establishing global communism by Truman. Vietnam was a profit structure. The terror wars are for Greater Judea, just like the next wars which dolts will go gung ho and end up brain scrambled or grave dead, for some Wall Street hedge fund.

I think of my dead family, my service and it was all a crock of shit. Everyone did what was right, but we are the vermin made enemies of the state by the police state. I value President George Washington, the Founders, they were for the most part the greatest of people in Washington had no equal. What good was laid was buried at the Little Big Horn in the regime mass assassination of the Custer command, and now the goddamn Indian terrorists are pissing all over that battlefield in disgracing it.

I don't care to remember any of this. Those that are behind all of this can have this day and this nation they have driven into debt. There will be a war one day to cleanse the land and a superior race will arise by God's Grace, but I am through waving the flag over a corruption and calling it Patriotism. I am through being silent as these cap wearers stand around pretending they are something to step aside for, as they are the problem that this nation was overthrown, because they never got the domestic part of the enemies part oath.

I am done resting now, as now it is time to hang my cow shit washed clothes on the line to dry. Paying taxes, obeying the laws, not making problems and trusting in God as the days of resistance are over, because all of the propaganda tell us to honor the fiction, not the reality.
No one person can restore America, unless their Name is Jesus the Christ. I wait upon Him.

I shake the dust off my shoes of this Carrey Nation as I will have no part of it ever again, and I am not about to be led around by Ben Shapiro Mockingbird getting worked up by what the left does, so I blindly follow the right into the abyss.


Watch, Robert Mueller will move to elect an Impeachment Democrat Majority in November

MI6's Man in Madrid

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry presents to you the inner workings of the 2018 AD midterm elections, in none of you have figured this out yet, but this blog has told you exactly what to expect, and Robert Mueller is the deep state conduit to elect Democrats to the Congress to shut down the resistance to exposing the fraud of Russiagate and progress by the summer of 2019 AD to force Donald Trump from office, to leave lame duck Mike Pence in charge for a Jerry Ford defeat, an HW Bush defeat to the democratic presidential nominee in 2020.

Lawrence Walsh was such a deep state overthrower of US elections for Bill Clinton, and now this same Clinton, Bush, Obama collaboration is about to destroy Donald Trump.

Lawrence Walsh - Wikipedia

Lawrence Walsh; 5th United States Deputy Attorney General; In office 1957 ... Mr. Walsh obtained a grand jury re-indictment of Weinberger on one count of false ...

The key to this is a Spanish prosecutor, who interestingly was referred to as the Robert Mueller of Spain, and even more interestingly is this Spaniard just threatened Donald Trump jr., the son of the President, as Spain has turned over wiretaps of a Russian oligarch known as the Godfather, to Robert Mueller.
The key threat is Don jr. should be concerned.
The Spanish police state has recordings of Alexander Torshin, either speaking to Don jr. or speaking about Don jr., and that conversation involves money coming from the Russian mafia.

“Just a few months ago, the wiretaps of these telephone conversations were given to the FBI,” Grinda said in response to a question from Yahoo News during a talk he gave at the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank in Washington. Asked if he was concerned about Torshin’s meetings with Donald Trump Jr. and other American political figures, Grinda replied: “Mr. Trump’s son should be concerned.”

I warned all of you of this in February as Michael Bloomberg who was part of the framing of Nikolas Cruz in the Parkland shootings to use children as weapon in the 2018 election and destroy the NRA as a political funding unit of the GOP, has been part of this interwoven international conspiracy against the United States in going after Donald Trump


Alexander Torshin

Lame Cherry: Do not celebrate the Nunes Memo just yet

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in ... a Putin ally for American Russian gun rights in Alexander Torshin. ... celebrating the Nunes Memo just yet, ...

This all centers on Alexander Torshin, and his appearing at the NRA, and all of this contact with Don jr. being fingered by Mueller informant Jared Kushner, as the mole in the Trump White House.

It is about money laundering out of Russia by the Tambov gang, who are allied with Vladimir Putin and the control of this money being laundered into the west. The infamous Polonium 210 was involved in this in poisoning Viktor Litvinenko in radiation poisoning. This is why MI6 was promoting another fake Russian assassination attempt against Russians in England, to stir the memories  of all of this, as this is an MI6 operation and Spain was busy as was Cyprus in stealing Russian assets appearing in Europe.

 Luke Harding, author of “A Very Expensive Poison,” writes that Litvinenko “was willing to testify in court against Putin … spilling everything he knew about Putin’s alleged links with the Tambov gang. … Enough reason for powerful people in Moscow to want Litvinenko silenced.” Litvinenko was also outspoken about Putin’s alleged links to Mogilevich, even making a taped statement about their warm relations in 2005.

It is this Grinda, who is the Robert Mueller of Spain who was the colluder in this, having wiretapped Russians, and now has produced the smoking gun for Robert Mueller. If you remember it was Steve Bannon who was spouting off about all of this being about money laundering and that is where this was all going to return to.

You know where this is going,” Trump’s former close adviser Steve Bannon is quoted as saying in “Fire and Fury,” Michael Wolff’s explosive book about the Trump White House. “This is all about money laundering.

 José Grinda, who has spearheaded investigations into Spanish organized crime, said that bureau officials in recent months requested and were provided transcripts of wiretapped conversations between Torshin and Alexander Romanov, a convicted Russian money launderer. On the wiretaps, Romanov refers to Torshin as “El Padrino,” the godfather.

The Tambov gang is large and powerful. It was on the move in the Bush years and was busy expanding it's reach inside America, along with other Russian mafia groups, including the Jewish mafia in New York which the Kushners are joined to out of Tel Aviv in more Putin allies.

In August 2001, Interior Minister of Russia Boris Gryzlov said that the Tambov Gang controlled up to 100 industrial enterprises in Saint Petersburg, including PTK, the leading fuel retailing operator in the city, as well as four main sea ports of Northwestern Russia, Saint Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Arkhangelsk and Murmansk.
On 16 January 2007 the Prosecutor General of Russia Yury Chaika announced that the Tambov Gang had recently forcefully taken over 13 large enterprises in Saint Petersburg and was being investigated

That is why Parkland and David Hogg are not disappearing in that stage theater. It is vital in this ruse, because Robert Mueller is moving an October Surprise case, or more to the point, there are forces at work who are stifling the US economy by oil inflation, are stoking a coming derivative bust again, and the gem in this is thee indictment of Donald Trump jr. for conspiracy to launder money with Russian organized crime to influence the Trump White House.
See one mafia in Kushner's is enlisted in a bigger prize of getting rid of another mafia contender, with the final phase in this the removal of Donald Trump in crippling him politically or criminally.

The black book on this would be after Labor Day to seat the Republicans firmly in their races, and begin linking the Russian oligarchs to the NRA and smearing Republicans hard. The October Surprise in this would be the indictment of Don jr.
Understand that Mueller has had these Torshin recordings for some time and that his Grand Jury can bring forward sealed indictments which Mueller can unseal anytime to disrupt the US elections to elect democrats.
This is real election meddling and if you have paid attention to this blog and paid attention to the stories which were posted in Michael Bloomberg has been running this NRA smear campaign with David Hogg for a purpose to destroy GOP candidates, and now the Spanish Inquisitor just threatened Donald Trump jr. in the recordings he turned over to Robert Mueller are going to indict the President's son, just in time for the 2018 elections.


My tits exude Gun Control Coups

This is the phase two of this coup and if Rudy Giuliani thinks that Robert Mueller has narrowed his questions for the President as a Mueller defeat, all it means is Robert Mueller has gone for the jugular and the questions will set Donald Trump up on this Torshin Trump connection.

Once again the Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter. Archibald Cox, Lawrence Walsh and now Robert Mueller is waiting to make John Brennan smile.

Michael Bloomberg the Deep State Coup Plotter


Blake Whitney

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been watching dinosaur television and there is this series called Hazel, starring Shirley Booth and Don Defore and I enjoy it immensely.

I like looking at actors and actresses to see where I have seen them before, and when I came across the mother lead in the show, Blake Whitney, I was surprised in she wrote with her 3rd husband One Day at a Time, a crappy feminist show in the 1970's, and that one of her children was Meredith Baxter.

Blake Whitney is so pretty as women were from that era when Hollywood did their best to make women look wonderful.
See Blake Whitney had it going on.

So did Meredith the daughter, before she went lezbo

See, Meredith was pretty, not as gorgeous as her mum, but she was pretty, not Jacqueline Smith gorgeous, but she was ok, up until the time she was rolling around in bed with Ed Asner. That was one disgusting sex scene in fat old liberal bald and ape hair Ed with Meredith slumming.

Then she went lezbo, and as you can see the Ellen look does no woman any good.

This though is in celebration of Blake Whitney, a wonderful actress and creative talent, who was the 1960's artistic, businesswoman, mother and wife, who was not in meltdown over her vaginal size being an issue of every conversation.

I like oldster TV, no immoral women, no lezbos, no disgusting Ed Asner sex scenes, no vaginal size debates.

Anyway that is today's filler in past pretty and preset pretty ugly.


A Duck in Time

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was watching ducks light on a slough tonight. Actually I have been watching them for some time.

I noticed how different I am from TL as the things I see, and the things TL is starting to see, as TL becomes country and less and less metro. Often times TL sees things I am not aware of now, but I still like watching ducks decoy in to light into a slough in standing corn.

It would be easy to grass them, but after all this chit on this blog, I am not really interested in hunting them, even if I could afford the 100 dollar license. I do love eating wild duck though, all wild game really, as I was raised on the stuff, and I miss it a great deal.
My brother was back and did some goose hunting and got a pair. He is a very good goose hunter.  He talks their language and they decoy in. Someday I told him that we were going along, so TL could watch the show.
I like watching my brother shoot geese as he is a very good shot. The speed on the new waterfowl loads have increased now by almost 100 fps. I remember when 1200 fps was a fast load, and you had to worry about blowing patterns due to the speed, but now they are loading them to 140 feet per second, and it almost obliterates the need for lead like the old lead loads used to have.running around 1000 fps on a good Super X Winchester day.

My Uncle was the best shot I have saw. He rarely missed as does my brother. I am pretty good, but my Grandpa with his Marlin pump in 12 gauge could out shoot everyone.

I do like watching ducks decoy, especially northern mallards.

You can tell a lot about them as they set wing and are down before you blink. Most Canadian ducks  swing sloughs endlessly as they get shot at from Flin Flon to the Bayou on the Mississippi. These ducks though were setting wing and piling in, much to my delight. It would be an easy sneak, the hardest part would be wading through the thick as grass corn, but putting the sneak on and it would be duck for supper.

The flyways have all changed and so have the duck numbers with Monsanto corn and beans. I remember funnels of ducks like the Wizard of Oz tornado when I was a child. That is all gone now. It is fortunate now to see a hundred ducks piling in somewhere. I miss jump shooting ducks on ponds. I never was much about hunting, but more about bringing home things to eat

I love eating duck. Northern Mallard, Wood Duck, Black Duck, Pintails and I leave it off there as Gadwalls and Wigeons you get one good duck in 10, and Teal are so tiny, that the rest of the brood is not worth killing as there is not any sense in killing things that you frown at in eating. I used to collect some Bluebills or Scaup late in the season, but that is like the Dodo now in they have flown to better waters.

I shot a few coot once after reading in an outdoor magazine you could eat them. They got some disease awhile back and all died out like Brandt. A baked coot with bacon on it, tastes like hot smoked carp or snails. I will never repeat that escargot dining again.

This blog makes me miss things, as that is all I do in chasing donations and posting the things God moves me to. I get reminded when my brother is here and he goes scouting for birds how much I miss it and like it. Tonight we had 4 deer, that doe and her two fawns and another one standing and watching us on our walk, before they popped into the trees. They know us better than we know ourselves. I love watching them and enjoy figuring out my apples all disappeared this year as they ate them all. Last year it was the pumpkins and beets.

I think them corn companies in their genetics have got their heads out of their asses in flavor now, as this year I have been watching the robins, bluejays, blackbirds and things pecking the ends of the corn bare on the cob. They have not done that for a decade. Maybe that Monsanto corn doesn't taste like fuel oil any more, as those ducks are sure piling into that slough for feed, and all that is around there is corn, as the duck weeds are all gone.

The guy who owns the land is a Snowbird. His wife died this past winter. Have not seen him around all year. He used to tell us about some Mexican waitress he liked. Probably hooked up with her and does not miss his fat wife. He lived on the road over here last year, and now it is just his no hunting signs and the ducks, but they don't need protection as no one hunts waterfowl any more as it is too expensive and no one likes the taste of duck or goose.

My brother makes jerky out of the geese sometimes. Pepper stick goose. It ain't bed, but them nitrites still do not agree with yours truly.

I don't write a great deal about the things that matter any more, not like the blog when it began. Before I was popular and a celebrity. I never chased fame and have not found fortune yet, or more to the point rich people for the most part are not bright enough to know how to click a donate button and turn over what their life is worth to them.  I have nothing inside of me that feeds off of attention and adoration as most people have. I sit here typing thinking about that mouse I set a trap for tonight and how much I would love to be out just watching those ducks puddle in that slough, as if I never had anyone looking at La'me Cherry again, it would be nothing I would miss.
What makes my heart beat is the thought of the scents of autumn, a brown duck canvas coat, a puppy intent on what we are hunting, an old shotgun with stories to tell, TL experiencing it, and those ducks screwing around like they always do. Except for eating them and having something for a dog to retrieve as that is what they live for, I could just back away quietly after a stalk and make that my hunt in leaving them to live a better life than I have or ever had.

Well, that is about enough of this meandering trail through the recesses of my mind, as I hear a story calling about something this night of October 18th. October is almost shot in the ass, and when you read this it will be already gone. So much time wasted on what does not matter in the filth of this world.

The thing I take with me this day is God giving me those ducks to watch alighting on a slough and digging potatoes which did not produce in the drought, and a kitty coming down to keep me company, playing with potatoes, making happy sounds and relishing me petting his tummy.

Nuff Said


