Thursday, May 31, 2018

An Apology for Ivanka Kushner's Cunt

It is not Cunt. It is See You and T, the T is for Trump


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry personally is fascinated in how someone I never heard of, called Samantha Bee, can call Ivanka Kushner a CUNT, and she attains celebrity, the right goes nuts defending liberal Ivanka, and we are told that cunts are beautiful, powerful things.

I think I have seen enough cunts to come to a unanimous decision that they are not beautiful. On the human body, I conclude the cunt is probably right behind the ear in being ugly, but the ear wins out as it is intricate, and you never say, "Honey blow in my cunt like you did my ear".

As far as powerful, I have never seen any Olympic event in weight lifting for cunts. I have never seen a cunt barbell and there is no cunt wrestling like arm wrestling. So I do not know what Sally Field was jabbering on about.

I am jealous in my cunt has been mistaken for me.

Frankly, I do not know how one apologizes to a cunt. How would a cunt hear as it has no ears? You can't write a note and say, "Hey cunt, I am sorry I called you a cunt, when I meant to call you a big toe", as they do not have eyes to read it.

Cunts seem to have 3 purposes in life. They were built to hold penis, tampons and to provide an exit strategy for urine, menstrual cycles and babies. That might seem like only two or more than three, but apologizing to them seems a bit much.

I think Ivanka the liberal was a victim of mistaken identity when she was called a cunt. She looks more to me like a nose, a sort of Italian looking nose that is kind of big an shiny. I don't suppose that anyone would be upset if Samantha Bee called her a nose.

Whoever Samantha Bee is though, she lost a sponsor over it in Auto Trader.

It is difficult to see Samantha Bee the Cunt Judge of Looks, but she reminds me of that ectoplasma thing on Jonny Quest with that big mouth. I have seen an ugly woman who looks like her, but her name escapes me, but Samatha Bee looks like someone who just found out no one ever wants to be inside of her cunt.

State Farm Insurance Company In U.S. Removes Ads From Samantha Bee’s Show

What is State Farm's musical meme, Just like a good neighbor, State far is there. Well at least not for Samantha Bee as she mourns her cunt loss, but State Farm appears to support Ivanka Kushner is her mistaken identity as a cunt.

Frankly, Michael Moore looks like a cunt, like Hillary Clinton's cunt, you know fat and floppy and things coming out of it, as it is inflamed from the rest of the body always covered over with winter coats in July.


Please do not fear sex with Ivanka Kushner as Dawn handles everything

Now that I look at Samantha Bee in close up, she actually is kind of doable. You know the kind of low maintenance woman that you use as a cum dump and then tell her to go get you a 12 pack of beer and lock the door behind her. Nothing like Ivanka Kushner as with the Vank, she is a 3 Dawn bottle kind of lay. Takes that much degeaser to get her make up off you in the shower.  You simply do not see cunts wearing that much make up an Hollywood does not have cunt dressers and there is no Max Factor for cunts.

I just wonder what kind of apology Ivanka Trump's cunt will get. I mean is there a Cunt talk language? Are cunt's psychic? Just how do they communicate through all of things women conceal them in.

I sort of think that the CIA agent at Mockingbird who dreamed up Ivanka looks like a Cunt, should probably be promoted to some other job for which he is qualified. Maybe he could write songs or Kayne West as everyone loves a good cunt song.

I do think though that to make sure  Ivanka gets her apology, at least her cunt, as if it is sent to Trump Cunt, there are Tiffany, Melania, Don's ex, Eric's current, old Ivana, that Marla and I am sure some people call Stormy or Karen, Trump's cunts. It would be horrid if the wrong cunt got the right apology. Maybe cunt's should be numbered, Ivanka could be her age like Cunt 43. That would settle things like I apologize Cunt 43 and everyone would be happy..............hey even Samantha Bee might even have a happy ending in her old vulva might get lucky.

 Morticia, Eureka!!!! Our Cunt stocks are soaring!!!!



Obama and his Cracker Jack Box Americanism

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In reading the recollections of Ben Rhodes on image Obama after thee American People chose Donald Trump for President, not only rejecting Birther Hussein, but crooked Hillary, one is left with one forensic psychological diagnosis of what the Obama mind is, and that Obama is  an Asstard Intellectual. He actually believes the bullshit he spreads.

One remark dealt with image Obama saying that Obama had set up the US economy for Trump in how good it would  be. Stagnant economic growth, record debt, inflation, the ecocide of the middle class, and this arrogant political and genetic bastard of image Obama, thinks that is a good economy, when all it is, is Managed Misery of concentrated wealth in the Nazi Conglomerates destroying a growing middle class.

Image Obama referred to Trump as a cartoon. Obama never contemplated that he was the entire comic series as his self absorbed preening and mugging for the camera, as he spread racism was the biggest anime ever produced. What the hell did Obama ever accomplish, but go behind the scenes and rig the deep state against Americans for foreigners as he blew up nations in the 3rd world in mass slaughter while shining a Nobel Peace Prize.

The image had to ask "What if we were wrong". Amazing isn't it as Obama can not utter anything without countless I's in references glorifying hisself, but when a failure arises it is suddenly others fault. The image could not comprehend that everything he did was wrong in being anti American. The worst of it all was thee absolute lack of compassion Obama had for anyone. Blacks in Chicago are being murdered in Obama gang wars for dope. Whites are being told to leave Minnesota for Muslim vermin. The Obama verbiage of "folks" is his epitaph to the absolute reality that it was not that Obama was wrong, but that Obama was traitor to the US Constitution  by his very birth and by his very shredding the rule of law over and over again.

As long as the Obama bank account is full, Obama, the Mrs., the adoptives never give a thought about anyone else.  A book by Ben Rhodes who was a mole left behind to help manage the coup against Donald Trump is the reality of the Obama's never gave a damn about anyone, and are just as crooked at the Bush family when George is cuddly with lurch.

The one word which describes image Obama closest is VACUOUS.

The one example which describes image Obama is PATHETIC, as Roseanne in her brain med fuzz tweeted a dig at Val-erie Jarrett as a  Turban Monkey, which was quite astute. The thing is though that Val Jarrett jumped on this as a teaching moment. Jarrett is so thin skinned that she pays attention to Roseanne Barr and then tries to whore it in racism as a teaching moment as people would care. Blacks don't give a shit about Obama's skid marks an Whites have moved on. Kayne and Kim are meeting with Trump for the new Trump party which is Blacks who have washed their hands of Obama community organized death.

The only thing more braintard than Obama is Bruce Chilton writing a book on Jesus.

Obama never did understand Americans or America. He never had the Black experience and being a choom head does not prepare you for the reality of life. Obama had things handed to him in a Muslim funded Affirmative Action. Normal people do not get book deals, get handed millions of dollars or a host of political offices where the recipient thinks that standing around being Black is what the job is all about.

Maybe people just want to fall back into their tribe.

This absolute mocking of people who do not want to be nameless wetware adoring Obama as tribal, is what is thee most disgusting thing about this Cocktail Crowd in Americans are not a tribe. There is not a Black Chicago Tribe sleeping under bushes and eating roaches. There is not a Texas tribe that eats Skoal. There is not a New York tribe that pisses on each other. People are PEOPLE and most appreciate being an individual and not lumped into some racism or hiding in some group out of fear of being alone with themselves as Obama is phobic over.

Obama thinks America is a television show that he wanted to change, as he wanted to be the star. The thing Obama never understood is Americans and the world have a remote as they do not want to watch 500 channels of Obama grinning like a primate.
Obama never realized in his intellectual sociopathic nature that America is not a Cracker Jack prize that he can empty the box out on the sidewalk to get to as he stuffs his face into the box telling everyone he is a better prize than a piece of junk plastic.
After Obama the junk plastic actually looks like the Hope Diamond compared to image Obama.

That is why People wanted the polar opposite of Obama in Donald Trump. Americans and Europeans did not want to be reminded they voted for Obama to prove they were not racists. They did not want to have a bowing apologist. They wanted someone who actually worked instead of being a 3rd world chimp who got free bananas at the zoo for just shitting through the bars.

Obama has always  thought he was special because he was a darkie. There is nothing special about that as there are a billion Blacks have nullified that unicorn status.

Everyone knows that Obama is not smart. Everyone knows that Michelle was ugly as hell. Everyone knows their lives sucked worse under Obama and they did not want more Obama which was stupid, ugly and miserable.

For those who were not racists in voting for Obama, they knew what Obama was, and were not morons like Mormon Romney helping Hillary out in voting for his hose bag wife.

Americans never did vote for Obama as his assets flipped 10 million votes for this loser. Obama just could not deal with the fact that Americans have always rejected the asstard he has always been.



As another Lame Cherry exclusive  in matter anti matter.

I don't know how long ago it was we met Butch, but he was standing in the thrift store with a Wirehaired Pointer hat on, and I asked him about them, and we often spent a half hour talking about things on this blog from mountain lions, to hunting to the garbage of the deep state.

Butch was a transplant from Minnesota as he could not afford to live in that state being retired. He did not have a whole hell of a allot, except his dog and and old Ford pick up. Last time I saw him, he was getting his eyes taken care in new lenses being put in.
I have been busting my ass here, so getting to town was later than usual and I started wondering if something had happened to him, and then last week I picked up this book about Wehrmacht marksmen, which the Lord willing will be featured here in review of my spin on things in the next month. I noticed his name was in the book and that set off the alarms for me, as this was one of his books that he wanted to keep.

I knew which books Butch had and recycled as I have several of them. He smoked and each book was permeated with smoke. I did the sniff test on this one, and it said it was Butch.
I had talked to TL about asking the women the store if they knew what happened to him, and in looking at a Vietnam book, I sniffed it and said, "Yes that is Butch", so I went to the back room and started asking about Butch.

They immediately knew who I meant, and said he died about six weeks ago and his sibling from Florida had been there to clear out his things and put them into the thrift store. They said he has been to the store on Thursday and went home, and died in his sleep. Someone had checked on him and Sunday and that is when they found him.

I immediately asked about his puppy, and they said someone had come and gotten it. I hope it was not some kennel breeder, even if she had the bloodlines, and was hard headed as a mule, she deserved the kind of devotion that Butch had for that dog. He told me one time she ate a zipper off his coat, and he was wondering how long it would take to pass, and was on his way home to take her to the park to see if she could walk it through.

Butch was one of the good guys. He worked for a fur buyer all his life and his world was his dogs. In fact, the bitch he had before died and some jackass heavy equipment operator who owns land next to our Church's cemetery dug a hole outside the fence and buried the dog. I mean this  tard has like a section of land and dumps a dead dog by a historical cemetery.
I liked Butch, appreciate his dog, but half my family is buried on that hill  and most people would take offense. I never mentioned that to Butch or his taste in friends on whose land he hunted.

I think about things like how good people die, and I see things walking around who I would be pleased to know they were facing Judgment. Butch though had a blessed end. He died in his sleep peacefully and was a real Christian. He was one of the good ones and it makes me sad in his passing and yet joyful that he has reached his final reward. 

Life seems so much the grass which whithers away. I think of that more now and mention it to TL often in I see people wasting their lives and never enjoying themselves. I can look at our parents and one plays games, one lays in bed and one makes unknown phone calls. It is such a waste as TL and I have more sitting on the lawn than all the others combined.

People should be doing what they enjoy the most and not wasting  time on the things that when life is over to say, "Boy I am so glad that I was playing a computer game". I have to work 24 7 like most do, but Butch in  work and play was enjoying himself. It is still what I work for is a dog someday to walk the fields with. I don't want to have to wait to walk the fields of Heaven even if they are better.


Coonbridge Analytica

How bout some of dat fried chicken and watermelon...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 I am not going to invest a great deal into this expose, but intend it as a reminder of reality and the reality that Cambridge Analytica was fingered for "high crimes", but what they did is software which still exists and another group now possesses and is using for even more nefarious reasons.
What this is about though is Steve Bannon recently fingered for suppressing the black vote via Cambridge Analytica in the 2016 AD in the year of our Lord elections.

Black voters suppressed by Bannon using Cambridge Analytica ...

A whistleblower told Congress that Cambridge Analytica, the data-mining firm directed by former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, suppressed the black vote.

Cambridge Analytica, the Trump-aligned data firm which was found to have improperly harvested personal data from 87 million Facebook users, and former Trump adviser Steve Bannon worked to suppress the black vote in the 2016 election, a former employee told Congress on Wednesday.
Christopher Wylie, an ex-employee of Cambridge Analytica who blew the whistle on the company's misuse of Facebook, told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the company offered strategies to discourage certain segments of the population from voting. He said that Bannon, who was CEO of the firm at the time, directed those efforts.

I want you to read that closely in the above as Bannon is reported as the person who targeted blacks with voter suppression. Yet in this story the story actually reads that Cambridge OFFERED strategies to suppress black votes, meaning with Steve Bannon in charge, Cambridge was not conducting voter suppression, had strategies offered to political candidates who wanted to purchase the psychological means.

Do not forget in this, that Cambridge was not Donald Trump's group, but this was Ted Cruz's group  at work.Let us not forget either that Cambridge used Amazon surveys  to collect their data. This was not a Facebook operation. Cambridge for all it was,  was another MI6 generated manipulative front into the US elections.

For those who forgot there was another person after the election who was taking all the credit for electing Donald Trump, and for suppressing Black voters.

That creeper was Jared Kushner.

Trump Digital Team Running "Three Major Voter Suppression ...

And Project Alamo's huge roster of voters will still be powerful ... Trump's Digital Team Orchestrating "Three Major Voter Suppression Operations" Jared Kushner, ...

But a large part of the team’s strategy now mirrors the negative slant of the larger Trump campaign. In the words of an unnamed senior official quoted by Bloomberg, they’re running “three major voter suppression operations,” aimed at lowering turnout among liberals, young women, and black voters.

So we have a former fag vegan employee of Cambridge who  has  come out as a British empire subject blaming Steve Bannon for suppressing the Black vote in America, in an MI6 operation, which the story states Cambridge did not do as they only offered strategies.

Apparently like pedo Milo though, Bannon and the Mercers just love faggots, hot steaming faggots at the ballot boxes.

Christopher Wylie

He taught himself to code at age 19. At 20, he began studying law at the London School of Economics.
In 2013, he was introduced to SCL Group which would later create Cambridge Analytica.

Personal life

Wylie is self-described as gay and vegan.
In an interview with The Guardian, Wylie stated that Rebekah Mercer "loved the gays, and so did Steve Bannon. He figured if you could get the gays on board, everyone else will follow...(like the) Milo Yiannopoulos thing"

Again to recap all of this, it was Jared Kushner suppressing the Black vote out of Alamo, along with other groups. Yet when Donald Trump needs the Kayne West Black vote for 2018 and 2020 to not vote for democrats, suddenly Steve Bannon  has a Canuck fag finger him for a crime which was not a crime, and it was all a cover to Team Trump would not have anyone reminding everyone that it was Jared Kushner who treated the Nigs like chimps in the zoo, in making them hide in their trees by banging on the cages.

Cambridge Analytica Ltd (CA) was a British political consulting firm which combined data mining, data brokerage, and data analysis with strategic communication for the electoral process. It was started in 2013 as an offshoot of the SCL Group. The company was partly owned by the family of Robert Mercer, an American hedge-fund manager who supports many politically conservative causes. The firm maintained offices in London, New York City, and Washington, DC. CEO Alexander Nix has said CA was involved in 44 US political races in 2014
See you blame Bannon, who allows it as strategy, to protect Jared Kushner to help the Trump campaign as Kushner's racism in 2016 would only cause a problem now in the new Trump Party of 2018 and 2020 of Blacks in the base, as Blacks might take offense that Jared Kushner is the one who tried to vote lynch them in a past election, compared to Obama shooting them down in the streets to riot vote them up.

As stated, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
