Friday, June 1, 2018

The Lame Cherry TOLD you this over a Year ago

Gee Theresa May focused and pissed off for London Banking
over Paul Manafort investing money for Ukraine for their protection
from the cartel banksters.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When God Inspires me, I write it and move on, so I do not dwell on things, but when I see new headline breaking my story, it really ticks me off.

The Hill had this whopper which was posted on Liberty Daily.

New Evidence Contradicts DOJ/FBI Timeline Leaked to Media; John Brennan, James Clapper, Samantha Power, Loretta Lynch All Briefed by James Comey on Russia, Yet Trump Campaign Left in Dark; More Obama Regime Collusion With Foreign Countries to Get Trump Revealed

Today is June 1st, 2018 AD in the year of our Lord. The Lame Cherry published this in March of 2017 AD in the year of our Lord, WITH PROOF!!!

The first "briefings" to the Americans to the "British way of thinking" was in 2015. The architect of this would be Home Secretary (Minister of Homeland Security) Theresa May, who, had been spying on Donald Trump for years, along with the Bush administration to clear out the way for Jeb Bush.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

CHERRYSTONE FILES: The Black Op Against President Trump

The New York Times, citing “two people familiar with the conclusions” of the report, said British intelligence was “among the first” to raise the alarm in autumn 2015 that Moscow had hacked the computer servers of the Democratic National Committee.
The UK’s role suggests that the compromise of email exchanges among senior Democrats was spotted when voice intercepts, computer traffic or agents picked up content of the emails flowing towards Moscow.
Over the course the campaign, British officials were as alarmed as their US counterparts over the extent of contacts between Trump advisers and Moscow and by Trump’s consistently pro-Russian stance on a range of foreign policy issues.
However, those officials now say they are in a difficult position since the election, as Theresa May’s government is striving to solidify ties with the incoming Trump administration, in part to counter-balance the UK’s accelerating drift from Europe

I ask you to click on the link and read the Lame Cherry article again, as it has all the information in it from 15 MONTHS AGO and now the Hill gets a headline.

I told you Canada is involved in this, Australia, Jew state, Netherlands, the Baltic, Ukraine and it was run out of Theresa May' office for Obama central for Hamrod Clinton.

In the Obama administration’s last days, some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election — and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Donald Trump and Russians — across the government. Former U.S. officials say they had two aims: to ensure that such meddling is not duplicated in future U.S. or European elections, and to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators.U.S. allies, including the British and the Dutch, had provided information describing meetings in European cities between Russian officials

 No donations from you deadbeats and no Pulitzer either and I told you it was MI6 behind this chit from day one.

Nuff Said


Everything Fits Together

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Paul messaged me and I apologize for not being clear about the Trump coup situation as how can Robert Mueller be plotting an October Surprise and John Brennan being the Ogre of the Opera.
No excuses here, but I have had a number of things going on here in fighting off a crippled up hip that tore loose and a new phase of satanic attacks. Personally I have zero interest in this Trump soap opera. After writing the time line to put him into the Oval Office, I have been kicked to the curb, and have been watching this disaster unfold without any passion for it.

Concerned and unable to reconcile posts " Will move to elect an impeachment democratic majority in November" and "The phantom of Trump's opera". Are they "about to destroy Donald Trump"? or will it be "the crushing wheel of the DIA.."?. Prayers for TL's lung condition and for your need for rest and comfort and joy and safety. God bless, Paul

What I neglected in this is who wants Donald John in power. Key things  took place these past weeks which no one put together. I will link them. You remember the Jew who used to sleep in Jared's fart sack? Yes Benjamin Netanyahu went to Moscow, told Vladimir Putin no missile sales and and Moscow stopped missile upgrades.

Next up we have John Kelly stopping Jared Kushner's intelligence briefings, and suddenly this Stephen Freidman gets into the President's personal adviser group as leader of Dyncorp, the biggest mercenary army in the world, and Jared Kushner's security clearance gets top level in a New York minute as reviewed by the "intelligence groups".

Jews that shot John Kennedy for keeping the bomb from them, are the Jews now that want to keep Donald Trump in power. Look at their two key policies by Gary Cohn:

Policy One: Ship United States energy to Europe to cut of Russian money supply.

Policy Two: The Jew mafia will make money off of North Koreas vast mineral reserves and the Jews now have the American nuclear arsenal aimed at Iran.

Your gas supply is now inflating to 3 dollars to gallon. As this blog alone warned, there will not be any recovery as this cancer eats the guts out of America. Putin's cash is being leveraged for Jew Street Bankers and it has moved ahead as the stopping of missile sales means that Putin's Jew mafia which Jared Kushner has been in bed with is gaining power in Russia.
Jared Kushner is Robert Mueller's stooge betraying Don jr. and spying on the President. Mueller has been targeting the rival Russian mafia in indictments, for the Jewish mafia to prevail.

If you examine Kushner's political roles, they are three:

First Kushner is there to implement Tel Aviv policy to end the Philistine problem with a final solution. Kushner is involved in the things Mexico exports in dope and human slaves, establishing them again in franchise and legalizing the Visa Vermin. Finally Kushner's advocacy for prison reform, might look at first linked to his crooked old man in prison, but this is about money. Think of it this way, in 3 million people in prison, at 60,000 a year for each one. That is more than even Jared Kushner can loose in a bad 666 investment.

What does this all have to do with Mueller and the Ogre, it is called keeping Donald John honest and a diversion to the divided masses so no one focuses on their being robbed, miserable and thinking revolution.  Better to keep the mob fixated on their guns, their baby aborts and will Kim or won't he.
I really think one of the negotiating points that Donald Trump demanded was a Nobel Prize to stick it up Obama's legacy arse.

See the DIA is the DIA. It still has associations. It cares nothing about you as you can become a competitor if you have money. It is just easier to keep the money in the cartel banks, spending it in Nazi conglomerates, to build super weapons to keep the DIA empowered as the Obama deep state was trying to make them a division of the Bank of London.

It does all fit together really because this is about building the new Trump party. We can be pleased in the rising misery as good things can happen. Rod Blagojevich might be finally able to join his family after Obama and Holder crucified him.

When it comes to pardons, Trump hints
he may just be getting started. Will
he throw Dems a bone?

BizPac Review, by Tom Tillison    Original Article
After driving liberals completely mad Thursday with the announcement that he will be offering a full pardon to conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, is President Donald Trump on the verge of throwing Democrats a bone? Trump said he is considering other acts of mercy, to include a big dog for Democrats in former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Speaking in an informal gaggle with reporters aboard Air Force One on his way to Houston, Texas, the president said he is considering pardoning or commuting the sentence of Martha Stewart and Blagojevich, Fox News reported. Blagojevich, a contestant on Trump’s “Celebrity

Everything fits together and nothing Donald John does is by impulse. It is ALL planned out.

RINO Former Speaker John Boehner: ‘There is No Republican Party; There’s a Trump Party’

See I told you about this in what Donald Trump is completing as Webster Tarpley first noted on the Rense Program.


Thee American Benedict Arnolds

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog is about to remind each of you things published here in which most of you did not want to believe, but the reality in Stefan Halper, a Bush operative being paid by the United States government to frame Donald Trump explains a great deal of a long list of high crimes against the United States.

When this blog informed you that President George W. Bush allowed Al Franken to steal a US Minnesota Senate seat from Conservative Norm Coleman for an Obama 60 filibuster proof margin for Obamacare,  everyone thought that was over the top.

Yet when this blog informed you that TWICE, 10 million Republican votes disappeared in Obama races to knock down straw men John McCain and Mitt Romney, none of you could see the pattern which was emerging in this deep state Bush Clinton Obama CIA fringe control of America.
The Bush fam is CIA. The Clintons were CIA assets and Obama was a CIA operative. If one observes the fine connecting thread through all of this, it is British politics in all of the Prime Ministers were either falsifying WMD reports on Saddam, goading America into war for British Petroleum or engaged in framing Donald Trump to install Hillary Clinton to start a war with Russia.

This Bush man has been a sleeper for the fam for decades, and when Jeb Bush was stopped from rigging the GOP primaries by Donald Trump, it was Halper who was  activated to bring down Donald Trump in a very complex operation which involved Theresa May' MI6, John Brennan's CIA, Israeli intelligence and yes, Bush fam operatives, along with Clinton fam operatives to create the Pissgate dossier.

Halper has close personal and professional ties to the CIA reaching back decades. He is the son-in-law of a former deputy director of the agency and worked on the 1980 presidential campaign of George H.W. Bush, who had served as CIA director.
When Bush became Ronald Reagan’s running mate, Halper was implicated in a spying scandal in which CIA officials gave inside information on the Carter administration to the GOP campaign.

Paul Singer arrived early in in this, in the billionaire looter of  nations for faggery. It was singer who funded Marco Rubio's first data mining operation against Donald Trump at Fusion GPS. Once Jeb was defeated, Rubio lost his VP slot as the "white" Ted Cruz, so the operation at Fusion was turned over to the Obama Clinton lawyers to funnel money into this operation.

But the money trail is not all from the fag billionaires as it has now been revealed that Bush fam had Obama hire Stefan Halper at the DOD to pay him for his framing Donald Trump. That part was brilliant as Harper was offering 3000 dollar paid junkets to Trump associate Papadopoulos to write papers on the Mideast in order to entrap him.
Halper was paid your tax payer money, almost half a million dollars for his kickback. That is  far better than the tens of thousands that Christopher Steele was rationed for his part in being the front man for the dossier.

The Department of Defense’s Office of Net Assessment — a shadowy think tank that reports directly to the secretary of defense — paid Halper $282,000 in 2016 and $129,000 in 2017.

What you are looking at in all of this, are the  people who overthrew the US  elections for Birther Hussein Obama. They assisted Obama and kept assisting Obama, while providing friction stories of how much Obama, the Clintons and the Bush's all hated each other. The evidence of collusion proves nothing was further from the Truth. When Obama flipped 10 million votes in 2 elections and the GOP did not squawk, that was Bush fam helping  the radical Obama's as that is what the cartel demanded of America to destroy all political competitors as Obama began a race war as a distraction.

If Obama and Bush fam had pulled this off for Hilary Clinton, 2017 AD would have witnessed the obliteration of Donald Trump and his family.
This much effort placed on framing Donald Trump was not for Trump alone. This was going to be a message to any one else who was going to self fund, that the cartel was going to take everything a billionaire had and crush him to the bone.
We never would have discovered any of these details as Loretta Lynch was at the DOJ, James Comey, Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok were at the FBI and John Brennan would have been at CIA. The GOPliters led by Mitch McConnell would have allowed Trump to be crucified, again as an example that you do not go against those in power and survive.

It was Defense Intelligence which ran this counter operation. It is about to be another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter which people will sound like something out of the John Birch, but it is why the United States military moved to undo what was accomplished by this London Finance.
The crippling of the US economy in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord, was tested in Iceland, and then set loose in two waves in France, took down England and then crippled America to install Obama.
Instead of allowing natural conditions to rectify this 9 11 economic attack, Bush fam instead allowed a concentration of US wealth into the hands of the few, and the installation of communist Obama.

The key words to explain all of this is London Finance never got over losing their greatest prize to fillet. This is what Cecil Rhodes Round Table was all about, the return of America as the prize cow to serve the Rothschild banks of Europe.

So everything's humming along until a pain in the a** named Mike Rogers at NSA does an audit in 4/2016, just as the real campaign season is about to start. And Rogers learns that 85% of the searches the FBI has done between 12/2015 and 4/2016 have been totally out of bounds. And he clamps down -- no more non-government contractors, tight auditing on searches of NSA data. Oh sh*t! What to do, just give up? Well, not necessarily, but there's a lot more work involved and a lot more fudging the facts. What the FBI needs to do now is get a FISA that will cover their a** and provide coverage on the GOPers going forward. That means, first get a FI on an USPER [US person] connected to the Trump campaign (who looks, in [April] or [May] 2016, like the GOP candidate) so you can then get that FISA. That's not so easy, because they've got to find an USPER with that profile who they can plausibly present as a Russian spy. But they have this source named Halper.

 This is what was behind the War of 1812, the American Civil War, why American leftists in Wilson and Roosevelt suckered America into two world wars. It drew America in, and kept robbing America to her core. The greatest nation God ever created was being hollowed out. Literally Russia was to meet the same fate, and both Russia and America were to be gulags where the resources served the feudal few.

It was Obama, the British subject, the Indonesian Chinoid who had been groomed to be leader of Kenya, who was installed when the opportunity arose caused by Clinton economic shenanigans, that America was overthrown from socialism to community organized communism. The United States was being overthrown from top to bottom and it was in this overthrow that the DIA engaged in a counter operation, meant to liberate America from becoming a colony of London again.

If you examine all of this, it all is the fact of what was taking place. It is why all of this operation was taking place in London and why dual agents in Stefan Halper were engaged, as this was a British intelligence operation as heinous as past rapines of America whether it was 1776, 1812, 1861, 1914, 1941 etc.... England has been at war with America perpetually and in each war, America is bloodied and becomes a step closer to the America which Benedict Arnold fought for.

That is the behind the scenes of all of this. This intrigue is supposed to end in a nuclear war between Russia and America, as that was Hillary Clinton's mission as was Jeb Bush's quest.

Until the reality that this is London with American's most powerful political families, their conduits in the deep state are engaged in acts of war and treason, the full story of this nor it's implications in the dangers for America will ever be understood.
For American policy, it would be better of Russia went to war with England, liberated those people, as the Scot became a people of their own, as the United States visited Ottawa in Canada and liberated Canadians from that gulag and the CIA installed a legitimate nationalist government with full gun rights in Australia again.

America is filled with a Tory elite whose allegiance is not to the People nor Nation of the United States. Until Americans begin thinking in terms of treason and high crimes, this will not be rooted out. This is the mission of the DIA and unless this group roots this out, a global war is coming and all that will be left of America is the glowing graves of the Sons of Liberty from nuclear fall out.

Nuff Said


The True Tale of American White Hat Patriotism

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a short lesson in all of the fiction of the good guy John Wayne white hat Patriotism which each of you is told to rally behind, when in reality you decide how this stacks up.

We have a nation called Syria.

It has oil and gas fields.

Here is a map to provide you with visual aids.


Now Syria had oil fields, developed by American companies.

Birther Hussein moved terrorists out of Iraq into Syria to overthrow President Assad and this mysterious ISIS appeared. By coincidence the Syrian oil fields were the lands seized by ISIS, and this oil brought in billions of dollars to ISIS.
ISIS it was learned was just Kurds, who had lots of oil trucks in convoys and that oil all ended up on the Turkish blackmarket.

Now some might remember that John McCain and Birther Hussein just loved ISIS, funded them, took photos with them, armed them with Khadaffi's weapons out of Libya and trained them in Jordan, where Dyncorp manages things.
Some might remember that Reince Priebus in Reverse Speech by David John Oates talked about this Muslim money coming into the American political parties.

Meanwhile Donald Trump is President, and suddenly ISIS is bad again, and suddenly the Americans are waging a war, where no one knows quite just that war is in Syria, but in the end the news breaks that America is in control of the Syrian oil fields, and those fields are still pumping out oil, but it is not going to Turkey as Turkey was furious in being cut off, and now is with Russia in a Gazprom pipeline.

“It’s incredibly important that with all these oil-rich areas … we don’t end up in a situation where we do have to pull out and there is some sort of deal that allows Iran to essentially take the land, the oil, and these areas, and empower their land bridge that they’ve been building inside the country,” he said. “We took the oil. We’ve got to keep the oil.”

Odd is it not, that American blood, American money is all used to acquire all this oil from Iraq, Libya and Syria, and American's oil prices only climb and Americans get poorer. Remember Donald Trump was spouting off about taking oil to pay for all these trillions, and yet America has this oil in Syria and it is going someplace and so are these billions.

How much do you want to wager that Donald Trump's new mercenary Presidential adviser from Dyncorp in Stephan Freidman is mopping up that oil revenue as it provides protection for American CIA policy off books to fund this growing American mercenary conglomerate projecting American power.

Kind of a different deal is it not? Obama stole Syrian oil to bribe Turkey for Greater Judea in Obama Wars and now a new Trump mercenary conglomerate appears to have a perpetual tap in mercenary oil money, while America's gas prices are spiking and we still do not know what happened to  a missing 8.7 billion dollars that Dyncorp looted from the Department of Defense.

DoD's lost $8.7 Billion: What About The Pentagon's Missing ...

DoD's lost $8.7 Billion: What About The Pentagon's ... But some think it was siphoned off through companies like DynCorp, ... More than $9 billion went missing.

Wear your white hat patriotism as a cover for this true reality. John Wayne fights your wars but the Shylock are looting the nations in America's name.

Are you paying attention in this or should the Lame Cherry write this in English and translate in the DIA now has Mr. President being advised by a mercenary conglomerate which stole almost 9 billion dollars and it looks now that in this interesting oil possession in Syria, that the Syrian people's oil are being robbed as Americans have been, but in this case there is a multi billion dollar funding source for Mr. President's mercenary war, off book, without any oversight and it is Mr. President's personal army the DIA can deploy anywhere in the world.

Stealing some one's oil is illegal. Stealing some one's oil and still screwing American's over is treason.

Nuff Said
