Wednesday, June 6, 2018

What about the Lutherans Donald John Drumpf?

It is time for the Church Militant and Church Defiant
in America demanding it's Rightful Place as First in America


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I noticed that Mr. President was bending at the waist for Islam in sullying up the White House. Bear with me on this as the numbers here are going to prove the Lame Cherry out, and frankly this blog is fed up with Protestant America being shit on and expected to like it.

Trump White House hosts first iftar
meal with Muslim groups

Washington Examiner, by Gabby Morrongiello    Original Article
President Trump hosted his first iftar dinner with several prominent Muslims Wednesday night, a year after he came under fire for failing to carry on the annual tradition at the White House. Trump was joined by his son-in-law and presidential adviser Jared Kushner, Vice President Pence, several Cabinet secretaries and diplomats from a handful of Muslim-majority countries, including Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iraq. The iftar meal marks the end of Ramadan, a 26-day period of religious reflection when Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.The president broke the fast with his guests Wednesday night, after delivering brief remarks and reminding the

Ok so how many turban heads are in the United States? And bear in mind something my children and my brats who are yet to donate from your big bank accounts, that Muslims are dropping that BDSM religion like hot potatoes, and here is Donald John and Jew Boy Jared dropping their pants for terror oil in America.

Muslim Statistics for the U.S. / Number of Muslims in America

Q. How many Muslims are in the United States? A. According to an academic review of available survey-based data in 2001, informed by information provided by Muslim organizations and mosques, the highest reasonable total number of Muslims in the United States is 2.8 million.

So you got under 3 million turban heads, but you got this goddamn terror oil, including that goddamn scam of stealing Syrian oil for cuts to fund political parties as Reince Priebus admitted to in David John Oates Reverse Speech, bribing all these Trump Street money whores and politicians.

Now  compare this to the hardworking People who built America in the German Israelites in there are 44 million of them.

German Americans
German Americans are Americans who have full or partial German ancestry. With an estimated size of approximately 44 million in 2016, German Americans are the largest of the ancestry groups reported by the US Census Bureau in its American Community Survey. The group accounts for about one third of the total ethnic German population in the world.More at Wikipedia

Then you have millions of more Scandinavians and French Lutherans, yes this is going to Lutherans, as with at least 1/5th of the population of America is Lutheran, and the Lame Cherry wants to know where in the cesspool hell of heathen America is Donald John Drumpf in his German ancestry giving one event to celebrate Lutherans in America who built this country in the Name of Jesus the Christ.

Scandinavian Immigration - Oregon History Project

Scandinavian Immigration. PDF ... more than 2.1 million Scandinavians immigrated to America. ... a significant number of Scandinavian organizations and ...

This is horse shit whoring for Arab oil money and these apostate Muslims. They get invited to eat off the china, while Lutherans are the 95 million out of work and having their entire worlds destroyed as Obamaland celebrates the genocide of Lutheran Protestants.

When do American Lutherans get their feast? When does Donald Trump make Jew Boy Jared show some respect to Christians?

It is time that Germans around the world stop taking this humiliation like they are some sub human class as the propaganda commits hate crimes against their entire race.
It is time that Lutherans have their REPRESENTATION in the White House and it is time that Donald Trump acknowledge Lutherans of every race for their building of the United States to it's greatness.

Turban heads get a dinner and Donald and the Jew Boy bending at the waist for Muslim money while Lutherans do not even get the crumbs off the table like Lazarus.

Unless American start making this an issue, they are going to be shoved aside by these damned apostates. Your pulpit preachers are not going to make an issue of this, because they are whores to this system to subdue you.

Lutherans in their entire German, Scandinavian and French culture built America in society, the arts, sophistication and beauty. Rid yourself of that apostate Ramadan and you won't notice a blessed thing. Try removing Christmas in all the traditions, decorations, trees and Jesus and you will understand the impact of these White American Protestants in who they are for good and how they changed the world for the better.

Donald Drumpf needs some reminding there are voting Lutherans in America.


Nuff Said


Mike Pence Admires a Reagan Hating Adulterous Thug

Tell them Jackie I rode you like a horse
and made you bark like a dog.........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well is this not eye opening in Vice President Mike Pence's hero was adulterer Robert Kennedy. The thing is both Jack and Bobby were tag teaming Marilyn Monroe and she was murdered to cover all of this up as she finally figured out that she did not like being a Kennedy Cum Dump.

Like with his brother, the trashier histories of RFK link him romantically to several prominent figures, such as Marilyn Monroe, Candice Bergen, sister-in-law Jackie, and even ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev.
Yes the kind of christian Mike Pence is worships butt sex heroes.

Bobby Kennedy referred to Ronald Reagan as a SON OF A BITCH, after Ronald Reagan mopped the floor with RFK in a debate. Yes this is the guy Mike Pence idolizes, a foul mouthed prick that Ronald Reagan obliterated intellectually.


On May 15, 1967, the giants of the left and right met on CBS News. The topic: "The Image of America and the Youth of the World." Students from around the world who were studying at British universities submitted the questions from London.
"To those unfamiliar with Reagan's big-league savvy, the ease with which he fielded questions about Vietnam may have come as a revelation," Newsweek gushed. "Political rookie Reagan ... left old campaigner Kennedy blinking when the session ended." A 2007 article in the conservative-leaning magazine National Review commented that "Kennedy himself conceded defeat to Reagan, telling his aides after the debate to never again put him on the same stage with 'that son-of-a-bitch.' Kennedy was heard to ask immediately after the debate, 'Who the f—- got me into this?'

And speaking of what a mental midget Bobby Kennedy was........he flunked 3rd grade. Who the hell flunks 3rd grade!!!

Ethel urged a group of third-graders not to be discouraged if they did not always do well at their lessons. 'After all, Bobby had to repeat third grade,' she said brightly,"

Then it was said that Robert Kennedy was the most religious of the Kennedy clan.

The metamorphosis of the ruthless Bobby Kennedy - The ...

Jul 22, 2016 · The metamorphosis of the ruthless Bobby ... Robert F. Kennedy. At the time, I was a Republican ... Joe Sr.'s warning that "when Bobby hates you, you stay hated ...

For those who are not familiar with RFK, while he was Attorney General, he tried throwing a US General in Germany into an insane asylum for being CONSERVATIVE.

In case in all of this you forgot this is Mike Pence's hero he was praising, and that Bobby Kennedy was lecherous  adulterer, try this link where RFK covered up JFK's nailing a communist spy by deporting the woman.

Kennedy and Ford both had affairs with the same East German ...

How Kennedy and Ford both had affairs with the same East German ... Germany and married air ... then-Attorney General Bobby Kennedy had Ms Romestch ...

and what kind of child did RFK leave as his namesake in this world? His wife kicked him out of the house and get a load of what the incestuous little prick told his Aunt.

In 1976, a 19-year-old Robert Jr. was kicked out of the family home by his harried widow mother Ethel and went to crash at his dear old uncle Peter's.
Then married to Ms Lawford Stewart, who was also 19 at the time, Peter briefly left his nephew with his new wife when he went to take a shower, and during that time Robert made an inappropriate first impression.
'Then he said "I wish you weren't married to my uncle - I'd like to f*** you right here on the couch." That was a shocker. I knew him for four minutes,' Ms Lawford Stewart told The New York Post.

This is what Mike Pence admires and inspired him.

“Today marks 50 years since the passing of #RFK—a figure who inspired my youth and inspires me still,”

 It literally disgusts the Lame Cherry.


The Right of Rückkehr


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is an issue which must be addressed beyond reparations to American Afroids and Palestinian right of return, in a people who have been genocided and driven from their lands while the world watched this horror silently.

The greatest crime of the past 100 years was the confiscation and annexation of German lands and colonies as booties of war. Never before in history has such a diabolical international policy been unleashed upon one people. From Africa, to Asia, to Europe, German lands were wiped clean of Germans and in that wiping clean of Germans, the Germans were genocided.

While much is made of English colonization of the West, the fact is that it was the Germans who created the foundation of America and their Germanic species is what colonized African and made it bloom as the English drank tonic and shot beasts.

There are 4 prime examples of the absolute crimes against humanity which Germans have suffered and the first is Sudetenland, where Germans were obliterated after World War II from their homes and farms in what was drawn as the Czech border.

The Sudetenland is the historical German name for the northern, southern, and western areas of former Czechoslovakia which were inhabited primarily by Sudeten Germans. These German speakers had predominated in the border districts of Bohemia, Moravia, and Czech Silesia from the time of the Austrian Empire.

In the West, the German lands held captive by the French moved the French to instigate two world wars in the Alsace and Lorraine. These were stripped of Germany without compensation and France is guilty of this.

Alsace and Lorraine
The desire for revenge (esprit de revanche) against Germany, particularly for the recovery of the "lost provinces" of Alsace and Lorraine

Prussia is the most heinous of crimes in an entire German People and Nation were obliterated by the world powers, handed over to the Poles who dastardly changed all the name to Polish names, obliterating the Sovereign Right of Germany of Prussia as part of Germany.

Prussia was a historical state originating out of the Duchy of Prussia and the Margraviate of Brandenburg, and centred on the region of Prussia. For centuries, the House of Hohenzollern ruled Prussia, successfully expanding its size by way of an unusually well-organised and effective army.

Lastly is the crime of Crimea, where the Czar offered Germans to come and colonize west Russia in lands and farms, which  the Germans built a garden in. A new Czar  appeared and wanted their sons for Russian wars and a new communist appeared in Stalin and murdered the Germans there.

The Crimea Germans were ethnic German settlers who were invited to settle in the Crimea as part of the East Colonization.

Numbers of these Germans immigrated to the Americas and have built those nations to prominence,  after having everything stolen from them and their relatives obliterated.
I recall a Nebraska Crimean German writing to their family in the 1930's and how bad the Germans in Russia had it. After that date with Stalin the letters stopped, as he had murdered all the Germans before World War II.

These crimes against humanity must be addressed, as Germany had Tanganyika stolen from it after World War I, as well as it's trading concessions in east Asia by the English. Today the reality is that Germans have the right of Rückkehr, the right of return. There is one leader in Sebastian Kurz of Austria who has the coming power to set this situation as it should be, with just compensation and forced apologies to the German Peoples of all those involved in the mass murder of Germans and stealing their lands.
Sudetenland, Alsace Lorraine and Prussia are all German lands and Germany Austria have full right to those lands for the protection of their peoples as much as Vladimir Putin has full right to protect the Russians in South Ossetia and eastern Ukraine from George Soros genocides of Russians.
It is time that Germans be compensated in all of this whether in Germany, Africa or the Americas. It is time that those nations involved in this be made to apologize for their crimes against humanity and a footnote put on the histories of every one of those leaders, that they are indicted conspirators in crimes against humanity of the German Nation.

It is time for Germans to stand up for themselves as Angela Merkel assists in their genocide by Muslim rape cock. It is time for Germans to join themselves to Austria and make Sebastian Kurz their leader, for the full return of German lands and people. The abuse of Germany ends now in the 21st century and her lands will be restored to her.

für immer deutschland

Nuff Said


Gott in Himmel

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We were boys a few short weeks ago. We were the sons of mothers who stroked our heads in tears and fathers who hugged us as we left home, as they never hugged us before.  We were boys a few short weeks ago.

- Lame Cherry

The Landsers of the German Army in World War II in the year of our Lord in 1943 AD,  were 19 year old boys, boys who had been conscripted a few months earlier at age 18 to proudly serve in the liberation of Europe from communists in the east.

Those that had survived the summer of 1943, were now in a hard selling withdrawal out of Russia and were on the Dneiper making as stand. Everything was in short supply, and food was not available at all. These well groomed Austrian German youth, the epitome of God's cleanliness at home, were now covered in filth of mud, sweat, urine, blood, muck, oil and their own shit, because all they were eating now were the salted cucumbers which the Ukrainians had put up in their now abandoned huts.

Salted cucumbers produced one result and that was dysentery in volumes. If a Landser farted, he shit his pants. If a Landser squatted, he shit his pants. No matter what a Landser did, he shit his pants day and night as what he ate came out as fast as it went in.
A diet of apples and cucumbers made warfare most unpleasant as in hours of Russian wave assaults daily, there was not any time to shit, because shitting meant certain death. So the Landsers shit in their pants as they killed Russians by rifle, bayonet or spade. The stench was in every Landser and all through the lines.

What time there was for clean up was worthless as muddy water and shitty clothes produced, wet shitty muddy clothes which were as unhealthy as they were from the onset of the diarrhea.

It was peculiar in this, that the medical corp officers would often appear to inspect the Landser's genitals. In the British army it was feet which brought the severest punishment, in America it was the dirty rifle which brought about the wrath of God,  but in the German it was having a septic cock.
The Landsers were all stripped in the canteen and the ambulance men would inspect each cock for discharge of venereal disease, inflammation in being shit covered, mycoses were all a product of improper hygiene. This the German army issued the harshest of penalties for.

It was a concluded activity that a Landser always made certain that they took out their handkerchief before a cock inspection and made certain that there was a cleanliness, next to Godliness in the roll call of the inspection of the cock.

These are the histories which do not make it into historical accounts.

Nuff Said
