Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Donald Trump's Helsinki Mistake

Finnish neutrality key to Helsinki hosting US-Russia summit

America does not want neutrality. Neutrality gets you invaded. America needs unbridled nationalist fervor protecting the Fatherland's own interests in Vienna Austria.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What the Lame Cherry is about to explain is not an attack upon Donald Trump or the hyped up media version of grabbing headlines. It is a calculated assessment of the biggest blunder of the Trump presidency which will haunt America and the world when war does break out.

It concerns the summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Mr. Trump was offered the excellent offices of Vienna Austria by the European leader, Sebastian Kurz, only to instead settle upon Helsinki Finland, which is closer to Mr. Putin, but also is a direct affront to the Austrians who will control the future of Europe, not for 6 months, but for tribulation which will come.
It is assessed that American arrogance, and American pride rebuffed the young and future leader of Europe, as Mr. Trump did not want to share the stage with a leader of arising stature as Mr. Kurz. You may not know who this man is in Sebastian Kurz, but not since Henry V in his salad days and those he is mastering now has such a leader arisen in Europe. This is the most accomplished thirty year old on the planet and he is the future of Europe.

Assess  this now on a chessboard. Mr. Trump has just cut out the future by not meeting in Vienna with Mr. Putin. Thee necessary buffer zone for America with Russia no longer exists.
What happens when Mr. Kurz's European army appears and this force tells NATO it is no longer the alliance they will support or fund? Suddenly Donald Trump is in charge of jack and shit, and Mr. Putin no longer has to deal with NATO or the United States, as Mr. Trump is Atlantic looking into Europe, as there is every reason to believe that a coming Austrian, German, Prussian, Polish axis, assisted by Italy and the Balkans will be the major power of Europe as London and Paris go up in Muslim flame.

Consider that map then, in the United States without the territorial resources of Europe. Consider an economic reality where finance is pouring into a Kurz led union and out of the United States which is going into a second wave depression. Again suddenly, the world superpowers arise in Sebastian Kurz and Vladimir Putin as China in dictator Xi brings up the wagon train of slave labor.
Faced with this reality, thee Americans would have empty pockets in coming to Europe, with absolutely nothing to offer them, but fodder bodies as in World War I and II. Russia will have no use for the caged Americans, and China might consider that all that oil in Alaska is their necessary future and will probably take it.

Are you beginning to understand Donald Trump's mistake? Sebastian Kurz is east west. He has the contacts in Europe east and west. He has allies all throughout Europe, including numbers in the German parliament. He is the future of Europe and Donald Trump could not have vision enough to meet in Vienna, to keep the Russian American friction line in central Europe as a buffer. All Helsinki does is open a new festering wound for a Russian armed spear to shove it's tanks through in taking Scandinavia when hostilities break out.

It is far better for American interests to have Sebastian Kurz as the buffer that Vladimir Putin is looking at, instead of as a neuteral ally, as Moscow has the opportunity to have Europe lock America behind her ocean walls.

The advice of the Lame Cherry to Donald Trump is to fix this, and to agree to invite Sebastian Kurz to Helsinki as a prominent member of the Trump, Kurz, Putin triad of superpowers.

Nuff Said


Thee Oat Field

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Jesus said unless a man figure the costs before building a house, the man may not have enough money to finish, bankrupt himself and become a laughingstock. In that, this is an exercise in figuring how to deal with 80 acres of pasture and farmland, divided up to about 60 acres of pasture and 15 acres of farmland.

For this, I am just going to figure that the rental price of the pasture would be 4000 dollars for the season.

The factoring in is the 15 acres could be rented to a farmer who would pasture the grass, for 100 dollars per acre. That would mean 1500 dollars in cash rent, or 5500 dollars total for the entire acreage.

What is though one was to plant oats on that 15 acres? It would not be free, but oats is 2.93 a bushel sold. The costs would be planting, fertilizer, seed and harvest, but in easy factoring, if the farmland produced 100 bushels per acre of oats, that is 1500 bushel of 4500 dollars.  That in net profit is close to the 5500 dollars for entire rent. Granted God still has to grow a crop.

There is another factor that the cost of production is a tax deduction, while the cash rent has not any deductions, unless one was to improve the land in some way, as in fences or the buildings.

It is always the tax catch in is my labor, my wasted money on equipment, worth the problems of risk, compared to "easy money" in one just sits there and collects rent.

Factor in though for the pasture if it was worth running your own cattle on it. Then that is additional profit and feed. Nothing is as easy as it seems in Jesus factoring in profit and loss.

There is the reality of real estate taxes too in 1000 dollars for this 80 acres which must be paid. Would it make more sense to just take the 5500 dollars, take the 1000 dollars off to 4500 dollars, and then if one had animals buy the oats and hay to feed them, which are tax deductions, to end  up with perhaps 3000 dollars which would be profit, after taxes.

The factors in this are your own oats, the factors in this are getting a farmer off your land, and another factor is around 1000 dollars for insurance for liability if someone his hurt on your property. That 3000 dollars is now down to 2000 dollars, without my having to lift a finger.

None of this is easy money. Bigger crops require fertilizer, fertilizer costs and the endless go around is the endless go around. What should be something in building a future as an investment, suddenly is like all life in looking like a good deal, and in the end your getting screwed either way your turn.

This is an exercise in commerce in the way real business works. Could one add the raising of their own food as in beef to this to reduce the cost factor? Yes but baby beef are still 300 dollars to obtain, still have to feed them almost 2 years, and butchering costs are 300 dollars, so in thee end free beef starts looking like it is ony free when you do not factor in the costs.

The only answer in this is what is always the answer that Monsanto and the regime set this up for the Nazi Conglomerates and that is to farm 1000 acres, in buying a million dollars of machinery, production costs, so that you can drive around in a pick up that is new, text on phones that are new, live in a new house, and not own anything as all you do is make payments like the rest of the slaves.

You should be able to figure out that something is really wrong with America and the world by the above example as you are impoverished if you do and work yourself to death if you don't.

Nuff Said


Thee American Willies Jeeps

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Most of you reading this, are not that ignorant in you have at least of American Lend Lease, which was democrat socialist Franklin Roosevelt's economic plan to enrich America and dump American war production on Eurasia. You have been taught to applaud this and you have built a massive memorial in Washington DC to Franklin Roosevelt, the grinning friend of communist Joe Stalin. You have this reality which you are pleased with. There is though the TRUTH in American lend lease which has  been exposed here as to what Americans who were rationed food and denied cars were actually providing to the Soviet communists under FDR, and the following is an example of thousands of examples.

Again most of you are most uncomfortable with the Truth and most are in denial, but until you face what was done in your name, from Joe Stalin to Birther Hussein Obama, your denials mean nothing, because you are an accomplice.

His name was Joseph Allerberger, he was an Austrian proudly serving in the Nazi Reich. His advancement had brought him to Marksman in the Landsers, an elite group of Mountain Soldiers who were in every major eastern front battle in the war and prevailed.
The location of this event was in a Hungarian town which the Russians occupied and the Gerbrigsjagers were fighting through in their retreat to try to save Germany from what was coming from the Asian hordes.

Allerberger was in a pile of rubble on a Scout when three American Willies Jeeps appeared, all new, all with a Soviet star on them and filled with 23 Russian communists. There was not war on these Russian's minds as it was never about war. This was about pillaging and looting as Stalin intended to reward his mongrel mob of leftists with stripping the lands bare that they went through on rapine.

The Russians were in process looting, and they became more aggitated as there was  not a great deal of loot to be taken, and that is when Allerberger heard gun shots from a machie pistol inside a shattered cafe, and soon appeared a husband who was around 50 and his young wife in her early 30's. The Russians hearing the gun shots, stopped throwing chairs out windows and shattering glass, and returned to the street, where an argument was engaged by all of them, over the woman.
At this point the husband understanding his wife was the focus, lunged at one Russian and was promptly smashed in his back with a rifle butt to the ground. He was then dragged to a lamp post and tied up.

As this was taking place, the screaming young wife was dragged by the Russians and pulled across the hood of the Willies Jeep, as the officer, a Lieutenant produced a knife, made crude remarks about the woman, and then cut off her underwear, dropped his pants and then savagedly raped the woman over the hood of the American vehicle while the Russians jeered and cheered.

Allerberger was just 35 yards from this mass rape as each Russian raped her in turn, until she passed out from the abuse, and sperm ran down her legs and onto the American made mud flaps on thee American Jeeps.
The gang rape took about an hour as the Russians finished up on the passed out woman.

The Austrian could do nothing and he hoped in vain that the advance of his Landsers would be entering the city and stop this madness, which in the young 19 year olds mind was both exciting and disgusting in the animal cruelty of war.
It was then that distant fun fire could be heard, but the Russians were unphased. It was the Landsers coming and Allerberger knew he could then return to their safety and gain assistance.

The Russians began packing up their loot though, but several Russians remained standing over the wife they had pulled off the hood of thee American Jeep and began to argue again. Two then spread the comatose woman's legs while a 3rd produced a flare pistol, shoved it up the woman's privates and then fired the pistol. A molten flame of her and the propellant erupted from her like lava from a volcano. This a  revived the woman as she rolled around on the street in absolute excruciating pain. Allerberger had never heard any woman scream like that in his life.

It took several minutes for the woman to die as Allerberger noted the first of the Landsers appearing 200 meters away. This was his first opening he had and felt he now could hold out for the Landsers to arrive, so he put a Russian down with a shot, and then put another down on the street.
The other two scattered and the Marksman was now most uncomfortable as the Russians under cover just yards away were firing into his position with great effect in almost hitting him.
The Landsers though rapidly advanced and a violent firefight broke out between the Germans and the Russians. The Germans soon though gained an upper hand in killing the Russians.

By some act of fate, the husband tied to the lamp post was not hit and the Germans untied him. He was incoherent, but revived for a moment when he noted one of the Russians was not dead. At that he charged into his cafe, ran back out with a butcher knife and in a frenzy of hacks, butchered the Russian which covered him in blood.

There was absolutely nothing the Germans could do with this poor Hungarian husband. They moved on past the carnage and left him cradling his dead wife in the street.

Normal people would have revulsion over this. A real American would be indignant that this was done in their name, as Franklin Roosevelt lied to them, covered all of this rape and murder up, as he deprived them of food and shelter in America for his war as he extended the Great Depression for his socialist polices in the same way Obama extended the Super Depression for his community organized looting of America.

Hillary Clinton for Obama overseeing the mass murder of Libyans with Colonel Khadaffi in laughing about it, prove that nothing has changed in the DC regime deep state. Those who do not stand up against this are the same inhuman class.
Remember that General George Patton was murdered for attempting to stop this red advance and to liberate Europe after the war.

This was American Lend Lease in what it accomplished.

Nuff Said
