Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Great FBI Mystery of Foreigners Receiving Clinton Emails

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have already informed all of you who pay attention to this blog, that the reason that Peter Strzok was not the least bit interested in a foreign power was on Hillary Clinton's email list and receiving classified information is part of an operation which was run out of the Clinton server by counter intelligence.

This server was not about hiding things from oversight, but hiding who was being provided direct access to American intelligence in the Obama Clinton sphere.

The FBI’s Lack of Curiosity About a Foreign Power Getting 30,000 Hillary Clinton Emails is Astounding

I have told you that there were emails being planted to provide false leads to some nations into US intentions and there were direct information dumps in quid pro quo.

Peter Strzok Ignored Evidence That Hillary’s Emails Were Sent to a Foreign Entity

There was a widespread stand down order on this issue, as this was a Obama regime operation which was criminal, but in that grey area of intelligence sharing outside the bounds of normal channels, as those who would have known of this operation would have blown the whistle on it.

“It was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia,” he added.
According to Gohmert, McCullough sent his ICIG investigator Frank Rucker to present the findings to Strzok who remembered meeting with him but nothing else. Conveniently, Strzok couldn’t remember what they talked about.
When Rucker spoke with Strzok, he nodded but was remarkably uninterested in what Rucker had to say, Gohmert said.
The DoJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz received a call about it four times and never returned the calls. He’s the other DoJ official described as having an impeccable reputation, but he can’t seem to find bias when it slaps him in the face.
Part of this Hillary Clinton operation with Obama was a direct "cleansing" of the CIA in a coup. Hillary Clinton was literally supplying the names of CIA agents to foreign powers so they would be neutralized and fed the wrong information, which would funnel into the American threat assessments.

John Schindler confirmed the Fox News report. He wrote at The Observor: Discussions with Intelligence Community officials have revealed that Ms. Clinton’s “unclassified” emails included Holy Grail items of American espionage. This included the true names of Central Intelligence Agency intelligence officers serving overseas under cover. Worse, some of those exposed are serving under non-official cover.

If you want to produce an Iranian document showing that Iran has no nuclear designs for a John Kerry deal, you feed known CIA agents on the ground information to produce the intelligence which backs your agenda.

I have told you from the start of this, that the Clinton email server was a portal, was a transmission hub, was a hacking platform and it was being  used for specific Obama Marxist policies to circumvent normal US intelligence as John Brennan ran his coup inside the CIA to overthrow the American government completely.
That is why the DIA and Mike Flynn were  backing Donald Trump. They knew this illegal scam was being perpetrated.
Do you really think Wikileaks and Edward Snowden just happened? Those were real intelligence operations in various coup platforms to manipulate factions in US intelligence to less powerful positions.

That is called another Lame Cherry exclusive in  matter anti matter. It was not that no one was interested, it was that everyone on the inside knew to keep their hands off and mouths shut.

Nuff  Said


Ivanka Trump Offers You Her Nipples

I grew these tits so others could nurse your children......


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

That liberal daughter of President Trump is at it again, and this time with RHINO GOPliters whose focus is Paid Family Leave. Yes you can leave your job for 12 weeks and be paid for it, if you are caring for a family member.

It always sounds like a great Ivanka idea, but the problem is in Ivanka's slave labor world of offshore employees in China and Africa, that it is the white collar employees who get the benefits, while the poor people get nothing.

Let me put it to you this way, most of you have money and have cable television. What would you think tomorrow if the screen went blank and said it was off 3 months, but you still had to pay for the service, plus you were being billed by another company to fill in for the missing 3 months of service. Would that sound like a good deal for you in your paying 15 months for television for 12 months?

That is what paid leave is, as someone has to pay for it, and if Donald Trump calls it federal then it is coming out of taxes of debt spending which you service the debt on. There are no freebies in this and each of you have probably already experienced with fury the people at work who are always "taking time off from work" to take their kid somewhere, and the boss never fills in, but you are stuck doing the work of two people to make up for the benefits someone else is receiving.

Hourly workers, who make up more than half of the US workforce and are disproportionately African-American and Latino, rarely see such benefits: Only 5 percent are estimated to have access to paid family leave.

That is Ivanka Trump world. Mrs. Kushner will never scrub the skid marks out of a toilet in her office, but will let the Mexican take off from work for 12 weeks, while she makes some White girl go in and scrub the shit, while still expecting the White girl to do all the other jobs she is already stuck doing when Ivanka is parading around with her 3 cherubs.

What is Paid Family Leave (PFL)? - TurboTax Support

Paid Family Leave (PFL) income is money you receive from your employer, an insurer, or the government while you are away from work for an

As stated, federal paid is federal income tax. State is state income tax and you are the one being billed. Nothing ever changes in this, in this will be another massive tax you will be stuck paying for your Beamer supervisors as you get to do the work of the Mexicans that get to go home and produce more babies.

Trump's budget to include paid family leave - CNNPolitics

Trump's budget will push for the creation of a federal paid family leave program that will provide families after the birth or adoption of a child with six weeks of paid leave

Trump for some reason thinks that people who earn 500,000 dollars a year are poor. I suppose he hears that from Ivanka in not being able to afford 12 pairs of 5000 dollar shoes.

Trump promised during the campaign that he would call for six weeks' maternity leave by extending unemployment insurance benefits to working mothers whose employers do not offer paid maternity leave.
He also suggested making child care expenses tax deductible for families earning less than $500,000 and called for establishing tax-free accounts to be used for child care and child enrichment activities.

It gets worse, because that dolt Marco Rubio is pushing for his parting of the waters in foisting this onto Social Security, where people will draw on their benefits they need to starve on when they retire for paid family leave.
This is equally stupid to Ivanka's plotting and actually more draconian, as it has poor people robbing themselves so they can die of starvation or not having meds when they are old.

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and other Republicans that would provide up to 12 weeks of parental coverage worth around $1,175 a month, less than most state policies. It would be funded not by payroll taxes but by drawing from future Social Security, effectively delaying retirement for parents who dip into their savings.

If there was a way for people who want this, to pay for it, then by all means put it into the system, but no one in Trump's inflated economy can afford to pay for any of this after Obama. The fact is Donald Trump allowed oil barons to jack up fuel prices and that has destroyed the Trump recovery. A business simply can not have numbers of it's work force not at work, and forcing other workers to fill in for the absentees. That makes Ivanka Trump Kushner a liar and if business is plug and play, then she can get her ass out of the West Wing, and bring in a wet back to do her job, because in Ivanka world, all people are just parts and anyone can do the work.

If executed responsibly, paid family leave is targeted government action with the right incentives – designed to increase the independence, health and dignity of our citizens.

- Ivanka Trump Kushner.

The above is a damned lie as big as any Peter Strzok has been telling.  This is not about RESPONSIBLE EXECUTION, this is about business needing workers there to compete with Chinese slave labor so American products sell at market competition, and not bankrupt more American companies.

This is more Nazi Conglomerate economics from the fascist Ivanka Kushner, as this has not one damn thing to do with toddlers and mums. This has to do with that Rubio cash flowing into corporate coffers as that money will be spent to be amassed by them, and not take care of the bambino. All this does is make someone at work, work harder to give them more health problems as the business slows down and a chain reaction of greater inflation rocks the economy with another hit.

Like all things Trump, in his Gary Cohn tax cuts for the rich, this paid leave is for the rich as poor people can not afford to take paid leave, and if they do, their jobs will be enhanced to scrubbing out toilets and other shit jobs so they quit. This ever goes to the grubbers, it will mean that women will not be hired who are in that child care group as they are a bankrupter of businesses.

This country is not reeling bad enough, so Ivanka Kushner has to give it another shot of poison economics to destroy people's lives further.

A little bit of socialism is like a little bit of being run over by a freight train.

- Lame Cherry

Nuff Said



Put Your Christian Where Your Syria Is

We thank President Putin for saving and expanding the Christian communities of Syria


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 We're murdering twice as many Christians as Nero did, HURRAH!!!

Life could not be any better for Christians anywhere in the world, but Syria, thanks to President Bashar Assad, the savior of Christianity in Syria.  Yes this is the same President Assad that Jewess Ivanka Trump had her father bombing on fake chemical weapon's data. While the Kushner's, John McCain, Lyndsey Graham and liberals were applauding the bombing of Syria, President Vladimir Putin and President Bashar Assad were saving Christian lives in the oldest settlements in the Mideast.

A NEW Syria is emerging from the rubble of war. In Homs, which Syrians once dubbed the “capital of the revolution” against President Bashar al-Assad, the Muslim quarter and commercial district still lie in ruins, but the Christian quarter is reviving. Churches have been lavishly restored; a large crucifix hangs over the main street. “Groom of Heaven”, proclaims a billboard featuring a photo of a Christian soldier killed in the seven-year conflict. In their sermons, Orthodox patriarchs praise Mr Assad for saving one of the world’s oldest Christian communities.

Syria has always been most protective and nurturing to the Christian communities in Syria as the Assad family were secular leaders and of benefit to all Syrians no matter their religion, but that all changed when the Saudi Sunni radicals began demanding bigger mosques and suddenly became conduits for Barack Hussein Obama to unleash a blood rampage all across the once peaceful Syrian nation.

What is of most noteworthy in this, as Americans have been seizing oil wells in Syria, which Obama had turned over to Kurds in what was termed ISIS to launder money to this Obama mafia, is that the real Syrians, not the Obama McCain terrorists, banded together in Christians, Shia and Alawites to liberate themselves from the draconian majority Sunni rule.
So when one hears of the Syrian "refugees" those are the Sunni radicals who rose up to destroy other religions, and were then driven out as the minorities in Syria, banded together and fought for their rights behind Bashar Assad.

Homs, like all of the cities recaptured by the government, now belongs mostly to Syria’s victorious minorities: Christians, Shias and Alawites (an esoteric offshoot of Shia Islam from which Mr Assad hails). These groups banded together against the rebels, who are nearly all Sunni, and chased them out of the cities. Sunni civilians, once a large majority, followed. More than half of the country’s population of 22m has been displaced—6.5m inside Syria and over 6m abroad. Most are Sunnis.

It should begin to make a bit more sense why suddenly in Syria, the war dead mattered and the displaced, because they were all connected to Saudi billions in the Sunni radicals who have been causing terrorism in every nation they have been funded into, including the United States.
The fact is the Christians in Syria want these terrorists punished and not protected by the United States.

The old city of Damascus, Syria’s capital, is an architectural testament to Sunni Islam. But the Iranian-backed Shia militias that fight for Mr Assad have expanded the city’s Shia quarter into Sunni and Jewish areas. Portraits of Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hizbullah, a Lebanese Shia militia, hang from Sunni mosques. Advertisements for Shia pilgrimages line the walls. In the capital’s new cafés revellers barely notice the jets overhead, bombing rebel-held suburbs. “I love those sounds,” says a Christian woman who works for the UN. Like other regime loyalists, she wants to see the “terrorists” punished.

The good times are back in Syria, for Christians and other minorities are reaping the rewards of their patriotism. Instead of having their heads chopped off, their women kidnapped, sold and  raped to Sunni cock and being enslaved to the dark ages, the new Syria of President Assad is rewarding his Civilian Militia with the properties of Sunni terrorists.
It is all quite fair, as President Assad offered re registration of property on loyalty to Syria. Those terrorists who refused to register their property now have had it dispersed legally to those Syrians who fought for their nation, and this means Christians benefiting from Law 10.
Christians are now operating former Sunni businesses successfully and living in Sunni housing making it their homes. It is a Syria where Christianity is being enriched and prospered like nowhere else on the planet.

Mr Assad, though, seems focused less on recovery than rewarding loyalists with property left behind by Sunnis. He has distributed thousands of empty homes to Shia militiamen. “Terrorists should forfeit their assets,” says a Christian businesswoman, who was given a plush café that belonged to the family of a Sunni defector. A new decree, called Law 10, legitimises the government’s seizure of such assets. Title-holders will forfeit their property if they fail to re-register it, a tough task for the millions who have fled the country.

Americans ask yourself, what have you as a Christian received from Donald Trump for voting for him? Have you gotten a house for free? Have you taken over ownership of one terrorist home or business to run for your profit? Have the people of Canada benefited under Justin Trudeau, the people of France under Macron, the people of England under May, the people of Germany under Merkel, received one thing as Christians, or is it the Muslims and Jesuits pouring in who get the government checks, the jobs, the housing deals from the banks? Of course it is the latter, and once again as Donald Trump does nothing in Christians persecuted in China or anywhere else in the world, but rails against Vladimir Putin and Bashar Assad, that it is these two Christian protectors who have been the greatest protectors and advancement for Christians since Martin Luther in Germany and George Washington in the United States.

In case you missed it in this quote, now you know why Tel Aviv and Ivanka' Saudi adoring daddy have been so focused on Syria:

Shia militias that fight for Mr Assad have expanded the city’s Shia quarter into Sunni and Jewish areas.

Yes it was the terror Muslims and the merchant Jews who were losing their monopoly control over Christians, Shia and Alawites. That is what Americans are doing now in Syria illegally as they protect oil wells and Tel Aviv interests, because the feudal bankers and their merchants lost their slave class of Christians, because Bashar Assad made homeowners and business owners out of Christians all throughout Syria, just like President Andrew Jackson did in the Homestead Acts.

When is someone besides the Lame Cherry going to start asking that President Trump reward his Christians who voted for him and put him into the White House, just as President Assad of Syria has been generously rewarding his Christian Patriots.


Thank you for saving us Mr. President while Donald Trump was bombing us
for his Jewess daughter for Tel Aviv's attempt to annex Syria


Nuff Said


Proximity NDE

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have since high school been fascinated in Near Death Experiences, even as the satanic frauds have been sowing fiction into the field. There is something in this which Raymond Moody who has studied this while appearing on Coast to Coast AM several weeks ago, mentioned something intriguing. He stated that from time to time people who are in the room with the dead or related to the dead, actually experience events like the hologram life passing before their eyes or the strange anomalies of a wife rushing in to tell the doctor that her husband was not dead, and moments later his heart started beating again.

Raymond Moody

Raymond Moody is the foremost expert on the phenomenon of near-death experience, as well as a compelling lecturer on the subjects of evocation of the deceased, cult activities, out-of-body experiences, the paranormal and the...

Dr. Sharon Prentice

Soon after completing her graduate studies in psychology, Dr. Sharon Prentice found the world of secular psychology lacking--her patients needed "something more." So, she set out to investigate and explore alternative methods in the...

There are enough examples of witnesses to note that a light does arise from people when they die, in the chest area. What is of interest to me personally is the Newtonian physics involved as everything is energy, even when it is matter in a spiritual form. It all displaces or is a resonant frequency.

All of us have experienced the aura of a person coming into a room, before they arrive. I move this to the analogy in examining this, that in the reality of energy, something happens within the range of the soul or Spirit leaving a body which affects others, like they are listening to a radio or television broadcast.
As for most people this is not normal, it points to there has to be an energy surge which is enhancing people who have no prior ability.

A life review is not something a person in death generates, but is something from Christ apparently in dealing with past ills to rid the soul or Spirit of them. Yes life can flash before people's eyes, but there seems the indication in all of this that a person leaving their body produces an energy charge. There seems to be a link to the energy of God in this also which enhances the sphere, so that others in their soul or Spirit are able to pick up on these events.
As this is not a constant and an exception, Raymond Moody and Sharon Prentise have not expanded this to the possibility is there an atmospheric charge which is part of this, as ghosts are more visible in the electrical storms. There is a reason, and it might be the power of the soul of the person is stronger than most. Think of it in Ghost terms as Patrick Swayze had to work at moving a coin as his soul was not that strong yet. There is a reason for this, and it is fascinating to me just what is the underlying factor in this, because it does not seem isolated, but more than one person in this sphere is affected.

It is just a shame in this, that I am too pressed for time and drained of energy to explore this and to discover the dynamics of it.

Nuff Said
