Thursday, July 26, 2018

Another Lame Cherry Future Event Manifesting

Let's see how can I betray America today for MI6.....
Oh yeah I will leak that the Donald is going to bomb Iran 
so I will warn Russia and we get the war London banking set up
for two world wars..........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this blog was telling you this was the Trump DIA agenda, it is now leaking out in confirmation that Trump is moving forward with a global strike wave of bombing Iran. The Australians are leaking the story, which means Russia is well aware.

Senior figures in the Turnbull Government have told the ABC they believe the United States is prepared to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, perhaps as early as next month, and that Australia is poised to help identify possible targets.

The above is different than war game plans. This is the policy in motion as was outlined on this blog long ago.

US admits it has military plan to attack Iran - Telegraph

The United States has acknowledged the existence of a fully-fledged military plan to attack Iran, ... to attack Iran, says ... the US plans to bolster an Israeli ...

I want to state that I was all for bombing Iran for the correct reasons. The Trump DIA reasons is to throttle China of oil. The incorrect reason is not pacifying Russia who has a treaty with Iran, and in protecting Iran can cripple US raids and pour counter attacks into US positions as much as put heavy armour into Iran and shatter the US into Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
If Russia chooses, Russia will be in complete control over the Mideast oil supply and not Americans. That changes the dynamic of global chess for America and more importantly, it will be Trump on the outside looking in with Russia holding the house.

OK easy explain as you do not get this. DIA says take out Iran. Iran then takes out China in oil, that in turn takes out North Korea as China has lost all power as her slant eyes start eating each other like when Mao had them on the menu. That is if it works right. If it goes wrong, then Russia controls the Mideast oil and as the US reels to her ocean fortress, Sebastian Kurz takes Libyan oil and tells America to shove it, along with NATO and what follows is with Russia in control, China moves in and seizes Alaska oil fields for their own supply and control.

More for the deadbeat donors. One would think there would be tinges of guilt for a big donation in those souls.

Nuff Said


Facebook without the NSA Funding

I let the Jew boy carry my dick around 
as it is the same size as him....


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

35 years ago began the ending of Mockingbird International in the pulling of CIA funding of network overseas bureaus which were spy networks and funded all the networks for profits.

During the Obama tenure, Obama cut off all CIA funding to local television stations which caused them to go bankrupt. They were later refunded when they began promoting sodomite agendas.

As the internet expanded, the CIA and NSA created a complete surveillance network on the world wide web. MySpace was tanked, in favor of a more streamlined surveillance platform known as Facebook, with the search engine of Google monitoring most of the internet with Yahoo, as the founders of the internet disappeared like Protege.

Obama caused a huge money dump for his economic gains into technical stocks. This is what produced the fortunes of Facebook in the artificial manipulation of stocks for a regime asset.

With Facebook's stocks being tanked, it is a reality that Mark Zuckerberg in his actual conduit platform of bot driven news and Russian propaganda, has now become a target of the CIA and NSA, as the sell option was activated in mass, and this platform of the deep state had a shot across her bow.
That stock plunge is proof that Zuckerberg is an asstard and was a prop for the deep state in data mining.

Facebook Stock Tanks on Privacy Costs, Slowing Revenue Growth ...

Facebook stock plummeted in after hours trading, wiping out as much as $123 billion in market cap and costing Mark Zuckerberg $16.8 billion.

The reality is now that the wind has changed in a new dimension is being ushered in. Facebook has zero hard assets like a Coca Cola or US Steel. It is all electric and without fake bots driving fake millions of profiles to generate revenue, with the NSA money pumping into Wall Street, Facebook is an illusion.

It is evident in this that the DIA struck Facebook with absolute results. For all of the pretense of people now caring that Twitter and Facebook are censoring people on the right, as why is it no one cared when Facebook stole my account, used my account to generate bot traffic, but refused to ever reply to any inquiries, there is a reality that someone in the DIA harvested billions out of Facebook accounts in a massive sell off and is moving that money into a new venue.

What is of interest in housing sales falling as much as prices, with the reality that China has been dumping US property, that something is taking place and it looks a great deal like a preparation for war.

Enjoy deadbeat donors.

Nuff Said




While I pondered bleak and bleary of my own sublime
I ventured thought for which I brought
That I was the force in Trumpentime.

What is a leader in a president
I ventured thought to be that it should be me
Trumpentime is a force that should be rent

Oh to the day to get away with our overthrow in crime
To be in power on endless hour
We are now the force in Trumpentime

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will first point out that the Lame Cherry agrees that Rod Rosenstein and about 5000 other appointed despots beginning with Jeff Sessions and John Roberts need to be mass impeached, as this will provide the insight as to who most of the frauds are in the GOP.

I ask you donor deadbeats to remember though Webter Griffin Tarpley's deep state agenda which he kindly revealed on Jeff Rense in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, in the move was to make the Republican part a third rate right wing Green Party, and to split the Democratic party into a Socialist and Communist party, which would rule America, as that is all you would  get to vote for.

That is what Donald Trump has signed onto for the DIA. His ruining Conservatives like Judge Roy Moore for a baby butcher to his making certain a Rhino was elected to the GOP in South Dakota by using a Trump chairman as a 3rd party wedge in that state against a right wing woman, is par for the Trump course.
Donald Trump will lead  the Sodomite Socialists of America, while Hillary Clinton in 2020 will lead the Marxists.

Just like ending Roy Moore, the coming midterms are being scaled back so the GOP will not be able to do anything in Congress to further cement Obama policy. That is what Brett Kavanaugh is about is upholding the laws of the Obamaland.

Jim Jordan if he unseats the fraud Ryan will be blamed for election defeat in the GOP moved too far right, and then he will lead a minority party as Nancy Pelosi will be majority leader impeaching Trump.

This impeachment of Rod Rosenstein will be used as a platform to blame Conservatives for this, and all of this should be obvious in what is being plotted again and what is coming.

For all the Trump clappers who are being taken advantage of in being told everything is Trump Gold he touches, suffer the consequences of your not donating and hiding as you are being told the facts again and watching the marginalizing of Conservatives to the Barry Goldwater defeat of 1964 AD in the year of our Lord.

It is a clever ruse and has been in the works for sometime as the genius of Web Tarpley revealed. I do feel sorry for Webster because my featuring his insider information that everyone else missed, has sort of had him in hiding as he has been quite quiet, for years now, as this was the major overthrow of America which he made public.

All of this is disgusting to me as I am the only doing the work, pointing out the facts, and a few people are left to donate while the rest of you who do have piles of cash sit on your asses again as keyboard commandos, expecting it all for free.

Impeach Rod Rosenstein and Trump will have another Rod Rosenstein appointed as that is what this diversion is all about. It keeps the liberals and right wingers distracted on Russiagate while the real agenda of cementing Obama as Trump 3.0 policies into America. You do notice that all of Trump's promises have disappeared now from 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.

There is no MAGA.
There was no tax reform for you.
Rationed Death still exists and is being enforced.
Gas prices has skyrocketed as your oil is sold to Europe.
Russian relations are a disaster for a coming war.
The EU is now a US competitor.
China with North Korea has neutralized US policy.
Greater Jew policy for an Iranian war with US humiliation is progressing.

If you asstards care to open your eyes these are the exact policies which Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush would have inflicted on America. You did notice Bush fam has stopped attacking Donald Trump, and praised Trump for nominating their pleeb Brett Kavanaugh to cement Obamanism into America.

All of this disgusts me like it being put to me that I am not enough of a Cherry to be sold my Grandpa's place by my degenerate uncle, but he will  leave it to his con man son and grandson who play everyone and are not even here, as he stole my idea just like most of you steal content here, as he now wants his child abandonment whoring ass to have a legacy. Bullshit to that as there is a new prayer in this era and I do not work for free and I do not get my work stolen.

Go enjoy your Trumpentime solace of you are the good guys and you think you are being backed for victory.



What Happened to that Syrian oil?

Vladimir, now would I try and jew you down?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Jeff Rense noted that after Benjamin Netanyahu went to Moscow and met with President Vladimir Putin that Russia cancelled their S 300 anti aircraft missile deal in somehow Netanyahu laid down the law. Granted Netanyahu was a dunce for bragging about it which displeased the Russians, but the Lame Cherry will inform you what the deal was about.

After Netanyahu met Putin, Russia halts S-300 missile defense ...

Russia is not in talks with the Syrian government about supplying advanced S-300 ground-to-air missiles and does not think they are needed, reportedly. The news follows a visit to Moscow by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week, who has been lobbying Putin hard not to transfer the ...

See the deal went something like this:


Yes this all starts with Donald John and his boyling Jared Kushner, who has wasted 20 months on peace and it is now for a man to appear in Sebastian Kurz to set about a new order to the Mideast, but the conversation went something like this:

Netanyahu: Tell you what Donald, I will give up annexing Syria for now, as long as your military which has control over the Syrian oil wells on the Iraqi border, hands all that oil over to me, instead of laundering it into Turkey Muslims by Obama ISIS.
For that Donald, we can work a deal with Moscow to allow them to keep Assad in power, as long as Moscow drives the Iranian Shia out of Syria.

Trump: Great deal there Bibi. You be my emissary to Moscow and lay it all out to Putin and that is what we will do. We agree to not bomb Syria. He agrees no S 300's and moves the Iranian's out, and you get the oil as a bribe to not annex Syria.

Bibi didn't you read the Commandment about,
Thou shalt not steal thy neighbor's oil?


OK now we move onto Moscow:

Vladimir: So I get to keep Assad in power, Russian bases in Syria for our protection, and if I do not sell S 300 missiles to Syria and move Iran out, you will not bomb Syria or the Americans, and the oil gets laundered to Israel.

I already have money and a country Bibi,
so I am not interested in a plane load of Kosher salami

Bibi: Yes President Putin, after all your 50 year old missile systems shot the hell out of American missiles and jets, so there is not much point in selling the S 300's.

Vladimir: Tell Donald that I agree to the negotiations.

And that is the happy agreement which has been reached, because you know those American oil companies in northwest Syria that Donald John used US troops to secure those oil fields and blew up Russian mercenaries to keep them, are still pumping hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil out of those fields (probably slant drilled into Iraq) and that oil and that money is still going somewhere in that much oil simply is  not black funding this president's mercenary army to project American policy not being reported to Congress.

That of course is if you are interested in the art of the deal Truth.......once again your gas prices spike, and someone is burning Syrian oil which you are paying to protect the shipments of, and no one is again saying one word about it.

Thank you Vladimir, as now I am like you, a rich man,
and  I still have a load of Kosher salami!


Never Send a Kushner in to do a Kurz job

Jared is just a boy. I used to sleep in his bed. His wife has fake tits.
He lacks a robust Jew penis. He simply was not up to making the deal.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We are pleased President Kurz to have your good offices in Europe
championing the Jewish cause in Jews always coming first and 
no matter what we do is covered by the holocaust as it was constructed.

Of course Mr. Netanyahu, Austria and Europe take full responsibility for 
past actions in the holocaust, and Israel's right to exist is a mandate we enforce.

Most certainly you can keep your nuclear arsenal.

Of course keep the Protestants out and leave Israel the land of the Jews.

Feel free to handle the Philistines, Syrians, Muslims as you desire
for we will back you.

Of course build the Temple on Temple Mount
as that is what the holy father desires.


Thank you for noting that Jerusalem is our capital
and for all you have done in not wanting anything in return.

There is just one small thing Bibi....
Jerusalem will be our capital.....


A ticket to ride but not Enter

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading accounts of German immigrants from Russia being denied entry into the United States due to an eye infection and it puzzled me as to what exactly these people were susceptible to and what this disease was.

In modern Obama Trump eras, they let in ebola, TB and anything else that will kill Americans, but when America was about protecting Americans, the hammer came down with diseases and if you worked years for that 200 dollar ticket to get to America, there were no refunds, and no sitting around getting free treatment in 1890 AD in the year of our Lord. It was back on the boat and stuck somewhere in Antwerp or the Canary Islands.

The disease apparently was called Trachoma, a for of pink eye would could lead to blindness.

Hygiene-related Diseases | Hygiene-related Diseases | Hygiene ...

Trachoma is the world's leading cause of preventable blindness of infectious origin (1). Caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, trachoma is easily spread through direct personal contact, shared towels and cloths, and flies that have come in contact with the eyes or nose of an infected ...

It was amazing to read these accounts as there was zero humanitarian effort on America's part. A German from Russia had an eye infection, they were kicked out of the country, and that included being separated from their families.

I read of one account where a little girl of 15 who was deported with her mother. Her mum died on the voyage back to Europe where the little girl was stuck in Antwerp Belgium. She worked three years to get a fare back to America, where upon she was booted from America again, worked two more years and learned she could get into America more easily through Canada, via Winnipeg, whereupon that route, she joined her family finally in North Dakota.

In 1913, President Woodrow Wilson signed an act designating funds for the eradication of the disease. Immigrants who attempted to enter the U.S. through Ellis Island, New York had to be checked for trachoma. During this time treatment for the disease was by topical application of copper sulfate. By the late 1930s, a number of ophthalmologists reported success in treating trachoma with sulfonamide antibiotics.

As you can see treating people with eye diseases began in the 20th century, but then it was Jews who were arriving in droves, and the Germans were not the primary group as America was importing radicals to promote communism then as America was out of homestead lands.

Just another history lesson from the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives.
