Friday, July 27, 2018

Before you start cheering Trump's 4.1 Growth

If you drink enough everything looks like 4.1%

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Before you start celebrating the Trump Economy, ask yourself when Netflix if imploding as no one has the money to spend on movies and the housing bubble is collapsing, and you do not have any money due to Trump high gas prices with Trumpflation, just where is this 4.1 % growth coming from, as it is not coming from consumers inside the United States.

 The warning in this is this article and I will quote it.

US economy surges to 4.1 percent growth rate in Q2

WASHINGTON >> The U.S. economy surged in the April-June quarter, growing at an annual rate of 4.1 percent. That's the fastest pace since 2014, driven by consumers who began spending their tax cuts and exporters who sought to get their pro


President Donald Trump predicts growth will accelerate under his economic policies. But private forecasters cautioned that the April-June pace is unsustainable because it stems from temporary factors. The rest of the year is likely to see good, but slower growth of around 3 percent.

Temporary factors are not people, but conglomerates using Gary Cohn tax breaks to not pay taxes later in spending money on their tax deductible perks. And as the only thing that US exporting is YOUR OIL AND GAS, driving those prices up, that is your 4.1%, along with Mexicans shingling houses which will fall off, that brings the levels down to 3% or under for the rest of the year.

This is bullshit economics and the President knows it, and has no business deceiving the public for his midterm elections of Bush pariahs into Congress. Donald Trump had no intention of ever passing Reagan Kemp tax relief for all of the people nor did Mike Pence, Mitch  McConnell and Paul Ryan.

I will end this as I have better things to do than post for deadbeat donors who pretend to be Christians as they steal from this site, that there is a good chance in the next few weeks you will see a REVISION buried in the news, that it really was not 4.1, but under that number completely.

I am a Christian Conservative. I want Reagan tax reforms again and a Reagan economy for Americans, not this Wall Street rapine that Trump signed onto which is what Hillary and Jeb would have given you.

Remember the Lame Cherry reforms would have given you 50 cent a gallon gasoline  and 6% sustained growth with deflation.

Nuff Said



Trump spends 12 billion to Torture Animals

Ivanka the New Farm Bill subsidizes milk production and I put in a clause
to pay a few million dollars for your tits so you  better apply.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I would swear that Gary Cohn sneaked into the White House and wrote the new 12 billion dollar spending spree called The Farm Bill.

Once again, not spending a great deal of time on this, but this bill subsidizes millionaires who torture animals in mass confinement in corporate agriculture and rewards Monsanto millionaires to raise poison crops. That is who is rewarded in this farm bill is conglomerate agriculture and not what is left of real farmers.

Trump announces $12 billion in farm aid to fight tariffs ...

Trump announces $12 billion in farm aid to help offset tariff losses. ... Bill Gordon, a soybean farmer ... no matter what dollar amount, ...
Yes these Trump wars are amazing in you end up getting robbed for Trump policies whose only purpose is to concentrate wealth into the hands of the feudal few again.

Now don't get me wrong in I am all for a billion dollar hemp industry, but you know when the billionaires get involved what is going to happen is all those corporate farms are going to say they are growing hemp, when it is pot which is going to be shipped to Canada's wide open dope smoker market. As it is just going to be easier to grow dope in America for profit on corporate farms than to trust Latin Cartels.

Anyway, that is what is getting the reward, is buildings that confine thousands of animals in horrid conditions of never seeing the light of day from chickens to pigs to dairy cows, and all of that meat and whatever is being housed in huge warehouses where it is not being sold anywhere, but you are paying for the subsidy again to millionaires and billionaries.

2.5 Billion Pounds of Meat Piles Up in U.S. as Production ...

U.S. consumers' appetite for meat is growing, but not fast enough to ... specialized warehouses built to store meat and ... overseas sales and rising ...

Nuff  Said


When Donald Trump Grows Up He Should Be German

Stärke durch Frieden

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If Donald Trump had simply embraced his German roots and moved forward as a Christian, he would not now be floundering politically as his inheritor, the man who Trump disregarded in Sebastian Kurz is daily gaining power, prestige and advancing his agenda as the Bismark of the 21st century.

Where Donald Trump could not get his Chamber of Commerce to put people to work, seal the borders and submit to his will. Sebastian Kurz has not only sealed the borders of Austrian, making Germany and Merkel to boy to his will, but he has sealed the borders of Italy and Greece too.

What is truly amazing in this is Donald Trump could not get Christian Roy Moore elected to the Senate by allowing John Kelly meddle that race in a real Kellygate of vote fraud, but Sebastian Kurz is not only bringing down the regime of Angela Merkel in Germany, the most powerful state in Europe, but Sebastian Kurz has elected the Conservative leaders of Greece and Spain.

Donald Trump has his trade wars with Europe, further isolating the United States, and the Europeans have now signed a massive new trade deal with Japan.

Japan and Europe counter Trump with colossal trade deal - The ...

Jul 06, 2017 · Leaders from Japan and the European Union announced their agreement in principle on a trade deal that will cover nearly 30 percent of the global economy.

And as this goes on, the English have been stockpiling food and medicine. Nations do that when trade wars erupt into real wars. Once again it not Austria stockpiling items, it is England, England which should be able to obtain those items from the United States or even Europe.

When Donald Trump grows up, he should want to be the 30 year old Sebastian Kurz, who rose like meteor out of nowhere and has brought the most powerful leaders to heel. Kurz has zero friction with Vladimir Putin, with dictator Xi of China, and Tehran meets with him.
That is what a leader of a superpower state on the rise looks like. Sebastian Kurz advances without any of the militancy which plagues the DIA Presidency of DC.

Kurz's genius is moving on one most important aspect in he has an entire network throughout all of Europe in matching political ideology. Bavaria, the chief most important state in Germany, invited Sebastian Kurz to speak at their political gathering, and told Angela Merkel to stay away. This is monumental as Austria is moving on improving ethnic ties throughout all of Kurz's federalized Europe. The point being Germanic peoples are being joined together across national borders, and their voting will, will be for a centralized authority in the European Union and the natural perpetual leader will be Sebastian Kurz.

The contrasts of America and Austria are night and day. Sebastian Kurz seals his borders, protects and expands Austrian jobs, while Donald Trump expands Visa Vermin entry into America, while giving  the jobs to foreigners, not Americans. Sebastian Kurz makes peace with Russia and China. Donald Trump promotes friction. Austrian led Europe is at war with no one. America is nothing but at perpetual war.

Sebastian Kurz is on the threshold of accomplishing the very things that Donald Trump promised in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. He has accomplished this with no deep state intelligence framing or smearing of him. He is not being investigated by anyone and has not alienated his base.

Donald Trump's confederates are vanishing in May, Macron and Merkel. They are at odds with Trump or the fact is Sebastian Kurz is eliminating them.

This is who Americans elected to become President, instead Donald Trump did Gary Cohn deals and legalized the invasion of America, while Sebastian Kurz has risen to the people's tide and instituting Nationalist Europe from socialist Europe, while Donald Trump is cementing in Obama national socialism in America.

This the tale of  two leaders in,  It was the best of Kurz and the worst of Trump.

America is making all the moves to making her a colonial state of Eurasia again. In contrast Sebastian Kurz has breathed new life in Europe making Europe the 22nd Century Super State which will lead the world.

Nuff Said


Thee American Birthright


As another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the German Empress of Russia, Catherine the Great, began the modernization of Russia in the 1750's, her recruiters entered Germany to lure those genetically superior races to develop Russia.
Russia at the time was ruled by the Russ, or the Gothic Israelites who had invaded and conquerred the sons of Japheth by sailing up the Volga in their Viking ships. The sons of Japheth were a slave class of ignorants whose main implement of life was a hatchet which made them a carpenter.

The German migrants were promised the choice of their vocation and their choice of where they lived. All was well with French wine served the Germans on ships as they left port for Finland. Things began to change though once they arrived on Russia territory, as bearded Russians soon began handing them out lumber and twigs to build huts. This was not Russia, but the Germans soon learned that Catherine with her advisers had decided that the Volga Basin wilderness was in need of development, and Russia needed farmers there, so until the Germans agreed that the steppes of Russia was their new home, they were going to stay in Finland until they died as there was no going back to Germany.

The Germans agreed and were on new ships, which they deemed torture ships, as the rations were meager, they were cold, they caught diseases, died and were tossed about by waves and yearned to get off these death traps for barges which took them up the Volga until ice stopped their way, so that was their second marooning.

Some made it to the Volga basin on horses or wagons and were aghast when their Russian guides stopped one day and said, "This is it". The Germans never got off their horses or down from their wagons as there was absolutely nothing there. They had been promised wood to build houses and supplies, but nothing was there except the Russian wilderness.

In order to survive the first winter, the Germans dug caves in the bluffs, three families to a cave in the 60 below zero weather and held out until spring.

Those that arrived the next season had no provisions, so had to beg for food, but things were better as Russian carpenters arrived and stared putting up shelters, and the food stipend was allowed from Moscow for the migrants, along with a most welcome order that no price gouging would be allowed.
The Germans were beginning to witness signs that the almost 20% of them that had died to get to this Russian wilderness were an investment for the living, as perhaps a life could be made out there.

For the most part, and this is remarkable is the German made square houses do still exist in the German parts of Russia in the Volga and Crimea. The Germans did not have lumber, so built homes of manure and dirt, into large bricks, and then waterproofed the outside and inside. These cave homes with thatch roofs allowed for the survival of the people in that harsh cold, along with burning manure bricks to heat their homes.

Catherine would have farmers in her wilderness, but the problem was not all of these German were farmers, and had no idea how to farm. Seed was late from the government and conditions were harsh. In addition as soon as the Germans poured into Russia, the other European powers started complaining to Moscow that they needed peasant slaves for their nation to run too. So Catherine put a limit on the Germans coming into Russia around 1760 AD in the year of our Lord. The people who would become the Christian German community of Russia would be established on the number of the first recruitment.


In a decade, these Germans had transformed the wilderness into the bread basket of Europe. In Crimea there were fruits, and all of these Germans were involved in owning firearms, hunting, fishing and trapping. They were a most industrious people who began the civilization and transformation of Russia.

It was these Germans 100 years later in the 1850's, in balking under the Czar's conscription, began to move village by village to America. These German Russians would join the Israelite Germans of Prussia and western Germany in a second great migration to the American interior for five decades. Their identity would make Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, North and South Dakota in the Great Plains in turning the terror grounds of Indian prairie into the greatest wheat producing region in the world.

For those who do not comprehend the Biblical destiny of these colonizing sons of Joseph, these were the pioneers who broke out of the northern Mideast in exile and spilled out into Asia and Europe as the Scythian or Sammarean Peoples. They were expert cavalry and always followed their pioneer farmers who tamed the great forests of Europe. It is in their genetics in God practiced them in Russia to develop that nation for great fulfillment of the blessing of Jacob and Moses from God on the sons of Gilead and Manneseh, who would create the single greatest nation in the world of the United States.

There is a vast difference from the true inheritors and native children of America in God's Promise in their Birthright in America, which is being stolen from them as genocide is being waged against them again, to the Visa Vermin who are handed tax money and housing, given jobs by the nazi conglomerates and treated as if they are Americans.

Americans have a Birthright and it is not transferable in the Biblical Covenant. Americans are a generational people of the Bible in history and have earned their place forever in the lands they settled. This is their land and it's content is not transferable to foreigners who are taking that birthright.

It is time for Birthright Americans to assert their Right.


Nuff Said

