Monday, August 20, 2018

JMV: Book Chapter and Verse

I could never tell the entire story as the public needs their heroes, and actors need to work. It is just knowing the story, which has always been enough for me.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Few people realize the selflessness of the greatest television actor ever in JMV, Jan Michael Vincent, in the careers he made and the careers he saved. Most people were nobodies until JMV came along. 


 JMV saved me from being a whore but not from being a liberal, as there was only so much he could do........

Take Bite the Bullet, starring JMV and creating Gene Hackman and James Coburn who were nobodies before this. It was just the association with JMV which propelled them to epic stardom.
Granted, some like Candace Bergman, was always the dummy's daughter, but if not for JMV, she would have been a whore in East  LA giving it away, like JMV made Kim Bassinger, but nothing could save Kim from Alec Baldwin. JMV just could only do so much. 

JMV is one hell of a man among men

The thing is he learned this selflessness from Ben Johnson on The Undefeated years before. See JMV was on the set with John Wayne and Rock Hudson. He was just too powerful of a star until Ben Johnson, approached JMV and said, "Listen JMV, you are just too bright of a light. You got to understand you are bigger than John Wayne. America needs her heroes, so tune it down to the small screen, instead of the big screen. You will always know boy, that you are the top of the acting profession, and will be rewarded in being humble in knowing all you did for America.


Yes Mr. Michael Vincent sir, I always wanted to be a man's kind of man like you.....

Besides, you don't want to be alluring that Faggot Rock Hudson's ass humpers, as once you get that feces penis scent around you, you never get it washed off, and have waves of shit house flies buzzing you. Look at Hudson's trailer over there, looks like a Mexican shit dump with that black cloud of flies blotting out the sun. It is just better boy to tone it down, let Americans have her heroes and not end up being a shit house fly attractant as Raid is not going to be invented for another few years".

I know what that boy did, and I appreciated it!

As we can all see, JMV did the greater thing, and made it small screen. Yes he is the greatest television actor in history and by doing so, saved and launched so many careers that you simply can not count them all. 

Man that JMV can act the ass off a mountain

All of this had to be said, because JMV is the reason we have so many wonderful actors like Gene Hackman and Jimmy Coburn, and of course the greatest actor ever who benefited from JMV humble nature in Joaquin Phoenix, the greatest actor of all time.

We owe it all to JMV


The End of the United States Begins in Europe

Austria sets up consulate general in China's Chengdu - Xinhua ...

Chengdu is the economic hub of southwest China, ... Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz also attended ... Belt and Road Initiative spells opportunities for ...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I never mention who I am for the reason stating that I am a Librarian Tactician or Tactical Librarian would be of little value as there is not a past historical nor present reference in which for you to base your comprehension upon. One might as well inform a Neanderthal that one was an AstroNavigator for all the understanding this reference would mean in prehistoric times. The Neanderthal of you can not comprehend the one of me who exists in the future of where I dwell as there is only one of me.

I was considering the China Belt Road as Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has this issue before him. As I have never really examined this chopstick trail, as I had no interest in it, I was interested in the fiction of it, seems to have several evolving forms.


Examining these variations one advent appears in them all, and that is where trade routes appear, will appear Chicom PLA military bases to protect those economic interests, and displace American interests and supplant European interests, and the matter of fact points in this:

The Chinese - Indian - Mideast - European route, are perfect invasion routes to conquer India, the Mideast and Europe. The northern leg to Moscow is a rather ridiculous ruse as there is nothing for trade in eastern Europe to Moscow. A simple left turn in Bulgaria Romania would place Chinese PLA secure in the Turkish mountains as an operational base fully in control of Europe in a week.
The Turkish leg of this Belt would provide Russia with a southern spear in Turkey to lay waste across the Mediterranean. 

The Moscow route if one notes is a super invasion route through Prague and into the Rhine. Given this, Russia could smash European forces at Prague in 36 hours and in three weeks surround the remaining European military or NATO and obliterate them.
This of course would be timed with a necessary crippling of American might in Middle Eastern bases taking America out of the action.

In the Lame Cherry examination, this Belt should have built into it natural chokepoints  to be insisted upon by the Chancellor in order to destroy any invasion military from Asia. Nothing of course could be done from Moscow to Prague to the Rhine as that road would be undefendable.
The reality is that once PLA bases are in place in Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran with extensions in a now Trump adversary of Turkey that the United States and Europe would be neutralized upon those chokepoints and the stopping of an invasion would be mute. Instead of nuclear plutonium pollution of the select passes to bottleneck these forces, the necessity would then fall to using nuclear weapons to stop the Chinese or Russian waves of invaders on European soil, or the mass capitulation of Europe.

That is what the Belt is. The African route is the supply line to feed China as are the Mideast oil. Venice will be a dumping maritime port to suck the life out of European commerce. The land routes are invasion routes. In this, Europe will either be overtaken by economic enslavement and if she resists, Europe will be invaded by armed Chicom and Russian land forces, becoming a vassal continent.

Chancellor Kurz has a vast undertaking in this unique point in history as never before has a road been built to facilitate an enslavement of a continent by trade or the conquering of a continent by military force. Be certain in this that the China Belt has one additional dimension and that this road is designed to displace the United  States from Eurasia, drain the lifeblood of trade from the United States, pin America behind her ocean walls, where isolated America will be rendered a slave state.

In this, it certainly would have been more astute if President Donald Trump had not disregarded the offer of Vienna as a Putin Trump Summit, for Mr. Trump to now be of assistance to the decision making process of Chancellor Kurz, instead of making Europe a trade war adversary for  the reason that the decisions the Europeans now make, will decide either the end of the United States in the next generation or her attempted survival.
With Mr. Trump's Visa Vermin and this Chinese Belt, America, all of the Americas will be nothing but a tan skinned mongrel dual continent as zoo primate as the Negroid of Africa, about to become a Peking exhibit in the 22nd century.

The President of the United States has embarked upon a most uniformed policy.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


The Politician with the good Soul

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I know that honesty is not something which comes to mind when one thinks of liberals, socialists, or for that matter what is lurking around Conservatism now as our chosen Pied Pipers leading us over the edge, but in that, that is what is so refreshing about Dr. Edgar Berman in his memoirs of Vice President Hubert Humphrey, in this socialist leftist bleeding heart, actually brought to his book the word axe and liberally applied it to the fake democrats who plagued that party as today.

If I were to ask you who was the first black to dine in the US Congress dining room, most of you could not answer that it was the first black staff member in the Senate, and was a friend of Senator Hubert Humphrey.
This dining did not go unnoticed as the Senate banned Cyril King in would not seat him, but Humphrey raised holy hell that day, and Cyril King who would become governor of the Virgin Islands, ate with White Senators that day and that day forward.

That is what is the history in this, as democrat DC as Hubert Humphrey put it, was as repressive as Baton Rouge of the deep south, a decade after he experienced discrimination there for the first time.

I like Edgar Berman as he scientifically worships his friend Hubert Humphrey in Berman never was swayed by the podium or light. He saw the world for what it was and saw Hubert Humphrey for the child of South Dakota in innocense and honesty, who should have never made it to the top, because this democrat was a nice guy, with a real bleeding heart, and he cared about people and being honest.

Humphrey had a phobia about debt from the Great Depression. It would take an act of God to get him to take out a loan for a home and he considered the credit card the most ruinous invention of all. In those ways, he was the mirror of Federalist Christian John Adams in detesting usery and those who plagued Americans with that slavery.

Humphrey was an off  the rack kind of guy. He simply never changed from his humble roots. Berman states that two others who rose to the top in George McGovern of South Dakota and Fritz Mondale of Minnesota, as soon as the paychecks started rolling in, their off the rack clothing disappeard and they were both lavishly spending tailors on Bond Street to dress them like millionaires of the day.

Berman especially contrasts Humphrey from the BRUTAL ARROGANCE of Lyndon Johnson, the POLITICAL ANIMALS that FDR and LBJ were, the calculating deviousness of Richard Nixon and the OVERBEARING PRIDE AND ARROGANCE or HUBRIS of Jimmy Carter.

For all of the lying, rhetoric, demagogues, nothing changed Hubert Humphrey. He was still the nice guy.

Arthur Schlesinger, once wrote in his book that Humphrey was "vulnerable" for being so nice, but Hubert Humphrey noted to Berman, that "He thought he did not do too bad" for being a nice guy.

Larry O'Brien, a Kennedy man, who was probably the deep throat who assisted the democrats in setting up Richard Nixon for Watergate framing, was a Humphrey adviser after Bobby Kennedy was assassinated. He told a story that when Hubert had his cancer surgery, O'Brien finally worked up the courage to visit him, as O'Brien was phobic about doctors and hospitals.

O'Brien hoped that he could duck in and out in 5 minutes, but related that Humphrey kept him there as a "sweet son of a bitch" recovering from cancer surgery, for two hours, assuring O'Brien that hospitals and doctors were not so bad.

In that Berman asked the cut throat O'Brien how it wa that Hubert survived in being so nice.

O'Brien stated, "Don't let anyone ever tell you he was  anybody's patsy. He just did it differently - his own way -  But he knew what the hell he was doing, and no matter what anybody said, he stuck to his way.
But don't forget that he was twice as smart as any other Senator on Capitol Hill".

That was Hubert Humphrey, the strangest of politicians who followed his heart, and kept pushing legislation until it passed, even if it took years. Not by wearing people down alone, but because Humphrey educated himself on the machinery of  passing bills and knew every trick to get things done. Humphrey always believed and lived by, if you worked hard, things in life that you wanted would come to you.

The one thing which Edgar Berman never realized as it was not said, is Hubert Humphrey thought from the heart. By that I mean he was not an idiot liberal who came up with ideas to solve his butt hurts in snowflake whining, but when there was a problem which touched his heart, he went to that South Dakota Scandinavian place that his socialist father taught him, and thought out a solution which could not be defeated. There was an intellect behind Hubert Humphrey which is what is missing from liberals and most Conservatives today.

In summing up Hubert Humphrey, Larry O'Brien produced the best epitaph in if Humphrey had made the White House, he would have been an outstanding President, because Humphrey studied everything and knew the mechanisms of how government worked.
Humphrey  always thought JFK brought something special to the White House which Humphrey did not have. O'Brien stated that Humphrey had the same special quality which would have delighted and led America where she was already willing to go, but that Humphrey just had the JFK quality in a different way.

I do not want to leave people thinking I am swayed by HHH in his politics, because I am not in the least. We are being destroyed in the world of kindness and virtue which Humphrey created which has debased the soul of America. There is a vast difference between poor immigrant children farmers and business people needing help from the government and having the self discipline to stop taking hand outs once they were able, and the current world where we have million dollar politicians taking Social Security and gold standard health care, because "they paid into it or it is a perk". That is what is destroying America is the majority are stealing from the Treasury because they can, and the regime is dumping more 3rd world Visa Vermin stealing from the accounts in massive debt, as Pentajew is rigging the system for bankers who fund the Pentagon war machine to keep the world police state repressing all peoples.

Edgar Berman once stated that Vice President Spiro Agnew wrote a note to Humphrey  when he had cancer and said he was sorry he was ill, but he was sorry that Humphrey was soft on communists too. That seemed harsh, but that is the measure in the goodness of Hubert Humphrey in the good things he accomplished, never provided the self discipline he had to stop being a welfare tramp.

Hubert Humphrey was an adult and could limit himself. That can not be said of any politician now from Minnesota to DC, and can not be said for the majority of Americans, as the minority of Americans are being genocided as they hang on in disciplining their lives as the world whores around them in debauchery and indulgence.

Once Hubert Humphrey died, his leadership vanished, and what was left was a failed Bible thumper in Jimmy Carter and a successful staff humper in Teddy Kennedy, which produced a female rapist in Bill Clinton and an international rapist in Barack Hussein Obama.

Hubert Humphrey brought American blacks to the White establishment,  but a foreigner in Barack Obama established a racism which blackened the light of the world.

There simply are no more Hubert Humphrey's in the left and worse yet, there are no Edgar Berman socialist there to be the conscience of the souls who need to be reminded what sinners they are.

Nuff Said
