Friday, November 9, 2018

The Diversion

LCB: Large Comforting Breasts
Try some with popcorn and beer for all your viewing entertainment


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in  matter anti matter.

 Isn't it amazing news, in a real revelation of Tom Daschle of South Dakota stealing elections, Tim Johnson of South Dakota stealing elections, Al Franken of Minnesota stealing elections, Al Gore trying to steal elections, that the Republicans were caught off guard in the  2018 midterms, in democrats are stealing elections in Florida and Arizona.
How could this happen as John Kennedy, another democrat, stole the election from Richard Nixon in 1960, as Republicans are so unaware that Donald Trump disbanded his vote fraud commission and  nothing was done about it............

You  do realize  that the Bush machine  steals elections to destroy Conservatives, just like democrats steal elections from Republicans as Heidi  Heitkamp of North Dakota did, as much as Harry Reid stole his last election? That is why the commission was disbanded as we could not have the GOP fraud coming to the surface along with the democrats.

So everyone knew this bullshit was coming, because it is all diversion from what is really taking place.

Republican Rick Scott Sues Corrupt Democrat Broward, Palm Beach Counties Over Election Rigging: They’re Trying to ‘Steal the Election’

The 2018 midterms were some of  the worst fraud in history by that Ronna Romney of  the RNC. The GOP under Trump and Pence threw elections in the House from the start of this in not running Republicans. Then HAARP threw storms into the vote suppression and it all brought about the outcome which was intended in the GOP handing the House over  to democrats, so nothing will be done about MAGA, as nothing was done  about MAGA for ..........two Trump years, under Mike Pence's great legislative leadership.

Also late Thursday, President Trump threw another wrench into the evening, announcing on Twitter that "Law Enforcement is looking into another big corruption scandal having to do with Election Fraud in #Broward and Palm Beach." He did not elaborate, but speaking to Fox News' "Hannity," Scott said he had directed a Florida law enforcement agency to probe the matter.
"Late Tuesday night, our win was projected to be around 57,000 votes," Scott told reporters. "By Wednesday morning, that lead dropped to 38,000. By Wednesday evening, it was around 30,000. This morning, it was around 21,000. Now, it is 15,000."
He continued: "On election night, Broward County said there were 634,000 votes cast. At 1 a.m. today, there were 695,700 ballots cast on election day. At 2:30 p.m. today, the number was up to 707,223 ballots cast on Election Day. And we just learned, that the number has increased to 712,840 ballots cast on Election Day. In Palm Beach County, there are 15,000 new votes found since election night.
 And that poor flat chested cockpit dyke, McSally of Arizona now has her election stolen too by that large comforting breasted Sinema.  I told you big tits are a vote magnet as no one wants to vote in enough of a margin to stop vote fraud, in a woman who  looks like she has scaled skin and is the female version of Nicholas Cruz.
Say where is  Ben  Shapiro harping in all of this eh?

In Arizona, Democratic candidate Kyrsten Sinema suddenly took a narrow 9,600-vote lead over GOP opponent Martha McSally late Thursday, with some 400,000 votes left to count in a closely watched race that will determine the size and influence of the Republican Senate majority in January.
That was after McSally had consistently led Sinema since Election Day, and was ahead by 17,000 votes as of early Thursday.

 SO now we have the  diversion, and  the reality of amnesty is on the books, because that is the  first thing on the books, because the unaccountable now can sell out America, to their Nazi corporate benefactors for millions of dollars in new retirement jobs.

And there is Mistah Pwadooser Surh, Mark  Levin, copping a feel again in another lament of why is it that democrats are the only ones who get votes after an election.

Mark Levin: Why Do Democrats ‘Always Manage to Pick Up Votes After the Fact?’ 

That is not the story and Levin knows it is not the story. He is paid Mockingbird to divert attention just like Homo Hannity and Rusty Limbaugh are, to keep you from looking at the greater election fraud, the greater agenda, and how this is all meant to stop MAGA and give Jeb Bush his victory lap, as all of  this is Bush  Obama Clinton policy,and  baby sister, you would think the people with money would donate to this blog as no one  else has just pulled you  out of the abyss, informed you of the real  situation, and how all of this is meant to wear your asses out again, to make you give up, and then amnesty will come for all of those Trump Visa Vermin.

The President is well aware of all of this, and he answers to the DIA of the John  Kelly junta, but he  is just going along to get along, as this WWE theater is the fiction of America and the world.

Oh and one more thing..........

Tucker Carlson, how about manning up and getting your wife a gun to protect your family, instead of running this stage theater act from the talk box, as you obviously can not do it from the ivory tower.

Tucker Carlson Speaks Out On Antifa Mob Terrorizing His Wife & 4 Kids At Their DC Home: ‘These are Not Protesters’

Nuff Said



Ginsburg: Dead Justice Falling

Don't be alarmed, my body parts fall off from time to time

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the near death experience of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, almost dying in her Supreme Court office, there is a reality that this old woman is eating herself alive, in her body is cancer eating  her bones in order to try to survive for calcium needs.

Ginsburg's fall broke three ribs. This was not the first time she has shattered her ribs as this has happened previously, which means that Ruth is on medication for bone degradation, and it has not helped.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was hospitalized Thursday after fracturing three ribs on her left side in a fall at her office a day earlier, the court said in a news release.
Ginsburg, 85, initially went home after the accident, which occurred in her Supreme Court office. But she later reported experiencing some discomfort, and was admitted to George Washington University Hospital "for observation and treatment.

For those non donor rich people who God is still waiting on your big donation here, you will be reminded that my mom had a nasty set of falls this past week. When she broke her upper femur by the hip, the bone was pinned, and she was put on an experimental drug which cost 10,000 dollars to rebuild her bones. See bones of people deteriorate to mush actually. You can actually break the bones of old people by hugging them.
The drug mom was on 10 years ago, which we injected into her daily for two years, was a success as her falls had her looking like she was beat to hell, but not  any bones broke or she would be dead now. The reason mom was  falling was  water retention in her feet and those toxins affecting  her balance. With Ginsburg, she fell, that means  her balance  is off. She is a frail old woman, who can not keep her balance, because her mental facilities have degraded, as she is asleep at the wheel.
Ginsburg fell, against either her desk or chair. She thought she was not injured but was. That notes she is falling often enough on carpet that she discounts the falls. This time though she struck more than carpet and broke her ribs.

A human can not live without bones. It is a matter of time that this cancer ridden woman will break something major in her hips and there will not be any pancreas cancer fixes for this. It might be her spine which will snap. Either case Ruth Bader Ginsburg is on her way out. This is not something recent, but has been degrading her for years. Cancer treatment has degraded those bones and by her slight build, she is a walking honeycomb bone pile ready to crumble  like a sand castle someday.

If this was a  matter of bones, new treatments could be tried, but she is losing her balance, which points to the same imbalance that has Hillary Clinton causing seismic events as her rotund pounds the pavements like Yellowstone fissures. That imbalance is not going to get better. In nature she is falling, with her bones  breaking, so she can quickly be eaten by a lion for a snack.
As there are no lions in DC,  that means more  expensive healthcare which only rich and  powerful people can afford, while the rest of us change the bandages.
Ginsburg belongs in a walker with wheels, but that is not going to deal with her not being able to pick her feet up in not keeping her balance.

Cancer was nature's message it was  Ginsburg's time to exit the building as her body was bone consuming itself.  Now the bones will be her  end. Somewhere in her are several fracture zones. Her ribs prove she has been robbing peter to keep the limbs working. With the ribs deteriorated, the rest will follow. It is always a matter of calcium degradation, but it is possible to factor out the exact year she will expire given that information.

Donald Trump will if he survives the  Mike Pence coup against him, appoint a Supreme Court justice to replace Ginsburg as it is highly doubtful given her mental state, that she will survive another six years. She is a walking cancer factory, her bones are shot and her mental capacity is diminishing.
That David Breyer is the next bone break candidate, over those two lesbians, as Kagan is a big boned dyke and Soetomeyor has different genetics which will medically end her days.

With that, Nuff Said


The Trump Midlands


 The Sum of the Whole is Greater than the Whole

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is not a secret that the Lame Cherry did Richard Nixon. For national persona, only George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt and Richard Nixon have created thee American identity. Only Richard Nixon influenced though the Presidents who followed. Literally Richard Nixon, since he arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in 1952 AD in the year of our Lord as Vice President, it was his persona which shaped all further Presidents to their success or doom.

After Richard Nixon left office in the mid 1970's, it was Richard Nixon who shaped Ronald Reagan's Administration. The reality is that Mr. Nixon had a 3rd term, 4th term, 5th term under HW Bush, a 6th and 7th term under Bill Clinton, and an 8th and 9th under Bush43, and when it comes to foreign policy Donald Trump is manifesting Nixon genius in a 10th term of office.
The greatest failures in Jimmy Carter and Birther Hussein Obama, were due to anti Nixon thought in these geniuses thought they knew more than Richard Nixon.

That is why I have been puzzled in what this blog has been exploring in the writings of the Center for National Interest, or The Nixon Center as it was originally known, as in every apology they write concerning the intellectual basis for Mr. Trump's astute foreign policy navigation, there is a hint of the Defense Intelligence Agency which is the force behind Donald Trump, has been having their thought processes expanded by the intellectuals from the Nixon Center.
I will not go into the details of Trump's policies again as I have written of them previously. I will though contemplate here that what was the Chinese Century a year ago, is now the coming Chicom implosion, as Donald Trump's WWE diplomacy has Peking uncertain of it's future.

I have stated here previously that Chinese like all Asians are prejudiced in how superior they are to all other races. You can tell them anything and they will buy it. Tell the Chinese now they are going tits up and they will scurry away in their paper tiger economy and hide behind their Russian and American Caucasian advanced weaponry.

Few people know that it was Richard Nixon who promoted Donald  Trump to run for public office, lecturing Phil Donahue communism, that America need to bite more allied funding for America defending these slackers.

The Nixon Center is examining Donald Trump and is expounding upon the successful outcome which will follow. There never was any crazy Nixon strategy. Richard Nixon simply followed Patton's advice to always go on the offensive and never doubt being aggressive.

Trump is Forcing China to Reassess its Strategy

Trump’s seeming unpredictability, and penchant for muscular showdown, has dramatically altered China’s risk calculations, forcing Beijing to constantly revisit its strategic assumptions.

The Great Trump Strategy is not to put your trust in former powers as in England, Germany, France and Japan, but instead to focus on the middle powers. Nations which are not pluming in filling the current space, but nations combined from Asia to Europe, who will displace China and Russia.
That is what is behind the Trump Pacific Rim Alliance and the neo Polish groupings from central Europe, to this Middle Land Alliance in the Mideast wedding Saudis and Jewry.

With the European powers of France and Britain, which have Indo-Pacific territories and interests, joining the naval scramble against China, middle powers are even in a better position to augment ongoing efforts to keep Beijing’s ambitions in check, arguably even irrespective of the vicissitudes of American power projection in Asia.

The North Koreans' understand perfectly the Midlands Strategy. They see it as Trump emancipating Korea from China. Trump sees a deal and closes the deal for the advantage of the moment as it is better to seize the momentum, hold the diplomatic ground, and gain concessions from the peripherals in China to Russia, than to first consult them in chain link polices of getting the world community on board.

As one North Korean official told me, with an impeccable English, during a visit to Pyongyang in April, “With some American presidents, you have to make decisions quickly.” In fact, the Trump administration’s direct and unprecedented engagement of the North Korean leadership has placed it in a position, whereby it doesn’t have to trade strategic concessions in exchange for Chinese cooperation on the Korean Peninsula issue. If anything, Trump doesn’t seem to have even bothered to engage in “issue-linkage” strategic bargains with China over North Korea, though he initially was mindful of it .

This is the part of Donald Trump which has been successful. He  does comprehend the old powers. He though has misstepped with Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of Austria. In this, as this blog has exclusively noted, two great leaders in Sebastian Kurz and Donald Trump are attempting to occupy the same space, of which there is only room for one.
This is something which the President has not been offered Nixonian advice when it comes to the great Austrian German imprint. The world is bullish on the middle powers, those powers which had a place in antiquity until eclipsed. All of these nations were empires in their own right and while they are allied in American interests in the East. In the West, without Trump interaction, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is fast displacing the United States in new political, economic and military pacts.

This is the dichotomy of Donald Trump. He is fast approaching climax in Asia. He has an equal chance of humiliation in the Mideast, but in Europe Mr. Trump is sitting on a primer of an American economic implosion or a Great Eurasian War, due to the Chancellor Putin friendship. For Mr. Trump to once again hope that French and English intrigue will create another Germanic war with Russian butchery following with America.

For the moment though, Richard Nixon is promoting the best of Donald Trump policy. It is an uneven balance and those at the Nixon Center have to convince the DIA that a great deal of money for new wars is not a proposition which will produce a successful outcome for the United States.
America must come to a diplomacy where two super powers can occupy the same space with effective cooperation and contest without contention.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said



Office of the Key: Excommunication

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a common satanic verse among the guilty to blurt out, "Who made you judge?", as they attempt to cover up their sins and make themselves victims and uses Jesus "casting the first stone" to convict the others so that the sinner can continue on without remedy.

The fact is Scripture provides for judgment (discerning) and literal Judgment in the removal of sinners from the Body of Christ or the Church. In violation of God's Law  though, this remedy is not employed because the clergy and the synods adore collect plates and numbers of pews filled, so the Church is as filled with evil corrupting the Body as the world is.

I remember a Pastor in our midst who refused to put the Lutheran blessing on some pregnant fornicators who were "now going to do right". That Preacher was treated like a leper, but he was correct. The intelligence network which controls religion has made it a point to degrade Christianity to ruling from the boards and embedding all kinds of satanic reforms from sodomy, to women in the pulpit, to never speaking out on moral issues. Christians are faced with voting with their feet, as the sin has been incorporated in excommunication is not taken up.
The  lurking preacher who acts like a Jesuit black robe in my Church, attempted to blackmail us in stating if he could not give us communion, he could not be our Pastor. We told him fine and not to come back. The Bible does not teach that in the least and using the Lord's Supper as weapon to intimidate Christians is not of Christ.

That though is what the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is churning out now, with their bastardization of the Hynmals and teachings. Each sect has it's immense problems now, and the people are being led astray from inside, as the sinners in  the pews are quite comfortable with clergy that smiles at their sins, so they let him bully others of a lesser god.

Judgment though is of the Office of the Keys, and Judgment is for every Christian to discern and to put away wickedness from their lives, whether it is in the pulpit or in the pew. It is a horrific time now that Christians are forced to leave Churches as these sects are immoral.
In an example of this, the American Luther's here, built a 3 million dollar building to glorify themselves, and then promptly set up sodomy. The older members left and built another Church on the Norwegian Lutheran Christian Faith, in no sodomites allowed.
America is fast producing buildings to satan.

I Corinthians 5:13

But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

That is the difference in Martin Luther's time, in he was forced to leave the Catholic religion for it's corruption and then Lutheranism was the worship of the masses, where they would excommunicate those who were wicked and refused to change. That is a necessity which has disappeared in the modern era as the evil is established from within and the lucre rules for smiling sinners.

Matthew 18

5 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
 16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
 17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

It is as the time of the Judges, where each person is forced to discern and judge as to what they think is right, as few have invested the time to Bible study. It is a point that the Christian is one which awaits Salvation and hopes God will remove the evil people from the midst, as the Christian extracts from their lives all of these wicked apostates.

 Genesis 4

10 And He said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto Me from the ground.
 11 And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;
 12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
 13 And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can bear.
 14 Behold, Thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.

 Daniel 5:21

And he was driven from the sons of men; and his heart was made like the beasts, and his dwelling was with the wild asses: they fed him with grass like oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven; till he knew that the most high God ruled in the kingdom of men, and that He appointeth over it whomsoever He Will.

There are many who confess they love Jesus, but the Jesus they love is not the one of Scripture. Their Jesus is a whipping boy who can not bring in enough unrepentant sinners to sully His Name and to bring ruin to the weak around them.
Those who shun sinners are judged and condemned and made outcasts as not being christian. That is what this world has become and is the reality of this last age of the Church, in it being neither hot not cold for Christ, so He spits them out. Christ excommunicates the whoring clergy and parishioners.

I Corinthians 16:22

If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.

It is the failed state of the modern religions in I watch more services as the funeral home, than in Churches now, as the clergy has not gotten rid of the sin, and the discerning have left that iniquity behind them with dust off their shoes.

It has all come full circle again in the apostasy of the Vatican has become the apostasy of organized religions condoning wickedness against the 10 Commandments of God. The tools provided the Church have not been utilized to protect the Body of Christ, as the shepherds are guilty in scattering the flock to the world.

Nuff Said
