Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Trump Reaches Out to Sebastian Kurz

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is the coming anti Christ, for the Americans reading this, would it be something you would be comfortable with, that Donald Trump on December 11th, 2018 reached out to the anti Jesus, and authorized Europe full hate crime enforcement against Americans, under the full authority of Europe to strike out inside the United States of America.

Pay special attention to what Sebastian Kurz has expanded this now to, in it is not only anti Semitism, but anti ZIONISM. Zionism is a doctrine of manifest destiny of a greater Jewish homeland, stretching beyond the Jewish borders of 1948, and annexing Muslim lands to the Euphrates.
The United States via the European Super State has just signed off on the elimination of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Sinai and Gaza as this is Greater Israel.

Greater Israel - Wikipedia

Greater Israel (Hebrew: ארץ ישראל השלמה ‬; Eretz Yisrael Hashlema) is an expression, with several different Biblical and political meanings over time. It is often used, in an irredentist fashion, to refer to the historic or desired borders of Israel.

"Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East ...

The Zionist project supports the Jewish settlement movement. More broadly it involves a policy of excluding Palestinians from Palestine leading to the eventual annexation of both the West Bank and Gaza to the State of Israel. Greater Israel would create a number of proxy States.

This orphan girl really desires you citizens to get your heads out of your asses in understanding what is being warned of here. Anti Jesus or not, Donald Trump just agreed to the holocaust of a half dozen Muslim nations to be annexed  by Tel Aviv.

Sebastian Kurz Retweeted Jason D. Greenblatt
Thank you for your message and important support. I am committed to further fight all forms of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in Europe and beyond. This is our historical responsibility.
Sebastian Kurz added,

For a historical memory alpha of this, you are reminded of Jared Kushner penning a deal with Tel Aviv earlier this year, turning over United States Soldiers to the command of the Israeli Defense Forces, in other words Americans in the region, when the Israeli state is under attack, will be under the authority to wage war from orders out of Tel Aviv. Meaning  the United States will butt heads with nuclear Iran fast or nuclear Russia even faster.

This is NOT American policy. This is setting trip wires for nuclear war and has set European authority to haul Americans away to concentration camps.

The time for Donald Trump to have reached out to Sebastian Kurz was when the United States was in a position of power in the Putin Trump Summit, offered to be held in Vienna. Mr. Trump though spurned Sebastian Kurz, and Herr Kurz has been on a mission since to cut the United States out of Europe and the world, and he has had complete success.
Since the Trump debacle, Sebastian Kurz has toppled three European heads of state in London, Paris and Berlin. Since the Trump debacle, Sebastian Kurz has rid Europe of the Petro Dollar. Since the Trump debacle, Sebastian Kurz has outplayed America at every point, including the title that Sebastian Kurz is Lord Protector of the Jews, and that includes full authority for Europe to deploy troops to the Holy Land to protect Jews, in other words occupy the state of Israel.

From this weak position of Donald Trump, there now appears Jason Greenblatt, a Jew working personally for Donald Trump, who not only reached out to Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, but demeaned Philadelphia as the City of Brotherly Hate and not Love, made legal representation that the internet is an international forum without borders, and by that reasoning, Europe can enter the United States and arrest, prosecute and imprison Americans.
Open this door for Southern Poverty Law Center dogma denouncing American Conservatives, and the next step is The Hague, filing warrants for the arrest of Americans and Interpol taking them into custody, with Jason Greenblatt signing off on the extradition of Americans to Europe FOR TALKING.

Herr Kurz was replying in direct response to Mr. Greenblatt, Assistant to the President and Special Representative for International Negotiations, who tweeted this guest article in The Hill by
After the Holocaust, I did not think that we would have to talk about anti-Semitism again. The cancer of anti-Semitism seemed to be in remission – it was no longer socially acceptable.

But now the cancer is back, and it has metastasized in Europe and in the United States, the latest manifestation in Pittsburgh. The internet has turned into a borderless space for anti-Semites to find and encourage one another.

It now comes to the point in asking, "What in the hell is President Trump engaged in, in handing over America to become a colony of Europe?" Was the President aware of this? Or is this another Jarvanka moment where Jared and Ivanka sold Donald Trump's soul to Mike Pence, so Nick Ayers would be Chief of Staff, in order to get rid of their DIA nemesis in John Kelly?
If readers recall, this blog was the only media who has been pointing out about the Pence coup, and it was only this blog showing the red warning lights to this President that Nick Ayers was part of the plot to remove the President, and only after Trumpians read these reports and alerted the President was Ayers removed. Again though Ayers was hidden under coup plotter Katie Wash's skirt in a Super Pac which is designed to not elect Donald Trump in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, but to install Mike Pence as President.

There are absolutely no doubts about this in the New York attorney Jason Greenblatt representing President Trump, conferred enforcement authority to the European Super State against Americans inside America, and now it is Trump policy in the Mideast to establish Zionism in the eradication of Muslim lands to be annexed as Greater Judea. Granted the President has already moved in that direction in havng American Soldiers steal Syrian oil and gas, which are now flowing to Haifa for sale to European ports, in direct contention with Mr. Trump's liquid natural gas sales out of America, but in this Zionism of Donald Trump, the Jew Hand Rocking the World does not know what the Oil Baron Hand Rocking America is engaged in a they contend with each other endangering Americans.

The American view in this, and this should be coming from the American right, should be a demand for Donald Trump to disavow what Jason Greenblatt just established, before the United States is weakened further and must submit to European authority or in a Mike Pence or Beto O'Rourke presidency, welcomes European police to do to Americans in Philiadelphia what President Macron is terrorizing the citizens of France over in throwing old men out of wheelchairs or blowing off protesters hands with grenades.

There is no excuse for what Jason Greenblatt just did in reaching out to the leader of the European Super State in placing Jewry before the Constitution  and offering up Americans as fodder for European cannon. Greenblatt should be fired and President Trump must through Jason Miller, craft a statement affirming the US Constitution, citizen rights, over European overreach, and for the confirming of the borders of Muslim lands as established now and the right of those peoples to not be subject to exiling or holocaust.

Nom de Deus, it stuns me how people so ignorant will jump into political union with foreigners over one issue as long as it promotes the Ashkenaz race. This is something which must be fixed immediately by the President as the next step is the type of authority that Adolf Hitler engaged in by marching into lands for forced labor camps.

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has had ZERO contact with the Trump Administration for his entire tenure. He though immediately jumped on what Jason Greenblatt authorized in a tweet, because the Chancellor knew it gave the Europeans to enforce their laws in America via the internet, and then the Chancellor took the inch that Mr. Greenblatt provided of the miles of America, and expanded it to the ending of the Muslim nations of the Mideast.

That is the reality. Brett Kavanaugh established protecting baby butchery, and now Jason Greenblatt established European authority inside America, and Tel Aviv annexing Muslim nations.

Literally, these are the policies which bring Armageddon and this orphan girl is not taking Scripture out of context for attention grabbing headlines. This is the reality of Armageddon in a European placing their authority in Jerusalem and taking possession of Muslim lands, which brings a counter attack from the 200 million armed soldiers of Russia, China and the rest of Asia.

Mr. President pay attention to what your Administration is legalizing in your name.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Preparing to die for the Living

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Considering what we just went through and are going through, I am posting a list of data which each of you should fill out, and put in a safe box, in the event you die, to try and help who is stuck with dealing with your arrangements.

All of this information is necessary for death certificates or for 

Pre-Arrangements Form

Use this form to provide us with as much or as little detail as you wish.  At a minimum, provide us with your name and telephone number and tell us how you'd like us to work with you on the remaining information using the options at the base of the form.
Pre-Arrangement Details

Personal Information

Please use the area above to enter the names of siblings, children and grandchildren.

Work/Education History

Military Record

Funeral Service Request

Disposition Request

(if applicable)
(if applicable)
(if applicable)

Summary Details

What automatic payments will need to be cancelled?
 What insurance do you have?

Life insurance?

Name of your banking establishment and accounts there.

Where are your previous income tax filings?

List of your investments and who manages those investments.

Safety deposit boxes or home safes, and where the keys and combination are located?

Location of property deeds, vehicle titles.

Each of you can add whatever is important to further this list, but filling this out, having it in a location and telling the people who will be making arrangements and dealing with all of this, will greatly appreciate it and save countless hours.
For example, we spent one night trying to find mom's checkbook, as I thought it was in her purse as we had helped her pay bills, but I could not find it. We looked through all the papers and then the Holy Ghost brought a thought to my head, in one night in the brain fuzz of all of this, she had  received some new checks and mentioned she had others in a desk in the living room. I had put the new checks in there unopened and had forgotten about it in those weeks which followed.

Put it on paper, and put the paper in a place people can find it, in a marked folder and that way all the information is there to make life easier on the living.

Nuff Said


A Vermin Holocaust Recipe

As another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So this is formula to kill everything from fleas to bed bug vermin.

Combine 3/4th water  with 1/4th hydrogen peroxide stir in mule team borax powder till the solution starts to thicken up.  Add 1/4th cup of vinegar. 

Apparently you spray this on the dog after bathing and on your bed after Mexicans infest it with their national pets.

I still would prefer DDT, but are not plagues a much more convenient way to kill off Americans.

Nuff  Said
