Thursday, March 21, 2019

I Sense a Trend in Donald Trump

Meghan McCain: My Dad Would Find It ‘Hilarious’ Trump Is So Jealous of Him

having such a petite gorgeous daughter like me.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Donald Trump was listing the reasons he does not like the faux deceased John the hero McCain. In reading over the list, I felt like the horse in George Orwell's book, Animal Farm as it seemed that something had been added which I just could not remember there before.

Bartiromo Challenges Trump on McCain — ‘Mr. President, He’s Dead. He Can’t Punch Back’

but McCain does have a fat ugly daughter who can both punch back, whine and eat Trump size fat free salads, covered with cheese, dressing and tiny pinyon nuts.

Here is Trump’s list of grievances:

1) McCain helped distribute the phony Russia dossier to the FBI and the media
Trump said:
John McCain received the fake and phony dossier, it was paid for by Crooked Hillary Clinton. And John McCain got it. He got it And what did he do? He didn’t call me, he turned it over to the FBI hoping to put me in jeopardy and that’s not the nicest thing to do … because I’m a very loyal person, but what can you expect from a man who has such a fat ugly daughter.
2) McCain cratered attempt to repeal Obamacare by voting “No.”
Trump said:
John McCain campaigned for years to repeal Obamacare in Arizona … when he finally had the chance to do it, he voted against repeal and replace. He voted against at 2:00 in the morning, remember thumbs down? We said ‘What the hell happened?’ He said two hours before he was voting to heal and replace. Then he went thumbs down, badly hurting the Republican party badly hurting our nation and hurting many sick people who desperately wanted good, affordable health care, but this is typical of a man with such a disgusting fat ugly daughter who you could make 10 Ivanka's out of and have room for a tub of lard.
3) McCain failed to help veterans
Trump said:
McCain didn’t get the job done for our great vets in the VA. And they knew it, that’s why when I had my dispute with him, I had such incredible support from the vets and from the military. The vets were on my side because I got the job done. I got choice and I got accountability, but John the hero McCain only has a fat frumper plumper ugly daughter that even I could not get drunk enough to grab her by the pussy.
4) McCain pushed for America to get into the Iraq War and the Middle East
Trump said:
The other thing is we’re in a war in the middle east that McCain pushed so hard. He was calling Bush, President Bush all the time. ‘Get into the Middle East. Get into the Middle East,’ So now we’re into that war for $7 trillion, thousands and thousands of our people have been killed, millions of people overall. And frankly, we’re straightening it out now, but it has been a disaster for our country. We’ve have spent tremendous wealth, and tremendous lives in that war. And what do we have? It is worse than 19 years ago. I called them ‘The Endless Wars’ … John McCain loved it, just like he loved his fat ugly daughter who probably eats more than all the fat ugly women in Iraq every day.
5) McCain Betrayed Him Even Though Donald Trump Endorsed Him
“I endorsed him at his request,” Trump recalled, in spite of him having a fat ugly daughter.

6) Trump Never got thanked by the McCain family for giving them the “funeral that he wanted.”
Trump said:
I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which as president I had to approve. I don’t care about this. I didn’t get thank you. That’s okay. We sent him on the way, but I wasn’t a fan of John McCain, but what do you expect from a man who has a fat ugly daughter as ungrateful as her fat ugly father's heart.

Ana Navarro on Trump’s McCain Attacks: ‘You Pathological President Liar’

except for the truth that John the hero McCain has a fat ugly daughter.

David Letterman ‘Disappointed’ in ‘Putz’ Trump Presidency

but agrees John the hero McCain has a fat ugly daughter that he would not even molest.


The Black Markets of European Wealth

And with relative valuations close to an all-time low, we also prefer European equities to US equities. We note that post a trough in the euro area PMI, the average increase in European equities over the subsequent six months is 9%.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Zerohedge had a fascinating prognostication on Europe is destined in 2019 AD in the year of our Lord to have a stronger economic gain than the United States. That is fascinating, as articles appearing not that long ago had Europe in the same stagnant economic depression as the rest of the world.

So what could possibly change all of this, as one day it is cloudy and the next the sun is rising? The answers lay in the tables that the Zero examines and formulates. See you have to understand in Zerohedge crunches numbers, they are data miners who observe trends and projections. When they see an apple fall, they know that gravity did it. They witness market events and they correlate that to an opposite and equal reaction.

My mind though is completely different in being a woman. I see a man bringing roses and I do not think, what a nice guy he is, but wonder what that bastard has been up to in trying to con the old lady to overlooking a fault.

That is why when I see good signs in the European markets, I do not see productive Germans, but think of all their Nigger slavers, the Slav and the dead drop of Spain, Greece and Italy on the economy over  there, and then I start thinking like a woman, and pondering just where in the hell are the Europeans getting all that money from, and the logical conclusion is money laundering.

The figures on this data are almost a decade old, but money laundering is how the Europeans survived major upsets in the US economy on 9 11 and 2008 Obama's Super Depression.

In Walker’s model, the US was responsible for 46.3% of money laundered ($1.32 trillion). Two other well-known centres of organised crime came next: Italy ($0.15 trillion, 5.3%) and Russia ($0.147 trillion, 5.2%). There followed China, whose share one would expect to have grown since 1998, along with the rest of its economy ($0.13 trillion, 4.6%). The rest of the top 10 consisted mainly, though not exclusively, of Western countries: Germany, France, Romania, Canada, the UK , Hong Kong. The model’s total for money laundering of $2.85 trillion would need to be increased by 38% to allow for dollar inflation, making it $3.933 trillion. The figure for the US would be $1.82 trillion.
In Walker’s model the destinations of money laundering are sometime different from the sources. The US is top again, but with 18.9%, followed by one of the world’s major offshore financial centres, the Cayman Islands (4.9%), Russia (4.2%), Italy (3.7%), China, Romania, Canada, Vatican City, Luxembourg and France.

If Europe is rising, that means money is flowing in which was not flowing in previously.

Europe does not have a Federal Reserve, so to say, as America does. What Europe has are two avenues, and that is their wealthy elite who own the American Fed, creates massive American debt to purchase European things and prop up debt, or the magik wand of black market trading, in money laundering, dope, sex and arms dealing.

There is another facet in this, if the Zero is correct, and that is the American markets are about to take a greater hit, meaning if you observe the above links, one states that liquidation in America was rampant. Liquidation means CASH, and it has to go somewhere, and that would mean Europe. American markets lose value, leave the US Treasury holding the fake rise in US worthless stock for the hedge fund elite living in their luxury towers, and that means the European Super State is where investors would dump their money.
Face it, China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela are all out of the US markets, followed by a growing number of other nations in Europe bringing the rapine home. That translates in an impossible world depression, a rise in European markets and trade.

Add Chancellor Sebastian Kurz running the board in out maneuvering Donald Trump on Trump Tarriff and Trade, in new treaties with the Indochinese, Japan and South Korea, to offset American upheavals and Europe is rising while America is sinking.
The reality is the faux Brexit which is designed to sink the United States, should have European markets teetering as the Zero posted on, but now the bull markets of Europe are where the money is being made from 2019 and beyond.

The Chancellor has stabilized Libya in working both sides with Egyptian help, and taking control of the American CIA asset there, so Europe has now both Russian and African energy to propel itself for the next 50 years.

I'm putting my money into Europe!!!

See Europe should be crashing in Trump Tariff, jobs being lost and the Brexit Gambit, but it is not according to the Zero. It instead by May in the worst of times, is about to be made glorious summer by the sunny day of their markets.

This is something to pay attention to, as you probably missed this in Donald Trump's epic repatriating American moneys from offshore accounts. That money was not just sitting in some pirate chest, but was in European banks, and it all came out of those banks and into Donald Trump's fake stock market rise.
The Europeans did not appreciate Allan Greenspan in the Clinton era, screwing them over for the DotCom bust.
What followed was a 9 11 hit and the infamous Obama super crash where Europeans put into power a Brither who looted the US Treasury. Remember that Obama's first act was to hand out of the US Treasury a fortune to the 3rd World in reparations. That money went directly to Europe. In the following years, Obama dumped money into Europe several times and it all went to the Fed Families, along with his Quantitative Easing which had Americans buying their own debt 3 times over.

It is in European interest now to tank the US economy, which means an economic crash. The US is ripe for that in it's massive debt and Donald Trump has done nothing to save the Americans from the disaster looming out there. The sooner the US tanks, the sooner those trillions reappear in Europe where their value will be tripled under Sebastian Kurz and the US debt will be one hundred times larger as the dollar tanks, and the Saudi owned US oil and gas industry, just starts pumping for the European sellers who will own it all.

America is looking into the Obama Abyss again and not realizing in the darkness of their heads up their asses. I am not stating this is a certain, but I am stating that it is in Europe's interest to make the American economy implode again, and more to the point, Zerohedge has noticed market indicators that something is right in Europe, when it should not me. For that to be taking place, means contraband funding is flowing into Europe and not the United States. That is a shift of the black revenue sources from the red debt books and the only way that happens is when there is a new Habsburg in town setting the rules in the black markets of the world.

Nuff Said


The Special Judicial Committee

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

In the Israeli state there exists the Execution List, a list of 2 to 100 names, of enemies of the state, who have Jewish blood on their hands or by their actions will result in the blood of Jews on their hands.

This list is presented to every Prime Minister to sign off on every individual name. The execution warrant is signed off in advanced by some Prime Ministers and others demand to review the names on the list to ascertain the acceptable political fall out.

In order to appear on the execution list, the chief of Mossad, presents a name to the Prime Minister, who then presents the name to the Committee, the Special Judicial Committee, that not even the Israeli Supreme Court is aware of or has jurisdiction over.

The SJC has appointments of intelligence, military and justice officials. Two lawyers are presented the case to argue it before the Committee. One presents the case for the state and the other the case for the accused. These trials are always in abstentia and the accused is unaware of this Military Court trial focused upon them.

Finding that the accused is guilty and is placed upon the list, triggers two outcomes. One is for the convicted to be brought to Israel for trial. If that would deem impossible, then the convicted is to be executed as quickly as possible.

In June 1980, the Egyptian nuclear scientist, Yahia el Meshad, was placed on the list, for assisting Saddam Hussein in the procurement  of a nuclear weapon. While in Paris, after an interlude with a Mossad paid prostitute, who specialized in kinky sex, a Marie Express, AKA Marie Claude Magdal, two Mossad kaska entered Meshad's room and slit his throat.

Magdal, reported her interlude to the police and her being informed by Meshad that a man had appeared before she arrived, asking Meshad to provide information on his work, in which he would be paid. He sent the "dog" away.

Magdal with her knowledge was approached as she was offering her services on the street. A black car beckoned her to the street, in which she approached the driver side, as another black car pulled out at high speed directly at her. Magdal was shoved into the path of the oncoming car and died instantly. The two black cars drove off.

This is the Special Judicial Committee at work. A name is placed on a list for endangering the Israeli state, the convicted is executed.

In the early 1960's an American refused in a nuclear world to provide the Jewish state the radioactive material for a Jewish atomic bomb. By November 1963 AD in the year of our Lord, that person was dead in a very thorough operation which is unsolved to this day, except by the work of David John Oates in Reverse Speech and the now deceased, Jim Marrs, whose research several times came across Jewish interests involved in this hit, with trails leading to French hitmen, as Kennedy Inc. had attempted hits on Charles DeGaulle and had taken out the President of French Vietnam, Diem.
Upon assuming the Presidency, Lyndon Johnson immediately "lost" American nuclear material which appeared in in the Israel state in the Jewish atomic bombs.

It was a most professional operation.

By Way of Deception
Page 23
Victor Ostrovsky
Claire Hoy


Nuff Said


Overcoming Non Donation Philia

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do all I can for the readers of the blog in the upstanding citizens and the deadbeats. For instance, this blog's enforcer, Jan Michael Vincent, the greatest television star ever, and would have been the greatest film star ever if he had not toned down his charisma to uphold the necessity of America needing John Wayne as someone to look up to, recently issued an ultimatum in either I find out why the deadbeats are not donating or he was going to launch Airwolf and sink England.

I told JMV that only doing that would reward the non donors as no one likes England, even the English hate being English, since Louise English stopped dancing for Benny Hill.

The Great Afrohead Entertainer,  Benny Hill
with Louise English and someone else.

The most beautiful woman in England ever, Louise English.

 Proof that Louise English is the most beautiful English maiden in history.

JMV agreed that rewarding deadbeats with the elimination of the Anglo would not solve the non donor situation and in order to solve the deadbeat problem, I suggested that JMV hire Simon & Simon detective agency from San Diego California, as they have courteous service and reasonable rates, which helps JMV as he has lots of deadbeat donors and often has to hock his metal leg at the pawn shop to afford a case of Hamms beer, known as the good stuff, where fine brews are sold.

The goddamn Limey's served their best purpose
as fodder for Andy Jackson!

So the boys of Simon & Simon were employed and they did a thorough investigation of the deadbeats on the blog, in logging their IP addresses, cross referencing their lingerie fetishes, and yes their personalities disorders which makes them philia to being deadbeats.
It is a real psychological condition in being sexually aroused to not donating.

At this point it is best to let the boys tell the story of their investigation.

Just what in hell do these deadbeats look like?


I was prettier in my senior photos.


I hate monkeys.

No we can't beat them all up even if they look like monkeys.

Most of them are blind in staring at the sun.

Look I didn't want to go blind as I like donating to the girl.

Some of them are phobic in thinking the donate button
will set off the doomsday codes.

No, no, no, don't touch that button as that starts
 the nuclear countdown sequence....


Tell them anything is a banana and it calms them down.

Mmm banana donation rewards.

Yes boys nothing to fear in the mother's milk of donating.


Now you dress up in a suit when you donate to Lame Cherry.

I'm checking this one out as she calmed down after a banana.

 Case complete and no charge as we will be donating to you
as it is an honor working for JMV.

