Thursday, April 18, 2019

I'm Ready for My Kushup Now


I would like to interview your cunt as a source Ann...

At this rate, it's only a matter of time before Jared gets rid of Trump. No wonder the media like him so much.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is interesting a HuffPo writer is the source being quoted by Ann Coulter in her latest Trump rant. The problem in all of this is, in this expose' on the Kushner evil in the West Wing, is that only 100 people have purchased it on Amazon.
That is a massive danger sign for Donald Trump politically, as democrats do not hate him enough to buy it, and republicans are not rabid enough to care.

Ivanka thinks she is going to be the inheritor of the Trump Nazi Party, the National Socialists of America, and perhaps she can offer something for the cartel to install her, but the fact is after Mike Pence does his Tiberius, that I highly doubt there is ever going to be a Trump dynasty.
Barron looks gay oatmeal.
Don jr. smells like fish.....think about that one.
Eric has a wife that is........a leftist.

And Ivanka, she is stupid, married to a Jew who would sell anything, and she has burned up two generations of American good will in a year.

My blonde is bottled and my tits are a mystery.


Vicky Ward is a New York Times bestselling author, investigative reporter, and magazine columnist. She is the author of the bestselling books "The Liar’s Ball: The Extraordinary Saga of How One Building Broke the World’s Toughest Tycoons" and "The Devil’s Casino: Friendship, Betrayal and the High Stakes Games Played Inside Lehman Brothers." Her latest book is "Kushner, Inc.: Greed. Ambition. Corruption. The Extraordinary Story of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump." She is an editor at large at HuffPost and HuffPost’s long-form magazine, Highline, as well as at Town & Country magazine. She was a contributing editor to Vanity Fair for eleven years, where she covered politics, finance, art, and culture.

Apparently of the 100 people who read this Kushner book, they are the only 100 people in the country who have enough emotion to hate Jarvanka. You just can not get elected on that and you can not stay out of priso on that, as no one cares you are getting your ass raped in the grey bar.

The few people who have emotions on Jarvanka are .......well genital wet over them.

So far the only other review is someone who gave it one star because they personally don’t like Kushner. Well, if you don’t like Kushner, you’re going to love this book. It’s very juicy and full of interesting details. Like the fact that Jared‘s father, Charles Kushner, used to visit New York City under a fake name to have relations with men.

And now we learn in the genital wetness of the Trumps is Donald Trump does his evil out in front, but the Kushner's are grabbing the bush under the table.

To paraphrase the author, on the dangerous scale, Jared & Ivanka are #1 & #2 with Donald Trump, as terrible as he is, coming in at #3. Imagine that. While Donald Trump is acting out, getting all of the attention, these two are like sharks below the surface, making policy in the Middle East in order to make the Saudi's happy and being paid personally & handsomely for that policy". It's like Donald Trump is running cover for Jared & Ivanka. The biggest question remains. How much longer is the Republican Party going to allow this kind of nepotism and corruption to continue?

So we have learned that Ann Coulter hating on Donald Trump does not have a great base which is a 100 reader audience on Amazon, who read Huffpo Blonde with no tits.

The summation is that not enough people hate Donald Trump to turn him out of office and the rest of the population is so bored with being lied to, they have stopped caring or paying attention.

All of this is not all what it seems, everything gauges whether Tavistock and Stanford protocols are working. They are as two bottle blondes can not be wrong.

Trump has even taken the masturbation out of politics as there are always wet genitals glomming onto women to just get close them, but 100 is not even in the masturbation zone.

It looks like Donald Trump has the White House and regrettably in that control, will not give Americans anything of MAGA ever again.

I guess it is three bottle blondes.



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Concerning the release of the Mueller Report to Congress, Mark Levin has a point that the Mueller Team was not interested in conducting an investigation to serve thee American People, but instead planted information, from the Grand Juries on every one of the 400 pages, which the Attorney General will be required by law to black out or redact.

We know certain realities in the Mueller Investigation, in it cost Americans tens of millions of dollars. That it was brutal in using blackmail of threats of prosecuting family members of the accused to attempt to get these people to roll over on Donald Trump, that the investigation went far beyond the legal expected definitions of Russian collusion, and searched through hush money, personal finances as in the case of the President's former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, and that no one was ever charged with anything really except lying to investigators, which in most cases seem to be memory lapses.

I am going to use the Atlanta Journal as a source, as it is liberal, and provides a sound recitation of the Mueller investigation.

First in finding no collusion, 2800 subpoenas were issued. 500 witnesses and 500 search warrants. That is ridiculous, but points to why Robert Mueller after wasting this much money and America's time, had to make a landmine report, as this was a witch hunt against Donald Trump and those around him.

We know that Mueller completed the report using 2,800 subpoenas, 500 witnesses and 500 search warrants.

We know for certain that not any collusion was found.

“… did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.”

We  also know that by Robert Mueller placing information into the report, produced an UNINDICTED INDICTMENT of Donald Trump, which will serve the same whispering campaign that John Brennan unleashed with his political associates, in a criminal violation of abuse of power, which had deluded people like Lisa Page and Evelyn Farkas destroy their careers over rumors in a a fake dossier.

The Unidicted Indictment which is a new term, will be akin to the Richard Nixon, Unindicted Co Conspirator. It is a way for those #NeverTrumpers to kidney stab a political figure and let them bleed out slowly.

“The report’s second part addresses a number of actions by the President — most of which have been the subject of public reporting — that the Special Counsel investigated as potentially raising obstruction-of-justice concerns. After making a “thorough factual investigation” into these matters, the Special Counsel considered whether to evaluate the conduct under Department standards regarding prosecution and conviction but ultimately determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment. The Special Counsel therefore did not draw a conclusion — one way or the other — as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction.” 

Now here are the facts in this, as the Mueller Team left the building, except for the attempted  tax lynching of Donald Trump, in there are no secrets in Washington DC. Pissgate proved that completely. If there was anything in this report, Nancy Pelosi would not be overseas telling the British that Donald Trump knows he should not be President, and she would be in the United States, along with the 500 democrats running for the DNC nomination, running not on Bernie Sanders Medideath for all, and running on Donald Trump's Obstruction of Justice.
The Obstruction part was deliberately left open by Robert Mueller, because there was not evidence of obstruction as Mr. Trump as President had Constitutional Authority to do so, and due to the fact that making such a charge would bring impeachment, which would destroy democrats for 2020, as they would never make the charge stick, as the evidence is not there.
So what forms is the political assassination of the unindicted indictment of Donald Trump.

In the AJC, the investigators are listed. The fact is Robert Mueller was searching for the Missing Link in protecting that source as he knew collusion never did happen.
The jury is still out on Attorney General Barr in what he will initiate, but he was involved in PROMIS software in the origins of all of this botwars  online, and was brought in for that purpose now.

Jeff Sessions proved to be another deep state plant and fraud, to bring down Donald Trump. Rod Rosenstein is the worst Deputy Attorney General in history for his abuse  of power  and his absolute disrespect of Congress.
James Comey was even worse in his criminal leaks which initiated the special counsel and his feckless leadership which tarnished the FBI.

The investigators
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III
Attorney General William P. Barr
Former Attorney General Jeff B. Sessions
Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein
Former FBI director James B. Comey

As for those investigated, innocent people were framed, and the criminal elements were passed over. Again this was botwars  in who orchestrated the computer information and released it, in  protecting that source.

Donald J. Trump
Donald Trump Jr.
Jared Kushner
Paul Manafort
Rick Gates
Michael Flynn
George Papadopoulos
Roger Stone
Michael Cohen
Various Russians
“Guccifer 2.0.”
Julian Assange and WikiLeaks
Maria Butina
Hillary Clinton
Sam Clovis
Jerome Corsi
Randy Credico
Democratic National Committee
Rob Goldstone
J.D. Gordon
Stefan Halper
Konstantin Kilimnik
Sergey Kislyak
Joseph Mifsud
Carter Page
Dmitry Peskov
Richard Pinedo
John Podesta
Vladimir Putin.
Felix Sater
Alexander Torshin
Alex van der Zwaan
Natalia Veselnitskaya

Except for a strange quote of John Brennan before the public release of the report in "MAYBE I DON'T KNOW", all have kept silent on the Mueller Report.
That is the revelation in all of this, that there is nothing in this report which would bring an indictment, or it would have been leaked already, and Nancy Pelosi would not have walked back the "impeach Trump" charge in Maxine Waters has gone morgue cold silent on the issue.

I do agree with John Brennan, that the report does need to be released, but not in the context of the paper lynching of Donald Trump. Liberals have seized upon the facts that the Trump Team did have contacts with Russians, but these meetings time and again were set ups or accidental. The Mockingbird smear of Team Trump will gaslight Americans again in the Mueller Report in attacking it, is clever political assassination, but it is just as fraudulent as a report full of testimony which will never reach the public. That also includes what Mark Levin has not told you in his defense of National Socialist Trump that witnesses in the Grand Jury did say that they knew nothing of Russian contacts and that the President was innocent.

That is probably closer to the content of 400 pages of an investigation summary which went insane. Again the reason no information leaked prior or upon the release of this report, points to that nothing is in it of legal consequence or the Mueller Team would have cuffed Don jr. after Jared Kushner threw his brother in law to the Mueller wolves. You will notice in the above that nowhere does the Special Counsel report on who he gave immunity deals to.
That indeed is information the public should be aware of but John Brennan never raises the issue.

Mar 26
The obstruction of justice issue, however, is too important to be dismissed by a Trump-appointed AG with a predetermined view on Presidential accountability to the rule of law. We need to see the Report.

This entire report is once again a smokescreen for the Miss Link, as it will not address who in the United States initiated this operation, which set in motion British MI6 under Theresa May with the Mosaad shadowing under Benjamin Netanyahu,  to produce  a Mark Singer paid for report for Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush, which morphed into Bill Kristol's son in law inducing this dossier, which the Camp Clinton had handed off to them for Christopher Steele, to funnel back into the willing and waiting John Brennan and James Comey to place criminal investigation into the framing of Donald John Trump.

Do not lose site of the above, as that is the issue here, and is the issue by which Attorney General Barr should be judged by, because until the names above receive criminal referrals, including the suicided John the hero McCain for his part in this, what 2016 was all about is never going to be uncovered.

The fact is that Donald Trump left the building on 2016, and this investigation was to leverage him to end MAGA and carry out National Socialism in America. As long as Donald Trump is the cartel's advocate in the White House, he will be re elected in 2020 as certain as Birther Hussein had 2 election stolen for him.

Which Donald Trump was this investigation after? Both, but both now have carte blanche as the purpose of the investigation was to produce the political cover to advance every last detail which Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush would have been forced to accomplish, all without a Special Counsel.

Robert Mueller is a protector of America and is serving his purpose just as Mark Levin is employed to serve his purpose in this. Little of it has to do with the Truth, as What is Truth has never been answered by mankind,  and only by Jesus the Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Nuff Said


Examination of a Mossad Operation in Athens

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is an assessment on the Mossad assassination teams, known as the Kidron, based upon Victor Ostrovsky's memoirs By Way of Deception.

The reason for examining the assassination teams of the Mossad in forensic psychological profile is to explain that the propaganda does not match the reality of the Mossad. The Mossad is very accomplished in set protocols and squat assassination, but in the following their glaring inability as Jewish Asians is exposed in their inability to think out of the box or on the fly, which is one aspect that the Canadian Victor Ostrovsky did have in  his attributes, in he could think on the fly which is most important in any operation, because the variables are too many in what can go wrong, always does go wrong.

The principles in this are the two assassins, Dan Drory  and a bizarre giant named Amikon, who always wore a Jew cap, to the extent in Muslim lands, he shaved his head, made a fake hairpiece and wore that over the bald spot in his religious mandates.
That alone should have disqualified the giant, along with his being a giant, in hulking masses are always more noticeable than average lithe people, of no features and the ability to not be noticed when standing alone on a street corner.

The assassin team composed of 6 to 8 individuals, went to Athens, not a Muslim nation, but home to the PLO which has a radar for Jews. The two targets were located in Abdul the station chief and Abdul the assistant. They were observed to create patterns a that is standard Mossad protocol, and once the patterns emerged, a neutralization plan was created to execute these two PLO terrorists.

The observation phase took place for a month, and a pattern which presented itself was Abdul and Said met regularly at a hotel every Tuesday and Thursday with PLO officials on a main thoroughfare.

Both were photographed and from a bar glass Abdul's fingerprints were confirmed that he was indeed the target. The pattern emerged that Said would meet, leave the hotel after 20 minutes, go to his apartment, change his clothes and go out for the evening.
Abdul would leave the hotel and go an apartment of one of his girlfriends.

Said lived on the second floor of his apartment, parked in a four stall parking garage, a lighted lamp post was outside, and he had 3 body guards in being involved in the military arm of the PLO. Abdul did not have security.

It was decided that a Thursday would be the day that the assassinations would take place. Said always left first, and would be executed outside his apartment building. Abdul left the hotel on a busy two lane street afterwards. A pay phone was down the street from the hotel and there a katsa would wait to phone to the Amikon team that Abdul had been executed, and they were to proceed with their execution.

On the day of the event, instead of the men following their normal activities, both walked out together. The Jews only prepared for one PLO official, stood down as they did not prepare for all contingencies. This is what is meant by the Jewish Asian mind. They can follow the maze to perfection in operations, but move one piece out and they freeze up. They also do not have an on the fly operation to handle all situations.

In this, there were two assassins for two PLO officials at two locations. In proper set up, the hotel location should have had in an upper window or a van, a sniper with a silencer, who would have in the event the two men walked out together, put down the secondary terrorist  in Said as Abdul was taken out by Drory.

Two dead terrorists in a parking lot in the span of 5 seconds ends the problem there cleanly and efficiently. If a variable occurs, then  Said, in panic would be taken out when he fled to his safe house, in the parking garage.

The operation reset, the Jews once again set up for the kill at the hotel, as Said left as he previously had before, Abdul. Abdul two minutes later left the hotel, in each case the Jews had a radio they "clicked" on to alert the hotel team that their target was moving.
The radio man followed Abdul out, and blocked the door, as it was rotating door. When Abdul was down the steps, another  kidron called out "Abdul" to which Abdul replied in the affirmative as Drory placed two bullets to the heart and one to the head.
Hofni, the other kidron was already moving to the van across the street by the time Abdul was falling as it was pulling away, and the pay phone katsa phoned to inform the Said assassins that "It's done", to proceed with their operation.
The revolving door radio man, simply walked back into the hotel as if he forget something. No one found Abdul in the parking lot for 10 minutes.

At the parking garage, the giant lurked with the lamp post light now not working. Again something went not according to planning in two men were in the Said vehicle. When the vehicle parked, the giant appeared from behind and at angle emptied his extended round 9 mm pistol into the back of the heads of the PLO officials, alternating between the two.
The giant then stepped around to finish the two off, but they did not have any faces left.

Although a silencer was employed, a silencer does not muffle bullet impact on walls nor shattering car glass. This alerted the bodyguards who appeared on the balcony calling out Said's name.
A second kidron called to the bodyguards in Arabic to get down, and they did, to which the giant and his accomplice ran across the street, got into the vehicle of the katsa who received the "It's done" phone call, and they drove off.

While the second kidron was proper, as a back up, the problem is the exposing of both in running across the street. An assassin can not break cover into the open, as the bodyguards or police could have appeared opening fire.

Get away cars on site are fine, unless they get blocked in, do not start or are in such a location that it exposes the shooters to public observation.

In the Said shooting, too many cartridges were expelled, as this alerted the bodyguards. The giant correctly proceeded in Mossad teaching of "kill anyone who gets in the way as their are no innocents", but in this, there should have been preparation  for a car full of PLO  officials, to the two who were there.
In the event of a car load, a grenade would have been mandatory, as once Abdul was on the ground, it was of necessity to put Said and how many others in the morgue as there  would not be a second chance.
Dual locations create 20 times the problems of coordination and variables to go wrong.
A grenade is loud, but 40 shots are more time consuming in holding a kidron at postion.

In review, this was a very poor Mossad operation in preparation for variables. Given it being the 1980's, it would be compounded now in cell phones in PLO officials speed dialing and the public taking selfies. All operations must be completed under 10 seconds and every operative must have a covered avenue of escape, including a secondary vehicle to proceed to, and a secondary assembly point for extraction.

From a proper operational perspective, in the laying out of the theater, one does not ever cross a street. An event must take place in a semi concealed area, as parked vehicles, as law enforcement has the worst timing in appearing on patrol. Mossad though prepares for patterns, and when those patterns are close to the standard they function as assassins capable of neutralizing unsuspecting targets.
Produce a contrary  result and they either freeze, stand down or make a very loud mess, calling attention to the operation.

In conclusion, the Mossad is far too Jewish Asian. They do not walk on water, and are more prone to sinking in to the depths they have created.  The PLO operation in Athens is a historical proof of the Mossad's failings in training and protocols.

Nuff Said


Doing Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

AOC doing the Great Wall of China

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We all remember the revolutionary photos of Vladimir Putin, a real man's man, which captured the imagination of the world. Well as a surprise, the Lame Cherry was invited to tag along on the Alexandria Ocasio Cortez  Comeback Tour.

AOC is not like any leader in history and wanted a day in her life documented, as she makes her statement that she can Out Putin Putin and Out Trump Trump.

She called this the Doing Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Tour like Elvis Presley and John Cash on their comebacks, AOC, is showing she is a woman of past, present and future.

Alley started her day off with a wrestle with her pet Manchurian tiger, Max. Max is a vegan who like tofu and caviar.

Then she went for an Olympic sprint, telling me that she was thinking about being an Olympian in the next Olympics.
She runs a 5.6 fifty meters which she attributes to her wholesome way of life.

Then she grabbed her pony, Tonto as  in getting rid of all automobiles, AOC is going to put everyone on horseback again and is one reason she wants to get rid off all the cows as there will be more horses.

 Next we stopped at a hospital where she was breast feeding a child she saved from abortion in New York and named the child Ocasio Ocasio Ocasio.


 Lastly, we finished the day off ice fishing. AOC told me she got into ice fishing when she was at Standing Rock in the Keystone XL pipeline, as she just had to get a bigger fish than Putin.

It is evident after all of this, that AOC has trumped the Putin propaganda page book.  World explorer in conquering the Great Wall of China, equestrian, fisherperson, cat wrestler, Olympian and breast feeder. If you stack AOC in one balance scale and all democrats in the other, she tips the scales.

Obviously it is time to draft Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, dressed in white, the Virgin American Marxist. Yes AOC the VAM, it is a day doing Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.

I'm a woman, AOC VAM!!!

Nuff Said
