Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Media Gang Rape of Lara Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I dislike Lara Trump for a reason. She was a Lara come lately like all the Trumplings to glom onto her father in laws God given success and then she started greyhound genocide in Florida, going socialite nuts. Add to that she is a runner nut, running away from something as her priority should be motherhood, and instead she needs rescuing from men.

Lara weighed in over Muslim Rape Cock in Germany as her pop in law pours Visa Vermin into America with a fake border wall. For this she was crucified.

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On Fox Business, Trump campaign official Lara Trump claims that "the downfall of Germany" was ..... [squints at notes] .... Merkel's decision to allow refugees into the country.

"It was one of the worst things that ever happened to Germany," she adds.

What I dislike is the liberal twat mind. A liberal twat mind is a mind which  when first penetrated thinks the world begins once their mind's cherry was broke. For most of the dumkopfs  it is the day they were born or first masturbated, as that is when history begins.
Most have a bias and prejudice in them which just hates Germans, as they are taught to hate Germans, by Jewish propaganda, which is hiding that that Jewish elders sold their ghetto Jew to National Socialist for work camps, which were then traded to "Death Camps" in a fiction of 6 million dead (double count of Jews in their Christian nations and then counted again when the train ride ended), so as to trump all the other peoples who died from Russian, American and English bombing, to get a Jewish homeland for Ashkenaz Asians who took over Jewry.

With that reality, that is what you get with the liberals attacking Lara Trump, in they always go to the Jew Time Line as the worst thing ever in Germany. The reality is though that Germany has suffered through far more than Jews ever have, and the reality is the last two holocausts came from the Jewish Ashkenaz Schiff's of New York and Rothschild's of London.

This all began in the appearance of the Roman legions slaughtering, enslaving and seizing German lands. The Romans never could understand that Germans were protective of their women, and their women were not whores like Syrian women.
The Germans rose up and smashed Rome under Hermann, the legendary Aribus, whose children were led through the streets of Rome and abused for Hermann daring to be free.

Then there was that second Roman slaughter of Germans, when another German freed the world for Roman rule, named Marin Luther, the Protestant.
Luther was hunted by Rome, and after his death, the real persecution began of Protestant Germans in real book burning.

Then there were those two world wars of genocide of Germans. Yes 11 million Germans were mass murdered in the last one, and that was in captivity of the Americans, while the Russian gang raped their German captives.
6 million Jews in work camps sold their by the elders, and 11 million Germans, in American death camps.

So while I dislike Lara Trump from experience, I dislike dishonesty and liberal brutes media raping Lara Trump, who spoke the Truth that one of the worst situations Germany ever endured has been the Merkel globalist Muslim Rape Cock of Christian Germany.
When compared to the Romans, the Vatican, the Jews, the Americans, the Russians, what the Germans endured in 5 holocausts upon their person, with each attack upon them, surpassing the work camp experience the elders sold their Jews into, it is like comparing the rescue of the Negroid from Africa by slave traders to the English eradication of Scots by dumping them to wilderness genocide in Virginia Colony.

I still dislike Lara Trump, but I will not be silent in the media gang rape of her. Media gang rape there is not any excuse for, but I still hope Lara Trump will mature to understanding that cuddling with liberal ideas get her gang raped, while the Protestant Christians are her protectors and that arose by God from Lutherans.


Vladmir Putin's Large Erection

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

American experts are so, always the experts, and so comforting as just one year ago, we were assured that Russia's nuclear doomsday weapons were years away. The problem is President Vladimir Putin successfully tested his new "nuclear drone mothership" has already deployed one, and will in 2020 begin full deployment.

So you understand this, Russia does not need hundreds of these submarines, as one submarine can launch six 100 megaton warheads, in perfect Cobalt 60 poisoning on an enemy's shores for miles inland for five years, in massive tidal waves.

CIA & Pentagon believe Russia’s next-gen weapons ‘years away’ from reality

We have a bit of problem though in you may remember the Hunt for Red October in that machine having an advanced propulsion system. The Lame Cherry will term Mr. Putin's new toy as Red April as the Russians have covered up the propulsion system of this new advanced drive.
To the point, Russia has created a screw of some type which is fast and silent. This is the Stealth Screw.

To the point, what if Russian engineers have created a way to make a prop sound like the ocean? One can not detect and ocean wave sound in an ocean of waves.

It is this propulsion system and the interesting jet nozzle on top which are advances which the American CIA has yet to wake up to. America has nothing like this in this submarine gap.

The Belgorod is beyond even what the Americans had thought it would appear like. Where the Americans foresaw a whale, the Russians created a shark.

Take the Belograd in her payload and transfer it to 6 locations on the American shore, in New York, New Port News, Boston, Baltimore, DC, Raleigh and America ceases export and import for 5 years. Three such Belograd's could landlock America on all her coasts for 5 years.

These subs can deploy to the deep trenches of the Pacific and Atlantic and sit for years. They can park in the Columbia River to Boston Harbor, and no one would know they were there until those cities disappeared with millions of Americans in the 30 minutes it would require for the waters to flood and recede.

And this from Mike Pompeo:

Russia’s new weaponry allegedly came as no surprise to the US intelligence community either, CIA Director Mike Pompeo said on Sunday, echoing the widely accepted American reaction to the news. Pompeo instead used the opportunity to tell the American public not to worry about the unprecedented potential of the Russian strategic systems.
“Vladimir Putin says lots of things that are without foundation. I don’t want to comment precisely on the details,” the CIA director said on Fox News Sunday. “We are following and tracking all of this closely, as are our brothers at the Department of Defense.
“Americans should rest assured that we have a very good understanding of the Russian program and how to make sure that Americans continue to be kept safe from threats from Vladimir Putin,” Pompeo added.

For a translation in this from 2018, Mike Pompeo and the entire CIA and DIA were flat ass wrong. Pompeo called these Russian weapon systems as pipe dreams. These are real nightmares in the Russians have already successfully tested all of them from hypersonic nuclear cruise missiles to these cobalt mothership doomsday submarines.

The wishful thinking voiced by American officials has further been laid to rest on Monday by Deputy Defense Minister Yury Borisov, who made clear that some of the new systems are already in mass production and are being used by the Russian armed forces.
“This is not a bluff, but a new reality,”
This is the worst blunder in American intelligence and has placed all Americans in jeopardy. The strange reality is though, that these weapons of Russia if used, would be a salvation for the Christian Protestants of America, by obliterating the leftism metro enclaves of sanctuary cities of illegal criminals, who have been imported to genocide the native American race.

A most interesting dilemma in the greater enemy is the cartel in deep state control of the United States and there is zero comfort in knowing that those the cartel have placed into power in America the John Brennan's and Mike Pompeo's who had no idea Russia had been building these doomsday weapons in response to America withdrawing from treaties and building the dial a nukes for first strike.

I do not look like Melania Trump,
Melania Trump looks like me.....

Nuff Said


What is an anti Semite?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What is an anti Semite?

Of course we all know the definition is someone who hates Jews for being a Jew.

Ask yourself if you have ever met anyone in your life who hated a Jew for being a Jew? I have not met any and I doubt if you have ever met anyone either, yet the myth prevails as Adolf Hitler stating that the threat to the world was Marxists who happened to have a radical secular Jewish majority leading them, which had a history assassinating European royalty or Henry Ford was anti semite for stating that International Socialism or Jewry was a threat to Americans, which indeed has proven to be the case as the United States under Barack Obama became community organized under the major conglomerates and under Donald Trump it is now cemented as National Socialist or Nazi state.

But ask yourself in all of this implementation of Jewish organization for exploitation and profit from the Federal Reserve to Goldman Sachs, as we hear the term anti semite misused always, just where did this misuse arise from, the source, who perpetuated it and is still utilizing that slur?

Ask yourself what this is all based on, as it is not in hating Jews. The answer is in Victory Ostrovsky's book, By Way of Deception, the mindset of the Mossad.

We took the Brits seriously, but everyone in the building was saying they were probably deluded, because of THE BITCH.

That's what they always called Margaret Thatcher inside the Mossad. They had her tagged as an anti Semite.
There was a simple question asked when anything happened, "Is it good for the Jews or not?" Forget about policies or anything else. That was the only thing that counted, and depending on the answer, people were called anti Semites, deservedly or not.

Victor Ostrovsky
By Way of Deception
Page 122

That is the definition of why Mario Cuomo was calling Pat Buchanan an anti Semite and Nazi in the 1980's as these were the talking points of socialists in America to ruin Conservatives. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went full propaganda in praising Margaret Thatcher in her death, but his Mossad hated the woman.

The Mossad still loathes Margaret Thatcher as the Jewish press is still smearing the dead Prime Minister of England. Dead so long and yet such a hatred of the Anglo woman, an Anti Anglo hate from the soul of Mossad.

 We find in the Mossad one sided propaganda the reason for the hate of Margaret Thatcher in she wanted peace in the Mideast, where all parties reached an equal end so the peace would last, and not a peace dictated by Tel Aviv.

 The Thatcher government's Middle East policy was dictated largely by concerns over threats to the stability of moderate Arab allies such as Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Over time, there was growing agreement between the Foreign Office and Downing Street that a comprehensive settlement of the Arab-Israel conflict was urgently needed as a means to containing threats to western interests in the Middle East.

According to Victor Ostrovsky in his book, By Way of Deception, the Mossad was in the 1980's printing up so much Jordanian Dinar currency that it almost imploded that stable kingdom.
So Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was an "anti Semite" at Mossad headquarters and called THE BITCH, because she understood that a destabilized Mideast would produce and Obama era invasion of Europe of Muslim refugees which would destroy Europe.
The Prime Minister understood in the large picture that the Soviet Union backing the more reproductive Muslims would win eventually, so peace between the Philistines and the Jews was the basis for not starting a nuclear war to protect Jews, a nuclear war which would have obliterated Germans first, the Anglo French second, and Americans third.

Again Mossad was calling Margaret Thatcher an anti semite, not because she hated Jews, but because she was not going to sacrifice Jordanians, Egyptians and Saudis for Tel Aviv, and more to the point Margaret Thatcher was not going to create a nuclear holocaust for Europeans and Americans so Jews could occupy land while keeping Gaza the Gulag.

Each of you needs to think, ponder and weigh how often you hear the term anti semite, how baseless it is, whether it is against patriot Henry Ford or Margaret Thatcher, and realize that the source of it all is Tel Aviv at Mossad headquarters to smear anyone who is not succoring Jewish intelligence policies which make the goy expendable for Jewish domination.

Victor Ostrovsky's memoirs have been available for 30 years and none of you have heard of this book which was on the New York Times best seller list and none of you have read this book to inform yourselves of the story of this Canadian, who simply had enough of the Mossad after he was on the inside and experienced their brainwashing and methods of manipulation of all others.

Do you find it offensive that the best political friend of Ronald Reagan and the United States, who won the Cold War without a nuclear holocaust of Anglo European Americans, was called THE BITCH by Mossad and that they are still smearing this patriot of England?

Are you beginning to think in seeing the reality through the darkness of the propaganda you have been manipulated?

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
