Friday, June 7, 2019

Please Don't Spray the Muslims

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I for one am thankful for Donald Trump's multi nation invasion of the United States and the police state which arrests Americans, who are now facing trial for using deadly weapons like water and a hose.

First up we have a White 18 year old male, who looks Swedish to me, as there are lots of Swedes in Minnesota, as Minnesota had lots of trees, so they brought in White slaves from Scandinavia to cut the forests down to make lots of money.
They say his name is Joseph Manahan.

The events go like this.

Joe was out on his property, hosing down his yard fence, as in Minnesota fences and siding grow spiders, mildew and strange things that need to get washed off.  Here is what Minnesotans look like when they are not sitting at Twin's games at 50 dollars a ticket and 13 dollars a hotdog.

As you can see it is quite threatening, and the reach of a power sprayer is like 15 inches.

Needed to say in this, is beyond the fence, no not Donald Trump's border wall, but a wooden fence, were hordes of Somalians, who were not at this time shooting Australian women in the neighborhood,  like Justine Damon.

Here this is what Somalians look like, which were dumped all over America, and all drained to the Twin Cities, much to the horror of dead Australian women.


Somewhere in this, Joe got the Somali children wet across the fence, and we now have learned that Somali children are not bright enough to get out of the way of a sprayer as they got wet. We also know that Somalians do not know that windows should be shut, as somehow this pressure sprayer with a reach of 15 inches, sprayed 40 feet, got the Somalian hut wet in the upstairs (It was a big hut.) and the police were called, and apparently saw wet Muslim children and wet huts, and saw a pressure washer, which could not spray 40 feet, and promptly arrested Joseph Manahan.

This is the multi cultural Faribault Minnesota police when they are not eating donuts or arresting Minnesotans washing their fence for debris.

Here is a photo of what apparently is a non lethal event among Somali, in a nappy head, getting busy with a chemical weapon to douse another nappy head. Again this child was not intelligence enough to flee a chemical weapon either, but then they have 85 IQ's which explains a great deal of being like turkeys in being in danger of drowning in the rain.

Finally this is Jay Howser, head of CAIR Minnesota who makes a career of using United States laws against real Americans, and has now defined that water around children is terrorizing them, and it is an act of violence in nozzles with water coming out of them.
Somalians must have 9 11 on speed dial  when they shower as all those White Minnesotans built homes with  terror devices in getting clean as it was next to being Christian Godliness.

"We welcome the charges brought against this suspect who allegedly terrorized Muslim children, and hope they send the message that bias-motivated acts of violence will not be tolerated in our state or nation," CAIR-MN Executive Director Jaylani Hussein said.

Really finally, this is Somalians interacting peacefully, beating the bajesus out of an American kid, like at Blackhawk Down.


So what have we learned in this, but that like oil and water, Muslims and water do not mix, no more than Muslims and Americans do not mix, as water is a terror device just as Americans are.

How long do you think it will be before this majority minority of Trumpland, moves beyond arresting and begins deporting, as they will be passing the laws against Minnesota having a land of 10,000 lakes as a White Hate Crime Conspiracy.

Nuff Said.


Who Really Wrote The Mueller Report???

Mueller says it's a booger, but I say you got an Obama coup up your nose James.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a troubling reality which is beginning to manifest at the surface from the molten lava of the Mueller Report, and it goes beyond the criminal fraud of the dossier, and the fraud performed against the FISA courts in those courts being lied to, by individuals in the Department of Justice and FBI. It can best be described as the story of President Trump's legal counsel, Attorney John Dowd, who in a phone message to the attorney of General Michael Flynn, specifically stated he was not seeking information nor to obstruct justice, but in the report Robert Mueller filed with Attorney General William Barr, which he is required to complete honestly under the law, John Dowd was instead smeared in being presented as a crooked lawyer attempting to obstruct justice for his crooked client, Donald Trump.

Mr. Dowd is furious on this, and has been speaking out about the slander of his reputation. He defines Mueller and his team as despicable and that Michael Flynn got "screwed" over what the Special Counsel engaged in.

John Dowd 

 As stated there is an emerging iceberg problem with Robert Mueller, because while his catastrophe is Titanic, the  reality is the Mueller iceberg broke off from a much larger shelf of continental ice off in the distance. It is an ice shelf which has broken  the law  in FISA deceptions, ruined innocent people by terrorizing their families after financial ruin, to get them to turn on the President.
It is a reality of Robert Mueller was using indicted pedophiles and keeping those indictment secret until after his investigation was complete. It is a reality that Paul Manafort has forces attempting to assassinate him in prison, to cover up another phase of this Obama Clinton Bush ice fortress, which as glacier has been crushing the American political system.

It comes down to the dilemma which Attorney General William Barr is facing, in he is having cooperation with FBI Director Christopher Wray, and both are trying to figure out what exactly this iceberg and glacier was, as the reports do not back each other, people are lying for the agenda behind all of this, and this is the real obstruction of Justice which is harming the United States Government in the trust of the People.

At the center of John Dowd's complaint is a former Watergate attorney in James Quarels whose photos are as difficult to find as the Truth in this. Mr. Dowd specifically states that he sat down with Robert Mueller and James Quarels, in providing them full disclosure, and what resulted was a Mueller Report which edited the words of John Dowd to implicate him and the President in obstruction.

That is a criminal act by the Special Counselors Office.

James Quarels

Mr. Down points the finger directly at Mueller and Quarels ambushing this innocent man. The reality is though, no one has yet had anyone go on the record and testify plainly, just who it was, that wrote the Mueller Report, as it does not jive with the facts and it was completed as a document meant to cover up Robert Mueller's team investigating innocent people, not clearing the President for over 2 years, when someone in the Special Counsel's Office was misrepresenting innocent conversations as illegal acts.

Now I met with Mueller and [James] Quarles the whole time. They never said a word to me. Instead they pulled this ambush in their report.
-John Dowd

Mr.  Mueller has hedged on this, in stating he thought there was a criminal act in the room, as while it was not a criminal act, he could indict upon, it was an act, if beheld in a certain way, it could be interpreted as an obstruction of justice.
Both Attorney General William Barr and Deputy Rod Rosenstein have stated definitely that the acts engaged in by the  President were out of frustration in he was elected to do a job, being hindered, being lied  to by James Comey, and was being smeared daily in the press.
The President stating he does not like being framed is not an  act of Obstruction of Justice, just as John Dowd speaking as an attorney to another attorney is not a criminal act, especially when the Special Counsel's Office was editing what he said.

Scott’s conclusion today is in line with Dowd’s:
The report smears Dowd, we now know, by means of a deceptively edited voicemail message left by Dowd with Flynn counsel Robert Kelner. Following an order promulgated by Judge Emmet Sullivan in Flynn’s case, prosecutors filed the full transcript of the voicemail message with the court on Friday.

We know that Attorney General William Barr, defined the follow up letter from Robert Mueller as "snitty" and probably not written by him, concerning the conclusions  the Attorney General reached in stating the report did not show any collusion with Russians or acts of obstruction. Yet Robert Mueller is backing down from this letter in conversations with the Attorney General, does conclude that Robert Mueller was aware of content, as he was aware of his last public statement in attempting to move democrats in the House to impeach Donald Trump as President.
The President has defined Robert Mueller as a #NeverTrumper, and that does appear a proper conclusion as Robert Mueller appeared to be sent in to protect the Missing Link identity of the entity which started all of this collusion fakery which mutated  into obstruction to get Donald Trump, all generated from American CIA, British MI6, Italian Services and Mosaad.

None of  that though produces the jive that the Attorney General is seeking with investigators yet.

People were writing things in Robert Mueller's name, and he was signing those documents. What must be ascertained in this, is who was writing these reports and letters, as they have literally been exposed as criminal acts now to cover up the real Mueller agenda, in making innocent people appear as criminals.

Those are false statements, fraud and deliberate deception of the Attorney General  and the US Congress. Those are most serious matters, and as Robert Mueller did not disavow the report, James Quarels, nor any other Mueller investigator or assistant rose to disavow and remove themselves from criminal recordings in that report, it does appear from top to bottom, there was not one person involved in this from Mueller's team to the FBI, who were not involved.
Instead reports were issued that the Special Counsel's team was angry behind the scenes and complaining to the press, in trying to perpetuate the fraud and again provide themselves cover for their criminal acts.

American Law at it's heart is the golden thread of innocent until proven guilty, but that proof can not be obtained by law enforcement framing people who are innocent or guilty.

So the question which must be answered is, Robert Mueller signed off on this report, no one at least in public disavowed the report, but in the end,  who was it that sat down and assembled this report over over 400 pages, because these were not mistakes. These are the best professional prosecutors in the United States, and that means the world. There was not any way that John Dowd's transcript was edited on it's own. That was deliberate and it was criminal, and Robert Mueller as a Marine, a Judge and Director of the FBI knew completely certain those were criminal misrepresentations, as Mr. Dowd stated that Robert Mueller was sitting in on this interview.

In the framing of Donald Trump, in the collusion of the Obama regime, illegally using the CIA in John Brennan to conduct this operation against the 2016 elections, there was fraud involved and cover ups  in the FISA warrants, but then from the strange Obama birth abstracts, the convenient disposal of bi Laden's body, the Benghazi incident, there is a long trail of criminal activity, to not prosecuting Hillary Clinton, so a report to the American People summing up what took place, being involved in more criminal acts is but a reality of how corrupt this entire population is at the top.

Rudy Guiliani has stated that 3 to 5 people will be indicted in this. After the revelations of the Mueller Report, that number  is closer to 20 to 30, as the Report is a knowing fraud, and we must know who composed this report, as it was deliberate, and all of those involved have returned to their government jobs, and the simply can not be a part of government ever again, because ever case they try will be suspect and appealed, as fraud was engaged in.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

 Robert Mueller and Associate


Replacing Broken GMC Chevy Doors

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well, a 1997 GMC Sierra is a good pickup, except for that inner door handles which are the reason Southerners crawl out their windows.

3 years ago I got the passenger door replaced as that was considered the fix, until last year when the door stopped opening again. At 150 bucks a door that sucks shit, along with the end gate will not open, which is another old pick up flaw, the brakes, the .....I forget, but the thing is as you rich people ride around in luxury, that is the shit I get in being the person who knows more than you do with your heads up your Good Samaritan asses.

So both doors went out, and as I am not crawling out windows, and dropping the window to get out of the pick up  got old after the first day, I decided to go to the library, as I do not have high speed internet and watch "how to repair a GMC, Chevy" doors as there were like 3 videos on the site, and it took 3 rednecks to show me how to do it right by combining them all.

The simple answer is, there are plastic nails that hold the door on, along with two screws in the door close handle, one little plastic piece on top for cosmetics, and then the cosmetics by the door.

I created a rough image of what needs to come off, in the red parts.

You will find out that mechanics have taken your shit off before, and the plastic nails will be not all there, and plastic parts will have been broken off. I broke one tab on the door handle cover, so it now goes on easier, but just know that mechanics bust old plastic shit all the time and you never know it.

So the tools you need are:

A flat pry bar
A standard screwdriver
A philips screwdriver
A pliers
An electric drill and bit

The pry bar is my idea, as the rednecks were just prying with screwdrivers which does not help.

So I stated with the top cosmetic piece which just has one plastic nail in the middle.

Move onto the door cosmetic cover. There are flat tabs on the top, back side and bottom. The screwdriver works here in start on the bottom and then side, and top, and it should pop without breaking tabs......but then I broke one off, and my other side that a mechanic had off, had two broke it happens.

Then you do not take the big felt panel off as I did, but I just nailed it back on with a hammer. Yes I made a mistake from memory.

Next you slide the flat bar under the bottom of the door and pop the plastic nails loose. I used the screwdriver to hold it out a bit and moved around to the outside, then the indside. Once loose, you just lift it up with some persuasion in rocking it and out it comes.

The online rednecks in some left the door panel hang, and some took the electronics off. Me I got a mineral lick tub and let the door panel balance on that, so I did not have to unplug the electric door, mirror locks


There is a small rivet which holds the door handle on. You have to drill this off, and then tap or pull the rivet out. That is about the hardest part of this.

The door handle has latches on it, and you slide it back.

The rednecks had a problem with the replacement handle removal, but all I did was use a regular pliers, instead of needle nose things, and you will pop the connecting rods, first the door lock and then the door latch, and it goes easy.

OK, on the door handle is a plastic dust screen. Remove that without tearing and put that on your replacement handle.

Now you just use your plier to click the lock rod and then the latch rod into the handle. Place it into the slots, slide it forward, and then you will need a rather large metal screw, to hold this in place, as the rivet is gone. The screw will be about 1 inch long and a quarter of an inch in diameter.

Now it is just testing it to see if it opens and closes, and you assemble it backwards with the panel, and then the two cosmetic pieces.

It took me about 30 minutes to do the first passenger door in learning, and making a mistake. The driver door took about 15 minutes in taking my time, so it is not a big project that would have cost me 300 bucks which I did not have to spend like most rednecks.

Total was 36 bucks at the local auto store. Online they were selling the handles for 13 to 15 dollars, and I purchased the plastic tabs to try and fix the end gate too, but that is future tense.
It was still 36 bucks I could not afford, and the reality is if GMC had built this as it should have been, I would not be fixing........and I am betting the replacement is goddamn chinaman shit, so that is why it broke again as what breaks is the cast metal on the plastic handle.

It can be done though and has to be done in projects I can not afford, where I have to do public assistance at the library and then watch Youtube how to repair things. It is necessity and is the reality now, and why I really get pissed off at the Homo Hannity rich as they are tightwads who pretend they are generous in their hundred dollar tips, but goddamn it, this ain't Vietnam, this is the Trump economy off the Obama super depression and shit costs in the United States. The rich might have known what the fuck it was like being poor without Mexicans taking my heritage 30 years ago, but shit was easy then compared to now. Homo Hannity rich should try it for a few years on 100 dollars and see how things work out, as they work even more than they are now in having to do the job.

Anyway, by God's Grace I got it fixed in more bills. I think them handles have been replaced 3 times each. What a crock of shit that is.

Nuff Said
