Thursday, August 15, 2019

How did Trump and the Media Know the Stock Market would Crash?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As we were up early and doing errands, it afforded me the opportunity to check FOX News headlines, and they were featuring the Trump Stock Plunge of August 14th, 2019 AD in the year of our Lord, with full guests on at 10 AM in the morning, along with White House denials this was a recession, as the focus was focused.

My first thought in all of this was:

How did FOX News know  that a stock market plunge was going to take place on August 14th, 2019 AD, as they had guests already lined up, and full graphics, as it requires a great deal of time in bringing people in, putting on make up, and creating graphics.
I will repeat this in this was 10 AM, to do a morning news program, a person has to be up at 4 AM, which is why Paul Manafort was smeared by CBS morning program in he was 69 years old, and had been up since the wee hours of the morning.

There were major stories on FOX featuring Chinese and Germanese recession.

The White House was in full denial mode already at 10 AM, as this was a subject they were ready for, which means President Donald Trump, along with all the other media, were aware this collapse would take place on Wednesday August 14th.

So Peter Navarro was ready for this, in he knew this Wednesday plunge was coming, as did the Federal Reserve, who in collusion with Steven Mnuchkin at Treasury caused this plunge in this was their throttle controls to keep this plummet in check.

Once again, FOX graphics just do not happen in an instant, with New York Stock Exchange numbers of the real time plunge.

This poor orphan girl informed all of you that Trump 2020 was going to run against the Federal Reserve next year in blaming them for the problems of the Trumpflation economy of stagnant growth and Americans being replaced as people by foreign vermin workers.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

So two weeks ago, this poor orphan girl blogger informed everyone, including those rich people with big portfolios, and they did not donate, but instead of cashing in and donating to this poor orphan girl, sat on those accounts and had taken from them the money which they should have donated to this poor orphan girl.

Now the Durdan Bros over at the Zero have been stating the Fed was emailing them for some reason which I still do not quite get as no one is asking why is the Fed emailing the Bros, and the main content was Quantative Easing, meaning the Fed was ready to use the excuse of a stock plunge to start pumping money into the rich man's coffers again. I wrote of this in the COMATOSE ECONOMY.

The Comatose Economy

| Aug. 9, 2019 at 4:08 PM

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

"the Fed may need to start open market operations sooner rather than later to inject reserves into the US banking system."
Open market operations is, of course, another name for QE, which as we have been saying all along is inevitable if for no other reason than to monetize the upcoming wave of UST supply especially if China decides to boycott (or outright sell) US Treasurys.

So the story in this is, not that the stock market plunged, but the foreknowledge of the stock market plunging, in the Fed sending out love letters to the Durdan Bros, and FOX News knowing this was coming exactly on Wednesday August 14th, 2019 AD in the year of our Lord before everyone else, and the fact that the Trump 2020 campaign knew this was coming in a prepared response and a campaign strategy, six months out.

For the record, it is a crime to manipulate the stock market. We all know Obama engaged in it every day for rapine, but it is still a crime. It is a crime for media to know a plunge is coming and to not report it, but to foster it.

As no one else is reporting this AGAIN, it is for you to answer the question in how did the Fed, Donald Trump, his money people, all media, and the entire financial sector know this plunge was coming, and all enabled it to a precise plunge which all of them made money off of.

I will do part of the thinking for you, in this plunge was engineered as a controlled brake on what is coming, and it is still illegal, including QE being initiated as a prelude to this Gulf of Tonkin economic event.

They all knew, and Mockingbird led you to the brainwashing and no one is asking any questions, including the rich folks who just got their portfolios looted. Maybe they will cash in some and make those 350,000 dollar donations they owe this poor orphan girl.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


The Extinction of the Anglo Caucasian

 The Queen had a disappointing week.
She dropped Charles off at an abortion clinic and Meghan at the zoo,
and they both made it back to Buckingham Palace before she did.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Once upon a time, there lived an ugly sleeping princess, who was kissed by a frog, and when she awoke, unfortunately she was still ugly, and her heir grew up to be Prince Charles.

Nigel Farage was in falling off the cliff Australia, and gave a speech which was a Benny Hill performance.

How bloody well was I to know they didn't know it was a Tarzan skit!

Farage is a classic intelligence agent and like the near extinct British class, his is quite biting and brilliant in his satire. His filleting of the liberal British monarchy was fitting, as he reminds the English that the last thing England can survive from is King Chuck, and African primates in the royal line.

Farage unleashed with calling the Duck of Sussex as the Prince of Wokeness. I had to look that up, as I of course am not a racist nor involved in all of these Social Justice Warrior terms. It was hilarious though if you understood what Farage was saying in, "Wogs are too stupid to give CPR to a dying Wog, and they think that urging a dead guy on by cheering him, will save him".

That is the classic definition of these Social Justice Warriors, the snowfreaks and snowfakes of the end of civilization.

I honestly think that Prince Phillip has a horse sized cock. He tells the most lewd jokes, loves horses, and what can be the explanation for how odd Charles is, but Phil has a foot long dick with a head like a bat, and he kept humping the Queen all 9 months and was giving Charles concussions 5 times a day with his big dick.

Charles life has been about finding money in Canada and not giving it back. Yes that was on 60 Minutes when Charles was deployed in Canada, he picked up some money and would not give it back. The guy owns Wales, and is a trillionaire and he won't give 20 bucks back to a cameraman?

His social justice stances were railing about ugly buildings in London, while England was imploding financially.
His social justice rants were on climate fakery, instead of London becoming a Muslim outpost ending the English people.
This was a man who had daff headed blonde wife named Diana to boff non stop, and he was out nailing that horse headed Camilla who looks like a guy from Manchester United.

Something is wrong with this guy as he was born goofy from the womb.

But Mummy, I haven't finished drawing penis 
on the quadroons yet.

Prince Charles has been proven wrong on major issues. He predicted the polar ice caps would melt coming 5 years ago, and they are even thicker, and he has not bothered to apologize. He just keeps existing for the day his Mother dies, so he can become king.
No one wants Charles as king. They don't want him as a prince. It is time for the Queen to just appoint Prince William, King Regent and give Charles the exit strategy.
Literally the past time in England is everyone turns to their paper and hopes that an obituary is there announcing that Charles drown in a bowl of soup when he fell in.

The Brexit Party leader has doubled down and mocked the Prince of Wales, who he calls 'Charlie boy', for telling a 2008 EU summit that the North Polar ice cap could disappear completely by 2015.

The thing is, the worst of it is not Charles. I swear this is like something out of Benny Hill, as there is something worse than Charles, and this duo makes Chuck and Camilla look acceptable.

It is this polo boy bastard Harry, who seemed to not be able to make up his mind in either being a faggot or a man whore, so he chose to go Darwin and start mating with the Neanderthals.Yes Harry is a Prince who turned not to the Church of England, but to the repentant Charles Darwin by marrying a quadroon for his sins of monarchy.

Seriously, King George was nuts so he had an excuse, but Harry was not suffering even big cock concussions from Charles or his stable man father banging Diana. He went social justice when the Queen told him to marry a Negroid so the British would get a vine up on the African markets that the Europeans intend to annex.
I wonder how that conversation went?

"Queen Grammama, my penis gets hard over monkeys".

"That is alright you little bastard. Go find a wog to fornicate and we will get Africa back."

This is the Prince of Wokeness. King Henry could not get enough beautiful women, but Harry only has eyes for the zoo specimens.

Turning on Harry he then called him the 'Prince of Wokeness' because of his developing passion for social justice and his pledge to only have a 'maximum' of two children to help save the environment.

Me Tarzan, you Social Jane Warrior

Last month, Harry told activist and chimpanzee expert Dr Jane Goodall he will only have two children for the sake of the planet.

It comes to the point of sexual perversions from anus sex to sexing the apes are now political agendas. Most people have orgasms, but Harry has absolution jism where everyone else has to pay for his sins in the British sold all those Niggers into slavery for their royal coffers.
One ponders for a moment if the revolting droning of Charles about bad buildings is palatable after images flash through your mind of Harry's red haired anus gaped to the air as Meghan's flapping nethers slurp in this  primate duo saving the world in 2.6 carbon creators.

Why are these two even procreating as in the goode olde days there were laws about these things.

Diana, I once drank a mortar shell full of gin
and had a romp with an ape at the zoo.
You watch that little bastard Harry as he has
that gin look every time he sees a chimpanzee.

.@Nigel_Farage criticises Prince Charles' views on climate change and describes the Queen's late mother as "a chain-smoking, gin drinker".

I mean for a commoner, Queen Mum seemed normal, but shit that thing she was married to in Ed was a stuttering fool, and his sex crazed brother traded an empire for a fuck. Even a commoner can not overcome that shit for brains. It seems the salvation of England is Princess Kate, who appears to not have suffered from cock concussion in the womb in giving that loaf head husband some DNA that is human.

Yes that one is normal and not like Charles and Harry.

 The Queen has a definitive problem as great as what led up to the beheading of King Charles. Her reign was one which was far too liberal in embracing Labor against Tories. Her children were public relations disasters in divorce and perversion. They were either on pedo island or raising primates having sex with the zoo animals.
Her policies have been to neglect Conservative Christians, and to promote terror Islam and leftist revolution in the regressive Social Justice Warrior which criminalizes the English for their race and condemns them.

In this Queen Elizabeth has failed the throne and her people.  It is at this point in jeopardy of the survival of the English race, the Queen has abdicated the birthright and blessing of the English for all that the English fought against for 1000 years.

The United States is not any better in the betrayal of leadership. Britain is Balkanizing. It welcomed in the Obama Wog as the epitaph of the British who want nothing of this, then went down to the zoo and copulated with primates who who have not evolved past the stage of the property the English were selling them as not that long ago.

I don't know if Nigel gets wood over me or you.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


The Comatose Economy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I reside in a world as most of you do, in you never have any money for things you dream of, and you look at all the other peoples who either are driving nice lives in making debt payments or they have portfolios of millions of dollars made from money stolen from you, in this Nazi economy.
By Nazi, it is a national socialist economy where the conglomerates have money dumped into them by either illegal drug trade for their franchises traded on Wall Street or government contracts pumping money into their welfare and defense coffers.

I do though pay attention to realities. I notice things in cause and effect. This blog only covered HAARP's weather war on Protestant Americans. Some of you may have paid attention to the flooding which kept farmers from planting. Fewer knew that Donald Trump handed out like 13 billion dollars to millionaire farmers to tide them over. That money was money laundered though, as the farmers will pay bills with it to the agribusiness conglomerates who sell them fertilizer, seed, fuel and equipment. That money was for John Deere, DuPont, George Soros, Exxon and Monsanto.

There is a coming reality in Donald Trump's trade war with China, and that is American farming has forever changed in Mr. Trump's promises of better days ahead. Over the past two decades, American farmers were paid money for raising soybeans, which have only one market, and that is China.
China is moving to competitors, meaning Brazil. Just as Americans are losing markets for their wheat, and no one is buying corn.

What farmers though are being forced into though, is to raise more 200 bushel per acre Monsanto frankencorn. Corn once was a 100 bushel an acre crop in prime areas like Iowa. Now corn is 200 bushels, but there is not a market for it, as food production is beef from Canada and pigs processed in China.
Plant twice the acres of corn, at twice the production, and the price for corn will plummet by half. Farmers will go bankrupt which is the agenda in this. Robotics is the future, and just as the dairy, poultry, pig family farm markets were forced out of existence for corporate farming, the trend is the corporates to control the farm land.

Yes while you are looking at the Trump diversions, the Webster Griffin Tarpley splitting of the democratic party, but the real jeopardy is the world of production economics and debt economics. Production economies in the United States is kaput. What is the revenue source is debt enslavement, and the production of debt has moved past fiat currency and fractal lending for the Rothschilds to loot nations, but selling of debt to suckers until no more blood will come from the corpse.

There is something at work in this cycle as Donald Trump has opened the floodgates for debt spending in government. That means there is a huge amount of money, 300 billion dollars more, being looted from America, but being pumped into the economy, which is driving the Trump economic growth, which is stagnation.

What happens if you have an extra hundred thousand dollars?  Say you want to buy a car or a house, would you quibble over an extra ten thousand or just spend it? Of course you would just spend it as you have it. That spending though raises prices, and that is inflation, which mirrors Trump Stagflation is what the economy is.

While it has yet to be enacted, there was a promise again that gas prices will plummet this last quarter, as America has plunged into the Obama Super Depression. A cut in energy prices would mean a diversion of American consumer funds to other areas, in an attempt to negate the Trump inflation of consumer goods, because the reality is the Federal Reserve can no longer raise rates to slow down inflation, so throttles have to be pulled, which have nothing to do with bank lending, because the banks are having liquidity problems.

For all of the e currency being generated in Steven Mnuchkin Treasury debt spending in budgets, the printing of real currency is not expanding, and is in effect, large denomination American bills are disappearing across the globe.
Someone is hording paper currency. The Durden Brothers at the Zero point to non cash investments, which would point to gold, will deflate. That is of interest as Trump has been trying to deflate the dollar by railing against it's buying power. A less powerful dollar should make gold rise as the dollar is cheap, but the fact is the forces are working against each other in this to lessen the dollar value and to lessen the value of other assets.

You have to comprehend too that as the stock market deflates, those trillions in thousand point drops do disappear on the investors end. See you buy a  stock for 1000 dollars, and it drops to 500 dollars, and the corporation still has the 1000, but you have lost 500, or half your wealth. Understand this point though, that when you sell your 500 dollar stock, the company still has your 1000 dollars, and is only paying a dividend where it is earning more than what it is paying you. A stock drop means nothing to a corporation as it has all the money yet from a stock rise. The stocks drop far enough and they buy their stocks back at pennies on the 1000 dollars, and like the Great Depression, or the 2008 Obama implosion, and wait for stocks to rise again, and then sell them to the next sucker.

The next sucker is you or your government, because in Trump debt,  Treasury bonds are sold, and the Federal Reserve purchases this debt. So you understand this, Ponzi Scheme, the Rothschilds have you print money at the Treasury and print bonds. That money goes into their conglomerates for profit, and then they buy that debt and you pay them in interest.
It is a wonderful triple robbing of you, in they stick you with the debt twice, they get the profits and charge you interest on the debt.

"the Fed may need to start open market operations sooner rather than later to inject reserves into the US banking system."
Open market operations is, of course, another name for QE, which as we have been saying all along is inevitable if for no other reason than to monetize the upcoming wave of UST supply especially if China decides to boycott (or outright sell) US Treasurys. Indeed, the Fed may have no choice but to launch QE simply because of too much Treasury supply and the market's ability to warehouse it - a challenge that will only grow in the coming years, which is why we have been warning for much of the past year to watch out for market crashes - just like the failure of Lehman - these are a convenient and easy scapegoat for the Fed returning launching another round of QE... much to Trump's applause.

In all of this though, is the reality that the United States has 13 trillion dollars in debt being bought and sold. It is termed "global assets", but these assets are negative yielding, or translated investment groups like Goldman Sachs before the 2008 Obama crash, were packaging this debt and selling it to banks, which means the place where your money or nation's money is, and it is not making any money, or in other words they are paying to hold that debt.

That is what Quantitative Easing is about. A portion is a bribe to the lower food chain to buy that sucker debt, while other parts are to provide a bribe in which a bank or investment house can make enough profits so people with portfolios will trust these institutions to handle their life savings.

In direct proportion, Trump spending in massive debt, is balanced by the Fed charging you for that debt. It is the leech which sucks the life out of the comatose economy.

LONDON, Aug 5 (IFR) - Credit investors' top fear is the potential failure of quantitative easing to kick-start the economy, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch's August survey, which returned the most bearish responses the bank has seen for some time, it said.
Of the investors BAML surveyed, 33% said "quantitative failure" was their biggest fear - the largest reading ever for this answer, analysts said, and up from 13% in July.
Investors' central fret is negative-yielding assets.
Almost US$13trn of global assets are now negative-yielding, according to BAML - up US$1trn since last month

A most interesting event took place in this, in the Rockefellers, who laundered Barack Hussein Obama's counterfeit terrorist donations in 300 million dollars to the Obama 2008 campaign, and you were stuck with the bill in TARP bailouts, simply cancelled the debt for Canadian card holders, as Chase got out of the Canadian market. This was a fortune and yet while Chase gouges Americans, and Visa targets conservatives for ruin,  Canadians were given a huge windfall, which Americans will pay for.

Chase forgives all credit card debt for Canadian customers

By Danielle Haynes   |   Aug. 9, 2019 at 4:08 PM
The reasoning behind this is Chase is opening 400 new branches in the United States. Those branches will be aimed at Trump's Visa Vermin, replacements of Americans. It goes back to that 100,000 dollars you have in fiction, if you saw Trump opening the vaults of rapine in the United States, would you waste your time picking up Canadian pennies?
 This is the Trump economy, a massive debt spending, funneling money to Nazi conglomerates, as the Fed buys up your debt, which you pay them interest for, and it is farming the slave plantation of all of these Visa Vermin. Human traffick is a commodity in this commerce

This is a comatose economy. It is legalized rapine. It has already been planned and plotted long before the Durdan Bros were alerted by the Fed. The rapine is in the United States, that is the place to make the money, and that money will be made by your being forced into massive debt, brought about by the plantation wogs.

Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
