Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Trump Prepares for Depression America is In

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is official in the  Trump economy is moving toward a collapse which is based upon the Federal Reserve money pumping in Quantitative Easing to Wall Street looting as much as Lawrence Kudlow is now pushing for another "tax cut" for the poor which was as worthless as the pennies last time Gary Cohn shylocked out.

The story is:

Millions of Americans pay a payroll tax on their earnings, a 6.2 percent levy that is used to finance Social Security programs. The payroll tax was last cut in 2011 and 2012, to 4.2 percent

So ok, say you are being paid 15 dollars an hour, work 40 hours a week, which is 1200 dollars every two weeks or 4200 before all the other taxes poor people pay. a 2% cut in the payroll tax on 4200 dollars is, 44 dollars a month.
Yes that is going to pay off the mortgage with that sum now is it not.

If you remember the Gary Cohn tax cuts, were not for Americans, but immediately big oil raised gas prices immediately, so that is where that money went. Yes Gary Cohn passed a money laundering scheme for billionaires to steal millions of people's pennies.
In case you missed it, sugar is up 50 cents a bag, so in this round, you are seeing food is gouging Americans again in the coming Trump payroll money laundering scheme again.

If you require this being pointed out to you, then here is the finger, informing you that NONE OF THIS WILL UNDO THE TRUMP RECESSION IN THE OBAMA SUPER DEPRESSION. None of this is designed to MAGA and none of this is for Americans. All  this is, is another Obama type scheme to shift the herd spending to areas the Nazi conglomerates will legally be stealing your pennies.

I once had a good opinion of Lawrence Kudlow when he worked for Ronald Reagan, but like all things Reagan in bringing out the best in people, all who have followed Ronald Reagan have exposed the lack of character in these mere humans.

Donald Trump has been dumping 1.5 million visa vermin into the United States each year, as Obama did. Those vermin from the 3rd world are buying up all the used products which poor Americans once had access to.
I had to move 4 bully boy Mexicans from Texas who refused to give way on a sidewalk just last week, as that is what is in America. There are enough of them now that they are getting pushy. They are taking American jobs and the police state is protecting them and intimidating Americans.

These internationalists are sucking the last drops of coagulated blood from the American corpse.  This group knows to the penny how much revenue is generated out there. It does not matter if Obamcare comes off the books in penalties. It has already been factored in where Americans will be herded to have that money stolen from them.

What is being engaged in is Donald Trump is being pressured or better blackmailed, as the conglomerates have him by the balls in this collapse. They will extort Trump and you will end up paying the bill again.

I would that things were different, but the American economy is in Obama stagnation by design. There is nothing which can be done to turn this around, as America is full of vermin, eating  Americans out of their jobs, and there are no Reagan type measures as in fur trapping in the rural areas to generate appreciable revenues. Even if they were there, gas prices and vehicles prices are too expensive. The day of dollar gas and 300 dollar trapping vehicles is over. Americans have been inflated to the coming genocide.

All of this would have taken place if Jeb or Hillary had been installed. Nothing has changed and Donald Trump has not remedied anything. For the record, that ghastly Hillary Clinton might have gotten Americans a better tax deal like Bill Clinton did. So that is the reality. Trump's amnesty and Trump's budget have set the looting past 2020. All that will follow is the reasons the shooters were activated in infringing on rights by handing over your medical records to try and purchase a gun. See Trump is building prisons, and once the regime has access to your health records, then they have legal access to assess how crazy you are, and not just confiscate your red flag guns, but to put you into a nut house.

There is good news in this though that HAARP has killed off enough weak and geezers, which included the mother hear last year, that Social Security can be looted in this tax cut. That is what it means in the cartel has Mexicans paying into Social Security in high enough numbers, that it is now safe to loot that fund at a 2% skim operation.

In my poverty, I am so fed up with having to post about this garbage and explain the manipulation. The real s story is legalized theft, with you being told you are getting more money. Not a chance in that

Oh and by the way you will be paying income tax on that tax break.

I think the President should just say, "Vote for me and you can look at Ivanka and Melania's fake tits for four more years", it is better than the saggy tits of Kamala or Liz or Bidens and Bern's bald heads.

Throw in a beaver and even pedo Jeffrey Epstein will be voting for Trump from the grave.

Nuff Said


Swallows and Me

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this, there are lost souls shooting up malls, because they have their American Dreams shattered as in Texas or as in Ohio, a democracy thug does not want to wait for ballot boxes and his bullying is that Obama Stalin change they believe in.

I do not give a care about any of this, as it is rehashed vomit and does not effect me in the brier patch, as I am not stupid enough to reside in metro areas where this trash exists.

What concerns me is swallows, and the study of the domino effect, in how all things are related and how guilt is generational as God teaches, and this is the story of the swallows and how I got stuck with the assassin deed.

See on Memorial Day, Uncle's sons appeared unannounced as the elder wanted a beer drinking weekend away from his ball and chain. Apparently his namesake wanted a ready made family of a 3 dumpster kid hoover unit which has caused rifts in that outfit.
The other son, the good one appeared, being younger, desiring to do good deeds for his dad, but was in trying to get along out voted with the beer drinker, who wanted to sleep in daddy's bed and pretend he was the reincarnation of his uncle.

So they came and went, and their dad and my Uncle appeared. He gets let down a great deal by most of his children, as they can not be grown ups and blame him for their being culls.
So the good son tells me when they leave that when the swallows are done nesting on the porch to take that nest down, which I did. He had a good heart in letting the babies grow up. No doubt from experience in his hard life in wanting to protect the young.

So I do that, and get my ass chewed for something the elder brother did, and I don't say anything, but ask Uncle if I can do a few things around there, like take down another nest where swallows are shitting all over a door in the garage. That is vetoed like two other things I mentioned. The veto is because Uncle is trying to gain some control over his home again, so I am hands off in things, as I notice another swallow nest going up on the house.

As I have been told, I note it, and as his daughters are coming, I figure that is their problem to get shit on. When we return after my manipulative sister made an appearance,  the nest is still there, and I figure maybe I can put some cardboard down to keep things clean.
That is when the pronouncement comes in I must now take down that next. Yes after they have babies I get to be the assassin.
That really pissed me off and I talked to God about it. Like when the place is our there is not going to be any swallow drama. The Holy Ghost is working things out though, so Uncle is still there, and the Holy Ghost says, "Say put them  babies in another swallow nest".
I think that is a kosher idea, but when I check, the little guys have just hatched literally, with one egg still incubating. I find the nest at the garage door though has eggs in it, so in the chicks and egg go and I put it into God and Holy Angel hands as I have done all I can do.
The adults should feed the new hatchlings, and they should incubate the eggs, so it should work. I have seen like 6 to 8 little ones in nests so assorted sizes should work, and as I said, I did what I was told as this is not my place yet to buck the Uncle and I did what God did as in His plan Uncle and the unclings trump swallows.

I am trying to help heal that family, but this all pisses me off as you can see the chain of events in this. The elder kid shows up, having no intention of doing what his father wants, and then he with the elder sister do things to get my ass chewed and make Uncle feel disenfranchised on his own place, and it all spirals out in me trying to head things off, being told no, and then who ends up suffering in all this power grabbing but innocent birds.

I know Uncle felt bad about the little ones, but he passed the buck to make me the killer. I just pray the guilt gets him to sell us the place.

It is though a revelation in cause and effect of selfishness, as this entire family has been blaming each other for shit others have done, none of them have taken responsibility, and it is just a cancer that keeps harming the world. I have had nothing but major headaches since they appeared in me fixing things I had fixed that they broke.
As I mentioned to Paul in a letter, the oldest daughter was leaving me lists, the younger one did too of things I had to do. The oldest one said the father got ornery and she made him say PLEASE and I was to make him say that too.
Yeah I am going to humiliate a guy in making him say please when he is pissed off. What we have done is be patient, build trust and do what he tells us to do immediately. That has worked out and he smiles at us and is glad to see us. We are at least the son he never had.

I do a great deal of cussing on drives over there as I vent. Like he was looking forward to the last visit from the youngest daughter and kids as she was supposed to cook for him.
When we returned, the first thing I was told, "She made tacos and I don't like them". Then he was out in the kitchen digging through things they left in emptying his fridge as he could not eat the shit.
So orders were we were to fry chicken, which we did. When we arrived he was eating mac and cheese and refried rice which he can not eat as things back up on him. No wonder he can't shit, has stomach problems and is pissed most of the time, because the kids do one thing and piss him off two other ways.
All he wanted was a good meal, and they bought prepared chicken which he gave to us, as it stunk, was full of spices and he was not going to eat it.

and who gets the short end? Swallows just trying to eat mosquitos and stay alive......and me of course in being frurstrated by this stuff.

His middle daughter is a good girl. She looks out for him and he likes that. What she and the younger son do though, is like putting fingers in the dike, as the deluge of the others is enough to wipe out families. I thought first that the two children who were not around were being disrespectful, but they are so screwed up, it is a blessing those tards are not around to hurt this guy more, as the three are doing a great job of pounding him.

It all interconnects though. It is though why TL and I try not to be like our parents. It is as my cousin said to me this past month in his kid was whining about what a shitty life he had. He said, "We all have shitty lives, but you can't sit around whining about it. You got to make something for yourself and not repeat the mistakes". That is sound life advice.

I know it is different when it is parental wounds as it is too close. It was hell with my parents, but we did the right thing. It was hell, but we did the right thing.
With TL's parents who appeared thinking they were going to bully us, our approach was simple in we just told them to "Get the hell off the place".
As I said, I know what it is to have wounds in things being too close.

I though have to keep my mouth shut in not chewing people out for him. I have to turn to God and complain and thankfully He gave me a way out, so it was not me stomping on baby birds to end them. I have my illusion and plan to not look too close at that nest when I am over there so I can keep my illusion.

It is the lesson though of how things are interconnected in things suffer. A kid wants to punish their old man for things they think were done to them. He has to vent and takes it out on me. What gets hurt are swallows along with me, but some place in this it has to end so I absorb most of the hurt and try to keep things settled.
Uncle has faults as most do. He though is a good man. He carried alot in life and if he is treated right, he treats you right as most people will. He is a cake walk compared to the mother who was hell on wheels. It is not forever, and it is a point that we are going to do Christian good in this. When it is his good daughter, his good son, and us interacting with him, things are settled and he is happy. When this other stuff disappoints him and hurts him, that is where the spiraling out of all things harmful harming other things begin.

It is a life fire exercise in what life is. I see the worst of people and my manipulative sister is of course allied with the worst children, as like satan she tells them she agrees with everything they are up to which is harming the she sees him more vulnerable and is easier to exploit. God is seeing this and her reckoning is coming, but this is apparently a season where they are getting their last chance for Heaven and healing here and the swallows and me are the ones getting the live fire.

No one ever thinks everything is this connected, but it is, and they are responsible. The fact is no good deed might not go unpunished, but the fact also is no good deed ever keeps festering in an endless chain of harmful events.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


With Liberty and Napalm for All

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If not for a perverted little blonde in Ohio,  who just buried her first ex husband, as she marketed herself for a second ex husband who was in real estate to close a cash deal, I would never have been exposed to one of the most awful songs in history for sacrilege so bad that I burst out laughing every time I hear it, or watch the video.

I have mentioned Gay Bar previously, but tonight while considering filler, I did some screen caps of of Gaytube, and decided to share.

Gay Bar is a heavy surf rocker music from the early 1960's. You hear licks like this in Johnny River's Secret Agent Man, which was all born out of this genre. The thing is this is a good tune, and while they lyrics are censored, they are over the top real, which makes them award winning as this song did win awards.

Starting Nuclear War is not an accepted thing so that was cut out, and in the version which plays a great deal, the stanza about wanting your money to spend in a gay bar is cut out too.

Here are some of the horrid parts of the video, which of course stars Abraham Lincoln, which makes zero sense, but that is what just makes this hilarious.

It begins with Abe in the Oval O.

Abe working out with nude statues.

Abe working out on exercycles.

Abe asking for money for the gay bar.

Abe using money for pole dancers.

And of course the obligatory gerbil up the ass.

The fag dog.

 And the train going up the ass.

In this shit for brains era, I have never been able to figure out how this homophobe shit was not removed from Gaytube and queers were not rampaging, as it is the perfect stereotypical smear of sodomites. And it came out of Canada of all places with their hate crime laws, and yet it prevails.

I am pleased for it in this perverted age as it is one thing that still makes me laugh.

Tyler Spencer (born January 22, 1972), also known as Dick Valentine, is an American singer, songwriter, musician, and author. He is best known as the lead vocalist, main lyricist, and co-founder of the rock band Electric Six

Then there is always their latest song of years ago in Sex Wars, with the most Robert Duvall lyrics from Apocalypse Now.

We were fighting for a perverse future, for every man, woman, child and computer. And we had our instructions, so we marched into the fray, where I sampled your love suction and you showered in my spray. And you didn’t know who you were shooting at. I didn’t care that your boobies were booby-trapped.
We were all in this together, it was just like Vietnam. Except with a whole lot more leather, and a whole lot less napalm.
