Monday, September 2, 2019

Hillary Clinton Missing L in being Back

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well it's official after Jeff Rense predicted it, as he apparently has nothing interesting in his life at all, in he wasted time pondering that Hillary Hamrod Clinton was running again for President in 2020. This woman is the Pat Paulsen of political candidates, with Paulsen actually being a candidate someone would  vote for.

Ed Klein: Hillary's Delusion: 'I'm Going to Run Again in 2020 ...

Hillary Clinton intends to keep her campaign organization together for the next four years and run again for president in 2020. "She's convinced that, sooner than later, the voters will come to their senses and realize they made a horrible mistake by putting [Donald] Trump in the White House," a source close to Hillary told Ed Klein Confidential

The first campaign ad for Hillary Clinton is currently filming at Obama's NETFLIX. Remember that Hillary has been having this type of free propaganda for her in 24 had a skirt for President like Obama, and then there is Madam Secretary, and now it is Hillary Clinton's memoir of losing, I think, the 2016 election. I think it is 2016 as this woman lost in 2008, lost in 2012 because she was too timid to take on Obama, when Bill told her to primary that foreigner, and then lost to Trump in 2016.
The thing is Hillary had control of the entire vote fraud apparatus, and she still lost. She cheats and still can not win.

So what the hell having the life story of Hillary Clinton in "LOSER, My Success at Losing", is something I doubt anyone will get Hamrod elected, as all these other propaganda enterprises failed to brainwash voters to cheat HRC into the White House.


Hillary has surfaced recently. Here is a photo of why Hillary Clinton. Her ankles are on the left, while a normal fat assed friend of her's is on the right. Hillary Clinton as you remember fell down, had a brain injury, and the rumor is she tips the bottle back starting at about 26 hours a day in why she keeps passing out.

You can see in this photo that Hillary Clinton has water retention. That is not because she is pregnant, but because her old heart is weak and she is dying. She looks at about 18 months out from going tits up.

The kind of shoes Hamrod wears, is because her feet are swelled up, and her feet hurt. She can't wear any heels, because she can not balance herself..

Here are the ghastly photos of Hamrod recently published with her friend.

Hamrod is plumping out as women do in their gut, ass and thighs. She can not exercise to take the weight off, so she waddles around like a penguin.
Donald Trump is a fat ass, but he at least looks healthy. Hillary Clinton is the poster geezer for fill your will out and Chelsea come with the truck to take a tax donation to Goodwill.

The thing is, as senile as Joe Biden is, Hamrod looks like her dilemma is if her diaper will hold enough pee from her water retention pills.

Even among fat assed old women, Hillary still looks twice as large. She is suffering even with all her blood transfusions, like all old people. She is cold due to poor circulation. Her skin is papery thin. She has no energy so does not go outside, so she has no tan and looks morbid.

The odd part in this is, Bill Clinton is the one who had heart trouble, but he is the one who is wearing summer clothes while his wife is always dressed like it is winter on hot summer days. Literally Bill Clinton could drop dead any day, but compared to his wife, Bill looks like a marathon man.

These are not the only photos of Hillary Rodham Clinton. This all began in New York in her dressed in these ghastly old woman clothes the size of a tent, looking like Mama Cass' ghost. Every one of these photos looks like Hillary is being led around, because she is about two thoughts behind everyone else.

She reportedly weighs 171 pounds on a thin day. It was disclosed by Ed Klein that Hillary Clinton has a number of serious conditions, which reflect the photos in she has a torn heart valve, along with forming  blood clots.

All of us dealt with this in 2016 and now she is lurking around, waiting for the Balkanized democrat communist party to fall down for her again like Bernie Sanders.
The facts are all there as Kirsten Gillibrand was forced out of the race, as there can not be two candidates coming out of New York, one who actually could get huffers to get hard over her and one who could not get a hard clit spot with a suitcase of Viagra.

Hillary Clinton is back. It would be better if she was Black for her political career.

Nuff Said


Time for a Trump Remedy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly hope that the Trump Interior Department is successful in removing those goddamn grey  wolves from protective status as they are murderous creatures which Teddy Roosevelt wanted exterminated, along with  mountain lions and bears from the United States in favor of useful animals.

In reality, the facts of what predators are is not the fallacy which Americans and their wildlife have been slaughtered over in the past 50 years when the regime answering that communist call to weaken America at every turn, unleashed the propaganda of animal rights and endangered species.

It was Richard Nixon who was the conduit of this in the moving of the EPA along with directing the removal of strategic poisons to check this vermin at source in rural areas, with that necessary device removed, the United States developed a metastatic cancer which spread to every corner.

The necessary remedy of control in cyanide, strychnine, 1080 and Durafan removed from over the counter sales, what was the effect was slaughtered bambi and lambs in burgeoning numbers. Nature responded not in stockpiling predators, but when Florida banned foot hold traps, a new disease appeared in distemper in raccoons which spread across the United States.
America would produce the a wave of germ warfare, and the carriers were large predators in mange, rabies, distemper, endangering  everyone.

What was the Disney fiction enabling this attack upon America, was that the Bald Eagle was a national symbol which only ate fish. The vulture only ate the dead. Horned owls only ate skunks. It was all backed by 15,000 dollar fines which criminalized Americans for defending themselves or spend 6 months in prison if they are poor.

I remember the first vulture I ever saw. I was driving along and there on my neighbor's wood fence post was this big damn bird. I had to look twice and said to myself, "That's a vulture", and by God it was.
We never had vermin like that, but from that first one, we had several, and now there  is a constant flotilla of them soaring overhead during calving.

In Kentucky they have flocks of 60 of these murderous fiends, who bait baby calves, pick their eyes out to blind them, then with razor sharp beaks skin them alive as they are eaten alive.

Black vultures have historically been the most aggressive of the two and are more likely to feed on live animals. 
But lately, farmers say they have seen black and turkey vultures work together in uncharacteristic attacks on live animals. Turkey vultures hunt by smell and black vultures hunt by eyesight, making them an effective team. The black vultures can spot the turkey vultures circling above prey and can join them. 
Black vultures normally migrate from northern South America, through Texas and along the southeastern section of the U.S. to Pennsylvania.

There are permits available, but when you think about it, how goddamn ridiculous is it, that if you were raped, you would have to first contact the federal government to pay a fine of 100 dollars to defend yourself.

This is just another one of the hemorrhaging epidemics of genocidal stupidity which Donald Trump should be rolling back in the defense of Americans, instead of making note of what he removed, as there is a live germ warfare war unleashed on Americans in fang and claw, and it is certain death.

Special federal permits, which cost $100 each, are required before a person can kill a vulture, and the permits must be renewed each year.
In 2015, the Kentucky Farm Bureau began buying the permits through a partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and offering subpermits for free in limited numbers to eligible applicants.

All of this will be rolled back in returning the arms of the Constitution to the American Citizen, in to keep and bear arms, includes the most lethal remedy in poisons, traps and guns to end this epidemic which was put into Pandora's Box in the 1930's eliminating the scourge, but unleashed in the 1970's and in eagles to vultures to wolves to mountain lions created the fanged pandemic of today.

It's time this President started acting like Lt. Colonel Hal Moore of the 7th Cavalry in not abandoning the people he led out onto the field. These are enemies domestic in predators unleashed by enemies foreign. It is time the lamb, the calf and the fawn, graze upon the grass fertilized by the remains of the lion, the wolf and the vulture.

Nuff Said.


The Pendulum Shot

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter  anti matter.

I had to share this story about the Uncle and something my cousin said to me, as she is really someone I am pleased we have gotten to know.

See Uncle has been unsteady on his feet for sometime and is the reason we have been looking in on him for the past two years, to just make sure he was not laying in the yard all night.

So we have been checking and I simply could not figure out where the grass was coming from in his house. It was like, "Was I bringing the stuff in or were other people there, or what was going on?"

It all came to light in I looked down this past week at his entry door, and there was a spent shell casing. I knew that was not there and did not come out from under some rug. The Holy Ghost then had it dawn on me, that Uncle was the source of the grass and mud, in he had been walking around outside.

I mentioned that to his daughter as good news, as it meant he was doing a whole lot more than anyone knew. It fit in with his first statement to TL and I, in "I guess I got em fooled".

That was amusing to me, as his daughter then told me that last year, he was telling her in his "pendulum swing" walking that he had noticed a skunk around his garage with 5 little ones. His son has been stoked about smelling skunk down there. Well that was the reason, and the reason he was smelling skunk it was wet and that odor lingers and comes out in humidity, but you can not tell him that, only let him buy cage traps and talk about that skunk.

So anyway, the daughter said, "Uncle pulled  out his gun and shot the mother skunk. Then he shot 3 of the babies in one shot, as one of them crawled under the shed, and he shot another one the next day".

She was puzzled and asked, "Dad, what happened to the skunks as they weren't by the shed?"

"Oh,' he answered, "I buried them".

The guy could barely walk, wove around like a pendulum, and he was out shooting things and burying them. It just made me laugh, especially since you think he can't see, and he sees a whole lot more than what anyone gives him credit for. That shot from the house to the shed is 50 yards. That is one blessed good shot at skunk sized targets and I should know as I missed a woodchuck earlier at 30 yards in that same yard.

Uncle though was upset that he only got 3 skunk kits in one shot. It is a great shot to hit one, with open sites, and he hits three, and was still complaining.
I  should have told him, you were still up two shells to the good in "wasting" another shot on the one the next day.

My Grampa could shoot more than the breeze too. He was as good a shot as Annie Oakley. My Uncle was a Marksman in the Army and he was the best shot I ever witnessed, and he still could not shoot as good as my Grampa. My brother and I are better than most people at shooting, but I see Uncle is as good of shot as they come too......even swaying like a pendulum, not being able to walk, and needing glasses to read.

I should be that fortunate.

Nuff Said

