Sunday, December 15, 2019

Clintonstein Monster

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was instructed with this:

“The Ass Fat Face of Hillary Clinton”. The woman on the left is one of Hillary’s doubles. Check the distance between the irises. The eye color is different as well. She was sent out while Hillary stayed “home” and “rested. ”

This is the photo of the irises.

The irises match in distance. So what does this prove in satire? Nothing as the point was to mock this woman for the ridiculous cartoon she has descended into.

As for the eye color, the purpose of this pro Clinton propaganda in why Hillary was posing with Bill at a photo op event was to highlight her youthful Aryan eyes, not dark as dung as the mud folk masses are. It is called photo filtering. It was employed to make Donald Trump look orange. Grey scale makes people look dead.

This is a nose comparison. They match too and as this was not reconstruction surgery, but instead was fat cell injections to fill up the epidermis of a fossilizing old woman, the results was an ass face. What it reveals is Mrs. Clinton's skin has lost all elasticity. Something far worse than paper thin skin, is the sagging indicates fluid retention problems. Fluid retention problems indicate the same heart condition she was suffering previously, in her heart muscle is not strong enough to effectively remove fluids, fluids built up when injecting ass fat, to which the body then swells as a protection to being bruised.

All the technical medical information is not amusing, and I needed some amusing after the summer of hell I had in taking care of a geezer, followed by a year of hell in having the old mother die in my arms about a year ago.

Sometimes I need to have fun on this work for nothing blog where daily I face a reality of not knowing it will be my last due to the content posted here displeases real people in power.

And as for the Hollywood revelation on detective dramas on checking the distance between the eyes which solves so many cases. The real crime labs know that it is an inexact platform, as one can not simply blow up or shrink photos taken at media events. It requires precise measurement from camera lens to the subject in distance, as age, time, cranial growth and shrinkage change the dimensions of a skull, as much as ass fat injections. Without that precision, photo comparisons are of zero forensic value.
The term of this is facial triangulation.

This is more information than is supposed to ever be placed into the public forum to educate the masses.

As this is a teaching lesson for all, the Clintons are "bankrupt". Yes they have squirreled away a few million, but the cartel is promoting Donald Trump according to their agenda. The cartel is feeding Hamrod line to run again to retaliate on her again as this blog hinted at why. No one wants this freak show. So who is it that volunteered as their job to have their face morphed into a freak show, which only gets worse for the cheap ass salary the Clinton's can only afford. Chameleons do not come off the shelf and they require maintenance.
The Clintons do not have access any longer to the professionals who engage in this medical field. They can not bribe a doctor enough to hide this creation.  This is the face you get when you do not use Ivanka Trump's professional as the Clinton's are cheap ass, bankrupt, back door ass face injectors.

I wanted to have fun with this, but this turned into work again, in forensic pathology as Hillary Clinton is rotting to death. Her cells are in aging breakdown and her system functions can not cope with normal injury and repair.

What is troubling is, this is what she looks like after reconstruction and she looks hideous. She is an old lezbo, who gave up on the Huma toys, so her sex drive is nill. All indications she is Phase II on the scale.

If readers are trying to be helpful, thank you, but understand I am getting soul daggers to the heart all the time, and those things bother as I try to keep us alive here.

God bless.


The Ass Fat Face of Hillary Clinton

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It seems that Hillary Clinton has given her rapist husband Bill, an early Christmas present as Hamrod rigs up to run for the 2020 presidency again, being about as old as a mummy.
Most wive get breast enlargements, but Hamrod has chosen to suck the fat out of her ass and inject it into her face.

Hence we have the new socialite style of ASS FAT FACE.

Yes it is disturbing as the Botox face, but why Hillary Clinton thought this was a youthful idea to move her two state zip code sized ass to her face, is inexpiable.

Honestly, I can not quite figure out which two states Hillary Clinton looks like.  I know she looks like Bruce Campbell from Army of Darkness, but I am sort of leaning toward I can see New Jersey in Hillary's lower half and Painsylvania in her upper half.

I am pleased she kept her bubble butt cheeks though, but then her mouth looks like her anus, and you wonder if her nose is her primate tail bone she has grown.

I think instead of having a saggy ass face with double chin, she should have just opted for the big tits. Big tits would have pulled out most of the wrinkles in some 55 double G boobies, because her head would have to be inflated to the size of Michelle Obama's big ass to make up for all that wrinkled skin.

It is Hillary's 2020 look though, and it appears her baby blood injections have her eyes glowing like a vampire, so at age 74 she probably might last until she hijacks the convention and the rest of the other candidates die or get suicided which happens to people around the Clintons who do not  get out of the way.

This is really disturbing. I don't want to have this shoved in my face for the next year. I don't want to think that is the ass fat that Huma rubbed in sex and I do not want to think, "Oh that ass fat cheek is from all the gin Hillary was gulping down".

I just wonder how much trauma that old woman's body can be put through, as she fell apart in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, before she blows a vein, blows a heart valve or she gets a puberty pimple on her chin and half her ass leaks out onto her granny clothes.

She does though look more like a man in this ass face genre. Maybe she thinks transexual Harold Rodham Clinton will be the one to defeat Donald Trump as she has not been able to beat anyone as a woman.

I simply do not know, other than these people have psychological problems in thinking this does not make everyone of them look like a damn freak.

I mean who wants to wake up to an ass fat face every morning, and that is what Hillary Clinton now looks like.

Nuff Said


The Liberals Knew Jersey City Was A Powder Keg

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a reality in the pecking order of things, that the American Afroid does have one species below it, and that is the Black Hebrew, because in this racial pecking order of the Nigger at the bottom, the acceptable rankings which follow like Nazi Master Race dogma at the New York Times, ascends then to:


and where the Jew fits in is above all of these groups, as smearing Black Hebrews, is acceptable when it comes to Anti Semitic slurs. The Times writer though does not explain how Black Hebrews, who are Jews are not Jews, but are lower than Jews, because this story of shooting in Kosher Deli's has taken on a life of the Jew victim, now with the smiling foreign worker from Ecuador.

Douglas Miguel Rodriguez did not always make sandwiches and stock shelves at a kosher supermarket in Jersey City.
Thousands of miles away, in Guayaquil, Ecuador, his hometown, Mr. Rodriguez was a middle-class family man who worked as a financial manager for an insurance company,

That is why he was working inside the JC Kosher Market on Tuesday afternoon when two assailants armed with high-powered weapons stormed the store

The Lame Cherry is going to translate the above in this harp string drama for what it really is, as that is what the Blacks in their Jersey City neighborhood viewed this is.

It reads as 100 rich Jews, fleeing high taxes by liberals in New York, whom they voted for, started buying out cheap Black housing in Jersey, displacing the Blacks. The Jews did not purchase from the Blacks in this neighborhood nor employ the Blacks.
Instead the Jews hire cheap foreign labor, taking jobs from Americans, as the Jews were exploiting the Latin Americans in gaining white collar tan skin workers for their low paying Kosher Jew jobs.

When you know the facts of what was taking place in Jersey City, suddenly this is not all smiling and victims, but the Jews were victimizing numbers of other ethnics.

Now for a further translation.

Many neighborhoods in the city have become attractive enclaves for immigrant workers, like Mr. Rodriguez.

“It’s a city of Chinese grocers and Indian shopkeepers and recent college graduates, all striving for a better life in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty,” New Jersey’s Attorney General, Gubrir S. Grewal, said at a news conference on Wednesday.

Oh so Obama and Trump's paid Visa Vermin, settled by Lutheran Social Services and other charities to take American jobs, are littered all through Jersey City. It costs a million dollars to open a grocery or a shop, so this is most interesting, as you know from your own communities that those Chinese and Indian places, as much as the Mexicans never have the kind of clientele to keep the bills paid, so these are businesses in most cases, laundering money, usually illegal drug money, from these businesses, into the Well Fargo and Chase banks, to return overseas or more to the point, to be dumped into Wall Street for their cut.

What this dolts at the New York Times are revealing in harp string propaganda is a criminal syndicate where Jews are on top, exploiting foreigners, being racists in not employing Blacks and forcing Blacks out of their own neighborhoods. As the background noise is international money laundering paying Jersey's record high tax rates.

Is it any wonder two Black Hebrews witnessing this slave trade and money laundering, exploiting Black communities and targeting Blacks for genocide in driving them out of their homes, went on a "rampage" which is the favorite liberal word for when Jews get shot for these propaganda pieces.

Are we going to see any stories investigating where this Hindu and Chicom money is coming from by looking at their books as the IRS and State Auditors should be discovering where these cash money flows are taking place from. The answer is no.
No more than we will have stories about rich Jews exploiting educated Latins for slum jobs.

None of that makes a good story when the victims are the ones triggering poor Blacks to rise up and fight back in their neighborhoods. Now if this was a White store, then the press would be cheering Blacks shooting the honkeys as Whites deserve it in this Anti Christite age. But this is about Jews, Hadisidic Jews, who the Jews in the Israeli state do not want and who Donald Trump pardons for running the slave trade in Iowa.

You do know that Jews owned numbers of slaves in America before the Civil War right? Well they are back at this again in exploiting poor immigrants, as their successful businesses have been exploiting Americans in banking, Hollywood, media etc...

I will state I do not hate the Jews in the least. I just want this anti gun, hate the Black Hebrews propaganda to gain perspective as New Jersey is a cesspool of human traffick, exploitation, and massive money laundering, and everyone knows it, but no one is stating it in these harp string stories.

And for the facts of the story, the New York Times two years ago, exposed there was a huge problem with Jews buying up houses in New Jersey. They KNEW this violence was brewing as the targets WERE AFRICAN AMERICANS!!!

Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


Yes my Sister is the next President

Please no questions, Barron is  CEO today

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Let us begin this by a reality check in Time magazine is Mockingbird generated with intelligence funds and it is pulp propaganda of no consequence.

 The only thing to stupid ass children who should never be listened to.

So when this magazine makes pedo porn of Greta Thunberg, a mentally ill child in naming her the person of the year, in the "power of youth", let us not forget another prostitute the global left put forward in that witless David Hogg, who amounted to about as much as any Andy Warhol puke spot for his 15 hours of tortuous fame.

Thunberg as has been listed here, is an off balanced child, who lacks Swedish parents of any backbone. This weird little girl will be propped up as long as she is of use, and then drift off aimlessly as her psychological type does, looking like Amy Carter, and probably marrying some jungle ape who will rip her apart and eat her in Botswana.

Even in attempting to joust with President Donald Trump's Twitter staff, Thunberg had no original ideas or come back, which makes one wonder what adult staff of trolls are doing the posting for this Turret's Syndrome dysfunctional child.

 I think, therefore Barron, I am.

By contrast the left fixates on Barron Trump. I was pleased that since the Lame Cherry told him to stop looking like unwashed preppy clothes the kid is looking awkward normal. Barron will be normal, because he has normal parents. Donald Trump is an incredible psyche under pressure and Melania Trump is a woman of grace under pressure. I do not have to agree with the Trump socialism to still not be honest about their best attributes. They are a tough bunch of German Scott Slavs, and Barron is of the stuff that warred Islam into submission.

When it comes down to it, no one will remember what a Greta Thunberg is, as she is bad wiring in her brain. She will be prostituted by Soros globalism and then moved on, as Sweden is being Muslim raped to death, and the survivors do not want a Thunberg, and the rapists do not want a Thunberg.

As for Barron Trump. His father is President of the United States. He is a world leader. Barron is of sound psychological stock. He does not act out. His father will found a political dynasty of Trump National Socialism. His sister, Futurus Ivanka, will be President in 2024, so when it comes down to it, Barron will be one of the few people who had a father and sibling as President, and it seems except for Eric Trump, as the Bush family is like the creepy British royals, in not being normal, but Barron is normal.
Time magazine people of the year are like Oscar movies in no one watches them.

Here is a look that the losers they chose. Most you have no idea who they are and the rest you would never want to be around.

NSA spy, the General who killed 11 million Germans in camps, 
the Chinaman who cut out prisoner organs, Martin the Marxist,
the guy who shot JFK and illegitimate Obama.

So given the odds that Time only picks people who hate everything about you, I would say that Barron Trump is going to be a success in life and people will be looking at Greta Thunberg as they do Barack Obama in wondering what the hell that thing is.

While others are moving up the food chain.

Zukunft Ivanka

Nuff Said



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this, I had just suffered through the most horrid movie ever in John Cusack and Sammy Jackson in something called 1408. See one of our local stores was going tits up in the Trump Depression and was selling these package movie things like 10 movies for a few bucks, so figuring I can watch shitty movies, is better than no  movies, we got like 40 movies to watch for a few dollars.

Yes they suck, and the worst part is the Cusack horror was 2 dollars from the thrift store, while the following movie was in a package deal and I honestly have to say it is one of the best movies I have ever watched as I was laughing through this bizarre horror drama starring Rob Lowe.

Now Rob Lowe I adore for being a Conservative, but I never had any respect for him when he was whoring around and I honestly have never seen a movie he has been in, as the guy just puts me off as an actor. That has all changed in Living in Peril.

Living in Peril (1997) - IMDb
Directed by Jack Ersgard. With Rob Lowe, Jim Belushi, Dean Stockwell, Dana Wheeler-Nicholson. The young architect Walter leaves his wife Linda to go to L.A. to draw a mansion for Harrison. On the highway a truck driver almost drives him off the road. Walter calls the truck-company to complain. The driver gets fired.

This movie just works.

Jack Ersgard directs and I think his entire family wrote it as there are Ersgards all over the place, but in all honesty this movie is only second to the Lost Boys, starring Corey Haim and Corey Feldman, for being entertaining horror.

I am debating how not to give things away, but the story is about Lowe being hired to design a house for a rich guy in California, and Lowe ends up being stalked, and I did not see the punchline coming, as there is so much hysterically bizarre stuff going on in the characters are are off the wall, and the things the writers came up with, just made me burst out laughing even in horrid scenes.

Dean Stockwell, another actor I never liked as he was so creepy in Battlestar just shines in this movie as the loony apartment manager from hell. He hits this bit part thoroughly, along with all of the secondary actors.
The only drag is the actress who plays Lowe's wife. She is preggo and a whiner, but everything else is just pretty good, including Jim Belushi, who is not a great dramatic actor, but when his time comes, he does a good Jack Nicholson impersonation in the Shining.

There is a Dean Stockwell scene which should not ruin the story, but Lowe in his drafts has them get all wet. His German neighbor tells him it is rats pissing on his papers. So Lowe goes down to Stockwell and starts talking about rats and pissing on things, which Stockwell looks at him like you do sitting there as Lowe sounds absolutely nuts talking about rat piss.
Stockwell finally erupts and says, "Where in the hell did you come up with a crazy story like that!!!"
Lowe reveals it is the German and Stockwell screams at him, 'Well you can't believe that German as he is nuts!!!". and slams the door in his face, leaving you wondering just like Lowe, "Well how in the hell did my papers all get piss on them then!".

It makes me sad when a Jack Ersgard creates such a delightful script, attracts some really great actors for this movie, and then directs superbly and no one has ever heard of this film, as this movie is simply watchable and it is never boring as it carries you along.

Rob Lowe is great in his dead pan, helpless, ignorance. He does remind me of Johnny Carson in his skits in you can see him move from doing dead pan to going back to trying to act like he believes the odd things going on.

 Alex Meneses

This is a 50 dollar movie which cost me 30 cents. Yes I got a pile of really marginal movies, but this Lowe movie stuck in there is one I will be watching again soon, and will keep for special occasions like The Lost Boys, which is my favorite horror movie as it reels you in with humor and then runs to stark raving vampire terror.

This movie moves flawlessly between scenes and when compared to a Cusack and Stephen King shitty writing, shitty script, shitty directing, shitty relying on special effects and shitty Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson. you realize that Jack Ersgard produced a modern Alfred Hitchcock drama, because he understood it was STORY which makes a movie and not blaring scores, blinding special effects and actors who take themselves way too serious in being spoiled brats who should have to work for a living.

So that is the review. Living in Peril is  one of the best suspense horror dramas ever created and if I ever have the opportunity in haivng a big donation, I am going to see what the Ersgards are up to, as they write wonderfully, cast wonderfully and they make wonderful movies.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
