Sunday, March 15, 2020

Coronavirus Schools For Children

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I doubt the leftists will ever donate here or appoint me to some position, even as this blog in Coronavirus defends specific leftists and actually commends them for their Coronavirus response.

The Governor of California in Newsome to Governor Cuomo of New York have done exemplary work in their pandemic bloom  states. My compliements will never get them to back off on gun control, abortion or thinking this Conservative Christian Protestant is not a viral infection too, but I am posting this short explanation to defend even Mayor de Blaisio for not shutting down New York City schools.

How the Lame Cherry is going to explain this is, based on the tale of the Two Dakotas. Governor Kristi Noem yesterday shut down South Dakota, and closed all the schools.  Governor James Burgum in North Dakota is keeping the classrooms open, while monitoring them.
These are both Trump supporting Conservative Republicans, two of the last in America, so it will surprise you, when I say that both are right.

What this is based upon is the CDC, Center for Disease Control has guidelines. In looking at schools, they have projected that children are not in grave danger. (Problem is in Europe, the virus there is starting to kill "young adults". Sorry about that Sean Homo Hannity as it is not just the geezers.)

So to shut down schools, would mean poor children would not have meals. They would probably be dumped off on older people to babysit, exposing the older people, and cause even more problems in the community. That is why North Dakota kept it's schools open for now, and it is why Mayor de Blaisio is keeping children in school, as it is deemed on current CDC data that they do not get deathly sick, will only expose if carriers, their under 50 age parents, who should not die either. In these guidelines, it is proper policy of not disrupting an entire segment of the population which is not in grave danger.

The Bismarck Tr

North Dakota though, in the playing of their basketball tournaments, shut them down. There will not be any B  Tournaments. In that region of the nation, the B basketball tournaments are like a religion as it is town of 100 to 1000 people, which is most of the state, who all go March Madness in the biggest thing which happens for them.
The reason the tournaments were shut down, is the arenas would have elderly grandparents attending, and they might be exposed.
Classrooms are deemed "safe" as it is children and teachers. Sports are not safe as it is general public.

I personally would in the roulette of this opt for Governor Kristi Noem's policy of shutting the schools down as in Ohio as their Governor did. The alarming part is Europe is seeing the virus kill age dropping, as the HIV factor is for some reason killing southern French and Spaniards.
The shift may indeed come and in these Latins, as this blog has projected in inquiry, Corona might start eliminating Mexicans of all age groups.
The sooner the Mexicans panic, flee to Mexico, the better, as it will free up resources for Americans who will require critical care treatment. For the record, the Trump Travel Ban on Europe, flew home a host of carriers with this burgeoning new dynamic of killing not the elderly but like in China the HEALTHY YOUNG ADULTS.

For this moment though, Mayor de Blaisio is correct in keeping schools open, as hundreds of thousands of children without supervision and food, is a problem. I have not been tracking New York City, but I am quite certain the Governor Cuomo in his dictates, has this monitored and has a plan to deal with children if they become ill and if the schools must be closed.

In that, South Dakota is ahead, and even North Dakota, will have a working graph to close it's schools, if the large metros begin manifesting some new disaster.

This once again, is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. I am a Conservative Christian Protestant. When a liberal rises above politics and protects and serves their people in New York and California, they will be praised and supported, because the last of many things America needs is an exodus from those states, infecting in waves other states. It is in America's interest to support liberal Governors doing their jobs well as it saves America. The problem in the United States is not cow chip states like the Dakotas. Those populations can be detained and will self regulate. The problem is the metropolitan areas, where the rats in the maze are stacked on top of each other, people panic and others are busy bitching about their bar being closed or bitching their school is not closed, as these high paid teachers do not want to die for snot nosed kids.

Remember that last part as the Teachers Union supports Joe Biden and they are always whining about not being paid enough. When it came to the children of New York City, the teachers there were only focused on themselves.

The United States has had very strong leadership from our Governors in the worst situations. This is what it will require to keep the fatality rates down. They are not playing politics. They are not becoming dictators exploiting this to destroy people they do not like. Americans are responding to the firm hand of Donald Trump and the Governors. They accept it as they know it is necessary. America does not need these Mayors in Ilinois grabbing guns and ammo, for the reason is, the nation is on edge, and if these liberals create a flashpoint, it will ignite, and I doubt the police are going to stop the balancing which will occur.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

PS: I saw very few children in my town on Saturday, but the ones working in the grocery stores all had this dazed and liberated expressions on their faces in they could not give a damn about any of this.

Nuff Said

