Thursday, September 10, 2020

Sucking the 2020 Election Dick

They got me America, now they're coming for you in 2020.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Dick Morris has laid out what the Obama Intifada is engaged in, to completely destroy the rule of law and the free and fair vote process, by the mass mailing out of fraud ballots which already have been counted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The "real" count though will not take place until the votes Donald Trump legitimately received are counted.

I will explain what 2020 is in democratic election fraud, as it's genesis was in the states of South Dakota and Minnesota.

“The Democrats, certainly if they feel they’re legitimately losing the election, are going to use the excuse of the COVID virus — nobody can come out and vote in person, they claim — and to mail-in ballots, and they’re going to deliberately game the system by sending out millions and millions of mail-in ballots for people that don’t exist or have already voted,” Morris added. “And the states will not verify the signatures, because they are under the control of Democrats. And the courts will validate that process because they’re controlled by Democrats.”

In the first attempt by Senator John Thune of South Dakota to be elected to the Senate, a most bizarre situation took place, as John Thune was winning and ahead, until the Sioux Indian reservations with their "hand counted ballots" began to appear. Amazingly they were 100% for Tim Johnson a sitting democrat and even more so, that the margin was exactly to thwart the entire state's voting blocks, overruled by a few hundred Indian ballots, which were fraud, purchased and recast.

This was the Tom Daschel machine of South Dakota, instituted by communist George McGovern, with Tim Johnson relishing the platform to steal elections.

2002 United States Senate election in South Dakota
The 2002 United States Senate election in South Dakota was held on November 5, 2002. Incumbent Democratic U.S. Senator Tim Johnson narrowly won re-election to a second term by a margin of 524 votes.Wikipedia

Move ahead to 2008, when 10 million GOP voters disappeared so Birther Obama could steal the election from John the hero McCain and Sarah Palin. The Lame Cherry will note that in South Dakota the "Tony Dean Republicans" who are democrat liberals, were the same group of Bush traitors who helped engineer the Obama voter fraud.

Americans are such suckers.

2008 though was once again the Bush vote fraud machine assisting democrats, in Bush hated the Jewish right wing Senator, Norm Coleman, and in order for Barack Hussein Obama to have his 70 vote Senate to push through all the FDR Marxism of rationed death, Norm Coleman who held a 200 vote lead in legitimate votes, soon enough discovered that Minnesota fraud was in high regard, as Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty oversaw the voter fraud in giving the election to Jew Al Franken.

2008 United States Senate election in Minnesota
The 2008 United States Senate election in Minnesota took place on November 4, 2008. After a legal battle lasting over eight months, the Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party candidate, Al Franken, defeated Republican incumbent Norm Coleman in one of the closest elections in the history of the Senate, with Coleman's Senate predecessor Dean Barkley taking third place.Wikipedia

Not so strange, another George HW Bush man, in Governor Bill Janklow of South Dakota oversaw the vote theft by Tim Johnson over John Thune.

You will be asking yourself, how can this be, Republicans in the White House in Bush people, Republicans in charge of states, and in the end it is democrats in vote fraud, sanctioned by the Bush league.
The same Bush league which instigated the original Pissgate Dossier, and has been joined at the hip with the Obama's in creating the American Intifada setting the stage for massive vote fraud which will either brand Trump a tyrant with federal camps for all the Obama Soros terrorists ripping America apart of Joe Biden with the hot nethers of Kamala Harris, passing decrees to shoot Americans on sight for not being Black enough in woke to the new slave White Class in America.

This is what Dick Morris is speaking of, and there are absolute examples of this taking place in America in vote fraud, and this vote fraud is once again being perpetrated to destroy what is left of the American system.

The blue state governors are mailing out tens of millions of ballots, and they’re going to be returned with a vote on them, probably for Biden,” Morris told host John Catsimatidis. “And those people will not go to the polls to vote on Election Day. So what you’re probably looking at is that you’re going to have on election night a report that Trump carried … all of the potential swing states. And they’ll say that Trump has 330-350 electoral votes and won a landslide. And then, day after day, week after week, you’re going to find another million ballots counted here, another half-million there, another quarter of a million in another place. And gradually, these Democratic liberal secretaries of state who are in charge of the election in most of these blue states will say, ‘Oh, well, we’re sorry. It turns out Biden carried Wisconsin, not Trump.'”

The reality is that the Supreme Court will receive the appeals in these cases, and the Supreme Court has the liberal John Roberts as Chief Justice and the rotation of liberals voting for abortion and sodomy, and is not led by a Conservative in Richard Nixon's Chief Justice, John Rehnquist.

Donald Trump will win by a landslide. But just as John Thune and Norm Coleman had their elections stolen from them by George W. Bush and his crony Governors, the same situation will take place with President Donald Trump, unless the margins are so large as in 2016 that there is no doubt that a recount will not assist Joe Biden.
Do not overlook the reality that all of these state elections are going to be manifesting the same drama, in order to blackmail people who would support the President and the rule of law. This Obama Intifada with George Soros and George W. Bush chiming in, just did not happen. It was plotted and planned, and it has been having wet runs in defeating Conservatives in the Trump era as it stole election before on the McGovern Machine crimes.

 George my boy, someday with the communists we will destroy America.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

