Wednesday, October 28, 2020

American Geniuses


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 American Genius

 I was prowling around Gaytube, and in hanging around with Junk Yard Guy, I am amazed the engineers which America has who have only high school educations. I have mentioned the cellar project in making a mason stove, in the structural engineering, welding, digging, concrete, stone, metal and other physics from draft and flow, heat and resistance which come into play in things like this. So when I come across things on Gaytube which make me smile in celebrating genius, I want to share them, as this is astounding the things people come up with in real smarts

The American Genius here is in Virginia, and has built his own 500 Watt hydro electric power station. I personally would cut the process down as existing in the brier, it is very cold and frozen and it is easier to run electric wires than water pipes, but this guy is gifted in his suspension bridge cables to his overflows.

There was another guy putting in solar power for his computer at a cabin, and was doing it from junk cable, and showing how to just hard wire things in, instead of using the adapters we all frown at.

What I like about these instructionals is it saves me hours in trying to figure things out, like on the mason stove as there are not videos on the things I do. Literally with Gaytube, you can find just about anything and as long as it is not popular for idiots to be posting, the information is very good and the people know what they are doing.

Honestly, there is a spring on the place we want, and I will have a lake there, but after watching this video, I have an idea about going hydro for the power we would need. It is always a point of freezers, microwaves, fridges and water heaters are the problem. Electric motors are next which run blowers. After that, lights and computers are absolutely nothing to run.

America has been damaged and the tards that are taking up space are going to be a problem until the nukes remove them, But these are enough people like this to start building the world right again.
I always tell TL, that growing up, I never got away with not getting things done. You HAD TO find a solution and by God's Grace we always did no matter what it was, as it was always life and death situations.

I like watching these geniuses work as they have so much knowledge in their brains and they are never scratching their heads like PHD, but instead come back with a quick answer as they already ran into the situation and solved it.

Nuff Said
