Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Land of the not 10 PM Sun



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


In passing, the other day, JYG, the Junk Yard Guy said to us, "Where were those 10 oclock sundowns we used to have as I never saw them".

I have posted on this in the brier patch of how it used to get light here at 4 AM and you literally had light until 10 PM at night. Summer was wonderful when you were not busting your ass, as it was light all the time.

Gardens grew, crops grew, you had to wait until 11 PM to light off fireworks, as there were times with a full moon that you could see in the dark.

I have mentioned that the Big Dipper this summer was straight over top of us. That means the North Star was over us, not in the north. I noted that last year Orion never really disappeared in the summer, and I noted first that there are stars on the northern horizon, which were not there when I was a kid.

As no one else is noting this, it has not been repeated, but when JYG mentioned that in passing, as someone who works until dark to get things done in the junk yard, it was confirmation that the hours for light and darkness have shifted.
We have lost about 2  to 3 hours of daylight in our latitude, The only way this would be taking place is the earth is not wobbling correctly for the tilt of the summer and winter seasons. I could do the calculations to find the correct degree, but in the hours lost, the earth is not tilting that additional 7%. It is apparently remaining on 'schedule' as the seasons have not yet changed in the summer and winter solstice, but it is moving more slowly as it kants to the maximum tilt, so it is not moving the sun further north or south in the rotational orbit skew.

It does make me wonder in the Biblical reference to the anti Christ in changing times and seasons. Maybe it is not some hair brain liberal idea, but is due to the fact the earth is not tilting on it's sphere as it was and the ruler of the world, notes the seasons have changed and perhaps the equinox has moved too.

That would be most interesting in being in the midst of the End Times, as for all the bullshit about global warming and cooling, no one ever runs he estimate in how much hotter the tropics could be or how much colder the the northern and southern regions would be. Understand that crops require growing days in heat and light. When summer is experiencing 2 hours less daylight, that is thermal units which can not be made up. Place that into a 90 degree growing season and that is 180 hours less of daylight and heat. In other words, June and July would be having May and September hours of sunshine, and the thermal index that plants need would not be available to to ripen crops in the necessary times alloted of summer.

I know I am on to something as it was dark here at 7 AM in the morning, and we do not get that kind of darkness until November, which is when you are reading this, but this is early October as I post this and it is getting dark here at 7 PM now. That is 13 hours of darkness and I know something is wrong in this time table.


 Once again this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
