Monday, December 28, 2020

Fire in the Hole



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


I dislike that every project I come up with, is like Jesus creating the universe in it seems no one has done it before.

Apparently the experts tell you that you can not build a mason stove out of concrete as concrete breaks, but then you read about a kid whose dad built a smoker, it sort of cracked and they have had no problems since.

There is a solution in a fire brick interior, but that cost more money than gold, and that leaves a firebrick alternative in peralite mixed with cement or I hope bagged quick set concrete. I found a guy on Gaytube making pizza ovens out of that stuff in a 4 to 1 mixture.......4 parts peralite and 1 part cement or concrete. Other formulas are around, but that is the basics of it all.

I was doodling in Paint in putting together this thing. The idea is the firebox, the fire cement liner, an air gap space for air flow, to keep the outer concrete blocks from cracking.

The top will have a false chimney, about the metal chimney exit, to provide more mass for heat exchange and to hopefully bleed the last bits of heat, before it vents through metal pipes for around 15 feet, which I hope will take the last essence of warmth out, as cutting wood, is to hard to lose a match stick size BTU.


 TL came up with a soon to be tested brilliant idea for the door. I wanted glass, so the hope is to use a regular oven door. I know this is another "too hot thing", but I honestly am not going to stoke this beast up with Yellowstone forests or piles of garbage......well the piles of garbage may be something, but I can always tone it down so I do not get sounds like my trash barrel which sort of vibrates and howls when it gets fired up.

I would settle for a little fire glass hole, but we will see as I am still thinking, and hopefully will have it built by the time you read this. There are lots of engineering problems as the top is a 200 pound truck thing of solid metal, and I will have blocks on the corners to hold it up.  It is just the reality of having to put in rebar which I need to acquire in key spots to hold things in place for support as I mould and dump in the concrete.

I'll have to get some high heat mortar too or some of that wonder caulk which is like JB Weld.

In typing this, the Holy Ghost said to put the fake chimney in back and build it outward in a U shape. That would solve the venting and would solve the platform of the 200 pounds and the problems of sealing. The more I look, the more the Holy Ghost directs and things get worked out as this creation becomes created.

Am certain it will all be wonderful and people will steal the ideas and everyone will think this is all easy, and no one will know how long I have been engineering this impossible thing and doing it all to just keep from freezing.

Nuff Said

