Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Election Fraud EMP Patterns Emerging


 Yes that will cure this.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 There are patterns emerging in the Nashville RV bomb, directed at the Georgia election monitoring which are taking on 9 11 Pentagon aspects.

This blog has informed you  that the Lame Cherry concludes the Nashville bomb was not a laser guided missile as the below footage indicates the plume comes from the ground and then rescinds. As this was a telecommunications NSA site, the conclusion would be an EMP to fry the system at ATT.



Note this plume appears, as a first small detonation which is directed as an improvised EMP would operate, followed by the propane charge to cover up what had taken place and who murdered Tony Warren.



There are conditioning events now manifesting in this and being sown by the Mockingbird. It is projected the reasoning behind this is to stop the Trump Wild in Washington DC in there will be "threats" as in Richmond Virginia manufactured to shut down institutions and access for Americans.




It would be logical for those running these operations to shut down everything in and out of DC, and it is possible that Congress may tele meet, which probably is not Constitutional, as the Article is specific in Congress gathers in the Capitol chamber.


Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.






