Monday, January 6, 2020

Trump Drift

I swear by the magic carpet that it gets bigger out of the bottle...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The New York Times and democrats are on a death watch list, hoping since President Trump executed the leader of Iranian terrorism, in order to set up the Global Islamic Nuclear Caliph, that Donald Trump being blamed for a mistake, in which Americans ended up dead, in order to parade them around on Mockingbird media will make up for their failed coup attempts and Pissgate and Impeachment.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Mike Pence is Correct on General Soleimani

The Lame Cherry though is not going to be sucked into Trump WWE theater nor this cartel sideshow of Trump Derangement Syndrome, as the United States has real problems, now that the President has lanced this boil.

Tehran would be free to produce as much nuclear fuel as it wanted.
But now, instead of buckling to American pressure, Iran declared on Sunday that those restrictions are over — a decade ahead of schedule. Mr. Trump’s gambit has effectively backfired.
Iran’s announcement essentially sounded the death knell of the 2015 nuclear agreement.

I do not compose this in concluding that Donald Trump and his advisers have no clue to any of this. I post this to inform you my children and my brats, that Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu as much as the House of Saud, knew exactly what they were doing in the rampage at the US Embassy in Iraq, and more to the point that General Soliemani was the already chosen target.
Soliemani was running a local terror squad from Lebanon, to Syria, to Iraq, to Yemen, and in order to end Iran's extension of power, Soliemani had to be wiped out, as his replacements are ideological trolls, who keep spewing the secrets of Iran as they vent about the United States.

What the Terror Trolls do though in the Mideast is not the problem for the United States, and the President knows this. The Jews have enough bunkers to survive Hezbollah rockets, and American fire bases can absorb acceptable casualties in conventional rockets. The problem stems back to obliterating the Iranian leadership and activated forces of terrorists to degrade them to the extent that the replacements will conclude, that having their dick inserted into 70 virgins with a Swiss bank account of 100 million dollars is better than being Soliemani pieces where his "corpse" was the ring on his blown off finger.

This blog always offers to promote the success of Americans, and in this success of Donald Trump is upon a policy now of "democrats whining about war" as their 2020 platform, is a reality that the United States is now a Sunni  Orthodox Jew backing nation, against the Germanic Russo Chinese Shia multi billion majority.
I believe that the Iranians have nuclear weapons, and as Soviet Speznat did in the Cold War, have them prepositioned in the United States. It is why Bush and Obama refused to play with Iran and why Obama attempted to bribe them as the Shia Nuclear Caliph at the expense of the Sunni Saud Nuclear Caliph.

This blog has advocated as American policy the poisoning of the Khyber Pass in Afghanistan. It is going to have to be radiation sealed in the coming Great Eurasian War in the next few years, so it should be accomplished now to keep 200 million Chicoms from pouring into the Mideast.
This blog advocated a cover story of "a chemical plant fire". For that matter, it makes little difference if the Pakistani's are bribed and it becomes a radioactive fire which drifts over the Khyber. The area must be made uninhabitable for the Taliban primates, in short exterminating the land of them, as the Bush Kinder and Gentler cost America 6 trillion dollars and made 6 trillion dollars for the cartel. Afghanistan must be secured and the door of the Khyber shut.

This chemical radioactive drift would be cover for dealing with the Persian communists as it is amazing how humanicide a burning nuclear hole in the ground would be.

All nations enjoy pretending they are tough, but none will cross the nuclear line, and will accept a face saving propaganda story of those "Damn Muslims Somehow Poison Not Only Afghanistan But Iran".
Just get it done, and make it a certain point that if these cartel problem children who brought Pissgate and Impeachment, continue on about being in mourning for Soliemani, by exposing that the United States put a poison cloud over turban heads, to stop a Muslim Nuclear Caliph, they will disappears as certain as Admiral Jeremy Bourda and CIA Director William Colby.

The Nuclear Jinn is out of the  bottle. In order to stop the planned destruction of the American economy IR the American Remnant by the dollar ending, and this escalating to a global thermo nuclear war, Iran must be solved with extreme prejudice.
No one would listen to Sam Cohen, who invented the neutron bomb, in he advocated using them on al Qaeda in ending it in 3 miutes. That was 19 years ago and 6 trillion dollars. It is time to fight this as it should be fought and end the Islamocommunists, and that means killing them in mass from their bases in Uruguay targeting Americans to downtown Tehran. Failure to do so, will within the next year bring about Iranian results which I have warned about here, which is what US security was interviewing me about in 2016. For those who remember that time period, they will receive clarification that the federal authorities did not mention the big event. They were interested in the small event. They had intelligence on the big event, but the small one had slipped their Obama walls of separation.
Dick Algire of Rense has been pointing to a big event for the summer of 2016, so he was the source of what I was inquiring about in the matrix. He was not interviewed.
All of this returns to unless this President moves quickly and completely, his best security actions for protecting the world, still has the same structure which produced a 9 11, because that group wanted 6 trillion dollars and Patriot Act to rule from. There is less than a year to neutralize what is out there.

I am not about to inquire about things nor write about them as 999 rich people can not seem to join the one Leper who returned to say thank you to each donate 1000 dollars, as the rich think they can ride this pony for free. I will state though a time line I have glimpsed will produce outstanding success by this President by summer 2020.
That euphoria will not last 6 months as new events arise.

It is why this blog earnestly supports the President and urges swift and total actions. The logical solution to this is raids timed with extreme prejudice into Islamocommunist compounds with no boots on the ground, and a cover story of a drift cloud in the Khyber which miraculously settles over key areas of Iran for a mysterious 5 year cleansing.

The nuclear jinn's bottle has been uncapped. This President has to keep the hands of those from rubbing that bottle so it appears. Create enough chaos, return the Crowned Prince of Iran with an American Praetorian Guard, promise Sebastian Kurz the Europeans can have the oil, develop the mining of Afghanistan, with the United States being paid for expenditures, and Vladimir Putin gets to rebuild Iran, and we can all go on to enjoy the cartel's next Black Swan.

Donald Trump's policy has not backfired. He is neutralizing the Shia Nuclear Caliph. The problem is those who built the SNC have other high profit and all powerful models they will implement through this policy at the great expense of the United States.

On Sunday the Iranian Regime offered an $80 million bounty for anyone who brings in the head of President Donald Trump for killing Qassam Soleimani.
Iran can just use the cash that Barack Obama sent them on wooden pallets in unmarked cargo planes.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said



American Blood on Canadian Hands

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What I am about to write has not a great deal with "most" Canadians, as I have a fondness for them. What the Lame Cherry though loathes about the stench of Canada is Ottawa and the genital disease of Canadian minds who are under the delusion that they can condescendingly judge Americans and actually are siding with global terrorists.

The reality is,  I have read Canadian comments threatening Americans that if America did use nuclear weapons, that Americans will be in hell for vaporizing innocent Iranian children.

This blog has something to address in this in explaining to Canadians the facts of life.

Why Trudeau is siding with the Iranian regime

For one thing, Justin's brother Alexandre Trudeau is an official paid propagandist for the Iranian regime.
As well, Bombardier has a $100 million deal to sell planes to Iran that's being financed by the Canadian government.
Maybe Trudeau's taking advice from his two Iranian born MPs, like Majid Jowhari, who's pressed Canada to be "friendlier" with the Iranian dictatorship, or Maryam Monsef who was born in Iran but lied and said she was from Afghanistan.

In the years of the American Revolution, 1776, and before that time, it was the policy of London and Paris, to initiate an American Genocide of any Americans who crossed into the uninhibited Ohio Country.

Then in 1860, Canadians provided the operational base for the intrigue of the Civil War which witnessed 500,000 dead American males, not to mention the carnage of the innocent children.

1876, witnessed the massacre by the same moneyed interests as the Civil War, in General Custer and the 7th Cavalry. Canada's response was allowing the terrorists led by Sitting Bull sanctuary.

After the period, the American Patriot, Louis Riel, journeyed to Canada, founded Manitoba and became the Great Emancipator of Canada in liberating the Mettis Peoples as Lincoln performed for the Blacks, in response Canada assassinated by hangman the Father of Manitoba.

World War II, witnessed Canada engaged in the RAF firebombing Germany in millions of innocent women and children.

The American and worldwide blood on the hands of Canadians while their clique condemns Americans, who are the only reason Canada and the world exists to contemplate morality and has any semblance of Rights is the thing as disgusting as Canadians proved what they are in re electing that black faced, Christian hating, misogynistic Justin Trudeau, who instead of being driven from Canada, was chosen again by voters there and now Justin Trudeau is choosing Islamic terrorism over the American People.

What follows next? Canada with it's Islamists begins firing rockets across the border into New York, Detroit and Seattle? Or does Ottawa wait and just ambush Americans in Alaska in shooting them in the back when the Chicoms invade Alaska? Or is it their venture to go in for the kill and start placing Russian nuclear warheads along the 48th parallel so thermonuclear warheads only have 15 seconds to reach the children of the United States?

What new treachery awaits from the Hudson Bay hordes who gave Indians tuberculosis and sent in Scot traders to steal what furs the Indians were producing.

President Donald Trump has outed more than just Iranian terrorists in this execution of the Quds terrorist leader, as the American President has revealed what a treacherous people Canadians have been for hundreds of years.
The Vatican and crown both preyed upon the Quebecois in their own final solution of Evangeline. For that reason, the President of the United States must save his salvos for the treachery of Ottawa too, before this heinous group damning Americans to hell, opening becomes the globalist agent in war against the United States. Fully recall it was Canada which was the base of electronic spying on candidate Trump and fully be aware it was Justin Trudeau making cow eyes at Ivanka Kushner, cucking her noble steed of a husband, the Jew, Jared Kushner in making trouble in that marriage, as Trudeau molested women in Canada and let it be known that squaws along the shores of Ottawa are better as cum dumps than heard from.

If this was World War II, and Justin Trudeau sided with Adolf Hitler, the United States would have declared war on Canada and ended that Ottawa scourge. There is no difference between the Iranian and the Ayrian, and President Donald Trump when he opens the war on Iran, produce a second front in Canada.
Soften the scoundrels of Canada up Mr. President with the rockets red glare and artillery thunder, and promise any American 1000 acres of Crown Land for liberating Canada, and your Home Army, the Trump Voters will pour into Canada and make short work of the regime in the dominion.

Let freedom ring in Canada, let the Mettis be armed with Colts, let the Western Canadian and Quebecois have long guns like cord wood stacked by their hearth, so this new State of Canada will outpour with liberty for the Christian, to never be tread under again.

The world is far too dangerous of place to overlook the treachery of Ottawa any longer. Remember Louis Riel, the assassinated American and Emancipator of Canada. Remember Ottawa in choosing Islamist terrorists over the United States.

For American security, Canada must be handled now, and not when Alaska is in jeopardy, and air raid sirens blare in the cities of Helena, Boise, St. Paul, Grand Prairie, Cleveland, Albany and Allentown are under attack from the Muslim missiles of Canada.

Mr. President it is your duty to declare war, as Presidents did to protect America in liberating Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Phillipines, and yes Europe, when American civilization ended tyranny as the city on the shining hill.

Let Justin Trudeau be the first in crimes against humanity trials on the Plains of Manitoba, where Ottawa assassinated Louis Riel.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


The Trump Reaper

As another Lame Cherry exclusive matter anti matter.

I find nothing but despondency in the Presidential action of Donald Trump ordering the execution of the Quds terror leader in Iraq, by the Trump Reaper, a drone firing Hellfire missiles.

There is nothing to celebrate in the death of 1 terrorist, when in the case of Iran, the necessary number is closer to 1 million, spread around the globe.

Up to 4 AGM-114 Hellfire air to ground missiles can be carried or four Hellfire missiles and two 500 lb (230 kg) GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided bombs. The 500 lb (230 kg) GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) can also be carried. Testing is underway[needs update] to support the operation of the AIM-92 Stinger air-to-air missile. In March 2014, MBDA successfully test fired a dual mode Brimstone missile from a Reaper aircraft on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence and Royal Air Force.

Americans are far too gung ho and not having been stung hard enough, in their memories, do not remember the torture of CIA Station Chiefs in Beirut to TWA Flight 800 blasted from the sky over America
The Iranians are coming. The Sunni communist terrorist leader, sanctioned by the Ayatollah, backed by London, German and Paris. They protect Iran and succour Iran, because Iran like Saddam Hussein is a cash cow of profit and position. Their enforcer in Iraq, who was about to deliver all that oil to this group for absolute plunder, and that enforcer was just blown to bits by the United States.

The last time Iraqi oil was in play by George W. Bush, all hell broke loose and broke that Michelle Obama hugging nit, and turned him witless.

The Iranians are coming, because they believe they have the backing. The Iranians are not coming, because they are already here.

U.S. defense secretary cancels vacation amid Iran crisis - Reuters   reuters 

Trump's 2020 rivals say his recklessness risks war with Iran   latimes 
After killing of Iranian general, California authorities boost security, eye Iranian assets   latimes 

Major US Cities Increase Security After Top Iranian General Killed   theepochtimes

CIA Operations Officer Offers Dire Warning - Hezbollah Working Directly With Iranian Quds Force   andmagazine

That means that United States, her politicians, her people, her assets, her everything is a target.

The United States needed to eliminate not one, not a half dozen, but a million, and it still will not be enough.

The United States reportedly took out more top Iranian-backed terrorist leaders in Iraq late on Friday night in airstrikes in northern Baghdad.
The Associated Press reported: “Iraqi official says airstrike hits cars carrying Iran-backed militia north of Baghdad.”

The turban head has been removed, but the operations remain. I repeat, the operations remain, as much as the operatives in these nations, in the Mideast, around the globe, in America, are all still there.

The Department of State said: “We can confirm that in the past several days, General Soleimani had been traveling in the Middle East coordinating further imminent large-scale attacks against U.S. diplomats and service members. These threats were highly credible and the intelligence is sound. General Soleimani’s travel also violated the ban imposed by the United Nations Security Council.

This always goes back to the question, in all of this, with Presidents Bush and Obama protecting this mass murderer of Americans, what do the Iranians have that scared George W. Bush of the international crime family and blackmailed Obama to set up the Persian Patriots for mass slaughter and bribe Iran with billions of dollars, and now whatever that is, is coming into play.

Both Presidents Bush and Obama Passed Up Opportunities to Kill Soleimani   redstate

Soleimani was responsible for killing hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq dating back to the start of the Iraq war in 2003.

Iran has taken hostages. Iran has tortured to death Americans. Iran has blown up Marine installations. Iran has blown civilian airliners out of the sky. Iran helped in 9 11.

All of that and Iran remained, until the last domino in the George HW Bush 7 Dominoes to fall. What has kept Iran from acting, is now deemed the appropriate trigger to bring about America in this final solution of a vast realignment of the world, with America destined to return to colonial villager status.

What is the ultimate weapon, that Iran could preposition to blackmail Americans to accept the Bill Clinton acceptable number of Americans slaughtered each year by Muslims?  The Soviets engaged in this gamesmanship in the Cold War.

The Iranian weapon is conjecture. The response from the United States will not be conjecture.

The reasoning in this is that Iran can be managed, acceptable collateral damage will result, but Iran will be contained for the greater objective.

The projection of this blog is that this will not be the case, as containment is not what those behind this have engineered a coming event and series events for.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
