Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Assisting the President Quondam.



 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is  a public correction as it is of necessity that Donald Trump add to  whatever is at his Island Exile capable people on a number of fronts, because he has absolutely had too many starts and stops, which reflect his problems when he entered the Oval Office.

I have not forgotten his failure to uphold his oath of office. Donald Trump though if he works, and teaches by example, has a place in earning a voice with the 99% and learning how real Americans believe.

The announcement of the President opening an office in Florida, is acceptable, but the released lacked and hindered his agenda. There is one word which is wrong and that is FORMER.

Former sounds like a loser, like something that does not measure up, something that was cast aside, and it reminds everyone who it was who did not fulfill his oath of office. The President's advisors are not capable.


 “Today, the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, formally opened the Office of the Former President,” reads a statement released from the position. “President Trump will always and forever be a champion for the American people.”


 Alright, the Lame Cherry who is an expert on wordcraft can fix this as an example, as I am not here to tear down Donald Trump, but to assist and provide better solutions in what his plans were to evolve into what they will be.

This is the release by Lame Cherry.

“Today, the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, formally opened the Office of President Quondam. 

President Trump will always and forever be a Paladin for thee American People".

Words are always a crap shoot. But when you are at ground level, you had better put words to use that most people do not know, so it produces and air of the regal, which sets Presdient Trump above others, as only 45 people have been President.

Quondam should be pronounced with a French accent in Kwan dom, it means the same thing as former, but you do not want people thinking you are a has been. The President should have created a title, which is his, like Napoleon or any other leader awaiting to return to govern. The President Quandom gets people thinking and people do not want to admit they are stupid, so they will in majority agree it is a regal word and like Washington with His Excellency, is a better fit for the 99% as everyone loves French sounding things and while the President needs to communicate in Old English to his base to get to the point, he needs to be set apart.

Paladin is Joan of Arc vintage. It means to fight for something, and Champion means the same thing. Champion is fine as it means winner, as that is what should be sown, but he is not in the White House. So to match QUANDOM, the word Paladin, which as more bastion, bullwark prose to it. The President should be a fortress which all can turn to which will stand against all.

Donald Trump really needs a Melania verbiage now to put himself above the Biden fray as it will get dirty with Biden's incompetence and community disorganized communists there ruling. From that the President must remain aloof.

For future if it is safe, he needs to go to nations which would welcome him. Melania's birthplace, Poland and make Sebastian Kurz glad hand you too. Just look world leader, and that would include Japan and South Korea.

Now, the President needs to hire 50 go getters to start organizing every state from the ground up in elections, so it is his people running and being backed. That does mean that Junior. Eric, Lara, Ivanka, Melania and Barron get off their asses and eat what the locals eat, validate them by listening, and give them all a look at you, so they all have a stake in the Trump's know them personally. Those are the spear carriers, and you work with Governors to help get them elected too, so they have a stake in this. This is how Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan got into the White House.

Also start the outreach to celebrities who are remaining loyal and competent. Tulsi Gabbard is fulfilling her role in tearing about the DNC, make her an ally. Scott Baio to Charlie Daniels jr., all competent in speaking and are likeable.

Last thing, do not get photographed constantly on that golf course making policy as that will turn off Americans. Get yourself a TRUMP CHAPEL at the Island and start inviting in the telepreachers to record themselves giving you and the Faithful a sermon EVERY SUNDAY.

Start shooting skeet and start inviting in groups of NRA members, not those bastards on top. You start showing 100 million gun owners that you enjoy a round of skeet as much as golf.

What I just informed your people of Mr. President is the stuff that will make you President and is worth more than all of your Katie Walsh upskirt multi million dollar Kushner and Parscale scam advice.

So we are up front in this, you are being correct Sir, as you showed promise after being corrected. You will not be allowed though to suck the oxygen out of the political room for a Reagan type candidate who will do what the above is required and fulfill MAGA and not just save America.

You join the 99 and prove to them you are never going to let them down again, forget them, or squander what was freely given on your word last time. This time you earn it along with their respect.

Post Script: I am done with the free advice in over 5 years propping you up. You want God Inspired advice you will pay for it, as from this point on, your missteps will be exposed and the promotion will be the candidate God produces.

Nuff Said
