Friday, January 1, 2021

Mind Fukt




 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 There is an interesting post about a movie I never would see in Suicide Squad which was created by our current Russian Jewish Secretary of the Treasury in Steve Mnuchin.

Some of it gets a bit too Q in Warner Brothers movies and an anti hero character is Harley Quinn, and the blamed Nashville Bomber who was not photographed in the RV which was not the RV which blew up, but in this evolving deliberately blundering story, Anthony Quinn Warner, you get the Quinn and Warner names now, had another girlfriend last year, who now swears she called the cops on Warner for making bombs in his RV, but the cops gave up, as Warner would not open his door.

OK for a reality check here, if someone is making bombs, and the cops get called, the BATFE is next on the list, in they do not let this shit slide. So all of these new revelations about this loner who had more ass than Charlie Sheen apparently, is where you step back and say MIND FUKT, as that is what this is, is another unbelievable psyops meant to make you not trust anyone in government and media to destabilize the population.


 What is certain is, the story of Tony Warner is bogus, and was added to, to sow distrust, and that is not coming from the moonshine heads of Nashville PD. It is a fact that when an RV pictured is not the RV due to different paint jobs and the picture released does not have anyone behind the wheel, that this is by design to mind fukt people to confuse them from what was really taking place. I have addressed enough of that, but it is certain that Russian Jew, Steve Mnuchin is on someone's radar to get this link pointing to him as it gains traction, like tutu Mike Pence getting the media pressure today to man up and put on the man pants.

I will offer this, listen to the song Silent Running, listen the lyrics, and put your foundation on Protestant Christian Biblical GOD, trust Him as your foundation of stabilized belief, and the rest of this, salute whatever shit runs up the flag pole, and do not believe anything you are hearing, and I will include here, until it proves out. Do not put things into your belief system as it is going to be continued to be destabilized and that is going to make you unbalanced, unthinking and reactionary.

There is a reason the Romanians, Slavs, East Germans and Soviets survived and all looked like the best news they ever had was their genitals froze off, and that is when you are disheartened and broken over time, you just wall up and that is all you can do to survive as you got people in your inner sphere reporting on you to the authorities and that is why they are in your inner sphere.

 Anyway, support the President in Donald Trump, as you are not going to be any worse off, if Biden steals this as those crooks already have everyone listed.....and you sure do not want to be on God's list of supporting a pedo.

 Hell of a way to start the New Year.....ours was I said to TL,' Hey you want to ring in the new year or take our cheer now .........." and TL finished with, "and go bed".

Yes three shots of Apple Jack and I slept until 9:30 as what was in the old year is in this one too.

Oh and for fun, I have been shoveling snow in paths for the pick up on our hoped for place so I don't get our ass stuck over here. Oh and I don't watch Will Smith being hit with a boring mallet on the head.

Nuff said
