Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Trump Card To Be Played


This executive order hangs traitors by the balls...


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 I'm sharing the work of David John Oates from Rense on the President Trump reversals in his trip to the Alamo. I agree that Reverse Speech is a reality as Mr. Oates had his house burned, and a virus implanted into his computer in this operation which sent information to the Washington DC area.

The following reversals are what he found. The inference by Mr. Oates who states that the human mind works figuratively at most times,  are the featured reversals which indicate that someone is busing in something for the inaugural.

The President sees a war coming.

What is of interest in this is he has a reversal of going away with a nod. Oates thinks  this is a wink and a nod. and in the additional reversal is the President saying, "I'll get out America". This could mean being shifty in Trump saving himself, until you hear the President state, "WHEN I SEND AMBUSH"


In al of this, something has seemed off in the President says things. Mike Pompeo today stated THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATIONS twice, which indicates a second term in dealing with Iranian nuclear terrorism.

As of Alama Day, it looks like the President still has an ace up his sleeve and has yet to play it.  It looks like the President suckered Mike Pence by playing nice today in saying he would support Pence in 2024. I would bet the Trump reversals in that were, :I'll cut your balls of you backstabbing son of a bitch".

We will all know how this plays out in a few days, but the President has set an ambush and he is engaged in an operation.

Mike Adams stated the Pentagon was blackmailing Trump in they want a war with China, in exchange for securing his second term. There is going to be a war, Biden or not.

Reversals are not bullshit, they are real in what is going on behind the scenes. There is hope yet that the President has girded himself. When Jeff Rense ended his Tuesday program, this host was speaking as expecting for President Trump to do what is necessary. I have suspected that Rense is somehow connected to the police state. A hit was put on him by Tel Aviv several years ago. He was promoting and FBI mole in Pete Santilli, so he is not just Rush Limbaugh collecting the CIA Mockingbird check.

The reversals speak for themselves. They have always been accurate with revealing upcoming operations. I pray they are successful and initiated.

 they bus in inaugural - going to southern border

see a war -avoid violence

they lose it they shift me not  - impeachment

with us they heard the lies - BLM ANTIFA riots

Go away with a nod
- I''ll get out America

When I send ambush there
, I gather - brave law enforcement

Health within you they send the lab

The worries fuzzy
- 25th Amendment

They deserve puke - Mexico

alarm but I'll work a scam
- assylum

 Nuff Said
