Thursday, February 4, 2021

Anthony Fauci Crimes Against Humanity Fraud


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog in the archives has scattered in it most of the below, but Humans Are Free, put up a great page I swiped off of Rense links which everyone should read as it provides it all one one page.

Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was 

PlannedTo Usher 

In The New World Order

For a projection in this, I do not believe they will release a "new virus" to terrorize or kill people. They have enough hysteria in the mask crowd, wearing lip pampers to bed, that all they need to do is talk about mutant strains and pile up more dead without proof, and voila you have the conditioning for what is coming.

The reason I project that another bioweapon will not be unleashed in the near future, as it would crush what the other events planned need humans to be somewhat mobile for the immortals.

That is not to say that you are going to be allowed freedom, as the lip pampers pretty well proved that Americans buy guns in protest. This is not to say that 5G may make people sick and be blamed as pandemic. What they will tell you is a plague is something they are not going to catch. This is about the rape of submission for the next steps.

I like Elon Musk for his gravitas, but do not put your faith in digital coins. If the IS can not control it, they will eat it like FDR confiscated all the gold.

In projections, logic states there will be a major event, and series of events to crack down, meaning "violence".

Biden's policies are designed to cripple the United States, so they will. Gas is already spiking and will continue. Biden's backers are going to cut off those Trump energy states as competitors. I told you to make a Texas Florida Compaq. Time is running out.

The markets will implode. Those events based on Biden's Shadow Winter, will progress according to the leaked Canadian documents, for a digital currency, meaning your money will be outlawed.

They will monitor and tell you what you can buy or sell. Just like a SNAP card for Mexicans on food stamps. That control will be complete to deal with this massive debt.

Romney is floating Pedo Currency today. Pedo Currency is paying children thousands of dollars. You know Obama made kids serve in leftist projects, so the children once purchased by Mormon Mitt will have to let Pedo Joe sniff them. Property of the  state.

They have control. They have to break Kristi Noem and her kind. It will be economics and that is markets melting, seizing currency for all that debt in controlled public spending, in the Biden Dirty Ages.

This is an encirclement, food shortages, black outs. Thinning the ranks. Once the above is sealed, then will come forcing independent farmers to "pay off their debt" and in "order to get Bayer seed and Exxon fuel", they will sign over for a wage their land and farm for Chicom Joe. America is going to be turned into one major Smithfield operation, and Biden opening up invasion, is not Mexicans, but Chicoms coming to squat on Canadian and American PLA farms.

I do not want to project this out too far, as kids will be re educated in Biden Camps, it will be a massive pulling America apart in new directions.

Just understand, the first virus strain in the L strain was lethal, as it was feces spread. I was unleashed before the PLA could release their first strike weapon. The S strain was the inoculation strain and even MERCK says to catch the virus now, as it is better than the mRNA vax.

Forget about the distractions. The same traitors in Congress have already been told how to vote for amnesty and gun control. The Senate is 50 50 tied. and you will be kept on the edge with that bullshit, only if you believe it is for real.

The real problems are what is the above, and based in the mask and the vax. All things spread out from that center for the next acts.
