Thursday, February 4, 2021

Was the Capitol Riot about Making AOC the Speaker and not Joe Biden President?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Everyone knows that the Lame Cherry adores Alexandria Ocasio Cortez or as her occidental friends know her, Sandy Cortez. It is with this admission, that AOC is absolutely the most beautiful Congressman in United States history, let us face facts, for all time as she is simply brilliantly gorgeous and the most gorgeous CIA plant that HW Bush ever created. She simply is breathtaking.

It is in this admission that the Lame Cherry noticed something amiss in her January 6th story. It is more than Representative Nancy Mace setting the record straight, that the people that DC police let into the Capitol were never in the halls of the Congressional representatives, so AOC running to the bathroom as a staffer told her to hide, and she later heard someone banging on her door, asking where she was, and it was a security officer, which traumatized AOC, that questions have appeared which require an FBI investigation.

This was January 6th, it was a momentous day for Joe Biden, as Mike Pence was about install Chicom Joe to the White House with election fraud.

The process is for a joint session of Congress, meaning AOC should have been in the chamber as is required by law. Why was AOC not where she was legally supposed to be on that day, as everyone else was?

Then there is the account of a security guard came running for AOC, in knowing she was in her office. There are 435 Congressmen in the chamber. How out of all these people, with them running for their lives, did one security guard know where AOC was, and ran to her location, when the facts are, that no one ever entered the office space of the House members.
AOC had no idea who this guard was.

It is equally bizarre in the guard, apparently never saw the staffer, who again apparently had bolted and left AOC in the crapper. That is one staffer I would fire.

Someone did indeed provide the people who entered the Capitol with a map in where to go. The GOP was blamed, but this looks like someone on the democratic side was the one providing the blueprints and security knew it.

This looks like staffers provided the blueprints. Security expected ANTIFA who were provided with the blueprints, to enter the House offices, not just Pelosis. Security knew AOC was not in the chamber. They knew she was not to be it begs who was supposed to be harmed? 
We know that those who entered the Capitol, made it to the Conference rooms, that laptops were left there, and that the Speaker's office was targeted. It looks a great deal like the democratic leadership was targeted by ANTIFA.

Who would that leave as the successor to the Speaker in this well thought out Obama Intifada? It would appear to be AOC.
Would it be so out of the question, in Barack Obama, with Bush fam, and the NSA stole and election, in order to install their sock puppet sleeper, Kamala Harris, and would leave the most powerful slot in Congress not in their hands?

Would that not have provided the real crackdown and the lynching of Donald Trump, if the Speaker was taken out in a palace coup with the leadership, leaving the well groomed CIA asset, AOC as Speaker?

Do I think AOC was aware of what was going on for her benefit? It appears she had foreknowledge of the DC police letting ANTIFA in. So she avoided the chamber. She was being monitored to be kept safe as she is a lovely woman, which explains the guard. What she was not aware of, was the plan for entry into the House offices, which did not manifest.

All of this would have disappeared, if AOC had not been traumatized by Obama's terrorists.  The staffer who abandoned AOC, also stampeded her, causing the trauma, which she is still dealing with. It is why she was blurting out that Ted Cruz almost got her murdered.
Was it a future Speaker, had a psyops run on her, to make her more pliable to Obama Inc. dictates? It certainly was successful in terrorizing AOC. It was too successful, because if she had not been traumatized, none of us would have been looking at her story which does not add up.

Some have mocked AOC, but the Lame Cherry never would do that, as it solves nothing.

What is the real story of January 6th? We are never going to have an FBI investigation into this, because even AOC only had part of the story, because if she knew, she would have kept her mouth shut and not drawn attention to it.

As there is more to the AOC traumatization than she even knows, the reality is those in the Obama Intifada attempted a palace coup once, they will attempt another event to achieve what their objectives.
