Friday, February 26, 2021

You have no Friends in the FBI


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm simply embarrassed by what the United States is, and move Pedo Joe sign and executive order renamed America, the United Snitches of America, because in the January 6th protests in DC, we have had family members turning their bread winner into the cops, then there is the ex gal pal of a Pennsylvania guy outed to the FBI, and today, we have this Luke Coffee from Texas, who I thought was on Dallas, you know JR Ewing and Victoria Principal when she was hot, but it turns out he lives in Dallas and was on shows I never watched.

What caught my attention about Luke Coffee was the FBI has been hunting him for almost two months, and he is an old guy of 41 years, a cripple with a crutch, and how the FBI nabbed him, was a guy Coffee went to college with, is an FBI man now, and it was that guy who fingered Coffee.

He has been charged with assault of a federal law enforcement officer with a dangerous weapon, interference with a law enforcement officer during civil disorder, obstruction of an official proceeding, unlawful entry on restricted grounds, and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.

Coffee’s attorney could not be reached Friday for comment.

Helping to identify Coffee was a college classmate who is an FBI agent, authorities say. The U.S. attorney’s office has filed a motion to detain Coffee pending trial. A detention hearing is scheduled for March 8.

I guess 'm not a woke American as if I was an FBI man, and had gone to school with an old cripple, I just do not think I would be turning that person in, if all the did was hobble around on a crutch in DC. I would think, "You dumb bastard" and that would be it.

This has me thinking in, What are the odds of this FBI guy to be assigned to the DC investigators? That is pretty long odds, so it would seem that Director Christopher Wray has and order out that the 2 million G men, or however many agents they are, to all look at these photos of Americans and finger who they think they know. That is kind of sad in with that many G men out there, that all the kids who went to school with them........hell the ice cream guy, the teacher, the priest.

 I mean is there a promotion schedule where like they all gather at headquarters and Director Wray steps up and says:

We have a list here and Special Agent Mustafa who turned in their Grandma for J walking. We're moving her from California to New York, as we know we can trust her."

Seriously, is Grandma top of the list? Do you get more for turning in your retard cousin?  Does like turning in Christians get you like a gold leaf LaVoy Finnicum, do you get extra vacation time for setting up an old guy's murder by shooting at him first? That Ruby Ridge Mum, holding her baby, do you get something special for that...........burning up kids in mass at Waco.......just what do you get when the accommodations are handed out?

Is it small potatoes to turn in a kid you went to school with, or is it something big? Does the Bureau judge the psychological profile of that is a rat bastard you can not trust, as he would turn in Peter Strzok for framing Donald Trump or is this the kind of agent that the Bureau wants in they would turn in their own Mother.

"Sorry Mum, you look like that woman in DC. Turning you in to my superiors, as Mothers are worth a promotion of two grades, and extra week's vacation and my own signed Christopher Wray coffee mug".

As I said, I'm simply not woke to this America. Probably why I'm not employed by the police state, as I would be the person having a problem with agents breaking the law, and not be thinking that dangerous weapon and crutch belong in the same sentence, as I would figure the Federal Judge would chew my ass for being a smart ass in stretching the Truth just a bit.

I wonder what family member Christopher Wray turned in to get his job. Probably have to turn in your Mum and like your retard brother and a few nuns or something.

Oh, I do know that Ashli Babbitt was assaulted with a dangerous weapon, and murdered, but maybe the FBI would be interested if she had been murdered with a crutch.

Was a time in John Wayne America that calling a crutch a dangerous weapon would have got you laughed at.

Nuff Said
