Thursday, September 16, 2021

Your home is where your heart is

Camo waterproof tarp, hatchet for wiki braces, your home is
your heart, your last continued withdrawal is going NOMAD.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm not going to comment on this as this is from I have no Inspiration or information on the projected time lines, what is of import is the time line of this vax dicatorship and repression. I have no information on the dates specified, but you have been warned here that Dictator Biden's mandates are not going to stop with corporations in force vaxes and this dictatorship is not going to be thwarted by Kristi Noem playing Corona Queen.

If you have windows to expect things, then you should be planning for those events as the worst things you can think of will probably be coming.

Where We Are Now

By Craig Paardenkooper


According to the document, the implementers are desperate to vaccinate as many people as possible before the vaccine effects become apparent. The stages they will follow include 

Phase 1:  Vaccinate the easy people who can't wait to get the shot.

Phase 2:  Offer incentives and rewards to convince those on the fence. (Free donuts, free beer, lottery tickets, etc.)

Phase 3:  Punish those who refuse to get vaccinated by taking away their rights (no entry, no travel, etc.).

Phase 4:  Criminalize vaccine resisters by passing mandatory vaccine laws. (due Nov 2021)

Phase 5:  Gunpoint medicine: Launch door-to-door vaccine squads to forcibly vaccinate people at gunpoint, against their will. (Dec 2021 / Jan 2021)

We are right now in phase 3, moving toward phase 4.


However, once they have achieved a 70-90% reduction in population, this will result in the collapse of all services and infrastructure.

The result will be shortages of everything.

Government will loose control as tribes and gangs take over in the cities in their search for supplies.

Eventually, even ammunitions will run out (since all production will have ceased) and weapons such as swords and bows will be used by these gangs.

People will gravitate out of the cities towards food and water sources and form small defended communities. 


You should have already stored supplies for 3-4 years in hidden storage, and have a method/routine for bugging out.

Once we reach phase 4, you will need to become unlocateable - or face fines and detention. 

Phase 4 will arise automaticaly as soon as the vaccine is mandated.

Phase 5 will involve road-blocks and check-points also.


You will still need to be  unlocateable  most of the time - and living off your stored supplies. 

The cities will be dangerous. Move to a rural area - you need to be near as possible to fresh food and water sources. 

Join with others to form defensive groups - existing tribes, groups with access to methods of defense.


The Covid project is due to be completed in  2025 , and orders for the supply of  body bags  are until then.  Deagel  forcasted substantial population reductions by then also.

If Christians are correct in saying that this is the Tribulation, then prohibition on buying and selling for the un vaxed will last  3.5 years  = sept 21 to Mar 25

Other things may happen during this time - such as criminalising of the un vaxed, resulting in detention. What happens inside detention is anyones guess, since it seems that human rights have been abolished. If Christians are correct, then many will be put to death.

If you can hold out until  April 2025 , you will see a  meteor shower . It will set fire to many areas. However, this will be followed by much larger meteors impacting the sea and land - many ships will be destroyed. The impacts will cause much  crustal instability , resulting in eruption of  volcanoes .

After that a  war  will break out between the  East  and  West . It will be non-nuclear - by conventional means. We will win. (sorry Chinese readers). The CCCP will be history by  2029  - replaced by something better.

Just expect the courts to rule for the Dictator. That does not require laws passed. Once the Dictator has the courts backing his dictatorship, then he unleashes force for compliance to your GOP Governors who will not have prepared and will bend the knee, and you will be set up and exposed as the people on Jan6.

You need to prepare and have these contingencies dealt with in your minds, so that you do not react which will get you into trouble. You are not a wolf. You are a mouse. You have a plan to scurry away and allow this police state to feed on those who will panic.

The last thing you want is fight or flight. You want an organized falling back. You always give ground.

Your home is where your heart is.

Nuff Said
