Monday, April 12, 2021

Cyber Polygon


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Whenever the lords and priests appear it is to ponder their appearance and their reasoning.

That is why in the era when  humanity crosses the immortal threshold, that  it is prudent to examine what the 1% is communicating as they plague gamed before Coronavirus Wuhan, from masks to vaxports.

There is s cyber game which will be run in July of 2021 AD in the year of our Lord which features this quote:|

A new cyberattack simulation, Cyber Polygon, will occur in July 2021.

The WEF, Russia’s Sberbank, and its cybersecurity subsidiary BIZONE announced in February that a new cyberattack simulation would occur July 9, 2021. The event will simulate a supply-chain cyberattack similar to the SolarWinds attack that would “assess the cyber resilience” of the exercise participants. 

“a single vulnerable link is enough to bring down the entire system, just like the domino effect. A secure approach to digital development today will determine the future of humanity for decades to come.”

All of this is linked to the Great Reset, the age when humanity is inconsequential. The 4th Industrial Revolution of the elite, where humans are Captain Dunsel.  The fact is that one of the necessary legs of civilization will be attacked, and upon this excuse all the other framework of humanity will vanish.

The 1% will implement this  and the standard of humanity which is thousands of years established in a system of work is stored in money, and the reward for producing is the greater advantage of an easier life, to hire others to produce for you, and their reward of an easier life. It was the great emancipation of free people working  to better their lives instead of being enslaved.

Is 2021's Fictional Cyberattack Simulation Prepping Us For A Cyber Pandemic?

Tyler Durden's Photo

What the Lame Cherry's attention is on the words. Words even if you do not believe, are power, and the lords and the priests comprehend this. They chose the name polygon for a reason. This is the Euclidean, the Sacred Geometry, the Kabballah, the Babylonian Mystery Religion, Nimrod the mighty hunter of men, and it is all about the geometry in motion, multi dimension.

A polygon, is everything from 1 to infinite lines and sides. It is orderly in base 10, including 24, 257, 65537, in it is order, and it is chaos of vibrating at unnatural, dark frequencies, and from the disorder, order follows as the natural progression.

I will have the key part below, as I was shown this in the study of the Tree of Life.

Polygon names and miscellaneous properties
monogon1Not generally recognised as a polygon,[17] although some disciplines such as graph theory sometimes use the term.[18]
digon2Not generally recognised as a polygon in the Euclidean plane, although it can exist as a spherical polygon.[19]
triangle (or trigon)3The simplest polygon which can exist in the Euclidean plane. Can tile the plane.
quadrilateral (or tetragon)4The simplest polygon which can cross itself; the simplest polygon which can be concave; the simplest polygon which can be non-cyclic. Can tile the plane.
pentagon5[20] The simplest polygon which can exist as a regular star. A star pentagon is known as a pentagram or pentacle.
hexagon6[20] Can tile the plane.
heptagon (or septagon)7[20] The simplest polygon such that the regular form is not constructible with compass and straightedge. However, it can be constructed using a Neusis construction.
nonagon (or enneagon)9[20]"Nonagon" mixes Latin [novem = 9] with Greek; "enneagon" is pure Greek.
hendecagon (or undecagon)11[20] The simplest polygon such that the regular form cannot be constructed with compass, straightedge, and angle trisector.
dodecagon (or duodecagon)12[20]
tridecagon (or triskaidecagon)13[20]
tetradecagon (or tetrakaidecagon)14[20]
pentadecagon (or pentakaidecagon)15[20]
hexadecagon (or hexakaidecagon)16[20]
heptadecagon (or heptakaidecagon)17Constructible polygon[16]
octadecagon (or octakaidecagon)18[20]
enneadecagon (or enneakaidecagon)19[20]
icositetragon (or icosikaitetragon)24[20]
tetracontagon (or tessaracontagon)40[20][21]
pentacontagon (or pentecontagon)50[20][21]
hexacontagon (or hexecontagon)60[20][21]
heptacontagon (or hebdomecontagon)70[20][21]
octacontagon (or ogdoëcontagon)80[20][21]
enneacontagon (or enenecontagon)90[20][21]
hectogon (or hecatontagon)[22]100[20]
257-gon257Constructible polygon[16]
chiliagon1000Philosophers including René Descartes,[23] Immanuel Kant,[24] David Hume,[25] have used the chiliagon as an example in discussions.
myriagon10,000Used as an example in some philosophical discussions, for example in Descartes's Meditations on First Philosophy
65537-gon65,537Constructible polygon[16]
megagon[26][27][28]1,000,000As with René Descartes's example of the chiliagon, the million-sided polygon has been used as an illustration of a well-defined concept that cannot be visualised.[29][30][31][32][33][34][35] The megagon is also used as an illustration of the convergence of regular polygons to a circle.[36]
apeirogonA degenerate polygon of infinitely many sides.

Study the diagram below, and you will see it. It is all Euclidean. See this in multi dimensions. Add to this geometric motion. Keep dividing and increasing the geometric patterns. If you see this in your mind as I do, the triangle as the base form, the strongest in nature, becomes the square, and the square in evolution becomes the pentagon, and it keeps evolving until the odd and the even straight line geometic shapes, becomes the circle of 360 degrees. The square becomes the circle.

It is sound. It is frequencies. It is polygon. It is the building blocks of all, it is their construction to heights and built too high, becomes the tower of babel crashing down, and out of chaos, there arises a new age, based on a false tree of life, in a new order.

They have rotted the Protestant Christian order of Spiritual to supplant God's creation of the Promise of the Caucasian, and from this decomposed state, there will be birthed from death, a new immortality not needing God.

They are telling you, as they are speaking it into reality.

The Cyber Polygon is Baby and the Apes, joining the collective of human thought to artificial amplified intelligence.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said



Say her name, Roseanne Boyland!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In damning revelations, the DC Medical Examiner ruled Ashli Babbit was murdered, and of course nothing will be done about this in this corrupt system of those above the law. We do know what murdered Ashli Babbitt though in this was the main artery in her shoulder was shredded by the assassin's bullet and she bled out.

BREAKING: DC Medical Examiner's Office Rules Ashli Babbitt's Death at Capitol a Homicide   ussanews 

There is another American in this which has been forgotten, and she is Roseanne Boyland. First reports are that she had been crushed after losing consciousness. What has been revealed though in her autopsy is she was overdosed on amphetamines, the same dope used to make Joe Biden look brain functional.

I do not know Ms. Boyland, but I highly doubt Trump supporters are dope heads. I have heard not one report of anyone being high, intoxicated or stoned at the rally on January 6th. Given those realities, it is a matter of necessity that the death of Roseanne Boyland be further examined, to ascertain if some bad actor there spiked food or beverages with the deliberate intent on murdering MAGA people.

Roseanne Boyland, who lost consciousness and was crushed in the melee, had suffered “acute amphetamine intoxication.”

None of this is a stretch. ANTIFA was there, BLM was there, and the FBI still can not find this apparent trained military / intelligence person who planted pipe bombs, knew the location of security and never meant for those bombs to detonate, but for that act to secretly invoke the Patriot Act so Americans could be hunted down without warrants.

A friend was with Roseanne Boyland when she died. She has been smeared as a Qanon supporter, as if that is justification for her murder. The fact is that the friend stated the crowd was moving forward, the Police reacted in counter measures, and in this, people started falling, piled up and in Ms. Boyland's case she perished.

As Trump supporters began to storm the Capitol Building, Winchell and Boyland found themselves in the thick of it. Winchell said the trouble began when a few demonstrators began pushing people.

“They basically created a panic, and the police, in turn, push back on them, so people started falling,” Winchell. 

The crowd then clashed with police, trampling over one another, pinning Boyland to the ground.

“I put my arm underneath her and was pulling her out and then another guy fell on top of her, and another guy was just walking [on top of her],” Winchell said. “There were people stacked 2-3 deep…people just crushed.”

Not anywhere in this does it mention taking uppers. Follow the reality in this, that the friend said nothing about uppers, her family said nothing about uppers, and the one person who does die who falls down, has acute amphetamine intoxication. Intoxication is POISONING when it is overdosed and as no one else died in that pile, the uppers are what clouded her mind and reactions. So who gave Roseanne Boyland that dope as that is homicide.

If she was an addict, which does not appear to be the case, then the seller is guilty of homicide, as much as the police who caused people to fall and be crushed. If she was not an addict, then someone in the Nancy Pelosi sphere, like the FIB pipe bomber, spiked something that this woman took, so deaths would occur for sensational headlines.

Every death, including those officer who committed suicide, because they knew what they engaged in was a framing of MAGA, are victims of murder. It is time to say Roseanne Boyland's name as she was murdered as certain as Ashli Babbitt has been murdered.

I have had it with this racism, in just because Roseanne Boyland was overweight, a Southerner, and White that everything about her did not matter, and the New York Times prints articles smearing her like she deserved to be murdered.

Was it one of the Director Christopher Wray's paid operatives who handed a spiked water to Roseanne Boyland. All of these protected operatives who have proven to be bad actors like selling bomb parts to Terry Nichols of the OKC bombing, and Merrick Garland covered up that state crime, are still being protected, in no one has give none number of how many undercover government agents were at the US Capitol on January 6th. How many of these government agents were the ones storming the Capitol building on orders from the FBI and DC Police, coordinating with Nancy Pelosi?

Say her name Roseanne Boyland and all of the others on this homicide list, as people were falling and the cops stood around did not administer any CPR, and that is a felony.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said



The Caucasian Apple


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Apples, like potatoes are the most wonderful creatures God ever provided humankind with in they have in them the genetics of thousands of different varieties. It is amazing in chickens and tomatoes that they sprang forth so many distinct creatures from one simple plant.

Where our apples came from are really the product of 3 chokepoints in history. The apple appeared in the Caucasian regions of western Asia in the mountains there, and began spreading south, and this is where the history of the apple begins in ancient times, as it was the Romans who took the fruit with them to every place they conquered.

Writers like Virgil, Cato and Pliny were able to list two dozen varieties of apple. And a contemporary of theirs, Columella. describes and recommends distinct kinds like the Armerian, the Cestine and the Syrian, 

One can see that it was in the Northern Mideast where our apples derived from, for this is where Rome noted their apples came from. It was from these apples that the land Caesar ruled in France, where apples would begin to be grown with a French taste.
Apples were carried to Briton, but those varieties are not the ones which dominated. What would become the apple of the world, would arrive from King Henry VIII sending his botanist to Versailles France where those pips, or seeds would transform into something unique.

It was the French Margil apple, which would in England, produce a relative, which would become the Cox Orange Pippin. The apple is almost 200 years old, and is still the mainstay of English produce.

It was the English apples or seedlings which would arrive in the United States and in numbers of random seedlings which sprouted would begin changing the world of the apple. Apples were of two types, the cider and the eating kind. It was in France which it appears that apples began to be stabilized into a desert type. That is not to state that every apple seedling planted will produce like the parent, but Margil to Cox was an epic leap of eating quality passed on. From that generation in the same period of American apples, a number of standard varieties began to appear, and when a seedling out of thousands of seeds from the east grew in Minnesota, and was hardy, in the Wealthy, the next leap appeared in fruit quality which transferred wonderful genetics of like eating apples.

While the Delicious has never produced numbers offspring to fill the markets, the Minnesota apples have produced numbers of fine apples which have advanced the stabilized structure.

Apples come in so many colors, flavors, shapes ans varieties that it seems like it will never run out of genetic diversity. There is no such thing as a bad apple. A bad apple is a wonderful cider apple. A tree which will not produce, is a tree to graft onto, and a good apple has in it's seeds, the genesis of so many new varieties.

So the history of apples comes to us from the Caucasian Mountains, down to the land of Armenia and Syria. Roman armies then transported them to Rome, where grafting and improving spread them in the empire, and into France, where the French undertook a breeding which set what apples really would begin to taste like in modern times. Cox Orange Pippin would be the foundation of what would become the apple flavor, which in those roots to America, in the New York. Massachusetts and Virginia areas would lay the foundation for the varieties moving into the Ohio, and then Minnesota.

It is almost scary to think how fragile an apple seedling is. Like Granny Smith found the Granny Smith apple growing in a cast away lot of apples in rubbish and in transplanting it, produced this marvelous variety, like the Northwest or Rhode Island Greening. If Margil had not appeared in France, what would apples be now? If Cox had not come from the Margil line, what would apples be? What of the American types from this group of apples, would we have anything that resembles what we have if Wealthy had not appeared.

In that, the Delicious apple is a good apple when grown in good soil, like Iowa. Most have left that apple behind as it should be, but how apples have advanced beyond Delicious, reveals how bad a number of apples really were. Apples used to make your eyes water and give you a gut ache.

I remember as a child eating Winesap, Jonathan, Baldwin from the old orchards, and then discovering the Haralson in how that apple was so far ahead of even the Delicious. It is relevant that Minnesota has not moved past it's Fireside of 80 years ago, and Honeycrisp is a fad in passing as growers are not producing this apple as they should, so they are horrid things, much like the original Granny Smith were delightful apples and now are nothing but things for the chickens to suffer through eating.

Apples are something that a person should live 500 years to be able to sample and grow so many new varieties to study. That honestly is the only reason I would ever want to live that long, just to grow things and learn of them.

With that I close on the heritage of apples. Those wonderful fruits which I hope that people would grow from seeds to see what they might have, to change the world.

Nuff Said



The Lame Cherry Reappears on Duck Duck Go


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As an update, readers may recall that Sandy alerted me that the Lame Cherry had been wiped from Duck Duck Go after I had championed that search engine, and I noted that Startpage, Yandex and, were all featuring this blog yet in this wokester censorship.

I wrote as a member of the press to Duck and asked why I was being wiped. No response.

So tonight, April 12th, I was reviewing the blog's stats, and was quite pleased that I have readers from North America, all across Europe, into Russia, China and Oz. Then I noticed the referrals and Duck was listed, which I thought odd, as all of my links had been scrubbed. So I clicked off the link, and entered lamecherry, and the site popped up again.

Now sites do not get wiped by accident in this age. So that means that someone at that search engine deliberately entered in a command to censor this blog. As this appears to have been reversed, and done so without a word, there are only a few projections which make sense.

1. The company has an employee who is working for Obamaland and is deliberately wiping Conservative sites, exactly as the Yahoo and Bing platforms have scrubbed this blog.

2. The company discovered this employee has been censoring Conservatives and quietly rectified the situation.

3. The employee, is the one who monitors emails, as that is the logical position to be in to cover their ass, and they fixed it before the management received the email, in order to protect their woke 1% sponsored job.

So someone censored the Lame Cherry at Duck Duck Go and now the listing is back complete without comment.

The question in this is, as Dr. Fauci has a kid working in another venue, James Comey's girl is working in SDNY, maybe some of this censorship is not coming from the management, but trolls they have hired who are working for the CIA and FBI to produce this monopolized narrative.

Nuff Said


Kamala Harris Absent But On Duty

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Populist Press intruded into the, above the law, and beyond questioning, of our Quadroon Birther, Vice President. Kamala Harris.

It should be enough that Pedo Joe Biden, Resident of the White House, unless living in Delaware, appointed with absolute trust, Kamala Harris with the security of the United States on the Mexican Mexican border.

Let us face the facts, that children thrown over a wall, molested in Biden cages, and yes living in cages, got it better than the shit holes, they streamed out of. It is better to be ass raped in America for a 1400 dollar stimulus check as warm up for the Catholic and Lusthern priests, than to get a broom handle up the ass with splinters in Guatemala for nothing.

Apparently Steve Bannon with his DIA millions could not find our Kamala who is absent as Obama Bush fund child trafficking into America, but the Lame Cherry could.

As you can see Kamala has been at the exclusive Beverly Hills plastic Surgeon, Dr. Bandi Khan. You will remember the botched butt lips procedure that Kamala undertook to be Vice President, which was hideous. Well, Dr. Khan assured Kamala that he could enhance her, so no one would notice her huge butt or butt lips.

As you can see, Kamala chose the WTM, White Tits Matter, in the Marilyn Model, yes the very tits that John F. Kennedy bouned around in bed, Kamala Harris now has, but instead of Ms. Monroe's D size, Kamala chose the Double G model, with large areolas, and not the Madona metal pointies, due to the discomfort of chafing in summer and frostbite in winter.

All of us can ask, what is more important, Kamala Harris securing the border which no one wants secured or Kamala Harris can take border security money, from Homeland, which has money for luxuries but not security, and use that for breast enhancement as Kamala Harris is taking a stand that White Breasts Matter, WBM.

I know some of us were concerned that Kamala Harris was wasting our money, and not doing anything, but as you can witness Kamala was investing in America's future. Who can not say that the reservoir of Silicon which Kamala now protects will not be important in this silicon chip shortage encompassing the world in this Obama Fauci biological weapon attack out of China upon the world.

The Lame Cherry says that Kamala Harris should receive the Nobel Prize for economics for this industry saving gesture in providing America a silicon stockpile for our future.

Nothing more needs to be said about this, except Steve Bannon needs to stop being so shortsighted as Kamala Harris is planning for our future.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
