I thought you said Error Queen not Terror Queen
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I did not bother with the theater of January 6th 2021 AD in the year of our Lord on January 6th, 2022 AD in the year of our Lord, as I knew it was all a fraud, because Newsweek broke a story stating that federal assassins were protecting members of Congress, their staff and Vice President Mike Pence with assault weapons, so no one was going to harm any of them with a baton or harsh words.
In reading the coverage of the theater though, the DC police were the whores being pimped by democarts as Ashli Babbit's Mother pleaded for her daughter's life.
It was the over the top recitation by an Officer Hodges which did become noticed by me, as words to mean things and Officer Hodges was defining Donald Trump supporters as terrorists.
"I can see why someone would take issue with the title of terrorist, it's gained a lot of notoriety in our vocabulary in the past few decades ... But I came prepared," Officer Hodges explains why he refers to the Jan. 6th rioters as 'terrorists.' pic.twitter.com/jkkN4g9EDE
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) July 27, 2021
I actually bothered on WordWeb to look up TERRORIST AND TERROR, as that would be proof terrorism by Trump supporters or someone on January 6th of 2021 AD in the year of our Lord.
A terrorist is a radical who employs terror as a political weapon. So politics have to be involved. A radical is someone who believes an idea outside of the norm. The problems now are who is defining what is normal, as normal is not what 6000 years of civilization defined it as.
In reviewing the Trump Supporters, they wanted rule of law, elections to be reviewed by legal authorities and wanted to be heard. That is not radical. In reality, as the DC police were gassing people in DC, they were shooting them with rubber bullets and they were beating them with batons, before anyone had done anything to activate a police response, the frustration which people there expressed and yes some fought back, is not radical, it is quite normal, and in that, it is not terrorism.
TERRORIST: A radical who employs terror as a political weapon
TERROR: An overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety
The above defines what terror is. Terror is overwhelming fear and anxiety.There is not one record in any one ever stating they were in fear of Trump Supporters. They hated Trump Supporters the mocked them, they challenge them, but no one from John Cusack to any DC cop went into fetal position at the sight of a Trump Supporter. No one is afraid of Trump Supporter, so without fear or anxiety that makes you curl up in a ball or hide under your bed. terror does not exist, so therefore without terror there can not be a terrorist.
So this Officer Hodges creating a false narrative of Trumper Supporters are terrorists and that means the Department of Justice can hold and toture these Americans and the DOD can drone them to death, means a suspension of Constitutional Rights is being engaged in. In that, the implying that someone is a terrorist when they are not, while activating an armed police state to hunt and charge over 700 Americans, none with insurrection, is beyond intimidation and is in deliberate effect, closer to terrorism than what Officer Hodges is redefining the word as.
In examination of the Jan6 theater of 2022 AD in the year of our Lord, the same propaganda of 2021 was amplified in 2022 AD in the year of our Lord. None of it was evidence and this was not a court trial. This was a series of statements without critical examination, using the race card of Blacks against Whites. This is not about Truth. This was about propaganda in not one political prisoner was testifying about their being terrorized by the police state. This was only prosecution of one group of people who believed the elections of 2020 was filled with voter fraud. Those realities are a fact that vote fraud did take place. Someone should ask as this blog has in why Donald Trump did not do something for 4 years to fix the election system, and instead disbanded this effort, but there are numbers of questions which are not going to be answered in this political theater.
For Trump Supporters there was not terrorism. There was frustration. There was patriotism. There was reactionism in being beaten, shot and gassed. Did some resort ot violence? It appears some did. The reason for that caveat is we do not know who these people really are, as some were BLM and when the FBI does not charge people with weapon's charges and those people disappear, it means these were armed people who worked for the FBI.
At worst Jan6 was political thuggery by those who set up the Trump Supporters successfully. There was not terrorism by the FBI and DIA assets on Jan6. What took place in the years afterwards, has been more than intimidation and it was terrifying for a period of time, but even those who are still hunted are not hiding under there beds. In that, we are learning from sources such as Newsweek that the scenario was the DOJ and FBI with the DOD, were reporting this vast threat "as picked up from the internet. This kind of violence has been warned of from Richmond in Gun Ralleys which were peaceful, so these warnings is based on either faulty data or more to the point, it is based on reports of people who the FBI pays around 50,000 dollars a year as informants, and they only get paid if they report violence is a certainty.
This shows the system is broken. The FBI only pays people who are lying about violence. In order to justify hose millions in expenses, it appears that false flags are being generated by assets who then frame the mob, and the media propagandizes it, as it is how one engages in politics in the United States in the Obama 21st century.
Psychological operations are not terrorism. They are a staged event which is amplified and then criminalized where the police state is rewarded with more funding by the politicians who benefit from this castration of power of their political opponents.
The Lame Cherry ends this with, there really were not Trump Terrorist. There were in the majority a trusting group of people who were conned and played. They were made fools of, but that does not make them stupid or fools. It makes then a group who will not be fooled again by answering a Trump call who then abandons them or gathering in groups where they will be criminalized. That is the intent of an operation like this, as much as the intent of charging people are terrorists who are not terrorists as it denies all rights and the police state can then torture people as political prisoners and send out drone sand legally murder people in their homes by drones.
It is distressing in this in witnessing the loss of the oath of office in people who have sworn to uphold the law, being whored out by pimps who reward them for the ejaculation of words which are written for them in this most rudimentary form of lynching by the system.
Words do mean things, even when they are bastardized and these assets of the state keep trying to change the meaning of words to fulfill a dictatorial objective beyond politics.
Jan6 like the 2020 elections, like the cartoon character of Donald Trump, the senile reality of Joe Biden, like Jan6 one and Jan6 two are all so abnormal by design so that the population disengages from the system as it stresses them out and that is what this was all designed to accomplish. So the operation is a success with it's nuttery of new word definitions and the fictions created.
What is something the Lame Cherry can not comprehend though is, I can understand selling your soul for millions of dollars, a Nordic demon and being protected from one day being railroaded as a terrorist like in Fahrenheit 451. What puzzles me is an Officer Hodges. He is a stooge and looked upon as a stooge. Yes he is somewhat protected, but he is also a liability for those he is lying for in case he flips and humiliates them. That is not a real security and he is not going to get a million dollar bribe in movie deal and he is not going to be head of the FBI or something else, as he is a stooge and the other stooges are not going to allow a pawn like this to rise to anything. So Officer Hodge an these other whores get about the same deal that all the other cops get which again is a really low price for a soul.
Gregory Brezling or whatever his name was got a high salary job for the murder of LaVoy Finnicum. Yes you get your rewards in life an then the Judgment comes from Christ, but he cashed in as long as he keeps his mouth shut. These other Jan6 cops are not going to get the prize. They will instead get more orders from those behind the shadow doors making them look like fools. Being made to look like a fool for a five or six figure salary does not seem to be worth it to normal people. The normal people who are now the Trump Terrorists.
Nuff Said