Monday, January 3, 2022

Death by Snowflakes


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is no the President of the United States, but is President Nominee of the Necrosapiens, so my expeience is with those who adore me and admire my God given abilities. In that, when I hear of Dictator Biden being held hostage in at Edwards Air Force Base in a snow gulag, something just does not add up.

I remember thee American President Ronald Reagan, remarking with admiration of Air Force personnel every time, rolling up to the tarmac an stopping, exactly as the clock stated on the agenda that Ronald Reagan was to arrive, whether it was Moscow or Cleveland.

See the people who are in the White House have lots of billion dollar things to make their lives look perfect and those who get in the way or that, do not last long. So the Lame Cherry questions in the Dictator, who has a staff, a meteorological staff, a military staff and a security staff, to make certain that Air Force One does not have shit weather to make the White House look bad or endanger the gender in the Oval Office.

Meet you on the other side.

Joe Biden was finally able to disembark from Air Force One on Monday after he was stuck on board for 30 minutes as airport personnel struggled through the heavy snowfall to bring the stair lift to the door of the presidential plane.

The president was stuck on the plane, waiting on the snowy tarmac while the staff worked to free him and so the tarmac could be plowed.

In review, how is it that Air Force One was landing in snow so deep that the Dictator was held hostage. That seems sort of dangerous to me. It seems a bit odd that Edwards staff which was aware the President was coming back to the every second, as the Air Force One pilots are precise in landing on time, that the snow clearing crews did not have the snow cleared as their making the Dictator wait, gets heard about in the Joint Chiefs who let the General at Andrews hear about it who does not get his star and is booted off the promotion list, but before he does, he makes life hell for the cleaning crews.

None of this story makes any sense,, unless the DIA which installed Biden on Jan6 is in the process of removing the Dictator politically one way or the others.

I thought the Secret Service investigated events which endangered the Dictator. The fact is the Dictator was endangered today. A Dictator can not be left exposed in one location for 30 minutes. Death by snowflakes is not an acceptable policy.

As only the Lame Cherry is asking questions about this, as the Air Force does not make mistakes like this, an the Secret Service was not alerted to this problem, the alternative question is, did something happen to the Dictator which required a 30 minute delay to be blamed on the snow? 

Was the Dictator sleeping?
Did the Dictator have a long bowel movement?
Did the Dictator have some off book meeting with UFO aliens?

It would be of benefit that the Dictator and the Air Force did not look incompetent, so Russia and China would not attack Ukraine and Taiwan and start another world war, unless that of course is what this is all about as that is why the DIA installed the Dictator.

Nuff Said
