Saturday, January 15, 2022



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Were Bonnie and Clyde terrorists? No they were gangsters.

Was John Brown and his confederates terrorists? Now they were abolitionists.

What are gangsters and abolitionists? The same thing as anyone who employs violence against society and that is defined by the law as outlaw, or criminal.

There growing reports of more leftist violence in this world. What was once the Gary Hart Patriot Act is expanding by those who desire political hegemony to label groups not just terrorists, but domestic terrorists.

Do you know what "terrorists" were called in President Thomas Jefferson's day? They were called pirates. Not international pirates and not domestic pirates, just pirates.

Two such criminals were arrested stalking right wing political events, but I have no idea of Attorney General Merrick Garland has with Director Christopher Wray, these criminals as domestic terrorists, but I refuse to term them as terrorists, just because they are of the political left, as the same weapon will be expanded against the political right in the nonsense which has been simmering to criminalize Americans for their politics.

January 6th is the most defining example of the non sense of domestic terrorists. Not one of the growing 700 plus people have been charged with insurrection or terrorism. The majority of this group were misdemeanor charges while the others who have been sentenced for violence, were introduced to this by government assets who were violent against police or property and the police who were violent in shooting, gassing and beating Americans to inflame them.

We have no idea in these ANTIFA if they are paid government assets or just what by definition they all are from abolitionists to gangsters to pirates, they are anarchists by nature. We know that BLM was funded by the Obama nation rapist of Soros and that ANTIFA was funded by the Obama nation rapist in Buffett. These were police state sponsored and protected criminals. Instead of white collar criminals, these were asphalt criminals.

The arrest of Smith, as with Baker, raises questions about whether media coverage of the January 6th anniversary, is (perhaps inadvertently) encouraging Antifa militants to action. Antifa’s ideology is predicated on the need to violently confront so-called “fascist” or “right-wing” political opponents. Media coverage that suggests that lawfully conducted first amendment demonstrations are linked to “right-wing extremists,” and which may overemphasize the size and scope of such extremism in the United States, is a motivating force.

Everyone reading this is ANTIFA in not supporting fascism.  Just so we are all on the right page as words mean things, this is the definition of fascism.

A political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government.

The above means layers of dictators telling you what to do.

There is not one Jan6er who has ever been in favor of the kind of system which is what America is ruled by, in layers or non elected authoritarians. There children of Ronald Reagan are Republicans, not the party, but what Republicanism is, the representative governing of a people with majority governance and minority rights being respected

It is obvious by those spreading propaganda that Jan6ers are not what they are and being attacked by the very forces which are involved in this political intimidation, of a rule by interfered with elections and the denial of legal recourse.

Every Conservative or person of the Right is against fascism. The most notable fascists in history out of Germany and Italy were both socialists, that means leftists. ANTIFA and BLM are as leftist as Nazis or Marxists and all employ violence in political intimidation. to gain rule.

That does not make any of these leftists domestic terrorists any more than Jan6ers were domestic terrorists. It makes them part of a thugocracy which overflows with those outside the law, as criminals.

Perhaps in these police state funded and protected criminals a differentiation should exist, to explain them from normal put upon poor and repressed, like a Bonnie and Clyde, compared to these well funded and well fed and well protected kryminals of the 1%.

It is necessary to examine the information and not be forced into narratives which has one emotional or debating the point of propaganda which is wrong. Otherwise those behind creating that propaganda have already won.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti mater.

Nuff Said
