Oh that is either your leg or a tumor. We will cut it off
just to be sure as I have Muslim prayers and don't want to be late for that.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I'm always interested in the short sighted brain of the wokesters.
I was reading a new poll that almost 50% of voters support Dictator Biden's mandates to force firings or vaxing of Americans.
I will meet you on the other side.
While many voters have become skeptical toward the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a majority of Democrats embrace restrictive policies, including punitive measures against those who haven’t gotten the COVID-19 vaccine.
A new Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 48% of voters favor President Joe Biden’s plan to impose a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on the employees of large companies and government agencies. That includes 33% who Strongly Favor the mandate. Forty-eight percent (48%) are opposed to Biden’s vaccine mandate, including 40% who Strongly Oppose the mandate. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Voters are similarly divided over the federal government’s top COVID-19 expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci. Forty-five percent (45%) view Fauci favorably, including 28% who have a Very Favorable impression of him. Forty-eight percent (48%) have an unfavorable impression of Fauci, including 34% who have a Very Unfavorable view of him
Ok, so Bungholer Biden just won in the Bungholer Supreme Court with Bunghole Roberts and Kavanaugh in forcing nurses and doctors to get vaxed. OK let us all cheer in wokeism. Now let us ask some questions.
These doctors and nurses are real. There are millions of them. They work in hospitals and clinics and in all these metro communities.
OK, so you are a wokester, and you have an emergency, there is already a 6 hour wait, there is already a blood shortage if you need blood and none of that has to do with ReVaxNiks. That has to do with wokesters not donating blood and wokesters following Anthony Fauci's terrorism on vax hysteria which scared everyone to be afraid of something that only killed the people who were going to die, and trust in a vax that has killed over 2 million and harmed more due to side effects.
So you are a wokester, want emergency help, want an operation to enhance your ego, or just want to see your doctor. You just supported a Dictator who threw millions of people out of work that you need. You want to punish these people, and those people are not ever going to be there to treat you. So how does this protect you or how do you win, when your policies are the ones causing you harm?
Oil companies? People will quit..........so what are you going to do, walk as there is no gas at the pumps?
How about food, there are already staged food shortages, you keep fucking around knocking people out of work, and voila, you have no food.
So your policies have stopped your medical care. Your policies have stopped your food. Your policies have made gasoline prices go up, as Biden shut off the pipelines and oil drilling.
This is your woke world, not the fault of someone who would not take a vax they did not need, and what is the problem anyway, as Anthony Fauci told you that vax in your arm protected you from Covid, so you are safe, of course that is lie as that vax protects no one and instead produces variants which are Omicron easier to spread, less lethal, but you created an even bigger disaster.
So the wokesters need to get their heads out of their asses and face reality. If they want a world of Stalin mandates by death, then fully understand that the American falling apart is their responsibility, not a ReVaxNik. They voted for this fraud, they accepted vote fraud, they got rid of Trump for Biden and all of this is their fault and their denial of Rights to people is not going to fix things, it will only make the existence they are cumbered by only worse.
You built this shit hole Mr. and Ms, Wokester. This is your rationed death and forcing death on more people is not going to fix anything. You want healthcare? You understand that people left the medical facilities and that Dictator Biden has been replacing them with 3rd world, fast lane imports, who got the medical deferral, not because they are nurses, but because they are lying they are nurses. So they do not know medical procedures you need, and you now have vaxed foreigners who do not wash their hands, do not know how to give medications and do not speak English. Enjoy as this is your policy.
So you continue to trust in Fauci and you keep pressing for more denying people their Rights, because it is your death sentence, not the people who are prepared for the world you are making a concentrated death camp.
You have just assisted in collapsing the best medical system in the world. You began this with Obamacare and finished it off with the Biden Mandates.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said