Monday, October 3, 2022

Where has all the clean butter gone


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you pay attention to things say in passing, you can learn all sorts of interesting information which no one else has but the cartel planners.

TL was doing our grocery shopping as I was monitoring the circus and reported back to me something TL thought I would find most interesting.

Our grocery store is Vatican children, and in that we know them and always are chattering at them. Like all Catholics they are socialists, but if you put up with the communist and nazi part of the conversation, they always drop some information.

So he was complaining about prices and having to put out the new dairy products which were expensive, but his dairy products were most interesting, in they were covered in dirt.

Now where would you find dirt?

Before you answer that, let me tell you who the grocery said was the owner of that butter.

It is not a corporation you would ever guess and yes it is a corporation which owns this butter.

How about this, I will give you three guesses or you can click off the Lame Cherry for some other site for your information, as I have thousands of non donors. If you stick around, and take your chances on the three corporations in getting this right, you will never have to donate to the blog. If you get it wrong, then you have to tithe that 10% of your fortune the Bible says you owe God.

Think on that for a bit, as will this information be worth your life or is 10% not that much really compared to how much you value your life.

Aug 9, 2009 ... ... long Final Jeopardy music.

Here go play final jeopardy music. Takes a minute and give you time to think about this and as I have helped you off the site, you can just click on your other information peddlers that you entrust your life to.

Did you know Art Fleming was the host of the first Jeopardy?  Actually was more interesting in the little boxes that people turned with flare, rather than the electronics Alex Trebec had at his disposal. This is me giving those who cheat at things, time to lose their place and get an attack of guilty conscience, but not much chance of that as you can always tell character, in how people act when only God is watching.

Can I have some of that clean butter for my crackers,
as I don't like that soiled butter the cartel is hording in caves.

So you probably guessed the US Government as the corporation right as the United States is a corporation. Now before you argue with me about your being right and not wrong, here look at this evidence.

Sep 23, 2012 ... original organic, of the people government. 1871 Amended version CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED. STATES, US is a private corporation.

Ok this is me wasting more time to give the cheats some confusion to buy them time to give up as cheats never win as they are lazy and only want things easy.

The thing is as I waste some more of their time, the reality is that is the answer, the Vatican socialist, reported that his grocery chain is getting dairy products from the US Government.

Is not that fascinating eh?

Now remember the dirt. Odd is it not that the US Government has dirty dairy products as when President Ronald Reagan was handing out free cheese, it was not covered in dirt. Yet now it is covered in dirt.

Where do you find dirt?

In the ground of course, so we know that this dairy was stored not in warehouses, but underground.

Do you remember the Lame Cherry exclusive which told you that there were stockpiling everything being claimed a shortages in those big tunnels they have been boring. Well now we know a bit more, in butter has a shelf life and the government is now switching out the supply, a dirty supply, as the cartel apparently was surprised by this turn of events and were boring new tunnels under Walmart and Home Depot and not cleaning up very well.

Most interesting developments is it not?

Confirmation of this blog was right again. Confirmation that the cartel was boring new tunnels, even with all the tunnels which existed, and this crash program was not administered very well as the product was dirty from new mining.

We now know that the supply cache has reached capacity and in order to cycle in new supply, it is selling you high priced product for more than they paid for it. Forever swindlers in making a buck even with Wormwood rocketing in.

I think Russia is a problem in this, in President Vladimir Putin spent all that oil money George W Bush gave him on disaster bunkers filled with supplies so Russians would survive. It is hard for the cartel to take over the world when Russia is all population viable yet with everyone else dead in being exterminated.

That is another subject.

Now are you going to be honest or are you going to get another paged filled in the Book of Judgment in how anti Christian you are?

OK time to wrap this up.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

Jul 16, 2021 ... When will they ever learn? Where has all the clean butter gone Long time passing Where has all the clean butter gone. Long time ago Where have all ...
